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Team: Alpha (Knights of Ares)

Page 4

by Honor James

  “Yep, after we have both have had some sleep. Bye Penny.” Daisy said and watched Penny walk across the lawn to her home. Closing the door she looked at Honey and said, “Listen to what they have to say, and don’t make judgments. Deal?”

  “Totally mom. When will they be here?”

  When the doorbell rang Daisy said, “Now.” She moved from her daughter and opened the door. “Come in.” She told the men standing there. Closing it behind them she said, “Gareth, Mikhail, I would like to introduce you to your daughter. Honey Dallas Choe, these are your dads.”

  Letting Gareth take the lead since he was obviously Honey's father, Mikhail smiled at the girl and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He didn't have a clue what to say or how to act. Hell, this whole situation was way outside his comfort zone.

  "Hello Honey," Gareth said softly as he crouched down to be closer to her height. "I'm sorry we haven't been around, but we honestly didn't know about you. No excuse, I know, but with the job we had; keeping in touch with anyone from our past was more than a little difficult."

  Honey watched him carefully and asked, “And now? Are you going to run away now?” She asked bluntly. “Because if you are, I don’t think that I like you very much. But if you are going to stay, I think that I will like you a lot.”

  "If your mom will let us be a part of your life we're more than willing to be here Honey. Mikhail has land that he's trying to get back into order, so we would be helping him most days though. I'm not quite sure how this will work to be honest," Gareth said looking to Daisy.

  Daisy sighed. “She can come out after school on Fridays if you will make sure she gets back here by Sunday night? That way you can spend the weekends getting to know her?” She looked to Mikhail and then Gareth and knew that it was only right. “Holidays too if you are willing.” She wouldn't keep them from Honey, no matter how much pain it was going to cause her, Honey deserved to know her dads.

  "Weekends would be marvelous but we won't take the holidays from you Daisy," Mikhail said quietly. "She's your daughter and we'll take whatever you see fit to give us."

  "Weekends are perfect," Gareth said looking at Honey again with a smile. "We'll just have to remind all the lads that there are young ears in the house," he muttered with a shrug. "We'll figure it out if you're still willing to get to know us Honey."

  Honey nodded. “Yeah. I do. I want to know my two dads.” She said and looked up at Mikhail as well with hurt showing in her small face because he seemed to be pulling away from her. “Are you sure about it though?” She asked and chewed her lower lip. “I mean if it’s too much trouble its okay. I just,” she shrugged. “I just want to know what it would be like to have a daddy and not just the stories of the daddies that made me with mom.”

  "It's no trouble," Mikhail said quietly as he looked at her. "I've never been around kids of any age Honey so I have no idea what I'm doing here. Gareth at least comes from a large family with nieces, nephews, cousins and siblings galore. I was an only child growing up in the middle of nowhere so I'm more than a little out of my depth."

  “So are you?” Honey asked softly. “Are you my two dads? Are you the reason that my mom cries sometimes at night? And was she telling the truth when she said that I was made out of love? I hope so because I hate when Margo Hughes is right.”

  Licking his lips Mikhail nodded, "You were definitely made out of love little one," he murmured still unsure of what to do. "I really hope we're not the reason for your mother's crying, but somehow I'm just as sure that the fault falls onto our shoulders."

  Honey shrugged. “Moms are made of strong stuff.” She looked to her mom and asked, “I really hate that they won’t answer me.” She grumbled. “Ask a straight question and leave it to a boy to not give a straight answer.”

  Daisy could only laugh and shake her head. “Honey yes, they are your dads, both of them.” She said and looked from Gareth to Mikhail and dared either of them to deny it.

  "She's asking a lot of questions all in one breath," Gareth said with a crooked grin. "It's a little hard to keep track of all she asks. Trying to confuse us and make us mess up with all her rapid-fire questions. Girls are so bad for that," he teased them both.

  “Yeah, we are.” Honey shrugged and asked, “So which one of you called mom honey all the time? That’s why she named me Honey you know. Honey Dallas. Dallas because that’s where one of you said you were from, and Honey because you called her that.” She shrugged. “At least I wasn’t named after a car or gemstone.” She said with a shudder. “A girl in my class her name is Emerald Fiat, honest to God.”

  "We called her that," Gareth told her softly. "Apparently a little too much," he shot Daisy a grin before looking back to the little girl. "I went through basic training with a guy who's parents named him Corvette. He usually just told people to call him Corey to avoid the name, but once it was out it was a fairly big discussion around the bunk house."

  Honey wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “That’s just so wrong. That poor guy. Oh well. I bet he didn’t have two dads.” She said with a grin. “The kids in my class are going to be so freaking jealous. They thought that I was a liar, or worse that my mom was a horse. Now they’ll know better.”

  Daisy blanched at the word horse. She had been called whore and trollop more times than she cared to admit, but she never ever dreamed that Honey was getting ribbed about it too. “Honey why didn’t you tell me that?”

  Honey shrugged, “Cause you would get upset and I didn’t want you upset.” The child said pragmatically.

  Shaking her head Daisy sighed. “I’m your mom. You should be able to come to me for anything. From now on, no more hiding things from me? Promise?”

  “Promise mom.” She looked up at Gareth and Mikhail and grinned, “Come on, mom’s going to make breakfast. You can stay and then if mom’s okay with it you can walk to school with me instead of her. I want everyone to see you two.” She smiled proudly.

  Gareth stood up and looked to Daisy, "Is mom alright with that?" he asked. "You're the one that has to live here Daisy, if it's going to make things uncomfortable for you we can figure out something else," he murmured softly.

  “I’m fine with it.” Daisy said with a smile and sighed. “It’s no secret that I was with you both. This is a small town remember? Everyone knows everything about everyone that has lived here more than a month. Heck the town even knows about Penny and she’s only lived here in this town for three years, so yeah. I’m good with it. It will do them good to see that you are in her life now.”

  "Alright then, we'll walk you to school," Gareth smiled down at his daughter. "I suppose we should wash up if mom is making breakfast, I doubt she lets grubby fingers near the table. Why don't you show me where the good soap is Honey, and we'll give Mikhail a moment to catch up with us yeah?" he said with a wink.

  “Yeah, we can do that. Just hurry daddy Mik.” Honey said easily and led Gareth away by the hand, talking a mile a minute.

  Daisy looked up at Mikhail and watched him. “She already loves you like a father, are you okay with that? It’s pretty clear which one of the two of you is her dad but like I told her and told you two, the both of you are her father in my mind. Are you going to be okay with that or do I need to explain to her that Gareth is her dad and you are, well whatever it is that you want out of this.”

  "I don't know Daisy," he said honestly. "Like I told her I've never been around other kids. I was home schooled and lived on that farm until I went into the military. I have no clue what I'm doing or what to say to her. Hell, I pretty much screwed it up from the word go when she first showed up at the house. I had her ready to run back to you if you hadn't shown up when you did," he muttered raking a hand through his hair. "What do I do D?" he looked at her with a helpless expression.

  Daisy felt for him, really she did. “Just love her. You won’t be able to help yourself. She’s as much your daughter as she is Gareth’s or mine. Just because your blood isn’t in her veins, she already ha
s you pegged for her dad and with as stubborn as that child is, believe me it’s best you go with it.” She grinned and added, “Then again, maybe she does have some of your blood in her veins because if I recall you are pretty hard headed yourself.”

  "Hardly," he murmured looking towards the hall when he heard laughter. Swallowing hard he let out a shaky breath. Kids scared the hell out of him. It's why he’d never had any and avoided them at all costs. "She's all Gareth, she's even got his smile," he commented taking a slight step further into the house before going fully still once more.

  Daisy laid her hand on Mikhail’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Are you going to be okay with this Mik? It’s my last time asking. If you aren’t you need to tell us now. She’s already in love with you. I swear that child has been mooning over that photo all day and likely all night. If you can’t do this please be honest with me.” Daisy bit her lower lip and whispered. “When I saw her I knew she was Gareth’s. but I loved you just as much as I did him. That’s why I’ve always told her she has two dads, not just one. If it’s too much I can explain it to her.”

  Looking at her he shook his head and held up his hands, "I don't know Daisy," he whispered softly. "God I'm just a fucking all round failure," he muttered shoving a hand through his hair. "You shouldn't let her anywhere near me Daisy if you knew what was truly good for her. I should have just stayed on that farm. Who was I to ever want more?" he muttered not actually asking a question.

  It broke her heart to hear him saying that and she shook her head. It was Honey’s voice however that broke the silence. “But if you stayed there you couldn’t be my daddy. Do you not wanna be my daddy like Gareth does? I am not blind. I can tell which one of you actually is my biological dad, but I really was hoping that you would want me too. I wanted us to be a family together.”

  Looking at her, he felt like a heel, "I don't know how to be a father Honey," he said softly. "I don't really remember much about mine, and never had any models after that to go by. I don't want to hurt you or your mother, and I'm afraid that's what will happen if I stay in your life. I just want you to be happy sweetheart and that may not be with me around."

  “But I like you around.” Honey said softly. “I want you to be around. Will you try?” She asked with tears about to fall. “I think you are a better man than you think, or my mom wouldn’t have fallen in love with you. She’s a good judge of character. Just ask her.”

  "Don't cry," he breathed out pressing a hand to his chest. Tears were his Achilles heel. Tears on any female just about killed him. "I," he looked to Daisy and then back to her. Closing his eyes he nodded slowly, "I'll try," he whispered softly wondering how badly he was going to fuck it all up for everyone because he couldn't seem to walk away.

  Daisy looked at Mik and shook her head. Smiling she said, “Come and help me in the kitchen. Otherwise you are going to have to be shown all of her ribbons and trophies. She’s quite the gymnast, your daughter.” She hoped that he would soon relax into that because if not Honey would be broken hearted.

  Snorting, Gareth coughed softly and rubbed at his nose, "Wonder where she gets that from?" he murmured with a quick grin to Daisy.

  Shaking his head Mikhail followed Daisy to the kitchen. "What did you need help with?" he asked softly. "You're not the sort to need help Daisy, so what's up?" he leaned a hip to the counter as he watched her.

  “You just looked totally and completely lost Mik, and I hate that. I worry about you. I’m very worried about you. Honey won’t give up on you Mik. In her eyes you are her father every bit as much as Gareth is so please don’t break my little girl’s heart; your little girl’s heart.”

  "I only knew one thing that was truly me Daisy and that was my time with the Navy," he said softly. "I am lost. I have no idea how to be a father and I honestly never planned on being one," Mikhail murmured checking over his shoulder before looking to her again. "I know I don't ever want to hurt her D, she's so sweet and so much like you."

  “She’s an amazing child. I promise that you won’t be able to help yourself from loving her Mik. Leave yourself open and I promise it will come. Just love her, even if you can never love me again, just love her. Let her help you live.”

  Hearing Gareth calling him, Mikhail shifted away from the counter and stopped right next to her. "I never stopped loving you Daisy," he whispered leaning in to brush a kiss to her cheek. "You were the only one for me, and will forever be," he murmured before going to see what the other man might want.

  Daisy just looked at him, complete shock on her face as she watched him leave. It took her several minutes but she shook her herself out of her stupid freeze and began to work on making them breakfast. Had he really just said that? Had he really just told her that he still loved her?

  Taking the phone from Gareth, Mikhail had confirmed with the others what they were supposed to be doing at the farm. That he could handle. That was easy. Hard work and a love for the land he could deal with. The feelings boiling up for Daisy again and the new ones springing up for the kid were much harder and shaking him. He'd honestly thought he'd buried his feelings for Daisy in a place that would never see the light of day again. Obviously he'd been wrong; seriously wrong. Turning, he ended the call and went to pass it off to Gareth only to find him alone in the room with Honey, oh hell!

  “Sit,” Honey said with a smile. She walked towards him until Mikhail’s legs bumped the sofa and he sat. Climbing up into his lap, she laid her head on his shoulder and said, “Are you going to make sure that they stop calling my mommy the names they call her? She says she doesn’t care, but she does. Are you going to make her stop crying to? Make her happy? And when can we come live with you and be a family? You are my daddy and you need to give me the answers.” She stated simply.

  Stunned he felt his jaw moving but no sound came out as he tried to process the questions she'd thrown at him faster than any machine gun could fire. "Uh," he frowned and looked at her unsure of what to do with her perched on his lap. "If we can, I hope so, if she'll let us, I don't honestly know," he said giving her answers as best as he could in the order she'd given them to him. "What names are they calling her?" he asked quietly feeling the slumbering beast of his temper stretching out its claws at the thought of Daisy being hurt even emotionally.

  “Horses and trampolines or something like that.” Honey shrugged. “They aren’t nice words at all. They are very, very mean to her sometimes because they all knew that you two were the ones that were with her. They know that I have two daddies and they never let her forget it.”

  "Horses or trampolines?" he asked in a confused tone. It made absolutely no sense to him. "People who don't understand often use harsh and discriminating words to cause you pain," he said as he still worked on the words she'd given him. "But you need to remember that while the words are harsh and mean and may upset you, you know better than they do and you do not need such small minded people in your life. You are better off without their narrow views of what love is."

  “I agree. I think that love is what you and daddy Gareth have for my mommy and she has for you. I just wish that you would all get off your duffs and do something about it. I mean really, I want to be a flower girl in my mommy’s wedding. But you need to give her a really pretty ring. Maybe one with two stones.” Honey had it all planned out for them.

  "Uh, I think you may need to discuss that with your mother Honey," he said quietly. "She is likely going to have to have a discussion with you about the laws and such when it comes to marriages in this country, or any country for that matter."

  Honey shrugged. “I know that she can only legally marry one of you but you can both marry her in a civil ceremony. I know this because I’ve been looking it up a great deal. I know that there is a great deal that can be done via a civil ceremony and then you and daddy Gareth can both adopt me. If you want that is. I understand if you don’t because I’m a girl and no one would really want to have me.” She said with a shrug. “I understand if you don’t want
me. I’ve been told that I’m a trollop’s bastard, so I guess that’s a bad thing.”

  It all clicked when she said trollops. Sighing Mikhail gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. "It's up to your mother if she wants to marry either of us or not," he said quietly. "We can't force her into doing anything she doesn't want Honey. But I'll gladly adopt you if you wish; although I think with how your mother did things, we may not even have to do that. Though, again, we'd have to ask her." Looking down at her he gave her a squeeze and smiled slightly when she peeked at him, "I have no clue what I'm doing Honey, so you need to tell me what a parent does. I'm going to have to rely on you to teach me. If you're willing to take on a basket case like me that is."

  “Parents do this like this,” Honey shrugged. “They hold their kids, kiss their boo-boos, walk them to school, and help with History homework.” She said with a groan, “I hate history. I hate how you have to remember about fights and wars and stuff. I wanna just remember the good parts.” She muttered darkly. “And they don’t let my mommy be alone or hurt anymore.” She added with a shrug. “And they just love each other. That’s what family does. They just plain ole love each other.”


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