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Awakened By Flames_A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga

Page 11

by Vella Day

  Kaleena held up her hands. The table was laden with food and Kaleena’s stomach grumbled. “How about we all sit and I tell you what happened? If any of you haven’t been introduced yet, this is Finn—my mate. He’s from Earth. And he saved me.”

  He held up a hand. “Trust me I couldn’t have done it without a lot of help from all of you and those pottery ladies.”

  Kaleena’s mom seemed to be holding back a smile. “I heard what Acacia did. She definitely is talented.” Her mom turned to Kaleena and nodded to her cuffs. “Speaking of which, one of the four sisters should be able to get those off.”

  “I hope so too. They won’t be back in town until tonight. Nessa already spoke with them.”

  Finn pulled out a chair and then helped her into it. “If some of you didn’t know, these cuffs were poisoning me, but I haven’t felt anything since we left the castle.”

  “I’m so happy,” her mom said.

  The crowd chattered again, and her father passed the plate of yams to her mom.

  “This smells wonderful by the way,” Kaleena said. “Thank you and everyone else who brought something.”

  Her father received a basket of rolls, took one, and passed it on. “As soon as you finish eating, I’ll contact the sisters again to see if they’ve returned. Then I’ll drive you there.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  Once Kaleena drank a glass of wine and ate a few bites of the delicious Avonbelle bread, her body started to truly heal. “Where’s Declan?” she asked, looking around.

  Her mother looked off to the side. “He’s with Thane.”

  “Was he injured in the skirmish?” Guilt attacked her. Her two brothers would never have engaged in a fight with the Royal Guards if it hadn’t been for her.

  “I’m afraid so. Two of the guards teamed up on Thane and stabbed a claw right about here.” Her mom pointed to a spot above his heart.

  Her own heart took a dive to her stomach at how close he’d come to being killed. “How is he?”

  “Declan will do his magic, and then Thane’s dragon will have to take over.”

  Well that put a damper on any kind of celebration.

  “Kaleena, just so you know, Stone and I wanted to come and help,” her younger brother Ramsey said, “but Declan thought if too many of us showed up, it would tip off the Royals.”

  “He was probably right. I’m glad you stayed back and remained safe. Someone had to watch the office.” Ramsey ran the lab, and Stone handled much of the SinCas business. While they were all excellent fighters, they were needed more at the office this time of year. “No doubt Rathan, who by the way was the one who had me kidnapped, will be on the warpath now that I’ve escaped,” Kaleena said. “I need all of you to be careful and on the lookout.”

  “You can count on us,” Ramsey said.

  “Thank you. You can help the most by making sure he doesn’t sabotage the mine or blow up the lab. I wouldn’t put anything past him. Just so you all know, it appears he has enough power from the dark lighters to succeed.” Why he needed to add her powers, she didn’t know.

  “You don’t need to worry about him harming our property,” Stone added. “We’ll have enough security to make sure nothing happens.”

  “I can’t believe Rathan was behind this,” her mother said. “I don’t even think your aunt Teresa cares for him. He has no respect for anyone. The fact he took his own cousin and tried to turn you into a dark lighter is proof enough.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “While I want nothing more than to take him down a peg, he rarely gets his hands dirty,” her dad said. “But his time will come.”

  Kaleena looked over at Finn who was listening to every word but saying nothing. It was probably better that he not rock the boat right now by asking too many questions or making some inflammatory remark about the Royals. Her brothers, cousins, and father, were easy to incite when one of their own was harmed.

  “How did Rathan get the drop on you?” her father asked.

  “I was at The Wing’s bar where I usually go on Friday night. As the band I’d come to hear was warming up, this guy Christian asked me for a dance. I wasn’t going to accept, but he insisted.” Kaleena didn’t want to look over at Finn, knowing he’d be scowling. While it was rather embarrassing, she outlined how someone had drugged her. “I can’t be sure if it was Christian though. He said he was going to take me to the hospital, but I ended up in that cell. He could be there too, but I didn’t see him. They could have him someplace else.”

  “Your cousin Anderson called from the police station and said your car was spotted at the bar. It’s back at your condo now.”

  “That’s a relief. Please thank him.”

  “I’ll see if I can find this Christian fellow,” Griffin said. “If I do, I’ll ask him what happened.” Nessa’s brother had been quiet up to this point, but she could always count on him to be the levelheaded one.

  Nessa cleared her throat. “Kaleena is clearly tired. Let’s give her a break from all the questions until after she’s finished eating. Be sure to take seconds and thirds everyone. We don’t want the food to go to waste.”

  Bless Nessa. For the next few minutes, dishes were passed around, and more wine was poured and consumed. “This is divine,” Kaleena said. “Nothing like practically starving for a few days to make you appreciate real food, especially a fantastic steak from….” She glanced at the white bags with the logo of a man in armor next to a slain wild boar. “Highlander’s Steakhouse.”

  “Very true,” her mother said.

  “Kaleena,” Dad said. “I for one agree with your assessment of Rathan wanting revenge. He’s a proud man, one who will not take your escape lightly. I think you should stay at the country house for a while. I’ll double the guards there.”

  She sagged. “I appreciate that, but I do have a job, remember?” She then listed about ten things that should have been taken care of yesterday. “If I have an escort to and from home and don’t leave the SinCas building, I’ll be fine.”

  “Dad’s right,” Stone said. “We can’t be too careful. I deal with all the same people you do. I can help out. We all would feel better if you stayed away from the office—at least until things settle down.”

  As much as she didn’t want to agree, they had a point. Besides, it might give her a chance to spend some quality time with Finn. “How long do you think I’ll have to stay holed up there?” Rathan was the impetuous sort.

  “Just until we can learn Rathan’s intentions,” her dad said. “Then we’ll make sure he never tries anything like that again.”

  The only way to stop someone as evil as him would be to kill him—during a battle of course. “Just so you know there are more white lighters being held captive in the bowels of the castle.”

  “In the same place where you were held?” her dad asked clearly concerned.


  Her cousin piped up. “We have the camera recording from Finn’s travels. From that we should be able to pinpoint their exact location.”

  “Excellent. We’ll put a plan together to free them, but first we need to make certain you stay safe.”

  She pictured the captive’s desperate faces and her heart turned heavy.

  “Did Rathan say why he took you?” her mother asked.

  “He did.” She explained about him wanting to use her magic to help the Royals. “The scary part was how incredibly powerful their dark lighter, Sanditra, is. If I’d been there much longer, there is no telling how long I could have held out. On that last day, I was beginning to feel this evil swell inside me.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I am so sorry that happened, but you are strong. I’m sure you could have fought her.”

  “I believed that for a while, but I doubted it more and more each day.”

  Her mom rubbed her arm. “I’m proud of you for fighting so hard. Did Rathan say if any of your other cousins were involved?” her mom asked, clearly worried.

  “No, but h
e did say Aunt Teresa had no idea what he’d done.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I didn’t mean to upset you by bringing it up. I’m sorry.” She turned to Finn. “So Finn, what do you do?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Once Kaleena finished her meal, her strength had almost completely returned. “We need to call the Four Sisters.”

  Her dad pulled out his phone. “I’ll take care of it. You need to rest.”

  “I’m so thankful for everyone’s help, but I’m fine. Really—other than having these cuffs.”

  Her dad smiled just as he reached one of the sisters. He kept nodding, and then said they’d be there shortly. “Acacia said she and her sisters just arrived back home and to come on over. She will do what she can to help.”


  Once she and Finn were settled in the back seat of her dad’s car, Kaleena must have fallen asleep against him, because it seemed like only seconds before her dad came to a stop in front of the darkened pottery shop.

  “Wake up, princess. We’re here,” her dad said.

  Just as they reached the front door, a light in the back room turned on. A moment later, two women cut across the store and opened up. “Oh, Kaleena! I’ve been anxious to hear how the escape went,” Acacia said.

  Magnolia, her older sister, was with her. Kaleena hadn’t been to the shop in a while. It seemed that the only time her family members came here was to ask for help from one of the four sisters. As strong as their powers were, there were many things the sisters wouldn’t interfere with—like swooping in and saving someone. They did however make sure the Royals didn’t get too out of hand. Kaleena would be forever grateful for that.

  She held up her wrists. “I think Nessa explained about the cuffs, right?”


  Kaleena told them once more about the poison and how it—or a dark lighter’s spell—prevented her from shifting or using her magic.

  Acacia’s eyes widened. “I can’t imagine losing my magic.” She visibly shivered.

  “It was horrific. Seems my cousin Rathan engaged some dark lighter to put a hex on me.”

  “That bitch. Which one was she?”

  “I can’t be certain, but it was probably Sanditra. Rathan had assigned her to help me tap into my evil side.”

  Acacia hissed. “We’ve tangled with her before. She’s lucky I don’t go there right now and kill her.”

  Oh dear. Finn would think this woman was crazy. Listening to her now, maybe she was. Here she thought that the younger sister Poppy was the impulsive one of the sisters, always pushing the boundaries, but even she’d never go so far as to murder someone. The sisters vowed to help, not harm. Then again, a Guardian had been kidnapped.

  “I tried to get these off, but I couldn’t find a keyhole,” Kaleena said.

  “Hmm. Let’s see what I can do.” Acacia placed her hands on the cuffs and closed her eyes. Her fingers trembled and seemed to become transparent as she hummed. She then ran her hands over the cuffs and mumbled something that sounded close to a spell—though what language she was speaking was anyone’s guess. When she finally let go, the cuffs sprang open, and her hands returned to normal. Wow.

  With shaky fingers, Kaleena lifted off the cuffs and set them on the table. “Thank you so much.”

  Acacia smiled. “No problem. I will dispose of these. I could sense they contained much evil. Not only had there been poison inside, a curse was placed on the cuffs. With them removed, your ability to shift will return, as will your magic.” She smiled sweetly. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  Use your magic to kill Rathan. “You’ve done so much already. I can’t thank you enough.”

  They chatted a bit more about how Finn managed the rescue, and then the three of them left. All during the half hour ride back to the mining complex, Finn said little. Most likely he was still trying to figure out exactly who these sisters were. They would appear to be pure magic to an outsider, and that wouldn’t be far from the truth. Besides being able to teleport, Acacia had been able to transform Finn’s face to look like another, and then remove the cuffs without any tools. Even the Guardians were a bit stumped as to the extent of their abilities.

  Finn reached over and rubbed her wrists. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. Real good.”

  Once back at the mining complex, her dad stopped in front of the solid wall. He slipped out of the driver’s seat and swiped his dragon scale over one of the flatter areas.

  Finn leaned across the front seat. “What is he doing?”

  “Opening the garage door.”

  “What garage door?”

  Kaleena almost laughed at his surprise. “There’s one there. You just can’t see it, which is the point. It works the same way as the entry door Nessa took us through. Remember when she used a scale to open that door?”

  “Vaguely. I was still in shock from the flight to take note of everything. For someone who prefers solid ground, it’s taken some time to get used to being swept off my feet and carried a thousand feet in the air.”

  She smiled. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights?”

  He glanced off to the side. “Only if I have no control over when or how high I fly.”

  She chuckled then ran her hand down his arm. “I’ll make sure you feel safe when you’re with me.”

  “I just need a bit of warning, that’s all.”

  “You’re doing amazingly well. I’ve met many of the people of Earth, and I dare say most would be begging to go back if they’d been through what you have.”

  “That’s only because they don’t have you here.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Finn was the most wonderful man she’d ever met.

  Once the large rock groaned opened, her father slipped back into the car and drove into the lit parking space.

  He cut the engine. “I’m going to find your mother and then we’ll head home. You going to be okay here all alone, princess?” he asked as he twisted in his seat.

  “I won’t be alone. I have Finn. Besides, not even Rathan and his powerful dark lighters or guards can break in here. Rest assured, I’ll be sleeping soundly tonight.” She gave him a big smile.

  “I’m glad to have you back. I haven’t slept a wink.”

  The three of them exited the car. When they reached her room, she hugged her father goodnight. “Thank you for everything.”

  “No thanks needed. Now get a good night’s sleep.”

  “I will.” Assuming she could sleep with her mate next to her.

  Her father held up a hand. “Oh, when you go to the country house tomorrow, I’d like you to drive instead of fly. You know how easy you are to spot in the air. Those pink scales really stand out.” She was mostly black with only a few pink ones, but it wouldn’t do any good to argue with her father. Once when she’d shifted, a Royal had been near by. No doubt he reported her distinct coloring. If they did spot her, she didn’t need to put Finn in danger.


  “In fact, I don’t want you to use your own car either.”

  “I couldn’t if I wanted to. It’s not here.”

  “True. I’ll have a car the Royals haven’t seen delivered tomorrow.” Her father clasped her shoulder. “Not to scare you, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Rathan sends a dozen men to find you.”

  “You think he’ll have every road watched too?”

  “It’s possible. That’s why I’ve decided to have a caravan escort you. Some will be driving and others will be flying to stave off an attack from the air.”

  “Ugh.” She hated all of this.

  “Don’t worry. It’ll be over soon.” He leaned over, kissed her forehead, and then strode off.

  Exhaustion finally hit her, and she turned to Finn, the bright light in her life. “Let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day.” She tried to smile, but even her lips seemed tired.

  “That’s an understatement.” He placed a hand on her back to lead her inside
the room and that one touch woke her up and had her body burning with desire in seconds.

  Mate, mate, her dragon shouted.

  I know, but aren’t you tired? You’ve been working non-stop for days.

  Finn rejuvenates me.

  Me too.

  Kaleena had thought she had it bad after she’d dream-walked with Finn, but having him in person by her side ratcheted up her desire to new heights. With Finn being a shifter too, he probably had it just as bad. Add in the whole newness of her land, and he must be overwhelmed. “Is Tarradon what you expected?” she asked, wanting to learn more about this wonderful man.

  “Not really. Our people can’t cloak themselves at will. That’s a bit disturbing, but I guess I’ll get used to it.”

  She stepped closer, needing to absorb his healing energy. “I hope so.”

  “There’s something else that amazes me. I thought we had some pretty powerful witches back home, but I don’t think any of them could do what those sisters can do.”

  Ophelia was as powerful, but her father had mentioned that once she left the light realm to live on Earth that she swore she wouldn’t interfere—much. After all, she had sent Finn to her. Kaleena cupped his face, thrilled to have the use of her hands again. “They are special ladies.”

  She pressed her lips to his but then pulled back when his gaze went elsewhere. His depth of concern worried her. Please don’t tell me you want to return to Earth. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m worried,” Finn said.


  “That Rathan guy. You can’t hide for the rest of your life. I know I couldn’t enjoy life if I couldn’t shift and run free. I imagine it’s the same with you and flying.”

  “I have no intention of hiding.” She was a Sinclair, and Sinclairs never cowed to anyone.

  “You heard your father. Rathan will be searching for you—or rather his men will. You even said they are exceptionally well-trained soldiers.”

  “They are, but Guardians are bred to fight.” Needing some comfort after that discussion, Kaleena reached behind her back and untied the knot from around her waist and then slipped her shirt over her head before dropping it on the floor.


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