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Andalon Arises

Page 22

by T B Phillips

  “Then it’s a deal, Braston?”

  “Yes. It’s a deal, Esterling.” The two men grasped hands and shook as equals before standing to take their leave. They both turned when Sebastian began to laugh maniacally.

  “Sebastian?” Braen knelt beside the boy and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay, son?”

  “You are both idiots and deserve your waiting deaths.” The boy began to laugh, and his body heaved in time with the cackling. “You’re all children playing with powers that you don’t deserve to wield. It’s just too bad that we can’t keep you in stasis within our rookeries. I would have enjoyed consuming your essence.” Sebastian’s laughter intensified as he spoke until convulsions overpowered his ability to speak. Braen and Robert stepped forward and eased his seizing body to the ground.

  “What’s happening, Marita?” Braen shot her a worried glance.

  “I don’t know!” Tears filled her eyes as she thrust two thumbs upward.

  “We need you to figure it out, dearie.” The captain pressed. He watched as she sent a sliver of glistening air toward Sebastian, feeling the boy’s body and mind. Her eyes shot immediately to the forest and she slowly raised a finger, pointing to the tree line where a horde of Falconers emerged into the daylight.

  Braen and Robert stood and moved beside Marita. At their feet, Sebastian’s seizure ended but his skin began to ripple as if a million spiders crawled beneath it. The girl answered, “She had control of him, but I cut her off.”

  “She?” Robert seemed confused.

  One of the Falconers approached the trio standing over the boy. From the way her robes clung to her frame, they could tell right away that she was a woman.

  Marita stepped forward and raised her fist at the specter. “Go away! You can’t harm us, here!”

  “I don’t have to, My Dear. I’ll kill you soon enough in person.”

  Braen scooped up Sebastian’s limp body and turned to Marita. “Can you help us get home.” She nodded and touched her palms to their foreheads.

  Braen’s eyes shot open with alarm and looked around the room. Samani and Sippen were there and Sebastian slept quietly in the chair. “Wake him up!”

  “What happened, Braen?” Samani looked puzzled.

  “Sippen, get the ships ready. We’re leaving for Eskera.”

  The pier buzzed with activity as men readied the fleet to sail. Eusari stood with Braen, listening to him and Sebastian retell their experience. She was happy that they were both well, but she also seethed with anger that Braen had casually taken such a risk with both him and the boy’s lives. “Sebastian, go on and board Malfeasance. I need to talk to Captain Braston.”

  “Yes, Captain.” He looked pitiful but had sworn that he would be fine on the voyage. He was not physically hurt, only terrified after the Falconer had taken control of his body when he was stuck in the dream world.

  “Eusari, I…” She cut him off.

  “I haven’t forgiven you yet.”

  The corners of his lips curled up and his gorgeous eyes glistened with his charming mischief. “You said, ‘yet.’ So, you are saying that you will.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up.” She looked around to ensure that no one was listening. Despite his and Samani’s attempt to rig the election, the outcome turned out honest in the end. However, Creech had beaten out Amash and would serve as the third head of the triumvirate. As such, he tried to block this mission to aid the Esterling boy and would have been successful had it not been for her vote and approval by the emergency war council. “We have a lot to talk about, but I’m not ready. To be honest, I don’t even want to sail in the same fleet as you today.”

  “I understand.” He appeared terribly sorry for his actions, and it was so hard to remain angry. But she dug in her heels and kept him distanced. He continued, “After we take out the blockade, why don’t you bring back any captured ships and prisoners that we can press into service?” He turned his eyes to the water to avoid hers. “That way you won’t have to be near me, and you can have time to think things out.”

  Eusari wanted to scream inside but kept her demeaner calm. Damn him. Doesn’t he get it? I don’t want time to think things over, I want him to love and comfort me. I want him to wallow in his torment and grovel at my feet! Instead of speaking her thoughts aloud, she casually stated, “That suits me just fine, Captain Braston.” Stupid girl, she screamed in her head, He’ll have to figure things out during the voyage!

  She pushed past him with her shoulder, careful not to touch him with any part of her hand except her glove. She boarded She Wolf without glancing back a single time.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Malfeasance loved the open seas. Four masts heaved against the strain of the full canvas stretched above, capturing the wind and making it hers to control. The sleek curves of her hull sliced through the Southern Ocean as she led the race to Eskera, the rising sun reflected from her armored skirt and lighting up the water below her draft. At her highest point, a banner announced the admiral at her helm with the tentacles of the Kraken crushing ships against the black colors of the Pirate’s Guild.

  It had been years since Braen had put a newly built ship through its paces, shaking down the lashings and learning her limits. The last time had been aboard Ice Prince, he and Sippen had stood beside his father, challenging the newly commissioned ship and putting her through exercises. Like that day many years ago, Yurik smiled with pride while the crew marveled at his engineering prowess.

  Braston placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and voiced his approval. “She’s your greatest marvel, my friend. We’re going to have to slack sails to let the others catch up.”

  “I tuh… told you she wuh… was fast.” The little man’s smile filled his face and his eyes glistened behind the spectacles.

  Braen looked over his shoulder at twenty-nine vessels racing behind his flagship. The ships of the line trailed out, ready to relay his orders and take down the enemy blockade. Although he had commanded fleets before, he had never controlled so much firepower. Each vessel possessed the new rifled cannons and Sippen had even added explosive rounds to increase the impact of the volleys.

  Sippen pointed over the side at the shadowy shapes following the wake of Malfeasance. “Thuh… they’re still thuh... there.”

  “Yes. I sensed them the moment we left the harbor and they seem intent on following us to Eskera.” The bearded captain looked thoughtful. “It’s funny, but every other time they connected with me, I experienced intense emotions like hopelessness. This time they latched on immediately and I feel more in control than before.”

  “Buh… because you are ruh… resolute in your mission, Braen.” Sippen pushed his spectacles back atop his nose. “You know that this is thuh… the right thing to do.” He gestured at the trailing fleet. “They follow you like wuh… we do.”

  The words from his friend meant much to Braen and helped heal some of their recent division over the election. He only wished Eusari would be as forgiving. She hadn’t spoken to him in a week, except to go over battle plans for this attack. He longed to speak with her and to get her alone so that he could explain his rationale. Mostly he wanted to apologize, but she had avoided him at every chance. He looked back at the black ship halfway behind the line. Soon she would peel off with her own fleet to attack the enemy from the flank.

  Gunnery Sergeant Krill ambled up on his wooden leg, a comical sight with his black eyepatch and beaming smile. He had painted an odd-looking eyeball on the patch, making him appear more ridiculous. “Lookout reports sails on the horizon, Cap’n. It be time to split off from the rest.”

  Braen nodded. “Signal the others.” He watched as Krill turned to the signalman. The spindly man grabbed a series of flags and ran them up the yardarm. Braen did not recognize the hand, presumably new to the crew. So much has changed, the captain mulled, there was a time when I knew eve
ryone on my crew by name. He made a mental note to meet the young man after their mission.

  Soon the other ships responded, and the order was relayed to the entire fleet within minutes. Braen could almost feel the tension in every sailor as they squared away their sails. She Wolf departed with the others, curving away to hit the western ships, and his heart sank as he watched his lover leave. His eyes lingered on the dark canvas heaving against the wind, his heart yearning for the captain who steered a different course.

  Crewmen on the deck readied for battle, tying down loose objects that could potentially fly around and cause more damage from the enemy. Krill and Sippen oversaw the preparations, checking the knots and rigging while ensuring that the powder was dry and at the ready. Instead of a somber mood laden with anxiety, the men aboard Malfeasance appeared ready for the fight and excited to try out the new weaponry. The only anxious man on board was Braen.

  Thoughts about the rendezvous with Robert raced through his mind, wondering if the boy would keep his end of the bargain. His father had once warned him of the Esterling family, emphasizing that their deals always benefitted themselves more than their allies.

  A quiet voice broke him from his brooding, and he looked down at Sebastian, gaunter than he had been before the episode with the Falconers, eyes older than they should be against that youthful face. He was lucky to live, and the boy knew it. “Captain Braston, there are Falconers on one of those two ships.”

  Braen gestured at the sails. “Those two?”

  The boy nodded, “I think the one on the right, but I’m not sure.”

  “I need you to be certain. Can you reach out without detection?”

  Although his face paled from fear he nodded again and answered with a shaky voice, “I’ll try.”

  “Good boy. I’ll get you closer and you can tell me when you know for sure.” He pulled out his spy lens and peered at the signal masts of both vessels. They would see him soon and he wanted them to alert their comrades. Red and blue flags raced up the yardarms and the galleons turned against the wind. As Sebastian predicted, their sails remained full of the Falconer’s aid. “Krill, they see us and are moving to join the line. Load all guns!”

  Sebastian exclaimed, “The one on the right, Captain!”

  Braen focused the lens on the starboard vessel and soon a single hawk rose into the air. It made a beeline to warn the main fleet and the bearded northerner smiled. “Good job, Sebastian. Keep calling them out as we go. They’ll probably be wondering how we have wind as well, so hang back. Don’t get too close just yet.”

  “Aye, Captain.” The sails fluttered briefly as the boy allowed the others to gain a slight lead.

  They followed the outline of the vessels for an hour before lookouts identified more sails. The main fleet consisted of forty galleons, the full strength of the Soston fleet. These cruised toward the nearest then allowed them to move into the lead of the convoy. “They’ve committed, gentlemen! We’ve got a battle on our hands!” The crew let out a war whoop that lifted his heart. “Signal the others to move forty degrees to port. We need natural wind to pull this off.” With a grin he called out, “Ready the starboard!”

  Braen’s line drifted away and his opponents gave fierce pursuit. They held both the wind from the north as well as the aid from the Falconers. The enemy captains would have confidence in their attack, with Braen’s fleet vulnerable and fully exposed on their withering starboard flank. He would have to heave to port into the northern wind to have an angle of defense, but the enemy ships of the line would fire repeatedly as they moved past in a trailing single file. They would mercilessly pound his fleet until his revolution lay beneath the Southern Sea.

  But with the Dreamers on board, the direction he led the Imperial fleet would open up two surprise attacks. They would expect the first as he turned to port, with starboard cannons at the ready. But a second hard starboard turn would surprise the foe and make rapid use of his portside guns as well. With proper timing, he would fire off two broadsides as quickly as they reloaded their first. His faster loading would also ready him for the next vessel, firing two more shots each as his fleet snaked between their line against the wind.

  He called out angles to Krill who was bent over a slate with Sippen. “Fire when you have them, Mr. Krill!”

  “Aye Cap’n! Second round will be explosives on your order!”

  “Make it so!”

  The enemy line moved into position and fired their first shots toward Malfeasance. Imperial cannons roared to life, breaking the tranquility of the spring day on pleasant seas. Most of the guns hit their mark, striking the vessel below the waterline, but mostly bouncing off the armored hull. Sippen’s rifled weapons responded immediately, shooting faster and truer than their foe’s. Wood splintered into the sea as Braen shouted for the second attack.

  “Sebastian, give me wind to snake starboard! Get me in between those ships!” The sails turned to the northeast and filled with an unnatural wind that quickly blew them north and east of the enemy. Braen glanced over his shoulder to confirm that his trailing fleet had followed his lead. They were also ready on the portside. “Where’s the Falconer, Sebastian?”

  “Second ship, Captain Braston!”

  “Krill! Fire both broadsides at both ships!”

  “Aye Cap’n! You heard the man, you bilge rats! Prepare to reload your guns like your wenches want another tumble!” He glanced at Sippen who nodded. “Fire away, you rapscallions of the Southern Sea! Fire!”

  Deafening shots rang out as both starboard and portside guns exploded. Each hit their mark. In response, the second vessel turned toward them with aid from the Falconer, breaking the line and moving into range for a last-second starboard volley. Krill screamed over the ringing in Braen’s ears, “Hurry, you swabs! We can’t let them get a shot off. Crab legs tonight if you get the rounds off first!” Each gunner signaled one by one and then Sippen nodded again. “Fire, you cold hearted turd chasers!”

  Sippen’s guns fired and projectiles screamed through the air with trailing whistles. The challenger exploded into a series of fireballs as each made impact, several igniting the powder stores. Braen’s crew cheered as they loaded the next attack. But a second ship accelerated around the debris of the first, turning so that it would fire off a shot before Malfeasance could ready. The bearded captain shouted, “Brace for impact!”

  As he shouted, he reached out instinctually and felt the beasts below the surface. You’ve helped me before when I was in danger, please take that one out first! When he opened his eyes, he saw that the dark shapes raced toward the target. His heart beat fast as they sped toward the ship and adrenaline surged in his chest as he replaced the fear with rage.

  Braen Braston became a fearsome sight atop the forecastle of Malfeasance. His face no longer appeared calm and friendly, but twisted as if possessed. His beastlike roar caused every man on deck to pause in their loading and to stare at the animal leading their attack. As if answering his call, the tentacles from one of the Krakens wrapped around the hull of the enemy vessel, crushing it into splinters.

  “Where’s the next Falconer, Sebastian?” His voice roared demonically as he screamed the question, causing the boy to jump slightly and the sails to luff. “Hurry, Boy!”

  Sebastian sputtered out, “Thuh… The fifth ship, Captain Braston!”

  The crew watched in wonder as the second dark shape hurtled toward the ship, rendering splinters in the same manner as the first. “Next target! Now!” Blood poured from Braen’s nostrils, staining his yellow beard orange. Veins throbbed in his contorted face and every muscle in his body flexed as he raged.

  “Nine!” The crying boy shouted and then added, “Twelve, fifteen, eighteen, and twenty-two!” One by one the Krakens ripped apart the vessels containing Falconers, and one by one the sails of the other ships fell limp as they tried to turn into a position to fire.

  As they
passed the line of ships, Braen screamed at Krill, “For Cinder’s sake keep them firing, Mr. Krill! Take the others down!”

  Krill shook himself from his dumbfounded amazement and relayed the command, “Fire!” The ships trailing behind contributed their own ordinance and the remaining enemy vessels shook as masts fell and men hurtled into the ocean.

  Sebastian kept yelling over the explosions, “Twenty-eight, thirty-two, thirty-seven, and forty!”

  Soon, all of the ships containing Falconers had been destroyed and the water, once clear and blue, had become a frothy pool of floating wood and canvas. Braen fell to the deck in exhaustion and Sippen hurried over. “Do you see Eusari?” He asked his lifelong friend who shook his head.

  “More sails, Captain!” Krill pointed westward as forty more ships raced into position. These would have the natural wind no matter if they held Falconers or not.

  Braen rose slowly to his feet, steadying himself between Sippen and a sobbing Sebastian. “Turn us north and get us out of their range!” Suddenly the sails of Malfeasance fell completely limp. All eyes turned to the little boy clinging to the captain with tears flowing down.

  “I… I can’t do it anymore. I’m so afraid!”

  Braen bent down and glared at the boy. He was a gruesome sight with his bloody beard and equally scarlet eyes. “Don’t quit on me now, Son! We need you!”

  “She’s dead, Braen!”

  “Who? Who’s dead?”

  “Suzette!” Sebastian fell to his knees and sobbed at an image burned forever in his mind.

  “Of course, she’s dead! She died months ago!” He remembered the death of the defiant little girl who had stowed away during their attack on The Cove. He and the boy had watched her impalement by a three-foot-long splinter, a shard from Ice Prince’s broken mast.

  “I can’t… I can’t do it, Captain Braston.”

  “You’ll find a way, Sebastian. You will find a way, or we will die.” The other ships raced by Malfeasance, leaving their admiral dead in the water as they attempted to curl around the enemy fleet for a better vantage.


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