Book Read Free

Dark Wish

Page 28

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Whoever I was confronting was one of the four boys she’d raved about, though I failed to match a name with his perfect image.

  “Do not kill him, Midnight. He’s Mako’s friend…Elias.” Rose voice entered my mind as I stared at the shifter with a confused expression. Elias…important to Mako. He’s one of the boys?

  “Yes. He won’t cause you any harm.” She reassured me. I nodded in response, turning my head to view the vast colours of the night, forgetting his presence as my eyes indulged in the beauty before me.

  This was my first time witnessing the outside world, only having glimpses of darkness and black fog back at the facility. My body moved on its own, slowly standing up to walk forward, unable to stop ignoring the need to view my surroundings. If the boy wasn’t a threat to myself or Mako, I’d enjoy this moment in its glory.

  I stood at the edge of the lake as I stared up to the moonlight. I always looked up to the moon before I returned to the spot in Mako’s mind, engulfed in darkness as I waited to be summoned. Yet, the moon shone so brightly, bigger and more enchanting, bringing tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help but reach out, as if my finger could touch its rough surface.

  So close, yet far away.

  I lowered my hand to look down at the lake; the light waves soothed me as I watched the reflection of the darkened sky ripple as fish swam by. Small specks of light buzzed around me, catching my interest. I reached out, hoping one would come closer. They continued to buzz around, moving farther away, making me frown in disappointment. I wanted to know what they were.

  I felt something gently pat my shoulder. I looked up to see Elias, his face now relaxed as his eyes looked outward. He stretched his hand out, his eyes glowing with life, sparkling a lime green.

  Multiple balls of light came towards him, as if he called for their attention. They danced around us, one landing on his finger as his allies continued to encircle us. I smiled, moving my face closer to analyze the little light bulb.

  “It’s a mini light bulb?” I asked, my voice revealing my curiosity, the tone much lower than Mako’s usual higher pitched voice.

  “This is a firefly. They only come out during the twilight of the night with the intentions of finding their mate or prey. They’re pretty, aren’t they?” He explained, softly.

  I nodded in response, fascinated by the small creature. He raised his other finger, indicating for me to copy him. I raised my right hand, copying his gesture.

  The firefly flew off his, landing softly on mine. I beamed as I brought it right to my eyes, mesmerized by the soft glow radiating from its body.

  “Their light…it is soothing.” I admitted, lifting my finger up.

  The firefly jumped off, flying back to the group of fireflies above us, still moving in a circular pattern.

  “During the day, the sun brightens our lives. Its warm, gentle rays help cleanse our dark souls, as if to give us permission to let go of our troubles and fears as we face our daily tasks. When the darkness falls at night, all those worries and fears resurface. As if to taunt us for forgetting them in the first place. Fireflies are our light in the darkness, reminding us that a new day will come and the light will rise again to rid us of our troubles once more.” Elias whispered, looking up at the starlight sky. I followed his gaze, enjoying his company.

  “What if…your burdens are too much to bear alone. What if the darkness outweighs the light? I’ve…done things that don’t deserve forgiveness. Yet, the Starlight gods allow me to continue to exist. I don’t deserve to be here. Mako does…” I confessed, confused as to why I was telling my darkest fears to a complete stranger. Maybe it was his inviting aura or those haunting eyes that made me want to confess my sins.

  “The Starlight gods will not judge you for something you had no control over. A person that kills for the joy of killing is guilty of a crime. A person that is forced to kill, or be killed – a person that is created for such a reason – cannot be held accountable for the actions they’ve taken. Only when they are free from that environment should they be judged for what they do. We all have a purpose in this world. If you’re still here, then it means you still have a task to complete.” He comforted, using a simple scenario I could understand.

  He had a point. I didn’t want to kill any of them. I simply didn’t have a choice.

  I widened my eyes as I felt his hand slip into mine, motivating me look at him, his eyes watching me in admiration.

  “You, Midnight, are a part of Makoto. The other side of a coin; each side different but together they create one object. I don’t know what you have had to endure. To be honest, I know very little of what Makoto has dealt with during her cycles imprisoned in that place. But deep down, you are good. You both have some type of morals attached to you. If you were truly bad, or as evil as you portrayed, you wouldn’t be standing here next to me looking at the stars and fireflies, now would you?”

  I took another glance at my surroundings before facing him again, nodding my head in approval.

  “I want to do good. I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore.” I whispered, tightening my grasp in his hand. His smile spread across his lips, making me feel like the world wasn’t as cruel as I’d pictured.

  “I’d like that too. We’ll take baby steps, towards a brighter future filled with kindness and hope.” He declared. I allowed my lips to curl into a smile, feeling as if a part of the heavy load I held upon my shoulder was removed.

  I didn’t know how long I would be able to keep my word, afraid of the unknown events I would be summoned to face in the near future, but I would fight. It was time to stop being a coward and face my fears.

  I had a purpose in this galaxy, my star still shining brightly with life in the dark sky, waiting for me to fulfil my destiny…our destiny. I’d trust in the gods to guide us on the right path, leading wherever we’re meant to be.

  Yes, I would enjoy this moment of freedom, ready to face whoever dared to steal this opportunity away from me, head on. I was ready.



  I placed the two empty glasses of milk on the counter top; making a mental note to put them in the dishwasher later. Midnight and I had returned back to the house, relaxing comfortably in the living room while drinking a glass of milk. Midnight was just like Mako in her devotion to the white, dairy liquid. I still didn’t understand their fascination with the drink. It’s just milk.

  We didn’t talk much; Midnight seemed to be the quiet type, not talking but analyzing her surroundings more. I didn’t mind, the peaceful silence was soothing. It felt nice to have someone who knew how it felt to switch places.

  My spirit could do something similar. It was an extremely rare trait; only three other shifters having the power to shift completely like I did. I should tell Mako about that sooner or later. Maybe after the exams I’ll let her know about –

  “Elias already told me. I’m going to pass by Earthala before our exam to get some workout gear for all of us, including Mako. I’ll talk to Junho when I get there. Ah! Mako, there you are! Congratulations!”

  SHIT. I quickly turned my head over my shoulder. Marcus and his bloody long legs were already in front of Midnight.

  Her blank expression unchanging as she stared at him. She was standing next to the transparent patio door, looking at night view before the other’s arrival.

  “MARCUS! Wait a –” The words didn’t finish leaving my mouth, before the dragon shifter was flipped and slammed into the ground, Midnight on top of him in two seconds flat.

  Her dark blue eyes stared at his bewildered face. One hand was pinned down to the floor, while the other was still in her grasp. I took a quick glance at the other two; their stunned gawking expressions plastered on their pale faces.

  I couldn’t blame them; anyone would be shocked after seeing our five foot five inches tall Firefly flip a huge, bulky dragon shifter like he was nothing.

  “Midnight! It’s just Marcus! Don’t hurt him.” I urged, attempting to hide my panic by using
a calm tone.

  She looked up at me; those tranquilizing shade of blue meeting my gaze. She took another glance down at Marcus, tilting her head to the side.

  “Oh.” She stated simply, letting go of his hand before standing to her feet.

  She walked to Mako’s usual middle seat in the black sofa; sitting comfortably as she crossed her legs yoga style. She turned her head, returning to her assessment of the night sky.

  “For Starlight’s sake. Whose Midnight and how did I get on the floor so fast?” Marcus groaned, sitting up before wincing.

  “One second you were standing, about to hug her, and the next you were on the ground. It definitely was a sight to see. Let me heal your back.” Daniel expressed before walking forward cautiously.

  Midnight turned her head to the angel, her eyes turning into a glare.

  “Or not.” He stated, stopping in his tracks at Midnight’s death glare. She didn’t do that to Marcus. Does she have something against angel spirits?

  “Guys. Let me explain. Did Mako ever mention having a split personality?” I questioned, walking forward to stand in the middle of the room. They all frowned at my statement. I noticed the disappointment in Ryder’s face. I shook my head at him.

  “She wasn’t ready to tell you; any of you. I don’t think she wanted me to know either, but it slipped out. We didn’t talk much about it but Mako has a split personality; that split personality is Midnight, who’s currently sitting on the couch as you can see.”

  She took a moment to glance around before frowning.

  “I’m right here. I can introduce myself.” She pointed out, her voice toneless.

  I sighed before raising my eyebrow at her. She fidgeted in her seat, shuffling to the corner seat that was closer to the transparent door, her back facing us.

  “Midnight. Hello.” She mumbled. I couldn’t help but smirk. Feisty and Shy.

  “So, they switched? Was it on purpose?” Ryder questioned.

  “I’ve never sensed her before, and I’ve done multiple checks of her physical and mental state the past two months. Even Karen, with all the scans she’s completed, never pinpointed that Mako had a split personality.” Daniel noted.

  “It’s not voluntary. It’s triggered. Right, Midnight?” I replied.

  She turned her head over her shoulder to meet my eyes.

  “Mako’s body reached magic limit. When limit is reached, I’m summoned. Mako didn’t want to worry any of you. Don’t get mad. Sorry.” She explained, whispering her apology as she bowed her head slightly. She than returned to her star gazing.

  I glanced at the others. I didn’t want her thinking we we’re upset.

  “We’ll discuss it between us later. I don’t want to frighten Midnight. She seems very caged. She didn’t go into any major details on our way back here, but she mentioned she was the Owner’s secret weapon; a weapon that would bring destruction to the realms. Mako probably didn’t say anything because she has a lot on her plate. We’ve already seen her milk addiction and sleep walking habits. I don’t think she wanted to reveal she had a split too; maybe in fear we’d be afraid or upset with her.” I explained through our bond.

  I knew how it felt to be shoved away over your differences. I’d dealt with such expressions of hate throughout my childhood. I didn’t want her to feel like we couldn’t accept this side of her.

  Marcus and I shared a look. He knew what I was referring too. He understood how hard it was for me in the past. I watched him glance at Midnight, before nodding slowly.

  “Let’s not bring it up when they switch back. When she’s ready to address it, we’ll be here to listen. I want her to understand we love her, split or not.” He concluded.

  Ryder glanced at Midnight, all of us taking another look. We noticed her head beginning to fall downward, jerking back up after a few seconds. She’s falling asleep?

  Ryder walked towards her slowly. She stayed in place; either not noticing his approach or not caring. He walked in front of her, before kneeling down. I watched her head tilt to the side as she stared at him.

  “Midnight. We’re not angry or upset with either of you. You don’t need to apologize. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ryder. I know we just met, but can you try and trust us if you ever need anything?” He whispered, reaching out his hand, leaving it in front of him. She stared at his gestured hand, taking a moment before placing her hand in his.

  “Ryder. Trust…okay. I’m sleepy.” She agreed before yawning.

  I made my way over to them, standing next to Ryder to stare at her sitting figure. I could see her struggling to keep her eyes open as she rubbed them. Ryder stepped back, allowing me to take his place. I reached out to grab her hand as I knelt down.

  “You and Mako are both exhausted from today. Why don’t you rest? Myself and Ryder will be here. Marcus, the guy you flipped and Daniel over there, will be nearby too if you need anything.” She nodded, looking to Marcus before frowning.

  “Sorry for almost killing you.” She apologized, solemnly.

  I could see the flash of panic in Marcus’ eyes, his Adam’s apple moving up and down as he gulped, before he regained his composure, shaking his head.

  “No worries. Daniel can heal my back. Thanks for not killing me.” I smirked at their exchange.

  She took a quick glance in Daniel’s direction. She simply stared at him, her blank expression made it hard for me to know what she was thinking. From the way her hand squeezed mine, gave me the impression she had something against angel spirits or she was afraid. She turned her gaze back to me, stifling another yawn with her other hand.

  “We’ll meet again?” She whispered.

  I saw the glimpse of sadness in her eyes as she stared down at me. I couldn’t help but brush my hand against her cheek.

  “Yup. We’ll be here whenever you want to come out and play.” The smile that formed on her lips made my heart skip a beat.

  It was weird that her smile appeared differently than when Mako smiled. Regardless, it always had the same effect on me; making my heart beat rapidly and sending tingles down my body.

  “Okay. Goodnight.” Her eyes closed, the side of her body relaxed in the couch cushion as her breathing slowed.

  “That was eventful. Can anyone explain why she hates my guts?” Daniel mumbled. It was evident that Midnight’s death glares had took an impact on the angel.

  “I don’t know. Maybe she has an issue with angel spirits. We won’t know till next time, I guess. C’mon, lets all go to sleep.” I encouraged, my arms gently hooking under her; lift her up, smoothly.

  She didn’t even stir from the movement, as I began to walk towards Marcus’ room; it was his night with her.

  “So, about my back.” Marcus called out.



  All I could see was thick red liquid, attempting to conceal the white cement walls that encased me. Only small areas of white peeking out from the blanket of red that continued its slow descent to the floor. Blood was everywhere, the pools of thick liquid surrounding me, my trembling hands covered in it. I gasped at the scene as dread overwhelmed my body. I looked around to find the exit, to leave the horrid scene before me. I attempted to turn, my foot hitting something. A body.

  I glanced down, dull, lifeless emerald eyes meeting my gaze, his head unattached from his body that lay not too far from my feet. I attempted to scream, to cry out for help as I walked backwards, trying to move as far away from the head, from my Elias, as my legs would carry me. I stared at my blood-soaked hands, the blood of the person I cared about, in shock. I couldn’t breathe, unable to allow my lungs to take another breath, as if such a privilege had been revoked. I fell to my knees, facing his remains as I gasped for air. Reality began to sink in as I clawed at my neck, as if something was hindering me from inhaling the oxygen around me. I killed him… Midnight…we killed him.

  Tears streamed down my face as I felt myself dying slowly, my lungs burning for oxygen. Fatigue flowed through me, my hands droppi
ng to my sides as I slumped in place. I’d lost all reasoning as my mind mushed together, as I continued to stare at those lifeless eyes. I didn’t care if I died; we deserved it…but Elias. No, he didn’t deserve such a fate…I had to save him! Hope could save him; resurrect him. We still had time. I wanted to move, to rush over to his side and reattach his head to his lifeless body in an attempt to revive him, but I was stuck in place. I couldn’t fight the darkness that clawed at my consciousness, dark transparent hands emerging from the floor below, wrapping themselves around me to pull me into the abyss. Elias! No, I can’t leave him, he’ll die! Stop! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  I screamed, pushing myself up as my eyes flew open. Elias! No, no, no, is he okay. Did I kill him too? No, please Starlight no. I started to sob as fear overwhelmed my senses. A pair of arms embraced me from behind.

  “Mako! Calm down, you're okay! What’s wrong Firefly?” A low voice questioned, turning me in his arms to face him. I continued to breathe frantically, looking around the room in confusion not caring about the person questioning me.

  No, I must have done something. Did Midnight actually meet him or was that just a figment of my imagination? I know I saw his eyes, he was standing there across the lake, waiting. My breathing came out in fast, short breaths, as if I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

  “Mako baby, stop.” The person commanded, his hands pressing against my cheeks to stop me from analyzing the dark surroundings, worry filled, sapphire blue eyes locking on to me.

  “Elias…I hurt him, didn’t I? We… Midnight…I…I didn’t mean too, please don’t tell me he’s gone. Please don’t be mad at me.” The sobs poured from my chest as I attempted to explain. Tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably as those firm hands held onto my face.


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