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Dragon Prime

Page 10

by Lora Leigh

  “Touch yourself.” He gripped her hand, lowering it to her straining clit. “Let me see you, Lynn. Let me watch as you pleasure yourself.”

  She felt her juices flowing from her pussy now, covering the broad flesh pressed against the tender entrance. Tentatively, her fingers moved on cream soaked flesh, circling the straining bud of her clit as she whimpered in agonizing arousal.

  It was too much. Too damned intense. He had her poised on the edge of an explosion she doubted she would ever recover from. Yet she was meeting it willingly.

  She could barely hold her eyes open. Barely breathe. Yet she stared up at him, her gaze locked with his as she gasped, each breath strangled with sensation as her fingers stroked over her own flesh and his cock throbbed at the portal to her cunt.

  “Yes,” he hissed as she felt the sensations building, moving just under her skin like a separate entity, greedy now for the explosive pleasure to come. “How pretty you are. Your fingers wet with your own juices, your face flushed and hungry for me. Make yourself come for me, baby. Give your little clit its release and I’ll give you what you hunger for.”

  His voice sent her over the edge. Her fingers moved around the little bud, faster, firmer, until her womb was pierced with a rapture that sent it spasming with strong, rhythmic convulsions of release. She arched, crying out weakly, then breathing was forgotten entirely as his cock pierced her pussy.

  Her eyes widened, dazed. She could feel each ridge stroking into her. Firm, flexible, vibrating with a steady throb of need as it stretched her, filled her, tearing through the shield of her innocence even as the pleasure ripped through her sanity.

  She could feel the cock crest, like tiny fingers caressing the very depths of her pussy. Stroking with devilish, teasing tips of silken, erect flesh. The heavy ridges pulsed, vibrated, even as he began to stroke inside her with a deep, powerful rhythm.


  Her legs were bent over his thighs, spread wide as he stared between them. His eyes were narrowed, his expression savagely intense as he watched his cock burrow in and out of the slick tunnel it possessed.

  The sound of wet flesh meeting, suckling greed and penetrating pleasure wrapped around her. Her senses were dazed, her nerve endings so alive that each breath was a caress, each sigh a nearly orgasmic experience. She could feel every nuance of his erection as he pushed inside her slowly, forcing his way past ever tightening muscles, only to pull back and begin again.

  Each thrust sent electrical impulses snaking through her body, wrapping around her clit, convulsing her womb as her greedy body arched, searching for more. She was shaking, trembling as she teetered on the edge of climax.

  “More,” he groaned, and forged deeper.

  Lynn mewled desperately, her hands reaching beneath her legs to clench on his thighs, to find a stable base, something solid to anchor her to Earth. He was taking her harder now, plunging into her forcefully as the world began to collapse around her.

  His hands gripped her thighs, nearly bruising in their intensity as he began to fuck her harder, deeper. She could feel the broad head pressing against her womb, throbbing heatedly as he groaned above her. Her back bowed, driving her cunt down harder on the plunging cock, her muscles tightening further, her senses reveling in the pleasure/pain the action sent flooding through her body.

  She panted for breath, her vision darkening as she felt the coil of heat in her belly begin to tighten. Harder, faster, his cock slammed into her vagina and she accepted every desperate plunge with hungry gasps and imperative need as her pussy began to heat, spasm, shooting impulse after impulse into the hard knot of sensation centered in her womb.

  She exploded in a blinding flash of light that would have put the Fourth of July celebration to shame. Stars exploded in her head as her muscles bore down on his driving cock, her pussy flooding with her release, her body straining against the tidal wave of incredible pleasure suddenly flooding her system.

  Power surged, erupting through her pores, pouring toward him like a wave of pure, clean energy. She could feel it, sense it ripping through her body even as her orgasm destroyed her. And she knew in that moment where it would center. In the Dragon stone he wore. In the heart of his power. And for a second, only one blinding incredible moment, she wanted nothing more than to flow along with it as she felt him shudder, his cock pulse, a hard throb, then the searing blasts of his seed as it flooded her pussy. Returning the power. The thought was hazy, distant, as she screamed out his name, exploded again then collapsed wearily to the bed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lynn had to admit, sex with Alyx was the best damned thing she had ever known in her life. But, it was also the most confusing. No more than minutes after his desperate release into her body, she began to feel small, subtle changes. An intensity in her own power, as though it were finally coming to a focal point, rather than zipping around aimlessly in her body.

  She lay there, frowning, staring up at the ceiling as he breathed heavily beside her, his arm across her waist, anchoring her to the bed. She could feel him. Not just physically, but psychically, as though he were a part of her soul now.

  “What just happened?” She was amazed at the calmness of her voice as she finally asked the question.

  Alyx stiffened beside her. “You don’t like the paranormal, remember?” He chided her need for answers.

  His arm moved, his hand flattening over her abdomen, fingers smoothing over her dampened skin.

  Lynn sighed, pressing her lips together somberly before speaking. “I hate being out of control, Alyx. The power is never stable. Never truly mine to control. I can hold it for a while, but it’s never steady. And I’m always frightened.” That was the hardest part to admit. That fear.

  His fingers stilled. He lifted himself on his elbow until he could rise beside her, staring down at her questioningly. She glanced away, terrified of seeing the condemnation in his eyes that she had seen in others countless times before.

  Alyx lifted his hand from her stomach, cupping her chin and turning her head until his gaze held hers once again.

  “If I had died on this planet, before finding my bond mate and sharing the power I gave her so long ago, then I would have been as a wraith. Here, but not here. Forever searching, never finding. Knowing that in your hour of need, when danger surrounded you, I could not aid you. I would have been forced to watch your death each time your spirit was reborn, for daring to tamper with the natural order of life and bond mates. I know fear, Lynn. Every battle, every fight; I have known fear.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. There was no condemnation; there was only acceptance in his silver gaze.

  “I knew you were out there,” she whispered. “You terrified me, Alyx, before I even knew who you were. Accepting this isn’t easy for me.”

  But she had accepted it. She knew that now. Accepted the bond they shared. Accepted the fact that somehow, somewhere, she had known and loved him before.

  “I have always searched for you, Lynn.” He smoothed her cheek with the backs of his fingers before outlining her lips with his thumb. “You would not accept what I had to give you in that earlier life. I could not force it on you. Now, though, you will be protected.”

  Lynn frowned. Her nightmares were of blood and death. Of regret.

  “You can’t protect me from death, Alyx,” she sighed tiredly. “It’s always waiting.”

  “Not any longer.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest as she stared up at him. Flinty determination filled his eyes now.

  “What have you done?” She knew for a fact she didn’t really want to know this time.

  “Nothing too upsetting yet,” he growled as he pushed himself away from her. “The Completion can not be attained without your full acceptance, Lynn. When you accept, then it can begin.”

  He sounded angry, but she knew him now. She was just as much a part of him as he was of her. She couldn’t share his thoughts, but there were suddenly things she sensed, knew about him, that s
he couldn’t explain.

  “I can’t accept it without knowing what it is.” She sat up, realizing her skin was slowly regaining the sensitivity it had felt before.

  He stiffened, his broad back rippling as his muscles tensed before her.

  Alyx glanced back at her, his gaze hooded, sparking with emotion.

  “And when you know, you will perhaps never accept.” He snorted.

  Lynn rolled her eyes. “Now that really makes sense, Alyx. Why do men always have to be so confusing?”

  “Is this another of those questions you ask only of yourself?” he asked her darkly. “Or do you really expect an answer?”

  “Might as well ask it of myself.” She rubbed at her arms as she glanced toward the balcony doors. The sun was rising, bathing the land around them with warmth.

  She needed to shower and dress before helping Ariel into the bath and getting her breakfast. The other woman was growing much stronger after her ordeal at Jonar’s hands, but she was still incredibly weak.

  “Here.” He rose to his feet and walked to the chair. “You will wear this.”

  When he turned back, she saw the clothing in his hands. She was ready to make a cutting remark about the color black when she happened to look into his eyes. He was expecting it and was steeling himself against the pain.

  The black skin cloth, as Gryphon has called it. Identical to the clothing the warriors wore. Her brow creased into a frown. Why did she have a feeling that once she donned those clothes she would never be the same again?

  “I kept it as simple as possible.” He laid the clothing on the bed along with a pair of incredibly soft-looking calf boots. “Yours buttons. When you decide you no longer want or need the inconvenience of the buttons, then the cloth will conform to that. But you must wear it, Lynn. It will be your only defense against the absorption of psychic resonances through your skin. Later, I will teach you how to soak in the energy. But for now, you need first to accustom yourself to the increased power.”

  She breathed in deeply. “Can I shower, at least?”

  He smiled slowly. The curve of his lips was pure, indulgent carnal intention.

  “You will love the shower now, darling. In ways you could never imagine.”

  Great. Now she would have a shower fetish as well as an alien fetish. Not just an alien, but an alien with a monster cock. Lynn shook her head. If this day became any weirder she might just hang it all up, go to bed and refuse to come out for weeks. Of course, she would have to have Alyx with her.

  She shook her head at that thought. She may as well admit she was a goner. She was in love with him. And that was the most frightening revelation to date. She had only known him a few days, but he already filled her heart more fully than his cock had filled her body.

  She let the earlier discussion of the final ritual of bonding fade away. Whatever the Completion was, she didn’t have time for it, this morning anyway. If she were lucky, she would have time to snag a cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast before beginning the day. And a nap was already looking good.

  “Okay. Shower.” She rose quickly from the bed, watching as Alyx’s cock began to stiffen. “And you keep that thing harnessed, dammit. It’s dangerous.”

  Alyx looked down at his cock, then up at her. The smile he gave her was purely wicked. “Oh but, baby, he really likes you. Maybe just a friendly little pet before you go to work.”

  Lynn groaned as he placed his hand at the small of her back and led her to the bathroom. She could likely forget breakfast and coffee. But hell, it would be more than worth it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Black really wasn’t her color, Lynn thought later that day as she sat in the small sofa reading while Ariel St. James slept peacefully in the bed behind her. The other woman had seemed stronger today, doing more for herself than in the weeks previously.

  Dark bruises still marred her skin, though. The dark, healing stripes of whiplashes covered her body. Thankfully, she hadn’t been raped, though it had surprised Lynn that Ariel had escaped that final horror. Jonar wasn’t known for his mercy.

  Zach had assured her they were only days away from the arrival of Devlin’s men, one of which claimed Ariel as his woman. Lynn had talked to Shanar several times by phone, and each time she was struck anew by the concern and harsh pain that filled the man’s voice.

  “Keep her safe, Miss Carstairs,” he had whispered during the last conversation. “I will owe you more than my own life in exchange.”

  Lynn still wasn’t clear why the Shadow warriors weren’t guarding her themselves. It made little sense to her, that they had hired her brother’s company rather than protecting Ariel personally.

  “Lynn.” The other woman’s voice was faint, but appeared much stronger now.

  Lynn rose to her feet, moving around the couch and approaching the bed.

  “You should be resting.” Lynn watched her carefully. Her color was good, her violet eyes not as dull or pain-filled as she had seen them at other times.

  “I think I’m tired of sleeping.” Ariel shifted on the bed, a bit of mocking humor filling her eyes. “I’ve done nothing but sleep for years, it seems.”

  “You were weak. Hurt.” Lynn lowered herself to the chair beside the bed. “It takes a while to recover.”

  Ariel frowned. “I had some very weird dreams.” She sighed. “Nightmares. At least, I hope they were nightmares.”

  They weren’t nightmares, but Lynn wasn’t about to tell her that. She didn’t need the other woman worrying more than she obviously was.

  “Would you like anything? Something to drink?” Lynn could see the weariness pulling at her again. Could feel the other woman fighting the drowsiness.

  She could sense things she never had before. Ariel’s increased energy, her irritation at her weakness, her incredible will to survive. Without it, she would have been dead long before her rescue from Jonar’s fortress, let alone the pneumonia and internal injuries she had come out of there with.

  Strangely enough, Lynn could also feel the healing of the other woman’s body. Bones mending, muscles gaining strength, antibodies working to control and repair the damage. It was incredible, but draining.

  “I’m fine.” Ariel sighed deeply, her eyes fluttering once again. “Has there been a stranger here, Lynn?” she suddenly asked, her voice slurred with weariness. “A big guy. Really big. With stormy eyes and dark blond hair.”

  It sounded like Shanar Steele. “We have some big guys here.” Lynn smiled as she thought of Alyx. “But none like that.”

  “Strange,” Ariel muttered. “It’s so strange what your mind dreams up.”

  She slipped back into sleep while Lynn watched her, confusion creasing her brow.

  “Her warrior is tied to her. Through her soul and her crystal. He can come to her when she needs him to.”

  She turned to meet Alyx’s somber gaze as he watched the other woman.

  “You seem to know a lot about them.” She rose to her feet, tucking the blankets carefully around Ariel’s shoulders, making certain she was comfortable.

  “You would remember as well, if you allowed yourself.” He shrugged, his gaze still pensive, still resting on Ariel. “She was a warrioress, unlike any you could have known. Fierce. Strong. Her power flowed through her blade even though she denied its existence.” He shook his head wearily. “Her death and the deaths of those who fought with her were mourned for centuries.”

  Reincarnation. Lynn shook her head. She had fought the acceptance of its existence for years. Even though her brothers debated it heavily, suspected their own lives were a result of past deeds unaccomplished. Still, she had fought it. Even though her own nightmares had increased, her sense of familiarity with the heiress she protected was so strong that she could almost anticipate her needs before she ever requested anything.

  “All of this is very hard to accept,” she said softly as she moved away from the bed and headed for the small sitting room.

  As she passed Alyx, she felt his bo
dy heat enveloping her, calming her. She hadn’t really noticed it before, how so much of him leaned toward her, wrapping around her protectively whenever he was near. And she flowed toward him as well. It was disconcerting, feeling herself leaning into him, her energy flowing toward him.

  She had known she was drawn to him before, that resisting him was next to impossible, but feeling everything inside her reinforcing that connection sent shivers up her spine.

  “It will become easier,” he promised her as he followed her into the room, stepping closer to her, his hand trailing up her spine. “You need to relax. To allow the changes a chance to settle within you.”

  There were too many at times. She could feel an influx of power at the oddest moments, knowledge she had never had before, a control over not just the former powers, but also the additional ones, that she never could have hoped to attain before meeting Alyx.

  “So all it takes is fucking you to gain the power?” She winced as the words escaped her lips. Dammit. She hadn’t meant it that way. But perhaps she had. She had been fine before that morning in his room. Before she had allowed his climax to spill into her mouth.

  He chuckled. “That would make it so much easier to accept, would it not, beloved?”

  She flashed him an irritated glance. “Yeah. It would.”

  He shook his head at her chidingly. “You know better.”

  Yeah. She did. Something else had happened to her that morning, something she didn’t want to look into too deeply. A part of her had unlocked, opening up for him. An emotion, a commitment to him that she had never given to another living soul. She had a terribly bad feeling she had fallen in love with Alyx, Dragon Prime, long before that.

  “I need to know what happens next.” She couldn’t put it off any longer.


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