Target (An erotic romantic novella)

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Target (An erotic romantic novella) Page 8

by Rosie L

  “Sarah I did not try and kill your sister, I did not take the job, look at the next two names.” Her eyes scanned the page. Sarah Elizabeth Rothchild, and a picture of her. Richard John Hemmingway, and a picture of him.

  “Sarah my target was myself, I had been contracted to kill myself. It was then that I discovered Zeb was my client. I was already certain he had killed my parents for their money but I could never prove it, then as I delved deeper, looking into you and your sister and why he wanted you dead, I discovered that he was your step-father too.” She gave a nervous laugh.

  “So you are my step-brother?” He grinned at her.

  “Not really, none of us are blood related, just victims of Zeb. Sarah there is something else. The phone call I took yesterday was from someone who works for me. After your sister’s plane crashed, I sent him out to investigate. I own a lot of property Sarah, including hotels on that island, so I have quite a lot of contacts out there.” He pulled out his phone. “He sent me this picture I was going to tell you this evening, I promise you I was.” He passed her his phone, Sarah’s hand shook as she took it from him. Her eyes widened.

  “It is Skye,” she cried, her eyes shooting to his. He nodded.

  “We found her Sarah, yesterday. I had suspected that her crash was not an accident as I knew she was a target, my man found her in a hospital, in a coma. She was washed up onto a beach and with no ID the hospital listed her as a Jane Doe.”

  “She is alive,” Sarah, wept. He nodded.

  “I had her flown back to England last night. She is staying at my private hospital.”

  “You have a private hospital,” she murmured.

  “I have many enterprises Sarah.”

  “She is alive,” she said again, as tears coursed down her cheek.

  “Sarah, she is safe I promise. She is in one of my secure wings, I will take you too her as soon as I can.”

  “You found my sister…,” she wept. He held out his arms, not sure, if she would want him anymore, but she threw herself at him and allowed him to comfort her. “Thank you,” she said, lifting her eyes to his.

  Sweeping her long hair from her face, his kissed the top of her head.

  “Sarah, I started looking for you as soon as I was given that contract, I wanted to know who you were, why he wanted you dead, and when I found you, when I saw you for the first time in the shelter…..”

  “Yes?” she asked, as he stopped.

  “Sarah I fell in love with you from that moment, and then you vanished and I spent weeks trying to track you down. Everything that has happened between us over the last couple of days has been real, the sex, everything. I have not been playing games with you; I just was not sure how to tell you what I was. Is there any chance that – well, that you would still want to be with me?”

  Sarah swallowed back her tears, and gazed up into his deep dark eyes. She knew she should have left, he was a murderer after all, but she could not. She loved him, as much now as she did an hour ago it made no difference, if anything it made him more desirable. Lifting a hand to his cheek she smiled, her mouth aching to kiss him.

  He caught the look in her eye and his heart beat wildly, he brought his mouth down to hers and kissed her.

  “Rick,” she whispered, breaking from the kiss.

  “Yes,” he asked.

  “Do you have more guns in here?” she asked. He gazed into her eyes and then nodded.

  “Show me?” she requested.

  “Why?” he asked, she pushed her mouth against his cheek.

  “I want to see them,” she whispered, taking a heavy breath. Taking her hand, he led her to a door, put in a code, and pushed the door open. He switched on a light.

  “Shit,” she said, looking at the array of weapons on the wall. “How many have you killed?” she asked, turning to him.

  “Sarah,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Rick I want to know.”

  “About forty, but they were all shits,” he said. Sarah walked into the room and ran her hand across some of the weapons. Strangely, she was not scared; in fact, it was actually turning her on. She looked back at him, he was so gorgeous, and she would not let him go. His eyes wandered over her face.

  “Are they loaded?” she asked. He shook his head.


  “Take one down,” she asked. He looked at her a bit puzzled. “That one,” she said, pointing to a gun with a silencer nozzle. He did as she asked. She looked at him as he held it - he looked so sexy, so hot.

  “Show me it’s empty,” she asked and he did. Lifting her top, she pulled it over her head. His heart thumped, and his cock hardened as he stared at her breasts. She wandered to him.

  “Where do you keep the clips?” she asked. Rick pointed to a draw.

  “Touch me with it,” she asked. He raised an eyebrow, but then smiled at the insistence in her eyes. He ran the end of the silencer around her mouth, and through her hair, across the top of her breasts, around her nipples, and then underneath them. Undoing her shorts, she dropped them to the floor, kicked them away, and slipped off her trainers. Rick’s eyes darted all over her, as she stood naked in front of him; he could feel the sexual tension rising between them and his heartbeat rose. He ran the length of cold silencer down her flat stomach and then very slowly, he pushed it between her legs. Sarah shook, her eyes never leaving his, her chest heaving as he rubbed it up and down tantalisingly on the edge of her pussy, and just inside her wet folds.

  She undid his shirt, and then undid and dropped his jeans; as he stepped out of them he kicked off his trainers, she pushed him firmly towards a chair. Still rubbing the tip of the silencer along the edge her pussy, she pushed him down onto the chair. His hard cock was ready for her, and he slid the gun out. Sarah’s eyes caught some rope; grabbing it, she began to tie him to the chair.

  “Sarah, what are you doing?” he asked, his eyes never leaving her.

  “Tying you up,” she said as she secured him tight. Rick wriggled but he could not release his arms. She knelt down, her mouth taking in his cock she sucked him in and out of her mouth, licking, and teasing his wet tip.

  “Fucking hell Sarah,” he moaned his eyes rolling, not quite believing what she was doing. Unable to move, he felt increasingly turned on by the whole scenario and his cock throbbed in her mouth.

  She straddled him, and moved herself down onto him. Rick dropped the gun as she pushed her breast into his face. He sucked her nipple hard, and she moaned as the pain sent tingles straight to her clit. As she moved up and down on him, Rick’s eyes rolled.

  “Sarah,” he whispered breathless, he did not know how long he would last.

  She ran her hands through his hair, grabbed her breasts, squeezed them together, and pushed them into his face. Moaning with delight, she moved up and down, grinding herself into him.

  “Rick,” she groaned. She buried her face into his hair as she came, it was incredible, so intense, and so delicious, and she knew she wanted it forever, she wanted him forever. Something inside her had broken her inhibitions gone, her need for him so strong that she was prepared to do anything for him.

  “Oh my god Sarah, I love you….” he cried as his body trembled and he came. She kissed him; she loved him too. She eased herself off him, picked up the gun, and then walked to the drawer; she knew what she had to do.

  “Sarah what are you doing?” he asked, pulling at the ropes. “Come on untie me,” he requested.

  “Rick,” she replied, and taking a clip from the drawer, she whacked it into the gun, loading it.

  “Sarah, don’t do that,” he ordered firmly.

  “Rick I have a serious problem,” she said, turning to back him. She pulled her earing from her ear and put it down on the worktop, and with the back of the gun, she smashed it. Starting to get a little concerned, Rick tugged his ropes harder, what was she doing?

  Walking back to him, she cocked the gun and pointed it at his head, her breathing quickened, and her pulse raced.

Sarah what the fuck are you doing?” he yelled, a nervous sweat now covered his forehead. He was the first to admit he like their new sex games, but this was not funny nor turning him on.

  “Rick,” she said, as she straddled him again and sat on his lap. His face was inches from her. “I have a serious fucking problem,” she began. “I have fallen in love with you and I want you so much that it hurts.”

  “Sarah please, take the fucking gun away from my head,” he begged. She shook her head at him.

  “I cannot, now shush and listen,” she whispered, leaning into his ear. “It was no accident that you found me at the river Rick, it was all planned.” His head drew back sharply.

  “What do you mean it was planned?” he asked.

  “A man I met arranged it all. He said you would come, and you did.”

  “Sarah….?” She shook her head.

  “Let me finish. I was employed to kill you Rick; he was going to give me a hundred grand; he said you had killed my parents and my sister.”

  “Jesus Sarah, I didn’t do it, I promise.” She smiled at him, and rubbed the end of the silencer across his cheek.

  “I know you didn’t baby – now, but not yesterday.”

  “So the whole living on the streets thing was a lie?” he asked. She shook her head.

  “No, I was approached Wednesday night.” Rick took a deep breath. “Rick, I was so traumatised, so heartbroken when I thought Skye was dead, I had nothing to lose, nothing to live for.”

  “How do you even know how to use a gun,” he asked.

  “I used to shoot with my father, I started when I was five, and then when he died I kept it up, kind of as a way to help me deal with his death.” Rick’s eyes lifted to a noise and then panic shot through him as an alarm triggered and began ringing.

  “Sarah, untie me please,” he begged. “Someone is coming.”

  “I know Rick,” she replied. “My earing was a transmitter they used it to track us.” He looked at her heartbroken.

  “Are you going to kill me?” he asked, tears glistened in his eyes as he felt his heart break. She shook her head, and smiled at him, as she lowered the gun. As he blinked, her hand lifted to the gentle tear that now trickled down his cheek.

  “No Rick, I love you with all of my heart.”

  “So why lead them here,” he asked. She gripped the gun as she heard them approach.

  “To get rid of them,” she whispered back.

  One laughed.

  “Now that is a predicament I should like to find myself in,” he laughed, looking at Rick naked and tied to a chair, with Sarah still sitting on him.

  “How many of you are here?” Sarah asked.

  “Just the two of us, the boss has gone back to the house. Didn’t think you had it in you Sarah,” he said, as his eyes stared at her. Slowly she rose off Rick, slipping the gun behind her back, she stood naked in front of them, and their eyes gawped at her.

  “You lied to me,” she said angrily, taking a step forward.

  “Sarah don’t,” Rick begged, tugging urgently at the rope.

  “You said Rick killed my parents and my sister, but he didn’t.”

  “Oh honey you just figured that out,” he replied, stepping up to her. “The hit was on you both; your step-father wants you both out of the way, but maybe we will fuck you first, make him watch and then kill you both,” he said, striking out and groping her breast. The other man behind him laughed and Rick’s fists tightened angrily, as he muttered under his breath.

  “Fuck - you - arsehole,” she said, slowly and quietly, as she lifted the gun, and shot him in the head. As he dropped, the man behind him stared horrified.

  “And fuck you too,” she said, pointing the gun and shooting him between eyes.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Sarah!” Rick yelled, shaking the chair as he pulled at the rope. She turned to him and smiled, god she felt good; throwing the gun to one side, she walked back over to him and knelt down.

  “So do you still love me?” she asked. Rick gazed at her.

  “Love you, you’ve got to be joking,” he replied. Sarah frowned.

  “I fucking adore you, will you marry me?” he asked, giving her a wide grin. She bit her lower lip and threw herself at him, kissing him hard and urgently.

  “Sarah please untie me,” he asked, as they broke from the kiss. Grabbing a knife off the wall, she cut the rope. Now free from his restraints he stood up and glanced at the two dead bodies, before looking at her.

  “I had to make it look real Rick, I knew they were there,” she said.

  “And there was I thinking you were a gentle angel,” he said. She pushed her long hair behind her shoulders and shook her head.

  “No more like a naughty devil,” she replied and he laughed, holding his arms open to her. She fell into them, and he hugged her tight.

  “And yes Rick, I will marry you,” she whispered. Rick took a deep breath, as his hands pulled to her hair and he kissed her passionately.

  “Rick, I am so fucking turned on right now, I do not know what is wrong with me,” she gasped, as he broke their kiss. He grabbed the back of her head and kissed her, his tongue searching her mouth urgently. His hands moved down her back, and cupping her bottom, he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him and Rick carried her, stepping over the two dead bodies towards his bed. He threw her on top, and she squealed with delight as he jumped on top of her and held her arms down above her head.

  “You fucking bitch, you tied me up,” he said, forcing her legs apart with his knees. She grinned at him.

  “Fuck you,” she said, licking her lips.

  “No my darling I am going to fuck you, hard,” he replied, lifting an eyebrow at her. He mounted her, pushing his cock in her soft, throbbing pussy, he penetrated her so deep that she screamed, and writhed against him as he held her down firm. Her legs now wrapped around his back she squeezed her thighs tight against him as he pounded her hard and furiously.

  “Rick,” she screamed in delight has her body shook and quivered in delight.

  “Sarah, I love you,” he moaned, his tongue licking, his mouth sucking at her breasts.

  “I love you Rick,” she groaned, her eyes rolling, her thighs clamping tight as she came. As she released, Rick intensified the thrust, the bed shook back and forth in rhythm with him. Sarah cried, as a wave of orgasmic pleasure coursed through her entire body as he came inside her.

  “Holy fuck,” he groaned, falling onto her chest. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tightly to her. She would never ever let him go.

  “I cannot believe sex could ever be so good,” she said, nibbling his ear.

  “I can’t believe I’ve done it three times in the last two hours,” Rick said stunned. “I always thought that was physically impossible.” She laughed, and he smiled at her, kissing her neck.

  “Sarah, what the hell, you just shot two men and now we’ve had sex with them still lying down there, bleeding all over my fucking floor.” She giggled.

  “I know, I expect it will hit me later,” she replied.

  “God I love you,” he said, swooping her hair from her face, and looking at her.

  “I love you,” she replied, her eyes wide at him.

  “We had better get dressed and clear away these bodies he knows where we are now, so we really should move.”

  “Rick, let me help you, kill him,” she asked. He ran the back of his knuckles down her soft cheek.

  “No Sarah, I will do it.”

  “No Rick, please; he killed my parents too and tried to kill my sister and me.” He gazed into her eyes. “Let me help you, he tricked me too, he almost made me kill you and I hate him for that, and for what he did to me and my sister …” she hesitated, turning her head away from him.

  “Sarah, what did he do?” he asked gently, stroking her cheek.

  “Rick, I ran away when I was eighteen because he used to beat me and then one night he tried to rape me, I was strong enough to fight him off, but I did
n’t want him to do that to Skye, she was only fifteen, she would not have been able to stop him.” Rick’s eyes flared with anger.

  “Hell Sarah, I am so sorry.” She smiled.

  “It’s okay, I didn’t need the money, and we were managing fine until - until the plane crash. I just fell apart when I thought I had lost her. She is all I have.” He shook his head.

  “No Sarah, you have me now, and I will never hurt you, never leave you,” he promised. She kissed him.

  “I don’t suppose there is a bathroom in here?” she asked, she was soaked from their sex.

  “Of course, a man cave has to have all the little luxuries,” he said, with a smile. Jumping off the bed, she gathered her clothes. Reaching into a cupboard, he pulled out a pair of camouflage trousers and pulled them on.

  “This way,” he said, leading her to another door. She smiled.

  “I’ll get rid of these two,” he said, pointing to the two dead men as he put on his t-shirt.

  “Thank you,” she said with a grateful smile.

  Chapter Six

  “Rick, What I don’t understand why he wants me dead now. He took everything we had.”

  “Not everything Sarah. I discovered that your father put a lot of money into bonds for you and your sister, they mature next month.” She looked at him.

  “How much are they worth?” she asked.

  “Around six and a half million,” he said. Her heart stopped.

  “Six and a half million, holy shit,” she said, and then she laughed. He stroked her hair and pulled her to his chest.

  “And why you?” she asked. He sighed.

  “I am worth around two hundred million, I suppose,” he replied casually.

  “Get off,” she said, pulling back sharply. He nodded.

  “Well we’re not going to have to worry about paying the gas bill, or having holidays,” she laughed.


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