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Page 7

by DHP

  “If you’re gonna whisper sweet nothings in my ear, sugar, you might want to start with goodnight.” Cara ducked under the bar and approached them. “I could’ve been in bed hours ago if you hadn’t been hell-bent on keeping the girls entertained.”

  “I do believe she’s jealous, Marcs,” Scott sang, sounding drunk as a skunk as he hissed out his s-sounds. “And Cara darling, I wasn’t trying to entertain those young broads, for the record.”

  “Oh no?” Cara slapped a long piece of white rectangular paper against his chest. “Whether you were or weren’t doesn’t matter to me. Beer was on the house, but the girls’ liquor comes at a fee.”

  Scott held out the paper long enough to realize it was a receipt. Dizzy without trying to focus on anything in particular, Scott folded the receipt and put it in his pocket. “I’ll settle up with you tomorrow.”

  Cara leaned forward. “You don’t have the money on ya. Do you?”

  He patted down his pockets. “No.”

  “Well, between now and tomorrow afternoon, you’d better figure out how you’re gonna settle up.” She looked him up and down, just really stroked him with one hell of a heated gaze. “Of course, if you don’t come up with it between now and then, we can always take it out in trade.”


  The next morning, Cara was flipping pancakes and tossing bacon when Sassy and Logan entered the kitchen. Logan was in an ill mood and Cara understood why. Interrupting his sleep was akin to shaking a hibernating bear.

  “Morning, sunshine,” she teased, shooting Sassy a wink.

  Sassy just rolled her eyes, grabbed a mug, and poured a cup of coffee.

  “It might have been if I hadn’t been on house duty last night.”

  “Ah, poor baby.” Cara had heard all the commotion an hour or so after she turned in. Apparently, some of the girls had decided to visit Jake’s room—at the same time—and the dumb bastard had been intoxicated and had actually thought he could run interference in his own lame game. “What was Jake up to last night?”

  Logan snorted at the question. “Tell me you aren’t going there again.”

  “I’m not going there again.”

  “And mean it,” Sassy muttered, taking a seat next to Logan at one of the many long cafeteria-style tables.

  Cara grabbed a spatula and scooped a few pancakes off the grill. “What happened between me and Jake happened for a reason. I don’t have any regrets, but I sure don’t have any future plans where he’s concerned.”

  “Too much for you, Cara?” Jake asked, entering the kitchen with an extra spring in his step.

  “Never mind, Logan,” Cara said. “I can tell by the look on his face. Dumb bastard banged every last one of them last night.”

  Sassy sighed, sipped her coffee, and as soon as Jake passed on through without pausing for conversation, she said, “Britt took him to his knees in the hallway.”

  “Hmm. That doesn’t sound right. Are you sure it wasn’t the other way around? Poor girl spends so much time crouched on the floor, she’ll eventually need knee replacement surgery.”

  Sassy snickered. Logan scowled.

  “You liked that one, huh?” Cara had developed a true friendship with Sassy. Most of the Heroes and Rogues women were close, but there were a few exceptions. Britt had wanted Logan for herself, so she and Sassy weren’t exactly pals.

  After Cara finished frying the bacon, she placed the greasy pieces on a pan and carried it to the table. Tigger and Summer would be along soon, and she wanted to be sure to give the little wench something to bitch about—greasy foods would set her off first thing in the morning. Cara couldn’t help but grin at the thought. Anytime she could crawl under that bitch’s skin was a win for the home broads.

  “Logan said Scott kept you up late last night.”

  “Yeah, right. I wish,” Cara teased.

  A door slammed behind her. Blank expressions washed over Sassy’s and Logan’s faces.

  “What?” She felt her skin heat.

  A masculine, throaty voice gave away their reasons for silence. “Mornin’ Sassy, Logan.” A thud or two later, he stood right behind her with his mouth to her ear. “Cara, darling, I’m here to make all your wishes come true.”

  Chapter Two

  “So what’s your story?” Cara didn’t beat around the bush. She wasn’t the kind of woman who saw a man, flirted a little, and then started some kind of song and dance. Nope. When she met a good-looking fellow with charm and sex appeal, she saw no reason to dally around with a slow approach.

  “Passing through, visiting old friends,” Scott said.

  “Sassy and Scott used to date,” Logan said, seemingly accepting of the fact until he locked a hard gaze on Scott and then swung his gaze to Sassy.

  Scott set his jaw and stirred his coffee, and apparently Logan’s claim, thoughtfully.

  “I see,” Cara sang, though for some reason she couldn’t quite picture Scott and Sassy together. “And so he stopped by to check on an old lover?” She glanced at Scott. “Do you have a death wish?”

  “It’s not like that. We hung out a little bit when Sharon left Scott a few years ago.” The left side of Sassy’s face twitched and her upper lip curled. “Isn’t that right, Scott?”

  “Yeah,” he bit out, going for the coffee pot.

  “You know, Sassy, those tics are a dead giveaway.” Cara leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “You’re lying.” Cara’s gaze bounced between Scott and Logan before she eyed Sassy again. “I don’t know what the three of you are up to, but it must be some kind of secret if Sassy here is in on it, too.”

  “Everybody has secrets, darling, but when you and I are finally alone, all I want to hear is those dirty little secrets you don’t want anyone but me to know.”

  Cara’s skin heated. She didn’t know what it was about this man that made her horny as hell, but she had a feeling she’d soon find out. “You didn’t answer me. I asked about your story and Logan says you dated his woman. Since Sassy and Logan have been together for a few years now, I don’t think that’s the reason you’re here. If it is, Logan here ought to be a little worried.”

  “I’m not concerned, Cara,” Logan said, rising to his feet and collecting Sassy at the same time. Once he had her secured against his side, he added, “If the two of you will excuse us, we were interrupted several times last night and I have a little matter that needs to be handled.”

  Scott laughed, and that laughter of his was contagious. Cara couldn’t help but smile. “You two kids have fun.”

  After they left, Scott said, “So what does Cara do for fun?”

  Seeing the dare in front of her, Cara glanced at the prepared platters of breakfast. The fellows and their broads would be in soon and they could warm up whatever they wanted and fend for themselves. “Are you hoping I’ll say something like, ‘why don’t I show you’ and drag you off to the closest bedroom?”

  “I’ve got a thing for kitchens, closets, and hallways, too.” He shot her a wink and a smile.

  “I’ll just bet you do.” She stood up and started for the sink with intentions of placing her coffee mug there.

  Scott caught her around the waist and pulled her to his lap. “How about let’s toss a few wagers around. Want to?”

  “I’m not a betting woman.”

  “No, but you’re a businesswoman and I seem to recall an illicit offer last night.”

  She tried to keep a straight face, but it was somewhat of a challenge given the fact she could feel the sexual energy zipping back and forth between them. “So what are you trying to say?”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t come up with the cash between last night and now.”

  “I figured as much.” She searched those fine chocolate-colored eyes and just melted. “Did you even try?”

  He moistened his mouth and lowered his lips to hers. Right before he took the first kiss, he whispered, “No, Cara. I didn’t try and I’m not going to. See I�
��m a man who likes to earn his keep and work off his debts.”

  As his mouth assaulted hers, Cara could’ve sworn she whimpered. God bless. She hadn’t meant to swoon right there, but as he swept her into his arms and held her close, his hunger drove her own.

  Their tongues dueled, swirled, and danced. His kiss led her to the brink of a fiery need, a desire she couldn’t quite name, let alone contain.

  Before she considered the consequences, she straddled him. Working her fingers over his buttons, she opened his shirt and deepened the kiss.

  He shifted his weight and pushed against her. Feeling that hard bulge underneath her, she lifted her shirt and pulled it over her head.

  Scott growled, pushed away from the table, and stood. He bracketed her legs around his waist as he walked. “I know you people are used to fucking whenever and wherever you get the notion, but this may take a little while.”

  “You people?” Cara stilled in his arms.

  “Don’t get snippy, woman. It’s a fact. The MC isn’t exactly known for its private practices. Every clubhouse I’ve ever visited makes a point to promote exhibitionism.”

  “That’s a fact,” Cara said, wiggling free of his arms. She glared at the man responsible for getting her all worked up in less time than it had taken her to slap a little butter on some toast. “And pardon me for saying so, but it’s my people who have helped shape me into who I am today.”

  “And who is that exactly, Cara?” He gave her a hard once-over. “I wonder if you even know who you are or if this club has made you believe you’re somebody you won’t even recognize if you take a second glance in the mirror.”

  “You bastard,” she said, reading in between the lines. She’d give credit where credit was due. She’d never seen this asshole coming. She’d grown used to the smug remarks from some of the old ladies, the women who had the same man in their bed night after night, but the underlying meaning in Scott’s blind accusation gave way to a new understanding.

  To the outside world, she was and always would be, the club’s sheep, their used-up whore.

  Chapter Three

  A couple of hours later, Logan threw his jacket on the bar next to where Scott was seated. “Figured you’d be gone by now.”

  He smirked. “Ease up, Marcs. In case Sassy failed to tell you the truth, I didn’t bang your old lady.”

  “You’re still welcome here because I know that’s a fact.” Logan stretched his neck and tried to see in the kitchen. “Is Cara around?”


  “That didn’t take long.”

  Scott took a deep breath and nursed his beer. “Doesn’t take much to piss the woman off. I count myself lucky she didn’t haul off and knock the hell out of me.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  “Yep. You might say that,” Scott muttered.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Not really.” Scott turned to acknowledge the people coming through the clubhouse doors. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “What’s that?” Logan went behind the bar and grabbed two longnecks from the cooler. He set one in front of Scott and helped himself to the other one.

  After Scott twisted off the cap and took a drag, he said, “Live here like you belong here.”

  “I do belong here.”

  “The hell you do, Marcs. Remember who trained Sassy for this life.”

  Logan nearly came across the bar then. He slapped his palms against the wooden surface and snarled. “Are you trying to mask a threat?”

  “Do I need to?” He balked at that. “I’m just making a statement.”

  “Sounded more like a warning,” Logan said. “Why are you here, Scott? You said you caught wind of the party but you’ve been here for three days and I’m not buying it. You rode with the Devil’s Angels, not the Heroes and Rogues. What brought you here and what’s keeping ya?”

  “Maybe I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “Sassy says you and Sharon had a nice spread down in Knox County.”

  “Yeah, buddy, and you can drive by there anytime you like. You’ll find it’s not my truck in the driveway or my bike in the barn.”

  “Sharon moved another guy in?”

  “Took her all of two days.”

  “Man, I’m sorry,” Logan said, a note of sincerity in his voice.

  “Yeah, I was too before I came here.”

  “Cara’s not worth the effort, man.”

  “Why? Because she belongs to the boys here?”

  “For starters.”

  “Why don’t you admit it, Marcs? You don’t want me to pursue Cara because it would make your life a lot easier if I just rode on out of here as quickly as I rode in.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Scott.” Logan looked like a different man in a matter of seconds. His eyes were darker. His lips were firm. There wasn’t any doubt in Scott’s mind. A cop had emerged as if he’d deliberately called him out. “I’ll have you taken out of here if I have to, but we’re too close to turn back now. You don’t want to be a part of this.”

  A door slammed behind them and Cara looked as if she’d seen a ghost.

  Logan backed away from the bar while Scott studied the woman who had captured and held his interest. Dressed in jeans and a breast-hugging royal blue tee, Cara looked like sex shaking a leg. “Damn if that’s not a hot piece of ass, I’ve never seen one.” He returned to his nondescript cheap beer. “I’m not going anywhere just yet.” He kept his voice dangerously low. “And you have nothing to worry about, Marcs. I’m not blowing your cover.”

  Cara strutted by them. “What doesn’t he want to be a part of, Logan?”

  “Forget about it,” Logan said, looking at Scott instead of addressing Cara.

  “I’d rather hear it from you. We’re all friends here. Right?” She clucked. “Then again, our people are beneath Mr. Matthews here.” She threw her purse and keys on the bar. “Mind telling me why you switched sides?”

  “How’d I switch sides?” Scott wasn’t following her.

  “In addition to being pals with Sassy, I hear you used to ride with the Devil’s Angels.”


  “Why are you over here instead of over there?” She cocked her hip out to the side and placed her hand in the curve of her waist.

  He took an indulgent sweep over those delicious curves. She was one hell of a woman and he was hard enough to know what to do with her. “Nothing held my attention over there.”

  Her lips twitched. “Forget about it. Since you’re still here, I imagine you’re not anything like them anyway.” She turned. “You don’t look like you belong with them. That’s for sure.”

  Logan turned and flashed the Glock tucked against his lower back.

  Scott said, “You can’t judge a man by his looks, Cara. You can judge the kind of life he’s led by the lines in his face, but the only way to sum up a man is to find out what he’s packing.”

  Logan stilled and Scott quickly changed up his intended meaning. He let Cara take a step or two. Then, he grabbed the little vixen around the waist and pulled her against his rigid cock. “Darlin’, if you went to the Devil’s Angels’ clubhouse digging for information, I’d say you’re interested enough to find out what I’m packing.” He lowered his lips to her ear and added, “Lucky for you, I’m about to show you.”

  Chapter Four

  Cara must’ve been out of her mind. She was sprawled out on her bed groveling like a woman in heat. No shame, no pride, just hell-bent on begging for cock.

  No damn wonder she had a hard time gaining and keeping a man’s respect. She enjoyed fucking. She loved going down and going first.

  She crawled over Scott’s body and paused right at his lips. “You didn’t fuck Sassy.”

  “Would it bother you if I did?”

  “Yeah, it would.”

  “Why?” Scott nipped at her bottom lip. “Don’t want to share me with any of the other
women here?”

  “No worries there.” She kissed his cheek and trailed lower. “In case you haven’t noticed, Logan Marcs is an obsessed man. Where he goes, Sassy goes. Where you see one, you’re certain to find the other.”

  She’d just loosened his belt when Scott grabbed her arms and lifted her over him. Without much of a preamble, he threw her lower body over his and yanked down her slacks. Once her hips were exposed, he bracketed his arm around her waist and shoved his hand under her moist panties.

  “That’s it, baby,” he rasped, leaving his cupped hand right under her cunt. “Get wild with me, Cara. Leave all those inhibitions at the door and just trust the hell out of me for one day, one night.”

  “Just one, huh?” She bore down on his knuckles, trying to force penetration.

  “Easy,” he said, holding her tightly against him. “I’m leading here, darlin’.”

  A second later she moaned when he flicked her clit with two hard taps. His fingers thrummed against the sensitive button, rolling over the tight point until she was crazy with need. She shimmied her hips and tried to move closer.

  She made little progress.

  He crawled his fingers up her spine and grabbed hold of her hair, forcing her head back as he rubbed his hand over her wet opening. “I’m not in any hurry, Cara.”

  “Yeah, well I am,” she whined, grinding against him.

  Scott rubbed her pussy, stroked the hell out of her until the friction left her wiggling one way and then another, pleading and begging, cursing and threatening. He laughed aloud as he watched her.

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Lose the attitude, baby.” He rose to a seated position with his splayed fingers against the side of her head. Then he thrust his tongue between her lips, forcing them apart as he dove inside her mouth.

  “You’re making me crazy,” she complained, breaking their kiss to whine.

  “Lucky for you, I’m just getting started.”


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