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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 42

by Amelia Wilson

  Alice lunged at the husky man and nipped his leg before tossing him through the wall. The man dropped like a sack of potatoes and crumbled to the floor unconscious. Once Alice was certain there was no one left to sound the alarm, she shed her wolf coat and rose up.

  "You could have let me help you know," Bash said pulling a long jacket off one of the men and wrapped it around Alice's shoulders.

  "Sorry," Alice said with her cheeks flushed. "I couldn't stand them talking about Danielle that way. No man has the right to take a woman without her consent and if Danielle is turned tonight with Derek by her side, then that is exactly what will happen."

  "You really think Derek would share her like that?"

  "I don't know, and I am not about to find out. Come on, we need to get Danielle out of here before nightfall."

  Alice and Bash stepped out of the town jail and glanced up towards the sky. The soft oranges of dusk were filtering through the light blues. Alice waved Bash to follow as they slipped through the town.

  "Can I ask you something?" Bash turned to Alice with wonder in his eyes. She dropped behind a dumpster and stared at him.


  "How do you do it?"

  "Do what?" Alice asked as she scanned the area.

  "Shift so easily? Doesn't it hurt you?"

  "No. When you are born this way, it is as natural as breathing. But for those that are bitten, like you and Danielle, your bodies aren't equipped to handle the transition. That's why it hurts. Why?"

  Bash shrugged as a couple walked down the street forcing Bash and Alice to lurk around the corner of the dumpster.

  "You shifted so fast, and I noticed Joe wasn't among the crowd you took out back there."


  "So, what happened to him? I thought he said he wanted to make sure he wasn't blamed for our escape. But I didn't see."

  "Maybe he walked out faster than we thought. He did say to count to five."

  "Alice, I know he is your uncle and all, but something doesn't sit right with me."

  "Bash, we don't have time to argue about my uncle. We have to get Danielle and time is not on our side." Alice pointed to the rusty orange sky.

  "Danielle isn't the only one who is going to shift tonight remember? If we don't get her now, chances are she will shift with Derek and that will be the end of my friend. You heard what Derek was planning on doing with her once she changed."

  Bash nodded his head and closed his mouth. Alice noticed the insecurities lurking beneath the surface, but she pushed her thoughts aside. Right now all she could think about was Danielle.

  She waved to Bash and then she pulled the hood of the long jacket up over her head to cover her face. People didn't even give them a second glance. She knew they were probably used to wolves walking around with their faces covered during this time. After all, it was a new moon and many of them were too preoccupied getting settled for their own transformations to be dealing with other people's ones.

  "Where does Derek live?" Bash asked keeping pace with Alice.

  "A few miles away. Think you can keep up?" Bash glanced down at his hand. It rocked with small tremors but, he nodded, squeezing his hand into a tight little ball. Together, they raced down the street following the same route Alice had taken in the car. It didn't take them long to make it to the small brick apartment building. Alice paused trying to catch her breath and pointed to the building. Bash tugged on her sleeve forcing her into the alley.

  "How do you want to do this?" Bash asked between gasps of air. Alice lifted one finger to him. Her face was flushed and beetroot-red. Her lungs burned for oxygen but she knew time was slipping through their fingers. She glanced at Bash. His hands trembled with each passing moment. She knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

  "Do you think you can hold out for a few more minutes?" Alice asked straightening herself. Bash's head bobbed up and down despite the tremors coursing through his body.

  "We need a plan," he said pulling himself together.

  "I know, but we don't have time for perfection. You are going to shift soon—I can see it in your hands. If you change on me now, I won't be able to save Danielle. Please Bash, tell me you can keep it together for a few more minutes."

  "I told you, I would do anything for you. Now just tell me what you want me to do and I will get it done."

  Alice leaned close to him and pressed her lips to his. She cupped her hand around his face and smiled.

  "I need you to surrender to Derek."


  "Just do it. Tell him I went ballistic and feral on you or something. Make anything up, just get him out of that house."

  Bash nodded. He sucked in a deep breath steadying his nerves and walked towards the front door. Alice hung back and walked around to the window. Through the thin yellow curtains, she could clearly see Danielle keeled over in pain.

  "Hold on just a few minutes longer," Alice whispered to the glass. "Everything is going to be okay."

  "Don't stop on my account," Bash said forcing his body to remain in control until they reached their destination.

  Chapter 15

  "Please," Danielle was curled up on herself as the pain ripped through her body. Every inch of her burned and seared as if she was being cooked from the inside out. She tried to push through the pain, but with each pump of her heart, a new wave of fire flushed through her. She remained curled up on the bed with her knees to her chest, writhing in pain. Every muscle in her body tensed and pulled, stretching out beyond their capacity before retracting once again.

  "Derek, give me the tea," she pleaded spitting her words through her clenched teeth.

  "You don't know what it will do to you. I can't risk it. Alice may be trying to poison you."

  "She would never do that! Not in a million years," she spat as she glared at him. "Please, she is my friend and if you cared for me at all, you would help me through this." Danielle's voice strained as she panted forcing each word through her teeth.

  The sunlight faded through the curtains of the apartment and as her body strained and pulled, she knew she was on the verge of shifting into her wolf form for the first time. Her body jerked and jolted as if struck by electricity, causing her extremities to spasm.

  "I am trying to help you," Derek pleaded leaning close to Danielle. Tears streamed down her agonized face. The look in her eyes was too much for Derek. He rushed to the kitchen, pried open the box and twisted towards the cabinets. He reached for the mugs and pulled one down setting it on the counter with a thud. He pushed the valve of the faucet letting a stream of water flow down into the sink. As he pushed the cup under the running water, the beating of knuckles on the door startled him.

  "GO AWAY!" Derek shouted.

  "Alice has escaped," Bash called through the door.

  "I don't have time for this," Derek huffed pulling the mug out of the stream of water and pulling open the microwave door. He set the timer and moved swiftly to the door, throwing it open.

  "What do you want?" Derek spat trying to keep his cool. Bash glanced around Derek and saw Danielle behind him, on the bed in tears. He flashed his eyes back to Derek and swallowed hard.

  "Alice, she is gone."

  "Why do I care about that, now?"

  "She went feral. Killed a lot of people in the jail, before bolting. She can't be allowed to roam free on the streets," Bash explained. Derek glared at him and shook his head.

  "Sounds like an animal problem to me. Aren't you the park ranger? Do something about it." Derek tried to close the door on Bash, but he held it tight as more tremors rocked through his body. Derek's eyes drifted to Bash's hand, and he nodded.

  "You're on the verge of shifting too, aren't you?" Derek's eyes narrowed then he twisted around to Danielle.

  "Get in here," Derek said reaching out and grabbing Bash by his collar. Bash stumbled through the door as Derek held tightly to him. Derek moved towards the kitchen as the microwave beeped.

  "Here's the thing," Derek started opening th
e microwave and pulling out the steaming mug filled with water. He glanced at the mug then back to Bash. His eyes narrowed as he spoke, "I have the tea right here. Thing is I don't know what it does. Alice gave it to Danielle. It could be poisonous, or it could actually be helpful. I am not about to let Danielle suffer any longer with this. Which is why," Derek pried open the box, took a pinch of the dried herbs and sprinkled it into the water. He glanced up to Bash with a twisted smile and pushed the mug towards Bash.

  "You drink it first."

  Bash glanced at the herbs mixing into the water and grabbed the glass. He lifted his head to stare at Derek.

  "What's the matter? You know it’s bad don't you?" Derek said leaning forward.

  "Just waiting for the herbs to settle," Bash§ said calmly before grabbing the mug. The cup twitched in his hand as he brought it to his lips. With a straight face, Bash drank the contents of the mug and set the cup down.

  Instantaneously his tremors stopped. He looked about the room, letting the warm liquid sooth every fiber of his being. With a smile on his face he exhaled. Derek watched with eagerness. Danielle remained on the bed twitching in agony and moaning for help.

  "I don't believe it," Derek gasped. He ripped the cup off the counter and filled it with water again. Then he started the process again. The seconds on the microwave seemed to drag on forever as he waited for it to beep.

  Before the timer went off, Derek pried open the microwave and sprinkled the herbs into the cup.

  "Here," Derek said bringing the mug over to Danielle. "Drink as much as you want."

  Bash watch Derek administer the tea to Danielle ever so carefully. Sip by sip Danielle's face eased until she was completely relaxed on the bed. Her muscles were no longer splitting and her face no longer contracting from the pain.

  "I told you Alice wouldn't hurt me," Danielle said in a calm voice.

  "I couldn't take that chance," Derek answered wiping the beads of sweat from Danielle's forehead. Danielle smiled weakly at him before lifting her head up to look at Bash.

  "Thank you," Danielle said. Bash shook his head and shrugged.

  "I didn't do anything. It was Alice. She is the one who found the herbs. But please," Bash turned his attention to Derek.

  "She is out there and I need help to bring her in."

  Derek turned to Danielle and stroked her hair. "Can you hold off a little while?"

  "With the tea—yes. It helps. But please, don't kill my friend."

  "I will do everything in my power not to hurt her, but if she has gone wild, I can't keep that promise," Derek said staring into Danielle's eyes. Bash took a step back. Everything about the way Derek cared for Danielle to the gushing looks of love and compassion startled him.

  "I’ll round up the others and find Alice," Derek added glancing at Bash. "I don't think you’ll be much help though. We don't know how long the effects of the tea last. Just make sure Danielle gets as much as she needs. Don't let her transition before I get back," Derek ordered rising to his feet. Bash nodded as if his order would be followed.

  "I’ll be back soon. I think I know where she may have gone."

  "Hurry back," Danielle whispered rising up to sit cross legged on the bed. Derek flashed her a smile before grabbing his cell phone and bolting to the door.

  Derek turned and stared at Danielle, "Please don't go anywhere. The moment I get back we will head for the lake."

  Danielle nodded as Derek opened the front door and slipped out.

  Danielle flashed a smile at Bash before turning away. Bash counted in his head then scrambled to the window. With a flick of his wrist he threw open the glass pane and popped his head outside. His eyes scanned the area until he spotted Alice.

  "Psst," Bash whispered. Alice turned her head and smiled to see him.

  "What are you doing?" Danielle asked. Bash pulled his head back inside and turned around.

  "We are getting you out of here," Bash said walking towards Danielle.

  "But Derek said not to go anywhere."

  "Look, I know where Alice is at. She is the one who sent me here. We have to get you out of here before Derek comes back."

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  "You have to. Derek is not who you think he is."

  "I know exactly who Derek is and I won't leave here without him."

  "You must," Bash pleaded reaching for Danielle. He wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her over his shoulder.

  "Put me down!" Danielle screamed hitting Bash over his back with her fists.

  "Danielle, please," Alice popped her head in through the open window and stared at her friend. Bash turned around to face the front door giving Danielle a clear view of Alice.

  "What are you doing here?" Danielle gasped. "He said you were feral."

  "We lied. Now come on, we need to go. The tea won't last all night and you will shift soon."

  "No. I won't go."

  "Danielle, you know I would never hurt you. You are my best friend. Truth be told, you would have never known about my kind if you had just listened to me and not come here. But you did. Now, please, we have to get to the lake. It is the only safe place for a new werewolf to shift."

  "This is all your fault, you know that!" Danielle hissed trying to get free of Bash's grip. "If only you had just trusted me to begin with!"

  "I do trust you. Just like you trust me. Only you aren't thinking clearly. The venom in your system is overpowering your common sense. But please, don't make me have to kidnap you. It would easier for all of us if you came quietly."

  "I am not going anywhere!" Danielle shouted. Alice climbed up into the window and walked over to her friend.

  "I hope someday you will forgive me," Alice said staring into Danielle's eyes. Danielle narrowed her gaze and her lip pulled up into a snarl.

  Before Danielle could say another word, Alice lifted her hand back and let it fly through the air. Her knuckles crashed against Danielle's face knocking her out cold.

  "Did you have to hit her?" Bash asked holding on to Danielle tighter to ensure she didn't fly off his shoulder.

  "It was the only way she would come. Now get her outside. I stole a car. It's the blue one."

  "What are you doing?" Bash asked glancing around the room as Alice moved towards the kitchen.

  "Grabbing the herbs. She will need them when she comes to. Now go. We are running out of time."

  Bash nodded and bolted for the front door. He propped the door open and peeked outside. With no signs of life on the street, he made a break for the blue car parked right in front of the long concrete walkway.

  Alice glanced around the kitchen until she found the small wooden box. The moment her fingers grabbed it, she took off in a sprint for the front door. Her eyes widened when she saw the reds and oranges of the sunset filling the sky.

  "Running out of time," she whimpered closing the door behind her. Her only hope was to get Danielle into the forest and as far away from Derek as possible.

  She raced to the car and found Danielle still passed out in the back seat. Her eyes flickered to Bash. "Can you handle her if she wakes up?"

  "I think so, but…" Bash lifted his hand up. Alice's eyes narrowed on his fingers as they started to tremble. The effects of the tea were fading. Alice hoped that Bash would be able to hold it off for the drive.

  "Where are we going?" Bash asked as Alice slipped behind the steering wheel.

  "Your place?"

  "They know that's where you might take her," Bash said concern dripping from his words.

  "It's the only place we have time to get to. The lake is too far and I don't think either one of you will make it. Now hold on."

  Alice leaned down and played with the wires under the steering wheel. The engine came to life, and she sat back. Stealing one last glimpse at the apartments, Alice slammed her foot down on the pedal and sped off down the street. Her heart raced as she wove in and out of the traffic. She held her breath waiting for the sound of sirens as she sped through red lights
and skidded around corners. Once she saw the open road spread out before her, she exhaled.

  "Almost there," she said flicking her eyes to the rear-view mirror. Bash's face was scrunched up as he concentrated. Alice pulled out the box and handed it to him.

  "Take a pinch of herbs and eat them," Alice ordered. Bash shook his head refusing to open his mouth to answer. Alice knew he time was short. She put the pedal to the floor and raced down the road as the reds turned to pink and the night was ready to fall.

  Chapter 16

  The trees surrounding the small homestead began to thin until Alice saw the cabin in the clearing. She breathed in a small sigh of relief and glanced in the rear-view mirror. In the reflection, she saw Bash holding himself and rocking back and forth in the seat trying to stop his body from trembling.

  "Hold on a bit longer," she said turning the mirror down. Her eyes flashed to Danielle crumpled on Bash's lap. The girl was still knocked out and resting peacefully, but Alice didn't know for how much longer.

  "We’re almost there," Alice said wondering if Bash was paying any attention to her. She knew he could shift at any moment but she had no other choice but to keep going. The bumpy road tossed her about as she held onto the steering wheel and she kept her foot lodged on the gas pedal.

  "Bash, if you can hear me, the moment you get out, try to cover Danielle's scent."

  Through squinted eyelids Bash lifted his head and nodded. He clinched his jaw tight pushing back the tremors with all the strength he could muster. His breathing came in quick bursts and he knew the minute he stopped concentrating his wolf would break out.

  Alice skidded to a stop and flew out of the driver's door. She raced to the back and pulled open the door. Danielle moaned as Alice lifted the girl out and carried her to the house. With a shaking hand, Bash reached for his door. His body ached and jerked as he tried to stand. He clung to the side of the car to hold himself steady.

  "Where can we put her?" Alice asked, her eyes darting around the front of the house. With nowhere to keep a wild animal, Alice was out of options.


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