Book Read Free


Page 18

by Avery Aster

  “Seeing as how he’s your best friend, and Taddy’s, too, we know Miguel is off-gossip-limits.” Duckie rubbed his palms together.

  “I love how the Manhattanite Times smears my name to pieces but never reports on Taddy’s lifestyle. Why’s that?”

  “Miss Brill uses an alias when I book her spa appointments, such as the one you’ve had,” Kiki replied. “At Exhale Bliss Spa I book her under Mademoiselle Red.”

  “Noted.” Blake eyed his assistant to make sure this didn’t happen again. And he needed to get on with his day.

  “I didn’t make your spa appointment, sir.” Duckie’s right eyebrow rose, signifying none of this would’ve happened if it had been left in his hands.

  He pulled up his morning’s schedule. “Call Thor and confirm my lunch with him. Also, pull the file on the Baden Cosmetics account. We should review the strategy for their new wrinkle cream. Taddy’s going to want to do a press launch.”

  As they scampered out of his office, he couldn’t help but feel attacked. First by his ex-husband, then the media, and finally his own staff.

  A few hours later, Blake was hunched over the computer screen in disbelief. He sunk himself further into his Herman Miller chair. The morning’s Manhattanite Times article prompted him to do internet research on various socialite articles from years past.

  Will the online wedding announcement to Diego from forever ago ever vanish?

  He scrolled to yet another tabloid website displaying photos from their wedding ceremony. Both he and his assistant had called the gossip rags pleading with them to eliminate the posts when Diego moved out.

  No luck.

  Any time someone would do an online search for him, there they were. The online wedding photos and articles celebrating his union would haunt him forever. What made it worse were several gay, New York bloggers posted in recent weeks follow-up articles announcing his divorce. One entry read, “First Young New England Gay Couple to Wed, Now First to Divorce.”


  For cyber eternity, he’d be known as a gay divorcée. He felt as if he were damaged goods. Worse, he was pretty sure Diego would be arrested soon. He had to be. And then his name would really hit the papers.


  A knock at the door.

  “Blake…it’s Taddy.”

  Carrying a package with her left arm and flipping her red hair back with the other, his boss pushed her way into his office, closing the door behind her. Pulling the box which appeared to be some type of a lush gift into her breasts, the Fendi was slung over her shoulder.

  “Your text message has me worried. You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “It’s just a precaution.” He filled her in on the morning’s attempt to get a restraining order.

  “The gun is locked and loaded, darling.” Taddy dropped her arm, allowing the bag to hit the desk. “Safety switch is on. The last one to use this was Vive.”

  “Why was she using your gun?”

  “Apparently, her penthouse has mice.” She laughed.

  He stared at the bag and hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.

  “When was the last time you fired a gun?”

  “Hmm, with Thor and Vive last week at Lipstick & Lead rifle range.” He thought back to his last round. “My aim is getting better. I’m not as good as you, mind you, but no one is.”

  “No doubt, but I’m not worried about that. It’s your target I’m concerned with. MLD is quick on his feet. Do you think you’ll keep the gun loaded or just use it to scare Diego away?” Narrowing her eyes, Taddy cursed Diego’s name under her breath while stroking her bag as if it was her pet.

  “I’m at a friend’s this week. Diego texted me. I’m pretty sure he was at my condo, hiding from the police, I assume. So, I’ll keep it loaded.”

  “Would you kill MLD if you were given the chance?”

  “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth—isn’t that what the Bible says?” Blake thought about her question. He hated violence, but he also wanted to live and he’d do anything to get a second chance at happiness again. “Without a doubt, I’d kill him. I’m afraid he won’t stop otherwise.”

  “That’s what I thought, too. I admire how strong you’ve been through this.”

  “I get my courage from you.”

  “If I can do anything to help you, tell me.” She nodded and forced a smile. “So, where are you staying if not at your place?”

  “A friend’s.”

  “Friend, huh? Have you told Miguel about MLD yet?”

  She knows.

  “No, and I won’t. You know how he is. He won’t rest ‘til he’s seen Diego behind bars. Miguel needs to focus on his exhibit next week. This is my mess to clean up, not his.”

  “MLD’s actions are not your mess. You aren’t responsible for what he has done.” Taddy sighed heavily. His ex’s name had that effect on people. “So…no one has stepped forward then?”

  “Nope. I have a few names, but if I tell the police who they are then I’d be exposing them, their health, their families—they don’t want that. I can’t say I blame them. Only you and Lex know what Diego did. I’m going to keep playing along as if everything’s fine, because if I don’t, I’ll go insane. Okay?” Blake didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Taddy was right. This was Diego’s mess, not his.

  “Agreed. Well, if you need protection, Vive can stay with you when you go back to your place.” Taddy laughed. “That woman could scare the devil away. Speaking of which…”

  Glancing back at the monitor, he hit the OFF switch, giving Taddy his complete concentration. “What’s up?”

  “In addition to dropping the Fendi off, I need to speak with you about a professional matter.” She held up the gift box and continued, “As well as a personal one.”

  “Okay, personal first.”

  “We’ll get to this box in a few. Now, did Duckie schedule your lunch with Vive today?”

  “Yes, usual time and place with Thor. Why?”

  “Vive and Lex sorta got…into it over the weekend.”

  “About what?”

  “Let’s just say, Lex cancelled the wedding.”

  “Shit. No.”

  “Yes, but no one knows. Not yet. Massimo is keeping a lid on this one from the press.” Her green eyes narrowed. “Is it true you don’t want to be in the wedding?”

  “Damn Vive and her mouth. I, ahhh…” He didn’t know what to say. His love for Lex went without question but no, he didn’t want to be in the wedding. As selfish as it sounded, it was hard for him to be happy for someone else when he himself was so unhappy. But he’d planned to go, paint on that smile, and do his best.

  “Blake, I know this year has been tough on you, but you have to put that aside, for one day, and be happy for Lex.”

  “I cannot believe Vive threw me under the bus and repeated what I said.” He wanted to strangle her gin-soaked neck.

  Taddy leaned forward. “I don’t care what you and Vive want to complain over with each other, but keep it to yourselves. Don’t screw this up for Lex.”

  “We just—”

  “Shut up. Fix Vive before I fix you. Capice?”

  “Got it. I’ll talk to Vive.” Blake inhaled a deep breath. “How’s Lex? Can we get her to change her mind and go on with the wedding?”

  “I’m heading over to Easton’s office later today, hopefully to stop her before she sends out her cancellation notices. Massimo won’t let her near the phone or computer ‘til she calms down.”

  “That bad, huh?” One thing Lex had was a temper.

  “Yes. She said she wanted to talk to me about something non-wedding related. Any idea what it might be? Anything else you or Vive did to set her off even more?”

  “Nope. Other than when I picked up M2, we didn’t really connect this weekend. I was busy.”

  “Get ready to be even busier.” Taddy grimaced evilly. “I’m putting you on a new flanker label from Baden Cosmetics.”

  “Are you punishing me?” />
  “No, darling,” she replied sarcastically as she tapped her nails on the box.

  “I have too much on my plate as it is.” He gritted his teeth.

  “Ha.” Annoyance shadowed across her face. “You’ll manage. It’ll easily bring in a mil.”

  “Whoa.” Blake didn’t snub opportunities to make money. In the dire market, he knew better, especially since Diego had taken his entire life savings. He’d been saving up for surrogacy but hadn’t told anyone, not even his folks. However, his past weekend with the kids made that urge in him to be a dad all the more real.

  Between the cost of an egg donor and carrier, he calculated the nine-month process to be a six-figure investment. Working on the new Baden line could easily move things along again.

  “We’ve been assigned an extraordinary mission.” She toyed with the gift box in her hand. “I know you’re going to gay-it-up into something more fabulous than anyone else on our staff may envision.”

  Not caring for how it sounded, Blake didn’t think his queer eye was any better than anyone else’sstraight, bisexual, or gay. “What’s the project?”

  “Baden wants us to restage their market potential for branding, marketing, and public relations, the whole nine yards.”

  “For which Baden brand?” His voice rose in hopes it may be enjoyable. Perhaps perfume, or their yummy energy drinks.

  “Baden Puppy.” Taddy followed the response with a woof, then a snort in her own amusement.

  “You want me to do dog wash?” He didn’t hide his vexation. First he was Brutus’s caretakernow this. Since when did he become a canine aficionado?

  She turned on his desk, cleavage in full view. “They’re looking for something original and atypical for the puppy line. I’ll e-mail you the brand brief to read up on.”

  Blake rolled his eyes.

  “Spare me your tantrums?” Taddy pointed a glittering artificial fingernail in his direction.

  He gave a fake smile. “Sure thing.”

  “Now, so we’re clear, I’ll work on Lex today and see if we can keep the wedding scheduled. You get Vive on board with being a bridesmaid. Okay?”

  “Deal. I wouldn’t miss Lex and Massimo’s wedding for all the cock in Chelsea.” He tried to make a joke of it, but Taddy didn’t laugh, so he asked, “How is Warner? Is he coming, too?”

  “Warner will be back from Paris just in time for the wedding. I’ve missed him.”

  She perched herself on the desk’s edge and leaned in. Her Christian Louboutin stilettos smacked the wooden floor as she slid them off. He admired her pedicured feet. Probably Mr. Kim Lee’s work.

  “Good, I can’t wait to see your Big Daddy.” Remembering Miguel’s Seven Needs, he said, “I’m bringing my own date, too.”

  “Hmm. It couldn’t be Nello. He said you cancelled. Did you go straight for Gunter?” Taddy’s glance broadened in approval. “Is this date the reason for your face being all aglow?” She pointed at his cheeks.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Miss Brill.”

  “The water cooler was abuzz this morning in regards to the new spring in your step. Something tells me it isn’t from Gunter, either.”

  He thought about Miguel and it warmed him from the inside out. “Thank you for setting me up with them, but something came up and I couldn’t make it.” He didn’t think anyone noticed his cheer. Though, he was confident the newspaper article had circulated amongst the office. “Maybe it’s my new Gucci loafers.” Blake could never outdo Taddy’s footwear, but he tried. He needed to respect Miguel’s privacy and not tell her anything. Not today. Maybe tomorrow.

  “Hoochie-Gucci-Pucci-Fiorucci,” she mocked. “Shoes have nothing to do with your glee. I think it’s this gift from our friend…Miguel.” She released the lush wrappings from her grip and placed it on his desk.

  The mysterious, medium-sized, black satin box covered in dark roses sat waiting for him to open. A gold-etched hangtag hung off the side...

  To Mr. Blake Morgan III, from Señor Santana.

  Phone Fucked

  Heart racing, Blake untied the satin ribbon and took one of the roses in his hand. Inhaling sharply, he said, “These smell wonderful.”

  “I’ve never seen roses so dark before.” Taddy eyed them jealously.

  He had to know what was in the little black box. Whatever was inside must be expensive. The wrappings it came in were lush. “Don’t play dumb. I know Vive and Lex filled you in on what Mig and I are up to.”

  Her face flushed. The glued lash extensions which shadowed her high cheekbones flew up. “True, but I wasn’t expecting this. By mistake, I thought the box was for me.”

  “You opened my present?” He popped the lid off, silently questioning her with heavy irony.

  “Kiki assumed the package was for me. Seeing as how I’m the only one around here who receives roses—let alone black satin boxes—I can’t blame her.”

  “Then why didn’t your assistant bring me the package?”

  “Kiki mentioned being over here earlier. She figured you had enough of her and Duckie for one day. She asked me to do it.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “When you see what’s inside the box, you’ll understand why Kiki shied away.” Taddy laughed. She handed him a card from her breast pocket and made no apologies for opening it. “I didn’t see the tag. I assumed the gift was for me, from Big Daddy...until I read this card and realized it was for you.”

  He glanced at the envelope. Peeking in the package, he divided the purple tissue paper with his thumbs and let out an unanticipated scream. “Oh, my God!”

  “Ironic, those exact words came flying out of my mouth, too.” She stood into her couture pumps. “I know Miguel’s game. You sure you know what you’re getting into with your Seven Desires?”

  “Taddy.” Blake pleaded with her not to press the issue.

  “Are you and Miguel finally having sex?”

  “What do you mean by finally?”

  “Uh-huh. I knew it.” She rattled her red acrylics over his desk. “In college, I always thought you should’ve married Miguel, not MLD.”

  “Did everyone think this?”

  “Yes, including your parents.”


  “Are you nervous about being with him?”

  “Very. I don’t know if I can go through with it.”

  “Try, for me, please.” Taddy hummed, “Miguel and Blake sitting in a tree, makes me so happy.”

  “I’m thinking about it.” From Blake’s view, her nipples pebbled underneath the sheer red blouse. Was she getting turned on?

  “My two favorite gays fucking. How glorious!” Her green eyes squinted. He wasn’t surprised by her arousal. He just hoped she wouldn’t come on his desk.

  “Don’t start.”

  “Do you think you could make me a few videos to watch?”


  “Home movies with Miguel topping you,” she said with a dead-shit-serious face. “I didn’t think any of this was true when Vive told me. I thought you’d gone celibate.”

  “It’s real. I’m staying at his place this week.”

  “What did he do with his pit bull?”

  “Brutus sleeps on the floor.”

  “Wow.” Her forehead shot up in surprise. “Someone’s gotten over their dog phobia.”

  “Not quite, but I’m working on it. I’m working on a lot of my issues.”

  He’d never get over being gay bashed as a kid and the cruel joke of having those dogs attack him, but it was time to move on. Not all dogs are bad. Right?

  “That’s good, darling. I’m proud of you. Speaking of dogs, the girls mentioned fisting is on your Seven Desires. I must see the footage, you animal.”

  Oh, mah gawd.

  “I’ll play your videos in slow motion while I’m on the elliptical. I’ve always wondered how hung Miguel is and—”

  “No friggin’ way.” Blake refused to feed her ravenous appetite for sex. “You have Big
Daddy to satisfy your porn addiction.”

  “Big Daddy travels. I’m often alone, and I’m horny. A girl can’t help herself.” She gave him a perverted smile and headed for the door. She clapped her jeweled hands in approval. Her signature tuberose aroma lingered behind. “And PS, it’s nice to see you in high spirits again. It’s been too long since happiness decorated your gorgeous face.”

  He winked and mouthed, Thank you.

  She closed the door behind her. Her heels clacked down the hall, and sounds from keyboards resumed as employees scuffled for cover typing.

  His desk phone chimed through the speaker. “Mr. Morgan, your mother is holding on line one.”

  “Great, got it.”

  Thank heavens Blake was already sitting down when he opened Miguel’s package. His legs would’ve buckled if he’d been standing. Pulling the present from the box, he caught his breath. Miguel, you’re a dirty pig.

  “Happy Monday, Mom…”

  Lower East Side

  Sitting at the work station, Miguel glided his paintbrush with exact precision over the multimedia canvas. The Mexican pop culture icon lacquered his trademarked enamel, which had made him famous. After a month-long brainstorming session, image sourcing, and sketching to the point where he thought his fingers might fall off, the oversized canvas was coming together. Almost finished. This would be his final piece for the Barcelona exhibit.

  His cell phone rang and he answered, “Hola.”

  “Darling, it’s Taddy-licious. How are things?” She giggled in apparent amusement with herself.

  “Bueno. I’m looking forward to Lex’s wedding.” He wondered if Blake had picked up his tuxedo.

  “Me, too.” She paused. “Listen, I just came from Blake’s office. He mentioned that he was staying with you this week. You wanna fill me in?” She acted as if she were leading with something.

  “Sí, that’s what friends do.” Back off, Brill. He’d been raised to be discreet.

  “Did you catch the Manhattanite Times today?” A crinkling paper sound came from behind Taddy’s voice.

  He laughed rotating in his chair. “Sí. Nice to see Blake is putting himself out there again.”


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