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Andalon Arises

Page 7

by T B Phillips

  She leaned in and scanned the room for invisible eavesdroppers. “Isn’t it terrible that he kidnapped the sweet Sarai Horslei?”

  He donned a sad expression that better conveyed false concern. In a low voice, he mournfully agreed. “Most terrible, Lady Genevieve. She was a friend and a colleague in our humanitarian efforts to aid the underprivileged.” His face grew grim and somber. “Alas, I fear that if she were returned to us, it would be too late.”

  Concern and shock crossed her face and she reached out both gloved hands to grab his forearm. “Whatever do you mean, Cassus?”

  “The boy is cunning and has a tongue turned silvered by his breeding and frivolous wealth. He is no doubt working on her as we speak and…” He shook his head. “No. I dare not say.”

  “Say! Say!”

  The anxious expression and eagerness in her voice forced Percy to stifle a snicker. He covered his mouth and tried not to laugh. But Eachann’s performance was legendary and held her on the edge of fainting. Cassus slowly and quietly let the woman out of her misery. “I fear that she has been turned. That she will sympathize with him and the war hawks. I fear that she’ll desire wealth and power as a queen instead of our noble endeavor of aiding the Pescari.”

  Genevieve turned chalk white and fanned herself for air. “That would be scandalous!”

  “Worse. It would be a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions.” Fake tears formed on cue. “She may even help him to completely reverse the progress that we’ve made, so far!”

  Tears formed in her own eyes and high-pitched squeals that may have been sobs poured from her chest. Eachann offered his handkerchief and she snatched it from the air. She blew her nose, emitting the shrillest and annoying sound either man had ever heard. Percy had to cough to cover up his laughter and Cassus hid his face in his hands. Luckily, she mistook his muffled laughter for sobs of his own.

  “Oh, Cassus! Let me help you to find her. Maybe you can form a special cadre of city guard to sneak into Eskera and rescue her!”

  He raised up his face, eyes red, then spoke in the most serious of tones. “That kind of operation is too expensive, My Dear. Where could I find that kind of money?”

  Both men stared as she pulled off her jewelry. She pressed her earrings, necklace, and rings into Cassus’ palm then said, “I will send more. Also, I will talk to the women of the better houses and convince them to do the same. Just…” She let out the shrill sound and sobbed a few more times before adding, “Just find her, Cassus!” She stood and ran from the room, gown flowing like a banshee as she squealed and sobbed. She frightened the entire palace staff as she ran through the halls.

  Eachann watched her leave then turned to his partner. “Well, Percy, it seems we have found another source of revenue to fund another cause.”

  The clerk’s eyes were red with laughter as he replied, “I’ll draft up the donation forms and create a new account.”

  Chapter Nine

  Sippen Yurik stood on the pier, anxiously shifting his weight from foot to foot. Braen and Samani were late. He had wanted this event to be special for his lifelong friend, and the excitement of the reveal was almost too much for him. When they had crashed Ice Prince against the rocks, he had sworn that he would build for Braen the greatest ship ever designed. Today he would unveil the most magnificent marvel of Andalonian technology.

  The entire city had turned out for the ceremony, eager to see the vessel that had been kept secret for so long. They lined the wharf and even sat atop houses and shops. Everyone jockeyed for the best view of it sliding out from dry dock. All dignitaries were on the pier. Eusari and her wolf stood with Peter Longshanks while Amash Horslei and Alec Pogue hung back from the rest, their conversation low enough that the others wouldn’t overhear. Even Captain Adamas Creech attended, despite competing against the others for a seat on the triumvirate council.

  Gunnery Sergeant Krill stood nearby, adorned with eyepatch and wooden leg. “Relax, Matey,” he told the engineer, “He’s a comin’ down the road.”

  Sippen pushed his spectacles up on his nose and spied Braen walking with Samani and a local family from The Cove. “Huh… Who is wuh… with him?” Sippen hated his stutter. He never minded being shorter or smaller than everyone else, only his speech bothered him. It was worse when he was anxious, and this day tested his limits.

  Eusari strained her eyes against the midday glare. “That little girl looks familiar.”

  As the procession wound its way through the multitude, Sippen smiled at the awe in which the crowd held his friend. Many moved away from him in fear, while most pressed close to either touch or be recognized by the Kraken King.

  “He sure knows how to make an entrance.” The voice came from Amash. The son of the late Abraham Horslei, former governor of Weston.

  “That he does, Matey.” Krill’s smile was a ludicrous sight, filling his wide face and making his one eye appear overly large.

  “Wait.” Eusari’s finally recognized the little girl and her family. “That’s the girl Gelert and I dug up.” The wolf whined at the mention of his name.

  By the time Braen and the family pressed through the crowd, he beamed joyfully. Moving first to Eusari, he wrapped her in a tight embrace.

  The woman captain hissed, “Propriety, you idiot! The entire Cove is watching!”

  “Sorry!” He whispered, then wrapped up Sippen and Amash in the same embrace. For Creech and Pogue, he offered a dignified handshake that the approving crowd cheered.

  After the crowd quieted, Amash stepped forward to speak the words Sippen had written down. The little man mouthed along as Horslei spoke, “People of The Cove! Today is a day for celebration! You are witness to the future of Andalon. You are witness to the birth of power wielded by the people instead of monarchs. Three months ago, you were liberated from a man who enslaved both women and children for his personal profit, gain, and fame. Today, you are witness to a future that promises the will of the majority over the wealthy few!

  The crowd stood mesmerized at his words and Sippen stood behind the others, nodding his approval of Amash’s prowess as a speaker. With his stutter he never would have dared such a speech in public. He braced himself for the introduction of Braen. This was the part they had rehearsed several times.

  “I stand here to introduce the man who liberated you. He was born a prince but gave up that life of privilege to live as you do, self-reliant and not beholden to the wealthy. He spent two years living amongst you as a man instead of a king, serving The Cove. After Lord Nevra seized power from your beloved Artema Horn, he sacrificed even his own ship, his sole possession in the world, to stand against tyranny.”

  Eusari and Adamas both turned to Sippen with raised eyebrows, but the little man stared straight ahead, still smiling. Even Braen shot the little man a look of caution.

  Amash had the people in a frenzy. “I introduce to you the son of Krist and friend of Artema. He is Lord of the Kraken and master over sea and inlet. He is the future of The Cove, Braen Braston!”

  The people roared their applause. Braen, red with embarrassment, shot Sippen a look that meant they would talk about this later. The little man smiled and shrugged while his big friend faced the crowd. They hushed immediately, hungry to hear him speak. “Brothers and sisters of The Cove, I salute you. I am honored by the introduction from Amash Horslei, the man who freed loyalists from the palace dungeon and fought on the day of liberation.” Having said these words, he turned and again wrapped Amash in a brotherly embrace. The crowd cheered even louder than before.

  After the people again quieted, the bearded captain stepped toward the family who had followed him onto the docks. Braen gestured toward the child and spoke briefly in the ear of the father, who nodded agreement. He knelt and said something to the little girl, who offered her hand for him to take. He guided her toward his friends. Gelert stood and nuzzled the child, causing her to laugh lou
dly and hug him back. The crowd was perfectly silent at the display, shocked at how tender the terrifying animal had responded.

  Braen turned back to the crowd and explained, “Many citizens were affected by my decision to assault the walls using forces of nature. Innocents were harmed, and for that I am eternally sorry. But, now that our mourning period is over, we should celebrate their sacrifice. Our future is one with better lives free from oppressive rule.”

  Many in the crowd applauded, although less than Sippen had hoped. Braen still had a long way to go in earning the trust of the populace. He watched as his friend gestured toward the child. “Today Eusari Thorinson is reunited with one of the hundreds of citizens she personally rescued. Her compassion and instincts are truly for the people, as evidenced by the gratitude of this family touched by her quick thinking on that day.”

  He paused as the applause washed over them all, watching as the family walked toward Eusari. They also embraced her, thanking her for finding and digging out their beloved child. The captain of She Wolf blushed, wiping a tear and smiling back at the mother. The multitude of people, moved by the display, cheered wildly. Braen had forced her to bathe in the praise, knowing full well that she had spent her life in shadows. She would certainly have words with him later.

  Sippen stepped forward and whispered into his friend’s ear, letting him know that the time had come. This was his day, after all, but he was giving away all the recognition and appreciation. Yurik moved into position next to the dock, signaling his shipwrights. On his signal they removed the tarp. The midday sun reflected off the ship with a radiance that seemingly made it glow. The crowd drew in a collective gasp, as did the dignitaries on the pier. Braston stood with mouth agape at the magnificent sight, noticing at once his Kraken banner flying high atop the mast.

  The source of the brilliant reflection turned out to be a complex array of copper sheeting. They lined the entirety of the hull, providing armor for battle and protecting from the elements and ocean pests. The ship appeared sleek and fast, clearly representing the future of The Cove’s tenacity. She was outfitted with the most modern of weaponry, all guns rifled for extended range. Sippen’s new technology was also easier and faster to load for rapid firing.

  While the crew of boatbuilders readied for launch Braen whispered to Sippen. “What is her name?”

  “Malfeasance.” Sippen responded proudly without the hint of stutter, placing a bottle of 754 in his friend’s hand.

  Braen turned to the assembled crowd. “I give to you and your generations to come, Malfeasance! May she demonstrate to the world the strength of The Cove!” He smashed the bottle against the hull and the crew pulled a series of levers, launching the vessel into the water with a splash. The warship immediately righted itself and the crew quickly tied off its new berth.

  The crowd frenzied at the sight of the new flagship. After their cheering had died down and many of the people had dispersed, Braen turned to Sippen and swept him up in a bear hug. “That’s the most amazing sight I have ever seen. Is she as fast as Ice Prince?”

  “Fuh… faster, I hope.”

  “I can’t wait to take her through sea trials and shake her down.”

  “Shuh… She’s yours, Braen.”

  “No, She’s all of ours.” Braston turned and saw that the family lingered on the pier.

  The woman spoke. “Thank you for letting Charleigh be a part of this. We hope that she’ll finally have closure.”

  Braen nodded and watched at the child, still hugging the wolf, and introducing it to her doll. “Well, at the very least she has new friends who will go to great lengths to protect her.”

  The shopkeeper agreed. “It seems that’s true for all people of The Cove. You still have a lot of opposition, just so you are aware, but I’ll help spread the word as much as I can before the elections.” All eyes turned instantly toward Adamas Creech. He stood on the pier marveling at the craftsmanship of Malfeasance.

  The parents finally pulled Charleigh away from Gelert and departed. After they had gone Braen turned to Eusari. “Sorry about that, but you needed recognition to help your position in the polls.”

  She shot him her signature glare but answered, “I’m getting used to it.”

  “What is that new ship in the harbor, alongside She Wolf?”

  She smiled broadly, excited that he had noticed. “That’s a gift. I brought Desperation to The Cove.”

  “We have enough of that as it is.” They shared a laugh and then he turned serious. “You had trouble, then?”

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle. But I did capture a hundred men, many of whom may take up our colors after they meet the Kraken King.”

  Braen nodded. “I’ll speak with them one by one in their cells.” He turned to his engineer. “Sippen, you’ll have to strip the vessel of its name and repaint it. Remove any clue of her origin. Otherwise the Esterling Armada will recognize her and set bounties. Hopefully, they’ll think her lost at sea.”

  Amash interrupted, “Braen. Before you have him do that, Alec and I have a matter to discuss with you.”

  “Regarding Captain Dominique and Mattie?” The look on Alec Pogue’s face told him that it was. Several months before, his wife and daughters had been kidnapped and sold by the former Pirate King, Stefan Nevra. That man sat in a cell, but his conspirator, Dominique, had not returned to the Cove.

  “Yes.” The captain of the guard spoke, “We’ve word that he’s in Eskera. If I’m to find Mattie and the girls, then I need to question him before he moves on.”

  “That’s a problem. I’ve heard that the entire harbor is under blockade.”

  “Nonetheless we want to risk it.

  Braen looked toward Amash who nodded his agreement. “I don’t know. It’s too risky and I can’t give you one of the new ships. If you get caught, they’d learn our secrets.”

  Horslei pointed at the galleon tied off beside She Wolf. “You won’t have to, Braen. It seems that the gods have provided for us in our time of need and Desperation. Let us take her as she is. If Eusari has captured a hundred men, then we also have a hundred uniforms. I think I know how to get through the blockade.”

  Braen warily watched Captain Creech as he spoke with Sippen’s shipwrights. His back was turned and had not heard the plan. He looked thoughtful for a moment then added, “Eusari, you won’t like this, but I want them to take Marita along for this mission.”

  She darkened. “Braen, you know how I feel about using the children.”

  “I know. But she recently contacted another air emote in Eskera. It seems he was the same boy that contacted Samani from Weston.”

  Her face softened and Braen let out a breath as she spoke. “Okay, but only if she wants to. She isn’t a soldier that you get to order around like your private army. Remember, she’s still a child.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good. Now I’m going to go wash off the sea and have a decent meal. Meet me later?” Her eyes sparkled when she spoke the last part and Braen’s heart leaped at the thought of embracing her in private.

  “I’m looking forward to it.” He smiled as he watched her saunter off then addressed his friend from Weston.

  “Amash, I have one more thing for you to do in Eskera. Prince Esterling is holed up there as well. After you get what you need from Dominique, I would like for you to contact him as an ambassador of The Cove. Let him know that we seek alliance. His brother is behind the slander of my name and I want Robert to know the truth. Tell him about what happened in Estowen’s Landing and the part that Artema Horn played.”

  Both men nodded, said their ‘goodbyes,’ and made their way from the pier. After they had left Braen turned to Sippen with a warm and brotherly smile. “You’re truly remarkable, Sippen Yurik.”

  “Ah… I’m just a man, Braen.”

  “A brilliant man with a heart of gold. Thank you for everythi
ng you’ve done throughout the years.”

  Sippen said nothing in return. He didn’t have to. He would always follow the rightful ruler of Fjorik and his best friend, no matter the circumstance. Nothing would sway his allegiance and loyalty from the son of Krist Braston, the Lord Kraken.

  Chapter Ten

  Marcus screamed into the face of Lord Chancellor Campton Shol, “I am the rightful ruler of the Esterling Dynasty!”

  Matteas Brohn stood in the corner, sipping a glass of wine. “Saying it louder doesn’t make it true, Boy.”

  The king shot his captain of the guard a stare that would chill any other man. “You’re only here because you’ve been loyal. Don’t tempt me to find your replacement.”

  The Captain General took another sip and set down the glass. He crossed the room in three steps and grabbed the boy by the tunic, lifted him from his seat, and then shoved him against the wall. With a snarl he growled into the boy’s face, “I’m here because I screwed your mother nine months before you crawled out. If you had any sense, you’d know that the council rules and the king profits.” He dug his fingers into Marcus’ cheeks and forced him to look at the chancellor. “And that man has the backing of both the council and The Falconers. You’d do best to find your place.”

  Chancellor Shol watched the exchange with amusement but carried on as if it were a minor interruption. “As I was saying, I sent a dispatch on your behalf to the governors and the Kingdom of Fjorik. We believe that Skander Braston is planning to resume raids after the thaw. We’re hoping to convince him that we’ve forgiven his aggression against Atarax and blamed it on his brother. Hopefully, that will pacify his lust for revenge. We’re also planning to negotiate a new treaty that keeps him off our shores.”

  “I have the biggest navy in the world…”

  Brohn had resumed sipping from his glass, but paused to correct the king, “Continent. You have no idea what Astia has.”

  Marcus shot him a wary glance, anger building toward his father and mentor. “No one else knows about them, so I have the biggest on this side of the ocean.”


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