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Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  “What are you saying?” Her hand fisted in the front of my shirt. I looked down at her, studying her beautiful face and the worry I saw there tore at me.

  “I’m saying that you were wrong, that instead of standing and fighting you gave up. You didn’t even fight Nadia, even if you thought there was some truth to what this person was saying you didn’t give us a chance, give me a chance. You just cut and run; that doesn’t say much for our marriage now does it?” She started tearing up and there was a slight tremble in her body.

  “Please don’t leave me Gabe. I’ll do better. I promise just please…I was confused that’s all.”

  I let it rest for a minute as I thought of her words. She was afraid. I guess I don’t understand how women think in these situations. All I know is that if some asshole had told me the same thing about her, I’d have fought for my wife, for my life with her. She’d run. That’s the thing that ate away at me. She’d just taken off without a word and she’d done it so easily.

  “What’s to stop you from doing it again?”

  She sat up straight taking my face between her hands.

  “I won’t ever. I promise I’ve learned my lesson, just please Gabe... I love you more than anything in the world. I know that now I won’t forget again I promise.”

  “I want you to come to me if something like this should ever happen again. No more running away. Do you have any idea what that did to me? You punished me for something I was not guilty of, you made a fool of me for the world to see.”

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “Yes I know so you’ve said, but that’s just not enough. You didn’t think babe, didn’t use your head and what’s worse you let someone else come between us. All it takes is a well-placed lie for you to believe someone else’s word over mine. It’s going to take me a long time to get over that.”

  We kept quiet for a while after that, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I needed her to see, to understand that we could never be in that place again.

  “If you ever do something like this again I’ll leave you without a second thought. I love you you’re the only woman I’ve ever said that to but I’ll be damned if I’ll go through that shit again.”

  “Does that mean that you’ll give me another chance?” Now there was new hope in her eyes.

  “I guess so.”

  “Does that mean that…?” Her face heated up and she lowered her head.

  “What?” I lifted her chin so I could see her eyes again.

  “That um, you know, that we’ll go back to the way things were.”

  “I’m not quite sure what you mean.”

  “In bed.” She really reddened this time and buried her face in my chest.



  Her voice was soft and shy; huh, I knew she’d like it.

  Chapter 11

  That weekend was a new beginning for us. We reaffirmed our commitment to each other and our bond was stronger than ever. I didn’t bring up her infraction again. It was over and done with.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Heavens yes.”

  “I had her legs thrown over my shoulders and my face between her thighs, my tongue buried deep in her pussy. The middle finger of one hand teased her rosebud and the other stroked my cock. Her taste in my mouth made me growl it was so fucking good.

  She came pulling my hair hard as she screamed out her release. Climbing from between her legs I moved up her body until my cock was lined up with her mouth.

  “Open.” She opened her mouth like a little bird waiting to be fed and I fed her my cock inch by inch. She sucked the first seven inches of my cock in deep and used her hand to jerk the rest in and out of her mouth.

  “Play with your pussy while you suck me off, I want to watch you touch yourself.”

  Her other hand went down between her thighs and she fiddled her pussy as she sucked harder on my cock head.

  “Push your fingers inside.” She followed instruction, dipping two fingers inside her pussy as she hummed around my cock.

  “Good girl, now feed me.” I lowered my head so I could take her fingers into my mouth licking them clean. Twisting my body over hers I removed her hand from her pussy and sucked her while face fucking her. Her fingers bit into my hips as I thrust deep into her throat. As soon as she came I pulled out of her mouth and turned slamming into her hard lifting her off the bed.

  “Ahhh, Gabe…so deep.”

  I pounded away at her lifting her into my downward thrusts.

  “Give me your mouth.” I pushed my tongue in her mouth giving her a taste of her own sweetness.

  “I love the feel of your pussy around my cock, cum for me, I need to feel you cum.” I helped her out by burying my finger into her ass and she went off like a shot.

  “You like that? You like having me in your ass?”

  “Yes, yes, Gabe I feel…”

  “Just feel baby, enjoy.” I fucked her tight pussy hard and deep, changing up with short jabs or deep thrusts. Sweat sheen our bodies as we rolled around on the bed our hands and mouths roaming over each other.

  “I’m cumming, fuck.” I pulled her tight into my chest as I emptied my seed inside her. Lying next to her I drew her into my arms. I wouldn’t say anything to her now but I was pretty sure I’d just planted my kid inside her.

  Back in New York we went back to being us. That first night we rechristened our marital bed with soft loving and whispered promises. She was happy to be back in her place next to me and she showed her appreciation in her enthusiastic performance. It was as if I’d unlocked some hidden door inside her, because where once she’d shied away from the more, shall we say kinky aspects of lovemaking, she now reveled in them.

  “Good morning sweetheart.”

  “Um, morning Gabriel.” She smiled sleepily at me.

  “Gabriel is it?”

  “Yes you feel like a Gabriel, suddenly Gabe seems too…I don’t know too innocent.” She laughed and rolled over onto my chest where I kissed her hair before slapping her ass playfully.

  “Time to get up and start the day.”

  “Just ten minutes more.”

  “If we stay in here any longer I’m going to fuck you and I don’t think you can take it after last night.” I’d been a little rough there at the end, having her back in my bed had set off something primal inside me and the sex had taken a turn from the sweet to the dirty.

  “Try me.” I like this new playful side to her. We’d always enjoyed a pretty fulfilling sex life but this was all new. It was as if we’d tapped into a whole other side to my already amazing wife. I rolled her over gently and just slid in nice and easy. We rocked together our mouths locked as we moved slowly my cock buried once more to the hilt.

  I took her into the shower with me thirty minutes later and washed her body gently touching on all the marks from the night before.

  “I have to be more careful with you, you’re all bruised.”

  “Don’t you dare, I liked it. Besides it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Whatever, I don’t like seeing marks on your skin. I’ll see you downstairs.” I kissed her once more before leaving the shower to get ready for the day.

  Over a breakfast of fruit and juice on the back patio I told her about her surprise.

  “You didn’t, really? Oh Gabe that’s so great. When can I see it?” She clapped her hands and got up from her seat to wrap her arms around my neck.

  “Why don’t you meet me for lunch and I’ll take you over there.”

  “Oh this is just wonderful, I can’t wait to get started.” She got sad all of a sudden as she regained her seat.

  “What is it?”

  “I feel so stupid, all this time while you were doing that for me I was doubting you.”

  “We’re not going to talk about that anymore remember? It’s done, now we just move on. I have the contact numbers ready for you. The place is ready all you need to do is set it up the way you want to, decorate it.”

��Thank you Gabriel.”

  “You’re welcome Nadia, finish your breakfast I have to go.” I kissed her hair and left.

  In the car on the way I made a call to my head of security. I had chosen some of the best guys from my old bike crew in Brooklyn. Sam was retired military and he’d handpicked the rest of the men who made up security. I’d ordered someone to follow her starting today. She was given the new codes so she was no longer a prisoner but I wasn’t leaving her unprotected while this person whoever it was was still out there. I expected a report on my desk when I got in this morning. What I would do with the information uncovered if any I don’t know for sure. There were no threats made, no laws were broken. But it was a personal affront to me, and my marriage and I couldn’t just let that shit slide.

  Sam was already there when I made it to downtown Manhattan, punctual as usual. The gruff older man in his late fifties was one of my favorite people in the world. Back when I first joined the crew he’d been the one to take me under his wing so to speak. I guess he’d seen that for all my street smarts I hadn’t the first clue about biking. He’d also been the one to keep me away from the seedier side of the lifestyle. As a businessman it wouldn’t have been wise to get involved in certain things that had gone on behind closed doors. Though some had thought to use my contacts and my standing to farther their nefarious deeds. When Sam had got wind of something in the works where I was supposed to be used as a patsy of sorts for some drug deal he’d dropped a word in my ear. That was the first time my new brothers had been introduced to the Stryker from the Bronx instead of the Wall Street mogul. Sam and I had formed a sort of bond from that time. It was us two who’d cleaned up the little club and made it into what it is today. There were no drug deals, no trafficking in anything. Just a cool place where likeminded people got together and rode their bikes on the weekends. Took out of town trips to join up with other likeminded people. Ran charities for inner city kids, built housing and shit for the less fortunate right here in our own backyard instead of on foreign soil. Of course we’d moved headquarters and were now even bigger than our old chapter. We were affectionately called the gentlemen bikers by our peers, the papers had gotten wind of that too and ran with it. That had been five years ago and we hadn’t looked back since. When it came time to set up a personal security team, something I never thought I’d need, Sam had been my first choice. I haven’t regretted the decision once.

  “Good morning Sam come on back to my office. Marsha hold all calls unless it’s my wife. Did you get some coffee or something to drink Sam?”

  “Yeah I’m good.”

  We went through into my inner office and closed the door.

  “So tell me.”

  “We didn’t get anything, if these two were behind the calls they didn’t use their phones and the check on your wife’s phone turned up nothing. My guess is that whoever this is might be using one of those throw away phones. On another note if these two are in a relationship it doesn’t look like it’s going too well for them.” He threw a manila envelope down on my desk. No matter how much we’ve grown in technology Sam still prefers his old Nikon. I opened the envelope to see shots of Sabrina and Jonas over the weekend. In all the pictures they looked to be in deep conversation but there was no closeness between them. In fact she looked pissed most of the time and he looked disinterested. I was convinced even more that they were the ones behind the whole sordid mess. What other reason could two people who obviously disliked each other have for meeting like this.

  “Who do you have on my wife?”

  “Drake, he’s good, if these two try anything they won’t get near here.”

  “That’s good, thanks.”

  “You want us to stay on them?”

  I had to give it some thought. So far it had just been phone calls and nothing threatening had happened. We were stronger now than we ever were and I didn’t see the danger.

  “No as long as my wife is safe I don’t need to have eyes on these two.”

  “Okay then I guess I’ll get back on that other thing.”

  “You do that, I’ll talk to you later.”

  I spent the morning in business meetings until it was time to meet Nadia. I heard her voice in the anteroom with Marsha exchanging hellos before she came in. She looked lovely in a Chanel suit in winter white. Diamonds at her ears wrist and throat made her look elegantly sophisticated and like exactly what she was. The wife of a very wealthy man.

  “Hello baby.”

  She walked around the desk to perch on my lap with her arms around my neck.

  “Hello husband.” I stole a kiss before standing and setting her on her feet.

  “You ready to go see your place?”

  “Yep, let’s go. I was thinking maybe afterwards we could have lunch unless you’re busy.”

  “I’m never too busy for you babe, lunch it is.”

  “We can walk if you’d like it’s not that far.”

  “Sure it’s a nice day walking sounds like fun.”

  “I looked down at her feet at the stilts she wore.

  “On second thought I don’t want you walking in those shoes, there’s most cobblestones on the streets around your place.”

  “Okay if you say so.”

  We took the car three streets over and parked, I hadn’t seen sight of Drake but I had no doubt the other man was there.

  “Oh wow, you got me a place near the Seaport? How in the world did you ever pull that off? Mindy has been trying forever to get a place down here with no luck.”

  “I know some people. Come on let’s go check it out.”

  I opened the door and we went in.

  “Oh Gabe it’s huge, all this space.” She walked around the room rife with excitement.

  “Oh I can see it already, I can have lady’s lingerie on this side over here, and casual wear just over there. Oh and maybe evening wear in the upstairs and…” She went on and on with ideas her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

  “How soon can we get started?”

  “I’ve taken care of all the paperwork, the inspections have all passed muster so you’re good to go.”

  “Oh there’s so much to do, I have to call my old contacts, we need to have a fashion show for the opening oh and I’m going to need…”

  “Slow down love we’ll get to all of that.” I pulled out my IPhone and pulled up my contacts list.

  “I have the numbers for your suppliers as soon as you’re ready. I assume you know a good decorator.”

  “Yes I do, do you think we can have everything ready in a couple of weeks?”

  “That’s up to you, you hire the right people you can do anything.”

  “Thank you so much for this this is going to be so exciting.”

  “I’m glad you like it, you didn’t see the whole thing.”

  “You mean there’s more?”

  I showed her around the rest of the space for the next half an hour.

  “Lunch time where would you like to go?”

  “Oh what about that nice little seafood place at the end of the pier? We haven’t been there in a very long time.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  We had lunch sitting outside of a little seafood place on the water watching the tourist ships go by and people walking up and down the boardwalk.

  “Can I get started soon do you think?”

  “You can get started whenever you want, just let me know if you need anything else. I mean it, if there’re any problems I want to now about them.”

  “I’ll get on it right away.”

  Chapter 12

  For the next month our whole lives were caught up in her new boutique. It was as though she’d got a new calling in life. I went by everyday after I left the office since it was so close. And every night we dropped into bed tired and spent but happy. We made love into the wee hours of the morning before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  “Is everything ready for the opening tonight?”

  “Yes, I�
�ve been a beast I know, pushing everyone so hard, but I wanted to have everything ready in time to meet the new season. It’s the best time to open.”

  “I wouldn’t know about that, you’re the fashion expert. I guess you’re not riding in with me this morning. You have to get ready for your big night.”

  “Yes, and you’ll be there at six right? I don’t want to do this without you.”

  “I’ll be there as promised. I’m having my tux delivered from the cleaners around noon. I’ll see you there. And love, try and relax okay.”

  “I’m trying to but I’m suddenly so nervous. We were in all the papers, and now everyone is talking about us and the opening has grown into such a gala.”

  “Take it easy baby breathe.” She was starting to hyperventilate again, every time she thought about the publicity she panicked, which was kind of strange for someone who had spent most of her life in the spotlight. I hated to leave her but I had some important meetings to attend for my own business. There hadn’t been any more outside interference and we’d been able to relax on that score although I still had security on her whenever she left the house. Jonas Willoughby was no longer a problem since he had bigger issues than my marriage to contend with. Seems he’s been playing free and loose with investors’ money and the feds were playing host, and last I heard Sabrina was in Switzerland.

  It was a trying day; it always is when you’re dealing with people who didn’t want to accept facts. Who didn’t want to move on when it was time. I was at the end stage of my last takeover and I guess it was still hard for some of these good old boys to be shown up by the kid from the Bronx. Forget my training and outstanding record at one of the nation’s leading institutions, all they saw when they looked across a conference table at me was a thug. It was always a pleasure rubbing my success in their faces, walking away on top. I didn’t have an axe to grind there was no hidden grudge because of my poor beginnings. No, it was just the satisfaction of knowing that I’d proven them wrong. They hated everything about me. The fact that I hired street kids as interns, or that I used my money to start little clubhouses for children of lesser means, you see I didn’t just sign a check and put it away. I was more hands-on than that. My wife and I reveled in our ability to make a difference in the lives of some young kid who wouldn’t have had the opportunity otherwise.


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