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Dare to Believe: Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy Bundle (Series Bundle Andy Smithson Bk 4, 5 & 6): Dragons, Serpents, Unicorns, Pegasus, Pixies, Trolls, Dwarfs, Knights and More!

Page 20

by L. R. W. Lee

  “He’s sorry for deceiving you, but is he sorry for killing me?”

  “Imogenia, you’re splitting hairs. He would not have confessed if he were not sorry for both deceiving me as well as harming you.”

  The King nodded again.

  “So just because someone takes responsibility, you believe that means they’re sorry?” Imogenia questioned.

  “Yes. I do.”

  As the ghost considered this, Emmalee posed, “What would you have him do? What would convince you he’s sorry?”

  The King’s expression took on a scowl. Mom reached over and placed a hand on his arm.

  After a lengthy pause, Imogenia replied, “He will never understand how deeply he hurt me, and I don’t just mean physically.”

  “What do you want me to do?” the King’s voice rose. “I’ve tried apologizing, but you refuse to accept.”

  Mom held up a hand.

  “Words are easy,” the spirit added. “I need to see that you’re truly sorry.”

  “What do you mean?” Emmalee requested.

  Imogenia thought for a second. “I can’t explain it. I’ll just know when I see it.”

  The dream faded as the King rolled his eyes in frustration, and Andy drifted into peaceful slumber.

  True to the captain’s prediction, by late morning they had crossed two bridges, one of which Hans informed Andy was the rebuilt Entente Bridge. Recognition sparked, and Andy told Yara the tale of his being impaled in the shoulder by a projectile when the span had collapsed. Everyone laughed as he shared about the young dwarf girl calling him a weenie as her mom extracted the fragment.

  Around lunchtime they passed through the city of Oops. Seductive smells wafted from several buildings and enticed them to stop. Being so close to their destination, however, the company opted to polish off their remaining provisions as they walked.

  The path curved to the left, and Andy saw the turrets of Castle Avalon in the distance.

  “Look!” he announced, hastening their pace.

  Several minutes later, with the drawbridge only five hundred yards away, Hannah suddenly cried, “Andy! The bellicose!”



  The drawbridge had scarcely been lowered when the company sprinted across its span, their adversary in pursuit. Andy chanced a backward glance as he reached the portcullis. The beast halted upon reaching the wooden bridge and released a snarl as it began pacing.

  “Why doesn’t it come any farther?” Yara wondered, drawing furrowed brows from all within hearing.

  The princess held her hands up in surrender. “No, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad it’s not.”

  “Unless I’m mistaken, I think it remembers its run-in with the King. Beware his majesty’s wrath when it comes to his son,” Hans offered, placing a hand on Andy’s shoulder. Yara’s eyes grew large.

  “I’ll tell you about it later,” Andy whispered.

  Their not-so-subtle arrival had launched a host of soldiers into action. As they ascended the grand staircase to a bevy of cheers and boisterous celebration, Andy spied the King, Mermin, and Marta amongst the crowd gathered at the top. The throng parted and Andy dashed up the final steps into Father’s outstretched arms.

  After a protracted embrace, Andy stepped back. “It’s so good to see you again!”

  “I’ve missed you, son.” The King’s smile underscored his affection.

  Mermin grabbed hold and engulfed him in an embrace before Andy could say more. “It’s good to see you again, my pwince.”

  The arms of a purple-haired woman snatched him from the wizard and surrounded him in a bear hug. “What a surprise!”

  Alden stood not far away. He cleared his throat animatedly, then with a grin added, “What am I, leftovers?”

  “Oh, Alden!” Marta grabbed her son and gave him a welcoming hug.

  Nearby, Cadfael and Lucee embraced Hannah. Yara shrank back in the jostling until Andy motioned for her to join him. She rewarded him with a relieved smile. As she mounted the final two steps, the King and Mermin parted and drew a familiar figure to the forefront.

  “Mom!” Andy exclaimed. “You’re really here!” He wrapped his arms around her as Yara reached them. “I had a dream. You and Father were talking in his chambers—”

  Mom’s breath caught in her throat.

  “How?” Andy struggled to put the pieces together.

  The King laughed. “Been spying on us have you?”

  “We’ll have to sort this all out, but in the meantime, who’s your friend?” Mom questioned.

  “Sorry! This is Princess Yara of Cromlech.”

  The King, Mom, Marta, and Mermin all tipped their heads and directed their gazes to Hans who now joined them.

  The healer placed his hand on Yara’s shoulder before confirming, “It’s true. Our quest proved successful. This is the only remaining member of the royal family of my homeland.”

  “My deepest sympathies.” The King bowed his head low and the others did too.

  “Thank you for your kind words,” Yara replied, closing her eyes.

  Andy reached over and took her hand. Mom tried to hide her surprise, but Andy caught it, launching a flight of butterflies in his belly.

  “Well, I think you all might do well with baths and a change of clothes before dinner,” Marta intoned, breaking the discomforting silence. “The princess needs a room. Where’s Razen?” she continued rapid-fire.

  A cry went up for the castle’s operations manager, and the vulture-man waddled his way through the throng. While it had been quite some time since Andy had seen the man, his appearance sparked unpleasant memories and a decidedly deleterious distrust.

  Andy’s inneru cautioned, “Let it go.”

  Upon seeing Andy, Razen kept his expression even and slowly nodded.

  Andy caught Yara wrinkling her forehead in response.

  The bird-man turned his attention to the princess and welcomed her with a charming smile. “So glad to make your acquaintance. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to a private bath while we prepare your chambers and find more suitable clothes for you.” As he said it, his eyes darted from her matted, disheveled hair to her filthy tattered dress to her mud-crusted shoes.

  Yara blushed and Andy’s temper began to simmer. He gave the princess a reassuring nod.

  As the welcoming congregation turned to head into the dining hall, a flock of at least fifteen zolt materialized in their path, drawing a chorus of shrieks from the celebrants. “She’s here!” boomed a nasally declaration.

  Captain Baldric and the four officers who accompanied them on the journey had been enjoying the greetings and celebration, but seeing the foe, they dashed up the stairs to join a handful of comrades. Methuselah instantly appeared in Andy’s hand, and he saw Mom draw a knife. Father, Alden, Yara, Hannah, and Cadfael drew weapons and together they bounded after the officers.

  The hall erupted in terrorized cries harmonizing with clanging and clashing metal. Andy engaged a burly zolt whose size gave him pause. He moved to block a downward strike, but the force made his arms buckle and he barely escaped as the enemy brushed Methuselah’s blade aside and him with it. The brute proved more nimble than Andy expected as it thrust a leg in his path, bringing him down. He scrambled to put his feet beneath him again, then popped up, slicing at his foe’s legs as he rose. Methuselah found flesh and the zolt belted out its rage. His adversary hobbled as it turned to face off once more, then quickly raised its blade and brought it down. Andy side-stepped the blow, but as the zolt passed, its elbow connected with his temple. Andy saw stars, staggered, then wilted to the floor.

  I’m gonna die…

  “No, you’re not! Get up, Andy!” Dad’s voice in his head demanded.

  As Andy struggled to sit up, the brute turned, took three lumbering steps toward him, and raised its blade.

  “Don’t kill him, you oaf! He’s worth more alive than dead,” Razen berated as he hurriedly waddled past.

  The b
utt of the zolt’s sword rang Andy’s bell, and everything went dark.

  A sudden and violent jolt of the wooden door propping Andy up awakened him.

  “Huh?” Andy mumbled, then reached up to rub the tender lump on the side of his head.

  Clang. Crash. Ahhh!

  Darkness surrounded Andy, but the distinct sounds of battle quickly roused him to full consciousness. He struggled against inhuman foes before locating the handle, wrenched it open, and bolted out.


  He froze and scanned the hall when his sword did not materialize in his hand. A host of zolt corpses and a few soldiers of Oomaldee lay scattered, covered in blood. Father stood nearby with Mermin, his sword at his side. All across the hall, blue-uniformed warriors bowed to their queen as she stood over Andy’s adversary, Methuselah protruding from its chest.

  Mom righted herself and surveyed the room. Her gaze stopped at Andy.


  A smile crept across her bloodied face and she exhaled, “You’re okay.”

  Andy hastily made his way toward her, and Father joined. Instantly they formed an Andy sandwich, setting off sighs throughout the hall.

  Father broke away and shouted, “How about Queen Emmalee!” drawing a cacophony of cheers.

  “Andy!” Yara bounded toward him and was quickly joined by Alden and Hannah.

  “What happened to you?” Alden queried.

  “I got knocked out.”

  “Razen dragged you into that closet,” Hannah informed.


  “Yeah, after that brute knocked you silly, he grabbed you and pulled you through all the fighting.”

  Andy stood speechless, exchanging looks.

  “For what it’s worth,” Yara intoned, “I scanned Razen’s mind just before the zolt arrived.” The princess shook her head.

  “And?” Andy asked.

  “I’ve only rummaged through a few zolt minds, but his was different.”

  “How so?” Hannah inquired.

  “First, it didn’t feel as dark as usual.”

  “Hannah says the same when she’s near him,” Alden offered.

  “Yeah, it’s like he’s a combination of warm fuzzies and cold pricklies.”

  Yara nodded and continued, “But it’s beyond that. The zolt I’ve looked into, their thoughts flow smoothly. Razen’s thoughts go in spurts. It’s hard to explain. It’s just different than anything I’ve sensed before.”

  The conversation Andy had with his inneru several days before jogged through his mind: “Some innerus are paralyzed, then used as channels through which their human’s thoughts are broadcast over the whisper stream. They can’t control what they share.” Unsure of any connection to this earlier discussion, Andy chose not to share, tucking the thoughts away for further consideration.

  Suddenly, Andy broke their contemplations, “Wait a minute! Yara, you said you looked into Razen’s mind just before the zolt arrived?”

  The princess nodded.

  “You also spoke to Calum right before they appeared, right?”

  “Oh! Wait! And they showed up when I used my power to make the gnomes believe there was a dragon.”

  Andy nodded and grinned.

  “But they didn’t show up when you made me act like a chicken,” Hannah frowned.

  Andy rescued the penitent princess by countering, “Yeah, but we were still in the ring. There’s no telling what all it did for us.”

  “I have to agree with Andy. It seems like every time you use your power, the zolt know,” Alden summarized.

  “Well, we’ll certainly know when you do,” Hannah joked, receiving a smirk from the princess.

  Mom and Father approached, beaming as they held hands.

  “Youch!” Andy’s inneru yipped. “Don’t take your confusion out on me!”

  Oh. Sorry. I just…

  Mom sent him a reassuring smile.

  “What a grand welcome home,” Father joked. “I’m glad you returned when you did though, because tomorrow evening we’re having a celebration in honor of Queen Emmalee. It will rival the party we held in your honor last year, son.” The King sent him a wink as he placed a hand on Mom’s arm.

  “Easy…” Dad’s voice cautioned.

  Andy weakly pushed the corners of his mouth upward as he caught a glance from Yara.

  Razen joined the group. “Princess Yara, if you’ll follow me I’ll show you where you can get cleaned up.”

  Yara looked to Andy for reassurance. Receiving a hesitant nod, she excused herself.

  “Well, I better go get a bath and then help my mom,” Hannah begged leave.

  “Yeah, me too,” Alden added.

  Mermin joined the trio, announcing, “Looks like things are well in hand.” Andy looked about. The zolt carcasses had been removed and a host of servants were restoring order, scrubbing the floor and furnishings. Across the hall, Hans knelt and dressed a soldier’s wounds.

  “What say we get cleaned up and rendezvous in my chambers,” Father suggested.

  “Sounds good. We’ll join you in a bit,” Mom agreed, giving a reassuring nod.

  Father and Mermin disappeared up the stairway and Mom turned. “I guess you’d like your sword back?” she laughed, handing Methuselah’s hilt to Andy.

  “Thanks,” he replied, adding it back to the makeshift holster. “Mom?”

  She nodded toward two chairs and they sat. Leaning forward, she met his eyes. “Andy, I know this must seem strange to you. You’ve only ever seen me with Dad.”

  Andy nodded.

  “I love Dad very much, but I also love the King. He was the husband of my youth. While we were parted after such a short time, I never stopped loving him even though I never thought I’d see him again. When Dad and I met…what can I say? He swept me off my feet. The King and Dad are alike in many ways but also different. I love them both for who they are.”

  Mom brushed a stray lock of Andy’s hair aside.

  “I never imagined having two husbands. It’s certainly not something I set out to do.” Mom smiled then continued, “I haven’t quite reconciled it all. I’m not sure it can be.”

  “I love Father. I feel like he’s okay with who I am, like I can just be myself.”

  “And you don’t always with Dad, huh?”

  Andy nodded.

  “Dad loves you more than you’ll ever know, honey. It hasn’t been easy on him. He just wants the very best for you.”

  “I know.”

  “It’ll take some time for you to get used to the King and I. Just know that my love for your father does not mean I don’t also love Dad.”

  Andy laughed. “It’s just weird seeing you hold Father’s hand. And here I was just getting used to you being the queen.”

  Mom reached over and roughed up his already unruly hair. “Come on, let’s both get cleaned up and meet the others. I’m sure you’ve got lots of stories to tell.”

  An hour later found Andy, Mom, the King, and Mermin comfortably seated in Father’s chambers. They all looked and smelled considerably better.

  Andy recounted the highlights of the past several days, receiving a satisfying mixture of laughter and alarm as he spoke. When he finished, he extracted the deep red phoenix feather from his makeshift holster. The trio looked on in silence as he held it up.

  “You said Aray offered this to you?” Father asked.

  “She dabbed her eyes with it, then plucked it.”

  “Phoenix tears, whether moist or dwy, are a powerful healing agent,” Mermin intoned, smoothing his beard.

  “Do you suppose she knew about your quest?” Mom speculated.

  “I know she did.”

  Silence filled the room as everyone considered this.

  At length, the King suggested, “Best add that to your invisible book before anything happens to it. Come on, I’ll walk with you.” Father winked at Mom and Mermin, halting their movement to follow.

  They headed downstairs to Mermin’s library. As they entered,
Andy inhaled the familiar musty scent of old texts.

  “Ahh, I love that smell.”

  Father chuckled but then turned the conversation as Andy extracted the book only he could see. “It’s good to see you again, son. I’ve missed you.”

  Andy looked up from the gold book.

  “I missed you too. Although I have to say I was frustrated at not hearing anything from Oomaldee for a year. I didn’t know if something had happened to everyone. Alden and Hannah said you ordered them not to contact me.”

  The King opened his mouth to respond, but Andy continued, “I understand why. I really do. But it was hard not knowing if you all were okay.” The words drew moisture to Father’s eyes.

  “It was not an easy decision to make,” he confessed, bowing his head. “It was not my intention to hurt you. But given the circumstances, I would do the same again.” Catching Andy’s eye, he added, “Your safety was far more important than my indulgence.”

  Andy nodded. “How did the zolt get through the barrier from Oomaldee anyway?”

  Father shook his head. “It’s hard to say. Dark magic doesn’t play by rules.”

  Andy cleared a spot on Mermin’s table and opened the book. The first page was blank, so he moved it aside and opened the compartment. The prized unicorn horn, the vial of venom, and Abaddon’s red scale lay untouched. Andy gently placed the crimson phoenix feather atop these prizes and glanced back at the first page, which now revealed a note:

  “Knowledge and growth you did not scorn.

  The reward: these ingredients you have borne.

  Responsibility, diligence, and dignity,

  Cause hope to be reborn.”

  Andy drew in a sharp breath.

  “What is it, son?”

  Andy beamed as he looked up. “This note says I’m acting with responsibility, diligence, and dignity.”

  “Never been accused of that before?” Father laughed.

  Andy shook his head.

  Father wrapped his arm around Andy’s shoulder and squeezed.

  “I’m kind of surprised, actually.”


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