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Whispers Beneath the Pines

Page 3

by Whispers Beneath the Pines

  “It has been a few years. Some of it I'd rather forget but here goes,” Eve said as she began her story. Kevin looked back, interested in what she had to say.


  A couple of hours had passed. Selina had come out for air once before going back into the club for more. Ryan and Stephen were trying their hardest to impress women and Rachel remained with the same group. Pupils now dilated she looked mellow as she sat on a bench with her feet crossed on the table. Others around her lounged about laughing and finding things funny that weren’t really funny.

  “I’ve really enjoyed tonight,” Kevin said. “We were good friends once. I’ve missed you, as a friend I mean,” his face flushed as he corrected himself.

  “I’ve missed you too. We had such a laugh back then,” Eve replied as she slipped down the wall she was leaning against. Three drinks and she was officially tipsy. Kevin caught her and held her up. His arms were warm and firm around her shoulders. He stroked her back as he steadied her. She sunk into his chest, it had been a few years since she’d felt the warmth of a man against her body. The only hugs she'd received had been from Harry, her little boy. She thought of him, on holiday in Florida with his Dad and his wife and she missed him. She always missed him, competing had been difficult. She nuzzled deeper into Kevin’s arms and held him close. He then moved away from her creating a distance so that he could look at her.

  “You are beautiful, you really are Eve,” he said.

  She laughed and looked away. “Don’t be silly. You're drunk."

  “I mean it, and don’t you forget it,” he said as he smiled back. "And I'm not too drunk." Worried he was going to kiss her Eve loosened their embrace and looked away.

  “You haven't had enough then, how about another drink?” She smiled as she held her glass up. Obligingly Kevin took her glass and walked towards the entrance.

  “Don’t expect me back too soon,” he laughed. As he turned to the door Selina crashed into him. She stumbled out of the door and dragged Mehmet towards the end of the street. They stood together against a wall laughing and dodging out of the way of street lamps. “You best keep an eye on her,” said Kevin as he entered the club.

  Eve leaned on the window ledge and once again removed her shoes. The cobbled path felt soothing against the soles of her feet. She looked at her watch, one in the morning. Still early for the rest of them, but she’d had enough. Selina was now writhing with her back to the wall; she pulled Mehmet close to her and kissed him hard. Eve watched, not knowing whether to get her friend and save her from doing anything embarrassing. She decided to leave it a while. They continued to kiss and grab at each other. Mehmet had his hand down the back of Selina's dress and she held his buttocks hard and pressed him into her. She slipped and then fell to the floor on her bottom. Mehmet helped her back up. They laughed and he stumbled as he helped her up. Both of them were now holding each other up. They began to kiss again then Selina grabbed a clump of Mehmet’s hair and pulled him away from her. The young man stepped back and let her walk away. She took two steps away from him and vomited on to her shoes and the floor below.

  “Have I missed anything?” Kevin said as he thrust a sparkling drink into Eve’s hand; something red with orange slices attached to the side of the glass. She pulled the sparkler out of the fruit and placed it on a table.

  “I think I need to take Selina back,” smiled Eve. Selina was now leaning up against the wall crying. Mehmet leaned across and stroked her hair.

  “Has he upset her?” Kevin asked.

  “No, she’s just been sick on her new shoes.” They placed their drinks on the table. Kevin followed Eve closely behind.

  “Come on party girl, we’re going to get you back,” Eve said.

  “I love you Evie. Have I ever told you I love you?” She cried. Mascara smudged around her one eye and her hair extensions stuck across her face by the sticky sweat that she smelled of.

  “I love you too and because I love you I’m going to take you back and put you to bed,” she smiled. Kevin ran back and picked Eve's shoes up.

  “Can I see you again, tomorrow?” Mehmet asked. Eve could tell he was disappointed that Selina was being taken home.

  “Yes, I think so. I just need to fix my make-up and my shoes and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she replied. The man smiled back.

  “And I’m not saying that just so you come on a trip in the jeep. I like you. Please remember me tomorrow,” Mehmet shouted as they walked away, leaving him standing on the edge of Bar Street.

  “We should go on a trip,” said Selina, slurring every word. "But boats make me sick," she giggled.

  “Don’t you think about anything, we’ll have you back at the villa in a minute,” Eve replied. “Thanks Kevin, for helping me.” She lowered Selina into the taxi before standing on her toes and kissing Kevin on the cheek.

  Chapter 4

  Pushing open the bar door, Guz was hit by the pounding music. He nodded at the barman who in turn nodded at the two men sat at a table. One of those men nodded at the man who stood at the back of the bar next to the DJ. That man disappeared down some stairs behind the DJ’s box. Where was The Boss?

  Guz looked back at Sadik. His brother's smaller frame had been concealed by his heftier frame, he grabbed Sadik’s arm and pulled him along. Clutching his leather satchel, he took the walk along the bar floor. With every step, his shoes stuck to the carpet. If he could hear them over the music, he was sure they would be making a squelch noise. He inhaled the smell of beer, what he wouldn’t do for a beer right now. His throat became constricted by his collar; he loosened it and cleared his throat. As he approached the mid way of the walk, drunken eyes turned and glared. Mostly men; well dressed men. As they approached the DJ’s booth the man reappeared from the room downstairs. He waved them over. Guz swallowed hard as he followed. He didn’t look at Sadik, didn’t want to have an exchange of fearful looks. This gang knew fear, sensed it before you even knew you yourself were fearful. He was sure that every man he'd just walked past had smelt his fear.

  As he got to the top of the wooden narrow staircase he lifted his arms away from his body to allow his arm pits to breathe. He hoped that his shirt was not one of those that showed sweat patches.

  The man leading them was about six feet tall. As Guz followed he looked up and faced the back of his head which exposed a large bald patch, like that on a monk. It seemed unusual as the man only looked like he was in his mid twenties. He wore a black vest and had a muscular frame that stretched the material over his torso showing off his muscular frame. A young man with strength and speed was a better match than Guz’s lager fuelled lazy body. He was still in pain from all the digging he had done the other night.

  As they approached the bottom of the stairs, the light became more subdued. The portable lights that were hooked onto the brick wall flickered and barely lit up the next few steps. The balding man stopped when he reached the bottom of the steps causing Guz to bump into him, in turn Sadik bumped into Guz. Neither one of them complained. He led them down a dark corridor before turning to face them.

  “He is in that room,” the man with the bald patch said. “Just knock and wait.” The man squeezed past Guz and Sadik maintaining eye contact all the time. So narrow was the passageway, Guz felt the man’s solid body squash his own soft body against the wall. Once he had passed both men, the balding man walked backwards, maintaining his watch over the pair. As he reached the end of the small corridor he grinned before the lights clicked off. The only light they could now see was the light coming from under the door of The Boss's room.

  The base from the disco thumped above them. Guz looked at Sadik, he knew his brother was looking at him but he couldn't see his expression through the darkness. He hoped that Sadik was keeping his nerves in check but he could smell his brother's sweat and knew from the pungency that his nerves weren't holding up.

  It was always a different place for the meeting; a previous one had even been held in a public street at their stand. Ot
her meetings had been in the library, but this one had taken him by surprise. He had always been aware that this was one of the bars The Boss operated from but he'd always hoped that he'd never have to come. “Remember, don’t piss him off,” Guz whispered to Sadik as they approached the door. An aura of light framed the doors outer edges almost creating a holy looking glow but Guz knew that there was nothing holy about the man who sat beyond that door. Guz took a deep breath, cleared his throat and knocked once. There was no answer. “Shall I knock again?” asked Guz.

  “You said not to piss him off,” Sadik said.

  “I know but maybe he didn’t hear.” Clutching the satchel close to his chest, Guz knocked once more, louder this time. The door opened inwards with a force that almost sucked Guz into the room.

  “I heard you the first time,” the man bellowed as he slammed the door in their faces. Heart beating hard, Guz turned back to Sadik who was leaning against the wall. They stood in the dark and waited. It was all they could do. Behind the door Guz heard voices saying words he couldn’t quite make out. The Boss shouted something about inefficiency before slamming his hand onto what sounded like a table. Beginning to shake, Guz joined Sadik in using the wall for support. Sweat began to pour down his face; it trickled over his nose and over his cracked lips. He licked them; the sweat left a salty taste in his mouth. He wiped his brow and took a deep breath.

  “How long do you think we should wait?” Sadik whispered.

  “As long as he wants us too, you idiot,” replied Guz as he punched Sadik’s arm.

  “Ouch. I was only asking,” he said as he rubbed his arm.

  The room went quiet. “Shush,” Guz whispered.

  “You can both enter,” said the gaunt assistant as he opened the door and pointed the way with his revolver. The man stood at Guz’s height and was of a small build, scrawny in appearance. They had met on several occasions in the past, Guz never knew his name, he didn’t know The Boss's name either. They weren’t from around this region, preferring to travel to where business took them.

  The battery powered light shone in Guz’s direction causing him to squint. He could make out The Boss's signature white suit; he could also make out The Boss's signature icy glare from his hard piggy eyes. To his right, the scrawny man leaned up against some old metal filing cabinets; the rest of the room was filled with stock. Crates of beer and alcopops lined the back wall. Staring at Sadik and Guz, The Boss opened a bottle of Raki and poured it over a glass of ice before taking a large swig. Guz winced; he hadn’t even put any water in the drink as a mixer for the Raki. The boss slammed the glass down. “You keep giving me old people. I have orders lined up for young people.”

  “I’m sorry,” Guz replied. “We will get you some younger ones, I promise.”

  “The German, she was nearly sixty, disposing of her was your only option. Okay, not old, I am over fifty. But they are old for what I need. If you are not capable, I have others who are,” he stared at Guz for what seemed like a minute. “You know what happens if I have no need for you.”

  Guz nodded. “We can deliver some for you. Tell us what you need and we will get it. We will won’t we?” Sadik nodded. The scrawny man used his one hand to rub his facial stubble and the other to aim the gun. First at Guz’s head and then across to Sadik’s. Guz opened his mouth to talk, to plead, even beg if it came to it, but the words were stuck. He could still hear the thudding base above. If they were wasted here no-one would ever know. It’s not like they would be missed.

  Guz had been living under the radar since he had left his home town of Bursa five years earlier. He knew no-one would look for him. Same with Sadik. Celile would look but she was as guilty as them, they were all guilty. There would be no police, no search no happy ending.

  “Bang,” the scrawny man shouted, and then he and The Boss both burst into loud laughter. Guz slammed his body into the back of the door, pushing Sadik over as he jerked. Sadik lay there on the floor cowering and shaking.

  “What have you got for me in the bag? If it’s any good, I’ll give you another chance. If not, you can go now and by go, I don't mean walk out and leave. Is that a deal?” The Boss laughed and revealed a few gold back teeth at the back of his mouth and a furred tongue. Guz peeled his sweaty body off the back of the door, his shirt now drenched and his forehead once again dripping. There was no point wiping it, he had already revealed his hand. Besides, The Boss was good at games, even when he had a bad hand he always won.

  Guz shuffled up to the table leaving Sadik still shaking on the floor. The man appeared to be in his own world, chanting some prayer under his breath. Guz's thoughts flashed to his Celile. What does she get from that coward that he couldn't give? He had to get through this, had to get out once and for all, had to deal with Celile. His brother would be harder though, blood is always harder. Now in a stronger frame of mind, Guz dropped the leather satchel onto the desk and began to undo the buckles.

  Out of it he pulled a handful of gold bracelets and necklaces, wedding rings, the Gucci bag and Ilse’s and Gerhard's driving licenses. He had kept the passports; they would be his perfect escape. At the back of his mind he hoped he was wrong about Sadik and Celile. Ilse's passport could be for Celile if she proved herself to be worthy.

  The boss picked up the gold and examined it closer. Out of the drawer he pulled out some scales and placed the items on them. “Drivers licence? If you've searched everything they have, why do I not have passports?" The Boss stared at Guz. Guz began to tremble and looked away. "You shouldn’t be holding things back. Are you holding things back from me? Have I not always given you a fair price?”

  Guz nodded. “I only found these things. I swear, we looked really hard and this is all we could get hold of.” He clenched his sweaty palms and tensed as he felt the weight of the silence that followed bearing down on his nerves. Maybe holding back the passports had been the wrong thing to do, they certainly weren't worth dying for.

  “Right, because I would know if you were holding back on me. You know what happens to people who hold back.” The Boss said as he continued to stare.

  Guz nodded, praying in the back of his mind that The Boss couldn't tell. He remembered the massacre of the Mügla operation that had done The Boss a bad turn. “I wouldn’t hold back. You have been very fair with us.” Sadik looked up at Guz and began to shake. Sadik had been there, he hadn't known about the passports though. His brother whimpered on the floor and after a moment he was sat in a puddle.

  “Get that fucking dirty mess of a man out of my office,” shouted The Boss to Scrawny. The man obliged by dragging Sadik by the hair out of he room and into the corridor before slamming the door again. Scrawny came back in and went back to his post. “He’s an embarrassment to you. If you don’t fix him up, I’ll put a bullet through his head myself. Sit,” shouted the Boss.

  “I will sort him. Don’t worry about him. He gets the job done when he has to and you can trust him. You can trust me, you can trust us both,” Guz replied as he wiped his brow and sat on the wooden chair.

  The Boss pulled a dirty, red lipstick rimmed glass from the floor and poured another Raki. “Here drink.”

  “I don’t drink Raki on its own."

  “When I say drink, you drink. We are going to play a game, a drinking game to celebrate our understanding. We do have an understanding don’t we?” He smiled.

  “Yes, we do,” Guz replied as he downed the Raki. Coughing hard he slammed the glass down and then smiled. There was only one way to play this out, let The Boss lead the game and let The Boss win the game. Scrawny filled his glass up with another shot of Raki; the boss passed it to him.

  “I best pay you. The driver’s licence isn’t worth that much. Firstly, it’s for a woman and secondly she is mature. Not so much in demand. The gold is only nine carat, the gems are cubic zirconia and the bag; well it’s a fake. I know because I export them,” he laughed as he pulled out some cash from his pocket. “I hope US Dollars are good.” Guz nodded. The boss counted
six hundred US Dollars and threw the cash over to Guz’s side of the table. “That’s your cut. Get me what I really want and you could be a very rich man. Drink.”

  Guz stared at the pittance he was being paid and knocked back the drink. Had he been selfish in keeping the passports? No, he needed them. Next time he would get girls then he would be paid thousands. He belched; the large undiluted measures were starting to create an uneasy burning in his stomach. “I would love to drink with you all night but I fear I may be ill,” he laughed.

  “That’ll do then, your brothers already pissed on my floor,” he laughed. Guz forced out some laughter in response.

  “He’ll learn to grow some balls,” laughed Guz. He was building a rapport with this man and felt certain that he was going to get out alive. The only suffering would be an awful hangover in the morning. “So you’re after young passports. I’ll get my boy onto it. He is a hit with the young ones, handsome like his Dad,” Guz laughed.

  “Don’t get too carried away,” The Boss stopped laughing and stared at Guz. “I need women, young women. Bring them to me in tact and you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams.”

  “But, I thought-"

  “Doesn’t matter what you thought. I have some extremely wealthy contacts that need women. There is a big demand for young European women. We make on their passports, we make on their gold, we make on their bodies. Just think of it this way, at least you don’t have to kill them. You can kill their boyfriends though unless they are young and pretty also,” he laughed.

  “Well, I err. I think I’d better get back,” Guz said. “Get my wreck of a brother home.”

  “Just remember what I said. Get me what I need and you will be a very wealthy man, there is room here up the top for someone that can prove themselves. Cross me and you won’t know what’s hit you. You have until the weekend to come up with the goods.”

  Guz stood and scooped up the money from the desk before placing it in his pocket.


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