Target (An erotic romantic novella)

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Target (An erotic romantic novella) Page 9

by Rosie L

  “Sarah I own seventeen hotels and my own jet, we can have as many holidays as we like.” She shook her head against him.

  “Well, at least now, you know I am not marrying you just for the money. I have my own,” she said firmly.

  “It would not have made any difference to me Sarah if you had been penny-less. I would still want you to marry me,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  “Where did you put the bodies?” she asked.

  “In a very deep hole,” he replied. His land was full of potholes, and deep rocky crevices they would never be found.

  “What do we do now?” she asked.

  “We hunt him down and kill him. We have too, our lives will never be safe or free with him still alive.”

  “What about Skye, you are sure he does not know where she is.”

  “I am sure she is okay. I will make a couple of calls, grab some weapons and then we should head out of here. I have another safe house we can go too. You are sure you have no more bugs on you?” he asked.

  “I am certain,” she replied, although her hand lifted to her other earning. “But just in case,” she pulled it out and stamped on it.

  Grabbing his phone Rick dialled.

  “Mark have you got anything for me?” Rick asked.

  “Yes Sir, it seems your step-father is in trouble with the Eserbon brothers.”

  “Shit,” Rick replied. “Go on,” he urged.

  “He has gambling debts mounting over twenty seven million. He hit their casino’s hard a few months ago and lost badly. What do you want me to do?” he asked. Rick thought for a moment. The Eserbon brothers, shit.

  “Okay, get me their number,” he said. Mark went quiet for a moment.

  “What are you going to do Sir?” he asked.

  “Use them as my back up,” he replied, hanging up. He headed into his armoury. Gathering a few guns, and other things he thought he might need, he put them all into a holdall. All of a sudden, he heard her scream and his heart leapt into his throat.

  “Sarah!” he yelled, shooting to the door, he stopped when he saw them. Ten men all armed, Sarah held captive in the middle, guns raised they fired at him.

  “Rick!” she screamed. He slammed the iron door shut and drew across the bolts as the bullets pounded into the metal.

  “Shit,” he muttered, they had hung around too long. Grabbing his holdall he made his way to the back of the room and opening a cabinet he reached inside, and pushed out the back. Grabbing a torch, he slipped inside. He glanced once more at the iron door, before closing the back of the cabinet and entering the tunnel. He heard a massive explosion and the tunnel shook. He stumbled. They had blown it.

  He ran - he had to get Sarah back. Emerging further along from his underground bunker, he watched as they emerged from the smoking hideout, Sarah was sobbing, convinced that Rick was dead. The moon was high, casting out some light and Rick’s eyes scanned the men. Pulling an automatic rifle from the holdall, he loaded a clip, and attached an infra-red sight to it. Moving along each individual he stared through the sight, but his step-father was not there. He stopped on her, she was crying.

  “Sarah,” he whispered his heart racing as he watched her. A man lifted a gun and pointed it at her. Rick heart leapt to his throat, they were not messing about; they were going to kill her.

  The man cocked it, and Rick fired. The sound rang out, echoing in the stillness of the trees. Hitting the man in the side of his head, he dropped to the ground dead.

  Sarah’s eyes widened.

  “Rick,” she muttered, he was not dead, and her heart pounded as the adrenaline kicked in. As all the men’s eyes turned to his direction, Sarah ran the other way.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, watching her run as he quickly switched guns. Standing up he pointed the automatic at them.

  “That is my fiancée you sons of bitches,” he yelled, as he opened fire. He rattled through them, before diving quickly behind a tree, as they retaliated. He glanced to the clearing, none had followed Sarah she was safe. The remaining men hid themselves behind the trees. Rick switched back to the rifle. Looking through the sight, he pinned one man down, and he fired, hitting him right between the eyes. There were four left. He crouched down and rolled onto his belly, looking down at them from the slightly raised ridge.

  “Come on show yourselves,” he muttered. A gunshot rang out, skimming passed him, and he smiled. “There you are,” he whispered as his eyes settled on the shooter, and he fired. The man dropped from behind the tree, falling to the ground dead.

  “Nice,” he whispered, looking back through the sight. Another shot ricocheted off a nearby tree. Rick glanced at it, and then back towards the remaining men. He frowned; he could only see two, and then he heard the sound of a gun cocking behind him. He grimaced, and put the rifle down, raising his hands he looked behind him.

  “Think you’re clever do you,” the man sneered, pointing his gun at him. Rick shook his head.

  “No she is clever,” he said, with a smile and a nod of his head. The man turned to look behind him, and Sarah whacked him in the face with a branch, blood spurted from his mouth. Rick grabbed his pistol, and shot him in the head.

  “Down Sarah,” he yelled as the two remaining men began firing at them. She dropped to the floor and crawled on her belly towards him.

  She smiled.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi,” he replied, his eyes wandering over her beautiful face. He gave her the pistol.

  “Rather have the rifle,” she said, giving him a smile. He shrugged and swapped weapons. Crawling beside him, she glanced at him again.

  “I thought you were dead,” she whispered.

  “Me, no not that easily,” he replied, aiming the pistol and firing. Sarah positioned the rifle, and looking through the sight, she waited.

  As one of the men made a break for it, she fired, and hit him precisely in the back of the head; the man pitched forward and fell face down on the ground dead.

  “Bloody brilliant shot,” he praised, glancing at her.

  “Why thank you my love,” she replied, leaning over and giving him a kiss.

  “There he goes,” Rick whispered, as the last man made a run for it. He fired, and the man went down. Rick rolled over onto his back and sighed.

  “You know this was not quite the date I had in mind,” he said, taking her in his arms as she crawled on top of him.

  “Rick, I do not care where we are so long as we are together,” she said, as she kissed his neck and inhaled him. He gave a chortle.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asked, and he shrugged.

  “I don’t know it’s just there are dead bodies everywhere, you have killed three men, and it does not faze you at all.” She shrugged back at him.

  “They are all bastards so what does it matter,” she replied. “Besides, I would kill a hundred more if it ensured we would be together.”

  “Well, let’s hope it does not take that many. I cannot believe he has many more men at his beckoned call. Come on, we should get out of here.”

  “What about the bodies, we do not want the police to find them,” she reminded him.

  “Right, of course, come on there is a hollow not far from here, with a really deep hole, it goes way down into the earth. We’ll shove them in there and then cover the hole with a boulder.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” she said, rising to her feet.

  An hour later, Rick heaved the giant boulder over the hole, sealing it.

  “There that should do it,” he said, brushing his hands down his combats.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “Now we need to find him. That first guy you killed said he was waiting back at the house.” He frowned in thought.

  “What’s wrong,” she asked, placing a hand on him.

  “Mary and Fred live with me; I did ring her to warn her, I hope they got out.”

  “I am sure they did Rick,” she tried to comfort. He nodded and reloading his gun
, he stuck it in his back pocket. Sarah reloaded the rifle, and put a spare clip into her pocket, before pulling the strap over her neck and shoulder. Grabbing his holdall with one hand, Rick held out his other to her and she took it with a smile. Together they headed back towards the house.

  He held her hand tightly as they edged along the wall of the house, he could see a light on, and he twitched his nose worriedly. Letting go of her hand, he dropped his holdall and he pulled out the gun.

  “Wait here,” he said to her, she nodded, watching as he approached the window. Standing with his back tight against the wall, he cautiously peered around, snatching a quick glance. Pulling back to the wall, he frowned, and cursed and then edged back to her.

  “Sarah, I have to go in. Mary’s tied to a chair, she.... I don’t know if she is alive.” Her hand flew to his arm.

  “Oh god Rick, I am so sorry,” she whispered, this was her fault she had brought them here.

  “Stay here, okay,” he requested.

  “Please be careful Rick,” she begged, her eyes tearful as she watched him go.

  Going to the front door, he pushed it was open. He slipped inside and made his way to the front room. He could not hear anyone, holding his gun forward he pushed open the door to the room. Mary lifted her head, her face bloody and beaten.

  “Oh dear god,” Rick cried, as he rushed to her. “Mary, are you okay?” He put the gun down, and pulled the gag from her mouth.

  “Rick, thank god you’re alive,” she wept, and then she shook her head as he untied her. “I am so sorry, Rick, I told him where she was. He was going to kill Fred, I could not…”

  “Shush,” he hushed gently, as he pulled her into his arms and held her. He kissed the top of her head. “Of course you did, it does not matter. How long ago?” he asked. She snivelled.

  “An hour, maybe two,” she replied. “Rick he took Fred, so he could show him where the hospital was.” He nodded ruefully.

  “Mary I have to go, will you be okay, do you want me to call the doctor?” he asked concerned, as he lifted a hand to her battered face. She shook her head.

  “No darling, I’ll be fine, just go, get Fred back please,” she begged.

  “Don’t worry I will,” he promised, giving her cheek a kiss.

  Picking up his gun, he looked at her one more time, before running out of the room.

  “Sarah,” he yelled, slamming the house door behind him.

  “Rick,” she called, venturing out of the darkness. He grabbed her, embracing her.

  “Is she okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, she will be alright, but they have taken Fred, her partner and..” he hesitated, stroking her face with the back of his fingers. “She told him about Skye, where she is. We have to go now,” he said urgently, grabbing his holdall.

  “Oh my god, Skye,” she muttered, her breathing perching on panic.

  “We will get to her, she will be okay Sarah.” Grabbing her hand, he ran to his Landrover.

  “Rick the tyres,” she said, pointing at them, all of them slashed.

  “Shit,” he cursed. “Come on,” he then urged, dragging her around the back of the house. “For fuck’s sake,” he groaned, as he looked at his Jag, the tyres had been slashed too.

  “What now Rick?” she cried, with worry for a little sister.

  “Now we take my baby out,” he said, with a smile.

  “Your baby?” she questioned, with a raise of her eyebrow.

  Taking her hand and walking towards a large double garage, he stopped, and let go of her hand. He reached down to a small black box on the wall and opened it, inside was a security pad. Rick quickly punched in a code and within seconds, the garage door began to open. Shutting the box, he took up her hand and waited.

  “My baby,” he said, with a smile and a gleam in his eyes as he looked at her.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Aventador, in stealth black,” he said, with a deep sigh. “I love this car.” Going to a box on the wall, he entered yet another code and then took out the keys.

  “Give me your gun, and the spare clip,” he said, holding out his hand. Pulling the rifle off her shoulder, she delved into her pocket and gave him the clip. Going to the bonnet, he opened it and pulling a couple of levers, he revealed a secret bottom. He put their weapons inside, and wedged in his holdall, before locking it back up.

  “Come on let’s go, it will not take long to catch up in this,” he said, opening the door and sliding into the driver’s side. Sarah lifted the door and jumped into the passenger side, closing it down she watched as Rick flicked a switch and pushed a red button. The engine roared into life, revving it Rick smiled, he loved that sound.

  An hour later, he was bombing it up the M5. Sarah sat in silence, tears edging her eyes as she thought of her sister. She had mourned her once; she did not want to do it again.

  “Dial, Beckenham,” he said, pushing the call button on his hands free. Sarah glanced at him, listening as the phone rang.

  “Staff nurse Gregor,” the voice answered.

  “Ellen, it’s Rick,” he said.

  “Hello Mr Hemmingway,” she replied.

  “The girl I sent you, Skye is she okay?” he asked.

  “Yes Sir, there was a little change, she is responding.” Sarah wiped her tears from her cheeks. Rick glanced at her.

  “Ellen, listen this is urgent, my step-father is on his way, Skye is in great danger, he is going to try and kill her.” The line went quiet.

  “Ellen,” he said.

  “I am here Mr Hemmingway; I just don’t know what you want me to do?”

  “Get security to lock down the hospital now, we are on our way, god willing we will get there first.”

  “And if you don’t?” she asked concerned.

  “Just get the place locked down Ellen.”

  “Yes Sir,” she replied and the line went dead.

  “Rick,” Sarah said, in a low whisper. “What kind of hospital is it?” she asked.

  “It’s a rehabilitation centre of sorts,” he replied. He placed a hand on her knee. “She will be okay, I promise. Who knows we may have overtaken them already.” She nodded, looking at his speedometer, he had be driving at 130 miles an hour most of the way. Being late, the motorway was clear, and he was not bothered about the police, he had reflective plates, and besides, they would have to catch him first. At Bristol, Rick switched motorways and bombed down the M4 towards London.

  Rick dialled his phone.

  Sarah watched him, he was biting on his lower lip nervously, and as it answered, he took a deep breath.

  “Mr Eserbon?” Rick queried.

  “And you are?” the voice asked back. Rick cleared his throat.

  “Rick Hemmingway,” he replied.

  “Never heard of you,” he said.

  “Er no, I am Zeb’s step-son,” he replied, warily. The line went quiet for a moment

  “I see, and what do you want, Rick Hemmingway.”

  “Mr Eserbon, I hate my step-father and have done since he married and murdered my mother and father.” The line remained quiet. “Now he is trying to kill me and his step-daughters for our money. I believe he owes you twenty seven million?” he said.

  “Yes, Mr Hemmingway, he does,” the voice replied. “What do you want?”

  “I would like to make a deal with you,” he asked. Sarah stared at him; she could feel herself shaking as she looked at Rick’s worried face.

  “What kind of a deal?”

  “If I pay you his debt today, plus another three million, will you meet me at my hospital and dispose of my step-father?” The line went quiet again.

  “Dispose of him in what way?” he asked.

  “I want it to look like he killed himself.”

  “When and where,” he asked.

  “As soon as possible, he is heading to my hospital now to kill one of his step-daughters. I am on my way but he had a head start.” Rick gave him the address.

  “And the money?” he asked. Ri
ck swallowed, hoping he was not going to push his luck.

  “When it is done, I will transfer it wherever you want it,” he confirmed.

  “You mess with me Rick Hemmingway and you are dead.”

  “I know,” he replied, and the line went dead.

  “Rick, can you do it, thirty million?” she asked her voice shaky. Rick nodded.

  “Yes, the money is no issue. Sarah we need all the help we can get, the last thing we want is the police thinking we joined forces and killed our step-father.” She nodded. “The Eserbon brothers are notorious, but they are honourable, if we abide by the bargain they will not come after us.”

  They cruised into London at three thirty am, it was not too busy, and Rick headed straight to Beckenham.

  Sarah stared at the hospital; you would never have known what it was, as the façade was the same as the rest of the street, a typical turn of the century London building. As he pulled outside some wrought iron gates, Rick could see Ellen had done as he asked as the place was locked down. Picking up a remote, he pushed the button, and the gates began to open, he drove down underneath the old building and into a car park.

  Getting out of the car, Rick opened the bonnet and pulled out the Rifle and clip, passing them to Sarah. Opening his holdall, he grabbed a couple of guns, tucking one it in the back of his trousers, along with some spare clips in his pockets, he held the other in his hand.

  “Rick I am scared,” Sarah confessed, her hands trembling as she watched him arm himself.

  “You don’t have to do this, you can wait here Sarah,” he offered, his eyes lifting to hers, but she shook her head.

  “No, Skye needs me, I will be okay,” she said. Rick smiled at her, leaning towards her he cupped her face with his hand and kissed her.

  “It will all be over soon,” he promised, she gave a nod back. Gun held ready in front of him, they headed towards a door. He took out his mobile and dialled the front desk, but no one answered, it just rang continuously. Rick swallowed; he did not like this.

  “Sarah, I think he may already be here,” he said, turning to her.

  “Rick hurry then please,” she begged, thinking of her sister. Opening the door, he glanced into the corridor and then slipped out, Sarah followed close behind him. Reaching the main reception Rick looked worried, as it was empty. They moved along a corridor, Rick glanced into a couple of private rooms, and he nodded hello to the patients.


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