Book Read Free

Dark Wish

Page 24

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Mako’s the only entertainment we get. I don’t know what’s funnier; her half-asleep blunders or her conversations with Leonardo.” Elias laughed, walking to the black side table, leaning against it.

  “What’s with Leonardo lately? He gets so rattled with anything involving Makoto. He doesn’t even know her. Why does he act like he had some long-lasting vendetta against her?” Daniel questioned, his gaze directed to me. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I don’t know…I haven’t gotten a chance to ask him either. I don’t get what his problem is. I know we haven’t told him about Mako being the princess of Heila and such…it’s not really his business. Regardless of her status, he shouldn’t be acting so immature.” I admitted, frowning at my friend’s behaviour.

  “Of course, it’s not his business, were nothing close to his league. He’s a red rank knight in training here versus us who are ACTUAL knights. I bet if he got a chance to read that off the memo, he’d shit his pants.” Elias gestured, using his hands to demonstrate the level difference.

  “She intimidates him. You look at her small frame and you’d never expect her to be as powerful as she is. She hides her aura well too. She could pass as a human if she was on Earthala. Maybe when we first rescued her, he thought she was just a weak shifter who got kidnapped off the streets or something.” Marcus exclaimed.

  “Doesn’t give him the right to talk down to her like he’s been doing. We also can’t act clueless and not confront him about those rumours he’s been spreading about her. I know he’s your friend Ryder, but he’s not ours. We’re simply being nice on your behalf. If I hear him spread one more rumour about her, whatever happens to him, I can’t be held responsible.” Daniel threatened, his eyes glowing slightly.

  The three of us glanced at each other. It was never good to get Daniel upset, trying to calm an angered angel was like trying to stop a speeding locomotive in its tracks.

  I took a deep breath, trying to keep my calm demeanour. I had been hearing the rumours he was spreading. The same friends he goes and rants too during the day, were the first to run to me and inform me of all his false telling’s.

  I had known Leo since we were young, the son of one of the maids in the kingdom. He would play by himself in the barn that hosted the royal horses, waiting for his mom to finish her long twelve-hour shift in the castle every day. I would sneak to the barn when the nannies weren’t looking, bringing my toy cars with me so we could play together. I don’t know if I friended him out of pity or due to my own loneliness, but even as we grew older I couldn’t simply abandon him.

  When he enrolled into Knightwood with the ambition in becoming the best knight ever, I supported him. Once our group got the approval to enroll in Knightwood, our underlying purpose of getting full access to Realm One’s gateway, I took it upon myself to make his life at Knightwood a little more pleasant. I knew Leo was hard to get along with, his complaining attitude being one of those annoying attributes.

  In his mind, hard work didn’t help here at Knightwood. This school was about privilege and money; two attributes he didn’t carry. If you were a Royal, you would sail through knight school and with money, you’d enjoy all the benefits of bribery. The only thing that couldn’t be tampered with was your rank, which again, didn’t favour him seeing as he achieved red rank upon arrival. Knightwood was simply not designed for him but he was still in denial. I brushed my hand through my hair, glancing back at the angel.

  “Agreed. I’ll talk to him the next time I get a chance.”

  “Good.” He replied, making his way next to Elias, his tense shoulders relaxing. Escaped the evil angel glare. I don’t know if I’m more afraid of you or his angel.

  “Hmph, you’re only afraid of me cause I’m more outspoken. That boy however, if he reaches his limit…I feel sorry for whoever faces his wrath.” Stryker’s toneless voice admitted. I need time to talk to him too. We got to sort that “relying on others” issue.

  “Glad you all made it.” A voice announced, causing all of us to turn our heads to the doorway. Matthew was standing at the door way, Karen behind him.

  “Karen. Aren’t you supposed to be with Mako?” Marcus asked, frowning at her arrival. They both walked in, closing the door behind them. They positioned themselves against the wall of pictures, all of us having a clear view.

  “Our princess is fast asleep in my private office. It only took five minutes of me lecturing about the rules of the 1v1 for her to fall asleep like a log. How does she even stay awake in class with such an attention span?” Karen complained, shrugging.

  “She doesn’t. She sleeps in every class, waking exactly when break is announced. The other two professors ask her questions throughout the class, as if to embarrass her.” Matthew chuckled. Elias barked out a laugh before finishing Matthew’s sentence.

  “She answers every single question. It’s crazy, it’s as if she’s not sleeping at all.” Marcus glanced his way, lifting an eyebrow.

  “How would you know? You’re never in class.” He questioned, a grin on his face. Elias rolled his eyes.

  “Eli told me. I should attend just to see their frustrated faces whenever she answers their question in detail. It’s probably priceless.” He replied.

  “Anyways, she’s fine. Nightmare is snuggled up next to her. I told her to keep an eye out.” Karen reassured us. I smiled at the mention of her familiar.

  That Forkie as Mako referred to her as, had a mind of her own. She wouldn’t listen to anyone but Mako. Not to mention her night time disappearances into the forest. Mako explained how the familiar reminded her of Nightmare, the Goddess of Destruction.

  None of us knew what the goddess looked like nor did any of us believe the myth of the gods coming down to take the form of familiars and other wild life, but if it made Mako happy, I couldn’t care less.

  “Any news from Heila?” Daniel went straight to the point, grabbing his glasses out of his black shirt chest pocket, taking a cleaning cloth from his pure white khakis to clean the frames.

  “Our agent has checked in to the realm. It won’t be long now before he reaches the kingdom and informs Kai. I also looked into what you asked, Elias.” Matthew stated, turning his glance to the green-eyed boy. I titled my head slightly, curious as to what Matthew was talking about, the others also having similar confused expressions on their faces.

  “Professor Sepherant. I reviewed his profile. He’s been here at Knightwood on and off as a substitute teacher for the last two cycles. However, its interesting how he arrived exactly when Mako did. I’m letting one of my good friends complete a more detailed background check, down to what Realm he’s pledged to. Once we get more info, I’ll inform you all.” He concluded, fixing the tortoise shell framed glasses on his face.

  “Hey, why didn’t you tell us you were suspicious?” Daniel nudged him lightly, placing his now clean glasses on his face.

  “We did agree we would consider investigating the matter when the incident occurred a few weeks ago. I decided to inquire about his activities seeing as Eli wouldn’t stop nagging me unless I did something.” He admitted, looking away to glance at the floor, a frown on his face.

  I sighed. We were looking into the situation but Elias is the type to take the first initiative to get any information we needed; proving himself once more.

  “It’s fine. What he said is kind of true. I’m glad you’re looking into it. We can’t play around with this issue. Anything that can put Mako in harms way should be reviewed and eliminated.” I sliced my hand through the air to emphasize my statement. They all nodded in agreement.

  “Make sure you study for the written exams that start on Monday. I know you guys are smart, but I want you to be a good example to Mako. She needs to do well to match her pink rank reputation. Understood?” Karen stressed, glancing around the room.

  “Understood.” We replied in unison.

  I wasn’t worried about our Firefly. She may look like she didn’t care about school but I had watched her s
tudying in the library before our book club sessions, scanning the books in concentration. She studied in secret, something I enjoyed watching in the shadows.

  “Why do you all call her Firefly?” Stryker questioned. I don’t know…maybe cause she’s the light we all need to get away from the darkness within.


  It was past star fall, the black sky glittered with stars, small grey clouds passed by as the wind lightly blew. The fireflies were out and about, buzzing away around the backyard, enjoying their moment in Mother Starlight’s glory. Why couldn’t I be out there, enjoying my nightly walks with Elias.

  Instead, I was stuck here, studying for this waste of time exam I had no need to participate in.

  The boys explained their agent had checked into Heila so it wouldn’t be long till we heard back with instructions. I just wanted to go home, to my real home and meet my apparent family. The boys would have to come along. I know I told Leo that I wouldn’t steal them away from him, but I didn’t know how I would even get to Heila on my own. Sure, Matthew and Karen would come with me being the first and second in command, but I would feel more comfortable with Ryder and the others.

  I glared down at the book of gibberish before me. I didn’t understand why I had to study all this information. Wasn’t I Royalty? Why do we need to know about the nine ways of evading battle in a closed off forest with poisonous snakes? Like, seriously. When would you be in such a situation? It was hard to memorize information that didn’t interest me in the least. My distraction level was way to high for this. Distractions are more entertaining than studying.

  All of us were gathered around the kitchen island, studying for the irrelevant written exam that was on Monday, two days from now. Everyone including Leonardo, on his special silver stool he brought with him. Ryder had informed me it was normal for him to study with them. If he studied on his own, Ryder guaranteed he’d fail and as his friend, he couldn’t allow that to happen. It wasn’t my fault Leonardo wasn’t very smart, but he was Ryder’s friend so I had to respect his decision.

  Even with Ryder’s kind generosity in allowing him to join our studying session, he was still being a rotten ass to me for no reason. Maybe he still had the impression I was going to steal all his friends away from him. Yes. No. Maybe so.

  I poked at the eraser, using my new pink pencil. I was obsessed with the new school supplies EliaseAnne bought for me. She skipped her last class to past by the nearby town, picking the pink utilities set up, in preparation for exams. They were useful for multiple reasons.

  Pencils were good at poking people with. The pink ruler was good at slicing people with. The pink sticky notes could give dangerous paper cuts, and I couldn’t forget my precious pink eraser. Yes, it had many uses. I continued my poking spree, anything to distract me from my study duty when I noticed Ryder from the corner of my eye, reaching out towards my eraser for the fifth time. I used my pencil to smack his hand away.

  “It’s my eraser. You can’t have it.” I declared, smirking at him.

  “You need to learn how to share, like the rest of us.” He countered, relaxing his elbows on the table, his head resting in his hands as he stared at me. His eyes were filled with both amusement and passion.

  “What if I don’t want to share? If I place a claim on you, you’re mine and mine only.” I purred, my eyes landing on his lips.

  “You can claim me any day, Firefly.” His smooth husky voice made me gulp, my body beginning to throb for him. This is so not the place to be getting excited. If only we were in the library.

  “No flirting at the kitchen island you two. We have a guest.” Daniel announced, his eyes landing on Leonardo, who was trying his best to ignore our flirtatious display. I could see him gripping the mechanical pencil; small cracks were peaking out from his closed fist.

  “Why are you so fascinated over a pink eraser?” Elias questioned, attempting to change the subject though I noticed the playful glint in his eye as the smirk on his lips remained.

  “Because it’s a small rubber thing that rids of anything you write! That’s so cool. It literally erases your mistakes.” I replied. The pink masterpiece would save me from making any mistakes on the exam, holding the power of perfection.

  “Tch, only someone like you would get happy over a stupid eraser.” Leo stated, his cold tone sounded unamused as he stared down at his notebook, not even attempting to look my way. I frowned as I stared at him. He really was getting on my nerves.

  I glanced down at my pink eraser, a smile crept on to my lips. I looked back up, catching Marcus’ stare as he slowly began to drink his grape juice, raising an eyebrow at me. I smiled menacingly at him. He was unaware of what I was up too, which worked perfectly with my diabolical plan. I turned my head back to Leo, raising my hand slightly, throwing my easer towards him.

  The little beauty soared in the air, straight to its target; Leonardo’s forehead. It reached its target, making a plop noise before descending to the floor, rolling off to the side.

  Leo’s head snapped up, his eyes wide staring at me. Within seconds, anger registered on his face, making him even more unattractive as he glared at me.

  I turned to Marcus choking on his drink, trying to hold back the wave of laughter that would no doubt follow. Once he confirmed he wouldn’t die from suffocation, his laughter flowed around the room, the others shaking their heads but hiding the smiles on their lips with their hands. Even Elias was chuckling. Operation Agitate Leonardo – Mission Complete.

  “Hey! What was that for? Erasers weren’t created to throw at people!” Leo snarled, not thinking my little act was very funny.

  “Oh…I thought it could, you know, erase that rotten attitude of yours.” I replied, genuinely. I blinked my eyes, feigning innocence. The boys couldn’t help but laugh, Marcus having tears in his eyes. I smiled brilliantly, repositioning myself on my stool feeling proud. Serves him right.

  “You guys are so annoying. I’m going back to my dorm.” He announced, standing abruptly to slam his foldable silver stool together. He grabbed his books, putting his stool underneath his arm and strolled out the door, slamming it behind him.

  “Boo, he’s no fun at all.” I complained, pushing off my stool to stand up. I walked over to get my pink eraser from its landing spot.

  “You did well, my precious.” I whispered, petting it gently, Elias sighing. He probably heard my declaration, being the closest to me. I turned around, ready to return to my stool when a thought crossed into my head as I stared at my stool.

  “Why do you guys have a pink stool anyway?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  “Why?” Daniel asked, removing his glasses to rub at his eyes.

  “Well, I don’t know? None of you have pink eyes. You already told me who occupied the orange stool, so why do you have a pink stool?” I inquired. Was it for another girl? The simple thought of another girl sitting in my seat upset me.

  “Mako love, are you sulking?” Ryder questioned, playfully.

  “I’m not sulking.” I looked down to the floor, attempting to distract myself.

  I heard the stool scrape the floor, followed by a pair of footsteps, the sound getting closer to where I stood. Before I could glance up, I was pulled into a warm embrace. From the sudden assault of roses and cinnamon, I knew it was Ryder. I didn’t fight my urge to hug him back, allowing my arms to wrap around him. Who could possibly ignore a hug?

  “Mako babe. No one else has sat in that stool but you.” He whispered.

  I felt something soft and moist press against my forehead. My heart skipped a beat as I felt my cheeks grow warm. Settle down hormones, it’s just a kiss…on the forehead.

  “Really?” I asked, lifting my head up to look at his stunning face. Being up close, giving me the opportunity to stare at his perfect complexion, attempting to find a flaw somewhere.

  “Yup. To be honest, we all decided together, even Elias.” He reassured me.

  “Don’t loop me into this and no more sulking.”
He ordered, hopping off his stool and walking towards us. He placed his hand gently on my head, ruffling my loose curly hair, curtsey of Daniel’s magical hands. Curly hair was now his new favourite, stating it suited me. Elias smiled down at me with amusement.

  “This brain always jumps to conclusions instead of analyzing and waiting for answers.”

  “My brain is unique in all aspects for your information. Plus, I’m smarter than you.” I coaxed.

  “Sure, Miss pink rank. We’ll see if you can justify such a statement after our exams.” He replied.

  “Are you still mad at the stool?” Ryder asked. I glanced down at the stool.

  “It’s forgiven.” I replied, solemnly. They all chuckled, Marcus standing up to walk towards us.

  “Now that everything is settled, GROUP HUG!” He announced, wrapping his arms around Elias and Ryder, squeezing them together, squishing me in the centre.

  “Ugh! Marcus knock it off!” They both exclaimed, trying to wiggle themselves out. I went on my tiptoes, peaking over Marcus’ shoulder, watching Daniel rise to his feet.

  “C’mon Daniel! It’s not complete without you!” I stressed through giggles. He sighed, shaking his head in disapproval but walked towards us, taking his place next to Ryder, closing the little circle. I laughed, enjoying the warm embrace and multiple smells coming off the boys. Rose and Cinnamon, Mint, Pine and Lavender.

  “First you guys have coloured stools. Now, you guys participate in group hugs. Do you guys have a special handshake too?” I questioned.

  “When you become cooler, I’ll show you.” Marcus whispered. I smiled wickedly, remembering a saying Marcus had said was from Earthala.

  “I am Cool! TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL!” I yelled, laughing. They all groaned.

  “Only Mako can ruin a moment with human slang. I’m going to bed. Let’s go Daniel. No sleeping in the bathtub tonight.” Elias said, pulling away from our hug and tugging Daniel.


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