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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 44

by Amelia Wilson

  She tumbled with the wolf still locked on her and skidded through the dirt. She rolled and clawed until her paws made contact with the wolf. With a mighty shove, Alice knocked the red wolf off her sending it crashing to the ground. She twisted and rolled to her feet ready for it to charge once again. With her eyes trained on the red wolf, she dug her claws into the dirt and paused. In the corner of her eye she spotted the yellow flower growing up to the sky.

  She didn't have time to think. She opened her mouth and chomped down on the yellow flower consuming it as quickly as she could. Another wolf sprang up and crashed into her. Just before it sank its teeth into her fur, it released her and backed away. Alice rose from the ground and watched the wolf curled up in pain.

  She stared at the others waiting for them to attack. The pack of wolves halted and stared at their companion writhing in pain on the ground. Alice moved forward challenging them. She glared into their eyes with her lip pulled back and snarling.

  The pack stepped back away from her as she advanced.

  "Thank you Daddy," Alice thought as one of the wolves moved closer to her with its head down. The young wolf yelped in agony at her feet as she passed over him. Despite the pain in her shoulder, Alice trotted through the pack of wolves. She glanced over her shoulder wondering if they would come after her, but they surrounded the young wolf trying to keep it calm, and it cried out.

  A smile played in the corner of Alice's mind and she moved as fast as her pain would allow. She knew she had to get back to Derek and to take him out before he could find Danielle. She glanced up to the night sky where the stars filled the dark curtain.

  "I hope you got her to the lake," Alice thought as Bash came into her mind. "It will be the safest place for her right now."

  Alice pushed through the line of trees and sprinted back to the homestead. She reached the cabin and stopped. Sucking in a deep breath she pulled herself together and dropped the coat of the wolf.

  "Bash?" Alice called out. Her voice echoed through the trees. In the far distance she could hear his howl coming back to her.

  "Is Danielle with you? One yelp for yes—two for no," Alice screamed. Her heart raced as her lungs filled with air. There was no time for her catch her breath. If Danielle wasn't with Bash, she knew there was only one other place she would be. Alice cocked her head and listened.

  Through the trees and past the cries of pain of the young wolf, Alice heard Bash's reply. Two long howls split through the forest. Alice nodded and her heart broke.

  "Meet me at Derek's. This ends tonight."

  Chapter 18

  The soft yellow hue of the street lamp flooded around Alice as she stood on the curb, staring at the brick apartment building across the street. She sucked in a deep breath steadying her nerves. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a shadow of a wolf racing towards her. She froze waiting to find out if it was friend or foe. Then, a flash of white drifted by her and she smiled as Bash moved like a blur. Each beat of her heart, went in time with his paws hitting the concrete. Alice smiled as her companion halted next to her.

  Bash glanced up at her studying her facial expressions. He brushed his muzzle against her leg urging her to move. She pressed her lips into a tight line and turned her attention back to the apartment across the street.

  “I wish you could change back to human,” Alice whispered as she stroked Bash’s fur. “I could really use your help.”

  Bash whimpered, brushing his head to her hand forcing her to pet him. She ran her fingers through his soft fur. Bash shivered under her touch and nuzzled against her giving her the courage she needed. Alice turned her head looking both ways down the street. With no signs of the pack, she moved quickly across the street and slipped into the shadows next to the building.

  “Won’t you come in? We have been expecting you.” Alice’s eyes darted to the front door. Bright light spilled out of the open door and washed over Derek. He flashed a wicked smile at Alice as his eyes narrowed in on the wolf standing beside her. Alice glanced down at Bash. She could see the hair on his neck rise and a growl ripped through his chest, filling the street with its menacing sound.

  “Stay close,” she said moving towards the open door.

  Derek stepped inside the apartment allowing Alice to enter. Her eyes darted about the room, cautious and ready for the attack. It wasn’t until they landed on the red wolf resting in the corner of the room that she froze. Alice’s eyes widened and she sucked in a shallow breath—her friend was tied in the corner like a dog. Danielle lifted her massive head up and whimpered to Alice. The look in Danielle’s eyes was full of sorrow and piteousness that broke Alice’s heart.

  “Derek, I will give you two seconds to release her.” Alice turned her fury on Derek and balled her hands into little fists threatening him. Her lips pulled up and she flashed her teeth in anger, ready to shift at a moment’s notice.

  Derek’s laughter filling the room sending chills through Alice. Bash dropped his head arched his back and growled. His growl ripped through the apartment causing Danielle to shudder and whimper. The new wolf tried to inch herself closer to them, but the chains held her in place. Bash’s eyes flickered to Alice waiting for her to give him the cue to attack. Alice lifted her finger to silence him. He chomped his jaw shut and rose. His eyes lingered on the humans in the room.

  “I can’t let her go. She is mine now.”

  “She is not a pet.”

  Alice raised her hand and crashed it into Derek’s jaw. Danielle jumped to her feet and snarled as she tested the chains that kept her locked to the corner. Alice didn’t flinch. She waited for Derek to stand up straight once again before hitting him once again.

  “You couldn’t beat me in the forest, and you certainly aren’t going to be able to now. Give it up Alice, you lost.”

  “As long as I have blood coursing through my veins, I will never give up. I won’t stop fighting to free her.”

  “You don’t get it do you? You think I wanted to turn her? She begged for this. She wanted to be a part of this tribe, unlike you.”

  “You gave me no other choice. You killed my parents. You took everything I loved away from me and you expected me to just roll over and accept your father’s treaty? Grow up. This is your fault. You didn’t have to take Danielle hostage. You didn’t have to bite her. You had a choice, and you chose wrong!” Alice yelled allowing her wolf self to enforce her rage. Her voice dropped and rattled the glasses in the cabinets and the furniture.

  Derek stepped back watching as the items on his walls rattled and then fell to the floor. Alice held her stance allowing the power to flow out of her.

  “How are you doing that?” Derek asked as the furniture rumbled and shifted.

  “What’s the matter Derek? Aren’t you the alpha? You would have this power if it flowed through your veins.”

  “Alice stop,” Derek lifted his hands up. Alice’s lips curled up at the corners as the power of the alpha surged through the apartment. It was Danielle’s whimpering that caught her off guard. Alice stopped and sucked in a deep breath calming her nerves.

  “Yield to me Derek and let Danielle go.”

  “Never.” Derek growled. Alice stepped back as Derek shifted into his wolf form. Alice glared at him as he lunged towards her. Before Alice could dash her hand across Derek’s face, Bash leaped forward taking the brunt force of his attack.

  “Bash no!” Bash flew through the air and crashed into the wall. Alice raced to his side and dropped to her knees. She took his head into her lap, stroking his fur. His moan was weak, but it was enough to let Alice know he was still alive. She moved his head and rose to her feet. With Bash lying on the ground unconscious, Alice turned her fury on Derek.

  “You’re dead,” Alice growled. Her body shimmered as the wolf within her scratched to the surface. Before she could unleash her full wolf, Derek was by her side. With his mouth opened wide, he chomped down on Alice’s arm breaking her concentration.

  Alice opened her mouth and let o
ut a blood-curdling scream. Derek’s jaw locked around her arm and yanked it. Alice flew through the air and crashed down on the counter top of the kitchen. With her head spinning, Alice wobbled to her feet. Her eyes narrowed in on Derek, waiting for him to drop like the young wolf in the forest had.

  It didn’t take long before Derek keeled over, writhing in pain. Alice laughed at his agony. Danielle whimpered and clawed at the carpet trying to inch closer to Derek. Alice walked over to Danielle and released her from the chains. Danielle paused to bob her head before rushing to Derek’s side.

  Through the pain, Derek shifted back to his human form. “What did you do to me?” he cried out.

  “There are things that are only passed down from alpha to alpha. Clearly you jumped the chain.”

  “Take it away.”

  “No. You deserve this.”

  Derek rolled around clenching his stomach as the poison of the flower spread through his body. In his pain, he cried out, “I wasn’t the one who killed your family.”

  Alice paused and stepped back. “Explain.”

  “It wasn’t me. I just followed orders.”

  “Whose orders? Your father’s?” Alice leaned in closer. She reached out with one hand and curled her fingers around Derek’s throat blocking the air to his lungs. A low rumbled from the corner caught her attention and she glanced over to Bash who stirred with life.

  “No,” Derek gargled. “My father was killed too, and I was forced to yield or die too.”

  “Who?” Alice sneered crushing her fingers around his neck.

  “Joe.” Derek’s voice was weak from the pressure of Alice’s fingers lodged on his vocal cords. Alice released her hand slightly allowing him to speak.

  “Joe killed them.”

  Alice dropped Derek and stepped back. She shook her head trying to wrap her mind around Derek’s confession.

  “Why do you think I came after him all those years ago? I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill him like he killed my family. He took over both tribes and stole you away.”

  “No,” Alice shook her head in denial. Her mind raced as memories flooded her mind. Everything Joe had done since they arrived made no sense. Joe had freed her from the jail. Joe was the one who had protected her from Derek when she was younger. “You are lying to me.”

  “I’m not lying. Think about it. He was the one who stole you away. That kept you from taking your place as the alpha. He killed both our parents to get the title. He was the one who told me about Danielle. He told me where she would be and ordered me to shift,” Derek’s breath grew shallow as he spoke. Alice rose to her feet and walked over to the kitchen. She pulled open the fridge and pulled out the container of milk.

  Quickly she poured a glass and brought it over to Derek. “This is will help clean the poison out, but you have to tell me everything.”

  Derek nodded and reached for the glass. Alice watched as he gulped down the milk and dropped it. Slowly, color started to return to his face and he sucked in a deep breath.

  “Tell me everything.”

  “When your family came here, we all lived in peace—the red wolves and the gray in harmony. We even hunted together. Both packs worked in unison. But your uncle wanted more than just harmony. He wanted control of both tribes. He lured my parents to a field where buffalo were grazing. The plan was to bring back food for everyone.” Derek paused and glanced over to Danielle. She inched her way closer to him and set her head down on his lap.

  “They didn’t return from the hunt. Only your uncle came back.” Derek’s eyes drifted to Alice. Alice’s jaw dropped and shook her head.

  “But why keep me alive?”

  “Maybe he didn’t want to kill a baby.”

  “No, he was waiting for a real challenge,” Alice answered. Her eyes flickered around the apartment.

  “Alice, I am sorry that Danielle got caught up in all this. But she really did want this life. Joe didn’t want me to kill her after she videotaped us transforming. He needed her to lure you back.”

  “And he blamed you for it, knowing that I would see you as my enemy.”

  “Please, understand that I do love Danielle. There is something about her,” Derek’s eyes dropped to the creature resting in his lap. He stroked his hand through her fur and snuggled into her. Alice glanced at Bash who sat like a sentinel by her side. Alice flashed Bash a small smile and nodded.

  “When the morning comes, and if Danielle still wants to be here, then we had better give her a safe place to stay, don’t you think?”

  Derek stared up at Alice and nodded. “It seems that we are working together once again.”

  “Derek, I thought you were my enemy for so long. I am sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize I wouldn’t have been able to tell you all of this if you hadn’t broken my bonds to Joe.”

  Alice’s eyebrows rose as she stared at him.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your alpha power, it overwrote whatever Joe did to me to keep me bound to him. You are the true alpha. Now, you have to take back your tribe from your uncle.”

  “I can’t do this alone.”

  “We know,” Derek glanced at Danielle and winked. Danielle lifted her head up and nodded before giving a quick yip. Alice turned to Bash and he jumped to his feet. He barked excitedly showing his support for Alice.

  “It’s time to put the past to rest,” Alice said. “But first we are going to need an edge.”

  “What kind of edge?” Derek asked rising to his feet.

  “One that will tip the balance of justice to our side.” Alice winked and looked down at the bite mark Derek had given her. Derek’s eyes widened as Danielle and Bash stepped closer.

  “We have to take this to the forest. Do you know where Joe is at?”

  Derek smiled and nodded. “He will go to the lake. He is waiting for us to return there with your head.”

  “Then we should give him what he wants,” Alice smiled and a drop of blood splattered on the carpet.

  Chapter 19

  The stars sparkled above Alice's head and she paused to let the peace flow around her. Memories raced through her mind. When she opened her eyes, her father was before her. He smiled at her through his wrinkly eyes. The peace filled him and he turned. Behind him stood her mother and the rest of her tribe whom she had long forgotten.

  "I didn't... " Alice's voice faded. She nibbled on her lower lip, keeping the tears at bay. Her father stretched out his hand and cupped her face. He brought her head up to look at him.

  "But you do now," he said and the vision faded from her eyes. Alice wiped the tears away and turned to find Derek standing behind her. His eyes were wide and filled with awe. He stared at her with his mouth open.

  "What?" Alice asked trying to regain herself from her vision. She smiled as Derek tried to find the words.

  "You saw that didn't you?"

  Derek nodded keeping his eyes on Alice.

  "How?" he mumbled. Alice shrugged and shook her head.

  "It comes and goes," she said as she dropped her gaze to Derek's hand. There he held several stems of the yellow flower.

  "Do you think this is enough?" Derek lifted his hand and gave Alice the bouquet.

  "It should be. Did you give some to Danielle and Bash?" Alice asked as Derek nodded. "Good. Now you need some too." Alice took half the bunch and pushed the flowers into her mouth. The bitter taste caused her to gag, but she knew it was their only hope in defeating Joe.

  "So now what?"

  "We need to get to the lake," Alice said turning her attention to Bash, who was waiting for her in the center of the field. Danielle was chasing her tail and she stopped once she snagged it. Alice and Derek laughed.

  "You know what you have to do," Alice said to Derek.

  "You sure about this?" he asked.

  Alice swallowed hard forcing the bitter flower down her throat and nodded. She closed and waited. Derek sucked in a shallow breath, pulled his arm back and let it fly through the air.

  Pain rocked through Alice before everything went black.

  "Come on," Derek turned to the wolves in the field. "Let's get her to Joe before the sun comes up."

  Danielle walked over Alice who laid unconscious on the ground and licked her friend's face. Alice remained still and Danielle whimpered turning her head towards Derek.

  "I had to make it look real," Derek said. Danielle whimpered again pleading with her eyes. Derek shrugged. "It was her idea. Now come on, we need to get going. Remember the plan."

  Bash barked and took off towards the tree line disappearing into the forest shadows. Derek leaned down and picked Alice up into his arms, as Danielle walked beside him.

  "You know," Derek said glancing down to Danielle, "if we pull this off, Alice will become the new alpha. Maybe she will let you stay."

  Danielle barked happily as they moved closer to the trees. Derek kept his eyes open and scanned the area as they walked. In the distance he heard the howling of the wolf pack waiting for them.

  "Stay close to me," Derek warned as they reached the slope of the mountain. "I don't want you to get hurt."

  Danielle growled and shook her head. She was overwhelmed with everything that had happened. Although she had wanted this life, she had also finally realized what Alice had been trying to warn her about. All her nerves and senses were heightened, but an underlying current coursed through her. One that could easily sweep her up and push her into deeper waters if she let it.

  She glanced at Derek and then to Alice. Both of them loved her so much it broke her heart. She wondered if things would have been different if she had just come home when Alice had told her to. She shook the thought from her mind as they reached the peak. Her large brown eyes grew wider as she noticed the yellow eyes staring up at them.

  "Stay calm," she thought swallowing her fear. She knew being a young wolf would give her more speed and power, but seeing the pack standing before her was a bit intimidating. She sucked in a deep breath and followed Derek down the slope.


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