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Campione 14

Page 7

by The Eighth Godslayer

  He tried reviewing the past. Then Godou amended part of his statement.

  "Even so, it's still not to the level of equals. At most maybe three quarters or so..."

  "See, since there is 75%, it means you are confident that you have a fighting chance of victory."

  "If you round it, the result is a similar number."

  "In terms of problematic behavior during everyday life, Sir Salvatore wins hands down. But speaking of explosive power in the heat of the moment, I find Kusanagi Godou to be superior instead... Hence, equals after all."

  Erica jumped on Godou's slip of the tongue and even Ena and Liliana followed suit.

  "Godou-san, please pay attention and try to prevent this from happening. We will do our best to help too..."

  Seeing as even Yuri, the most rational one, said this, Godou could not muster any protests.

  Dejectedly, he bowed his head.

  While they conversed, the car continued to make its way through Tuscany's agricultural scenery.

  The surroundings were all endless plains and farmland with gently rolling hills scattered throughout.

  During springtime, the grass, leaves and budding shoots of greenery would bring a dash of vivid color to the lands. However, the current season was winter. The land's greenery was drab, mixed with the brown color of many dead leaves.

  Also, the peaks of the mountain range in the distance gradually entered into view.

  They had now entered the mountains. Then there was snow. The color covering the land switched from mottled green and brown of dead leaves to the pure whiteness of snow.

  After that, the car finished its hour-long journey.

  Godou's group had finally reached their destination, a sturdy castle built from stone.

  This medieval castle had been converted into an old castle hotel. It was supposedly rented to serve as the headquarters for the "divine beast hunt."

  In the silvery world around the hotel, a great amount of snow had accumulated.

  Although the place was definitely not a land of snow, there had just been snowfall on the day before. On the other hand, today's weather was bright and sunny. The dazzling blue sky stretched endlessly above.

  "Hey Godou."

  "It's been a while."

  The two Devil Kings were reunited in the lobby of the old castle hotel. However, everything that needed saying had already been covered in the phone call a few days ago.

  Doni laughed cheerfully while Godou gave a simple greeting with a poker face.

  "Well, isn't this truly delightful? If possible, I really want another duel with you."

  "Yeah, keep saying that and you'll find yourself in quite a fix."

  After this brief exchange, Doni headed over towards the corridor while Godou went to look for another acquaintance.

  The one he needed to talk to was not the "King of Swords" but the organizer. Luckily, Andrea Rivera was present in the lobby and approached Godou as soon as he saw him.

  "We have already sent out several knights. They are currently searching for the divine beast in question."

  Through a simple conversation, Rivera informed Godou of the incident.

  It was said that whenever magi and knights were summoned in the name of Salvatore Doni the leader of the Southern European world of magic, his butler, Rivera, managed these organizations on behalf of his irresponsible master.

  Very likely, Rivera was the busiest person in the entire castle.

  "Based on the reports so far, we can tell that the target is essentially mild-mannered. However, its outbursts of violent aggression mean that we cannot leave it alone."

  "Violent aggression huh? That thing I fought last time seemed quite timid."

  "I have heard of it too. Perhaps because it became used to it—The fear towards a Campione, already carved deeply in the core of its being."

  In response to Rivera's ominous news, Godou posed a question.

  "By the way, Doni seems to have some kind of motive behind this hunt, do you happen to know about it?"

  "It's very unfortunate, but I do not know what that idi—my lord is thinking. He seems to be hiding something from me and secretly making plans... But just for the sake of caution, I already have surveillance arranged."

  Irreverence and insolence was packaged into serious and sincere words.

  Having displayed this amazing skill, Rivera took a light bow.

  "Food and drinks have been prepared in the hall over there. Please make your way there and relax for now."

  He really must be quite busy. Rivera left as soon as he finished speaking.

  Nodding to his four companions, Godou headed towards the location indicated.

  The space was once the castle's great hall. A buffet was already prepared. Even though it was not even two in the afternoon, the tables were lined with wine and beer.

  In any case, it was a buffet party.

  As the chair of the event, "the highest ranking person" was currently standing on stage.

  "Uh, everyone. Thank you all for answering my summons here (rustling) I, Salvatore Doni, express my sincere thanks to everyone's courage and spirit of sacrifice... (rustling)."

  On stage, Doni was openly reading out the contents of a piece of notebook paper.

  He was still dressed casually in a long-sleeved, unbuttoned shirt and cotton pants.

  The paper's rustling was being amplified by the microphone.

  "Although there are still many thanks I'd like to express... Let's end them right here."

  Doni suddenly threw away the piece of paper and ended his speech.

  "Etc etc. I hope everyone can enjoy their brief time here. That's it!"

  Swiftly, he went off the stage and retreated into the depths.

  Godou was marveling at the discovery that Doni was capable of delivering speeches, but seeing this, he understood. "Ah I see."

  "To think he dared do that so openly."

  "For the people present, I'm sure everyone is already used to this type of behavior from Sir Salvatore."

  Godou turned his gaze towards "the people present" that Erica mentioned.

  Roughly twenty people were gathered in the great hall. Their age range was quite broad, covering people in the twenties up to their forties. All men without exception. These were reportedly the Great Knights who had responded to Doni's summons.

  Most of them were wearing suits but a few were dressed casually in jackets over t-shirts.

  "Since this is a gathering of Italian knights, Ena originally expected people with getups like matadors or that phantom of the op-something or other. How disappointing."

  "Do not confuse this with the Carnival of Venice, Seishuuin Ena. Besides, there is probably no need to get dressed up here."

  "Indeed... We are not much better ourselves."

  Looking at the attire of their own group, Yuri nodded.

  Yuri was wearing a black, silken one-piece dress, stylistically much more mature than her usual daily wear. Erica and Liliana were wearing black leather pants along with the usual capes they used in battle.

  Ena had not changed. Godou was also dressed in an ordinary shirt with jeans.

  "Then I shall take my leave, Godou, for I have preparations to make."

  "Yeah, thanks."

  Godou nodded and Erica went through the crowd in the party.

  She was making her way to the great hall's exit. However, she suddenly stopped because along the way, she ran into someone she knew. After a brief amiable exchange, she continued on her way.

  "Her social circles really are quite broad."

  Godou felt impressed but he also left his seat to call on an acquaintance.

  He was the magic association [Capital of Lilies]'s premier knight whom Godou had met at the Roman Colosseum last time. Godou had been greeted by him earlier during their reunion in the great hall.

  This prompted the successive arrival of Great Knights greeting Godou in their first encounter.

  Naturally, this was not because of the name of
Kusanagi Godou but his Campione title. Once this wave of greetings subsided, someone not in a suit, a hotel attendant, came to Godou's side.

  His whispers informed Godou that his companion was calling for him. Erica's preparations were apparently ready.

  Taking his leave from the other girls, Godou followed the attendant.

  He was led to a room inside the ancient castle.

  As soon as he entered the room, Godou was welcomed by someone he knew.

  "It has truly been quite a while, Godou. I am very happy to see you again."

  For Godou, this was the first greeting he received in this hotel that was filled with cordial affection.

  Reuniting after nine months, the man instantly walked over as soon as he saw Godou's face and patted him on the shoulder.

  "Or perhaps, in light of your recent leaps and bounds in growth, you may find this familiar tone of voice disrespectful? Should that be the case, please allow me to correct myself instantly."

  "No, this is good. More accurately, it'd be a great help if you keep things this way."

  The one who elicited a wry smile from Godou with a friendly teasing joke was Paolo Blandelli, dressed in an impeccable suit. Being the busy man he was, Paolo had made his late arrival only just now.

  Naturally, his niece Erica was present as well.

  This was the room she had reserved beforehand for Godou and Paolo to hold a detailed discussion.

  There was also another person in the room, a woman whom Godou did not recognize. Her long black hair tied in a ponytail, she was a beautiful woman with a lightly tanned complexion.

  She was apparently of Latin birth with a strong-minded spirit visible in her countenance.

  "A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness the seventh Campione."

  The Latin beauty spoke with a slightly husky voice and smiled fearlessly.

  "My title is much more famous than my real name. Everyone always calls me with that whatever 'Raffaello' name. Let's get along from now on."

  "This is the esteemed Saint Raffaello. She is one of the Templar Knights holding the rank of Paladino."

  Erica added as a supplementary explanation.

  "Sir Salvatore trained in swordsmanship under her in the past—She is his master."

  "Eh? That guy actually has a master?"

  Godou was dumbfounded by this unexpected revelation.

  Part 2

  "Master whatever, it only lasted a month actually. The brat simply disappeared on his own afterwards. He was already an incredible moron back then, but he's risen to new heights now."

  Criticizing Doni harshly without reserve, Saint Raffaello conversed with Godou with much bravado.

  She seemed to be a woman who was the polar opposite of serious.

  Saint Raffaello, Paolo, Erica and Godou took seats around a table and began to discuss.

  "I am the one who presumptuously invited Saint Raffaello here."

  Presumably planning on leading the conversation, Paolo opened the discussion.

  "This is because, excluding Sir Salvatore, she is Europe's strongest knight. At the same time, she is also one of the rare few who knows Madame Aisha."

  "Aisha? I recall something about her being one of my peers?"

  "Yes. The Alexandrian godslayer. The Mysterious Queen of Caves. Renowned as the Eternal Beauty, Madame Aisha. Indeed, that's the one."

  Erica swiftly explained to dispel Godou's confusion.

  Despite her eloquence, the Diavolo Rosso seemed to be taking only a support role in this discussion. That was probably in deference to the status of her seniors, Saint Raffaello and her uncle.

  "Regarding this incident, we of the [Copper Black Cross] have also undertaken investigations in many directions. For example, why is Sir Salvatore so obsessed with this particular land?"

  Paolo resumed.

  "In the end, one thing was made clear. During spring of last year, three months before you visited Tuscany, a woman resembling Madame Aisha was allegedly sighted in these lands."

  "So basically, the woman Doni is looking for is—"

  "Yes. He should be looking for Madame Aisha, no mistake about it."

  Hearing Paolo's answer, Godou tried to imagine.

  He tried to imagine what might be going through the mind of Salvatore Doni.

  "So basically, that idiot is hoping for the seeds of conflict to break out in a land where a divine beast and a Campione are lurking?"

  "Fair enough. Perhaps the trick may have been discovered already."

  After making some kind of reference, Saint Raffaello turned to Erica:

  "Do you know what kinds of authorities Aisha-neesan possesses?"

  "No, like Her Eminence Luo Hao, Madame Aisha is a very mysterious Campione. I do not have any details of her appearance or powers. However, she seems to have the kind of authority that preserves eternal youth and beauty...?"

  "It's an authority nowhere near as simple as eternal youth."

  Saint Raffaello remarked with a sigh.

  "Hers is an authority for creating holes. To create 'holes' in the ground which connect to 'another world.' However, the holes are left intact until Nee-san returns."

  "By another world—you mean the Astral Plane?"

  This was the name of the otherworld Godou had visited a number of times.

  Hearing Godou bringing up that name, Saint Raffaello smiled wryly.

  "It'd be wonderful if it were limited to that. But no, in addition to that place, even more worlds can be reached. More than anyone else, Aisha-neesan is the most troublesome Campione among the seven."

  "She is number one among us?"

  "Yes. Although Voban-niisan and Luo Hao-neesan are very talented at causing trouble for others, Aisha-neesan is still top class. She is the only one I absolutely do not wish to hang around."

  Saint Raffaello spoke as if reminiscing past memories with deep feeling.

  Come to think of it, Lu Yinghua had given a similar description once. As Godou recalled Lu Yinghua's words, Paolo nodded at him and spoke:

  "Regarding the Madame, I have only heard rumors and never spoke to her, which is why I invited Saint Raffaello over specifically."

  "However, I really don't want to reveal too much about her."

  "Why is that?"

  Saint Raffaello answered Godou's question with a depressed expression.

  "Most people would have trouble sleeping peacefully at night ever again if they heard the full story. This is a dangerous matter that could change the world completely. In actual fact, it has already started."

  Change the world completely.

  Even if these words were an exaggeration, it was still a troubling description.

  "Here's my opinion on the current situation. One of Aisha-neesan's holes must have opened up somewhere in this land. My guess is that the divine beast came through from there."

  Godou was dumbstruck by Saint Raffaello's speculation.

  "Oh, it's just you girls? Godou's not here."

  "Sir Salvatore!"

  Yuri jumped with surprise at the sudden voice.

  Inside the great hall being used as the venue of the impromptu party, Yuri was in a corner with Liliana and Ena. Salvatore Doni had walked over with a glass of beer in his hand.

  "Godou-san and Erica-san as well as her uncle are currently talking in another room..."

  Yuri replied in terror.

  She had first met Doni on the island of Sardinia. Last time, he had tied her up on sight with a straw rope. Having exchanged few words, they could not be described as familiar.

  "You still seem quite insistent on Kusanagi Godou as your opponent, Sir Salvatore."

  Liliana interjected. Among the girls here, she was the one who had had the most contact with Doni.

  Not to the level of rudeness, but with subtle sarcasm, Liliana remarked:

  "The Salvatore Doni I know is not someone I would expect to engage in idle chitchat on this type of occasion."

  "Hey hey, even someone like me would still say hi to peop
le I know."

  As Doni smiled, a lively melody was heard from his pants. A cellphone ringtone.

  Going "Excuse me for a sec," he took out the cellphone and took the call.

  "Yes... Yes. Eh, that's really huge news. How unexpectedly early. Ah, sorry sorry. Of course, I'm absolutely serious. Make preparations immediately."

  Salvatore Doni grinned as he conversed happily.

  For some reason, Yuri felt uncomfortable and hunched herself tightly.

  From the blonde Campione, she could feel something akin to fireworks about to be fired off.

  Meanwhile, Doni hastily ended the call and declared with a wide grin:

  "Well then, I'll be off. Say hi to Godou for me!"

  The pace of his departure was unusually swift.

  Once Doni was completely out of view, Ena suddenly asked:

  "What's the matter, Yuri?"

  "Ah yes. For some reason, I felt an ominous aura from Sir Salvatore's body just now..."

  Hearing this reply, the Hime-Miko of the Sword went "Hmm" and began to ponder.

  "The person on the other side in that phone call sounded like the man called Rivera who was talking to His Majesty earlier."

  Seishuuin Ena's five senses, including hearing, were as sharp as a wild beast's.

  She was indeed capable of hearing the other speaker's voice. Yuri nodded without hesitation.

  "So, Rivera-san reported that something was approaching the hotel so be careful, and something about needing increased security..."

  "From the way he looked, Sir Salvatore seemed completely unconcerned..."

  Ena and Yuri murmured. Liliana hugged her shoulders and began to contemplate.

  "Could it be that Sir Salvatore already has some sort of nefarious plan in motion? Intending to enjoy a chaotic situation once everyone arrived..."

  "Does Sir Salvatore play pranks of that level?"

  Yuri's question was answered by Liliana nodding with a serious expression.

  "He probably did not think up a plan ahead of time. However, he would adapt to the situation and flexibly use whatever is available. Sir Salvatore is a very cunning man."

  "Is that really so? It is a little surprising..."

  "I understand how you feel. In fact, I occasionally feel like calling him an idiot directly."

  "L-Liliana-san, you cannot use that kind of word..."

  "However, he does resemble a slow-witted person."


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