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Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  Unbuckling my seatbelt, he pulls me across his lap. “If you want to take some time to get used to being alone, or to keep our relationship quiet for a while, then I’ll be here to support you. I don’t want to be responsible for making you rush into something.”

  “We’ve been wanting each other for a while now, so there is no rush involved…at all.” I lean forward and kiss him, but my stomach growling has us breaking apart and laughing.

  “You need feeding.”

  “I am hungry.” He moves to let me up from his lap, but I hold on.

  When I have his attention, I cup his whisker-covered jaw and tell him, “I don’t have any doubts about being with you.” I place a quick kiss to his lips. “I just feel guilty over Richard. I basically used him, and didn’t want to see that.”

  “You didn’t use him. You didn’t know what you were doing and let him take over, that’s different… With that out of the way, let’s eat and enjoy being with each other without anyone getting in the way anymore. Stop worrying.”

  “I can do that.”


  He quickly kisses me before opening his door and slides out with me still in his arms.

  “Wrap your legs around me, babe.” He smirks.

  Against my better judgment, I do as he asks and narrow my eyes when he grips my bottom in his large hands.

  “You’re enjoying this?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  Instead of replying, I bend to his earlobe and nibble. His grip tightens and he smacks my ass.

  “Stop,” he changes my position, and presses me against his impressive erection, “I’m going to have to forget about dinner if you don’t stop teasing me.”

  “I think you better put me down if you want to eat first.” My stomach growls again.

  “Okay, babe, but after…you’re all mine.”

  My mouth drops to the floor at his sexy words.

  He chuckles and moves to the back of his truck, where he holds his hands out for me. “I’ll help you up.”

  Before my head can catch up with him, I’m sitting in the back of his truck on a sleeping bag while Jace passes me some food.

  “Don’t wait for me.” He roots around in the insulated bag. “This is what I’m looking for. The cheese bread.”

  He offers me a slice, which I take in excitement.

  I adore this bread with lasagna, and I’m guessing he sweet-talked them into giving him the meal to-go because they don’t normally do take-out. I’m certainly not complaining though.

  “Now I know why you love this restaurant.” Jace shovels more food into his mouth, and adds, “Next time I take you to dinner, we’ll eat there. I had no idea how cozy the whole place was inside until I collected the food… It was nice, and I’d like to see you sitting across from me in the candlelight.”

  I pause with my fork of food halfway to my mouth. “That would be…good.”

  He smirks. “You like that idea, huh?”

  “I like the idea of being cozy with you,” I admit.

  His eyes heat with lust.

  Dipping my head, I try to ignore my body’s response to his nearness, and his words. He’s amazing and knows everything to say to make my insides melt. Jace is sincere and knowing how romantic he’s being is causing my desire to push forward now that my belly is full of Italian food.

  “Hold that thought,” Jace uses a plastic bag to keep our trash together, “I want to talk about Tammy.”

  I frown. Why would he want to talk about Tammy, at least right now?

  “Don’t look so worried.” He kisses my forehead.

  Now that he’s cleaned up and put everything away to the side of his truck, we can spread out and recline on the sleeping bags he brought with him. Pulling me into his arms, I wait for him to tell me what’s on his mind. I don’t have long to wait.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything just yet because I didn’t want to frighten you away, but if you need any help, with anything, please ask me. I want to help you get Tammy, Savannah.”

  I smile and find that I have to fight back the tears, but one or two manage to slip free.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Jace cups my face and tries to mop the tears up with his thumbs.

  “I’m trying to tell you that I want to be involved, and that I want to be with you through every step along the way. I know that it’s a large commitment on my part, but once I’ve made up my mind, I’m afraid that I can’t be swayed… So deal with it, babe.”

  I can’t help myself and laugh at his cockiness.

  “We need to talk a lot more about that, but right now I just want your arms around me.”

  “That can be arranged.” He pulls me back into his arms and I smile at the sigh of pleasure he exhales.

  Chapter Twelve


  I can’t believe I ended up telling her what I wanted to do in regards to Tammy. I certainly wasn’t lying to her, or using Tammy as an excuse to get into Savannah’s little panties, but I did intend to wait. We do need to talk a lot more about it because I have no clue as to how I can help her, although I have a feeling that she’d have a better shot if we were living together as a couple, and there lies my dilemma.

  Sighing, I hold her tightly in my arms… What more could I ask for? I have my woman curled up against me as we lie with the stars overhead.

  Where we are tonight is one of my favorite places to think and just to escape to when I feel close to losing my hold on reality.

  The field where we’re parked is close to Kix and overlooks the lake. I’ve reversed through the trees to give us more privacy—not that I expect to be found out here—and a better view of the skyline. The stars twinkling through the trees shimmer with secrets of their own. Heaven knows they hold a lot of mine.

  As my hand caresses over Savannah’s curves, I’m fighting to keep myself from ravishing her, which is why I avoid looking at her. Her own hand is lying on my chest, and her fingers have slipped through the gap between the buttons.

  Just having her touch on my skin has me hard as fuck. In fact, I’m so fucking hard right now that I’d probably scare Savannah away.

  When she stretches, and relaxes back against me, her leg curves upwards over my hips and rests against my erection, which throbs even more with her touch.

  I gasp, and clamp my hand down on her bottom when she wiggles around. “Don’t move.”

  Her head snaps up and as our gazes meet, I realize I’m lost. This is going to happen tonight.

  Inhaling, I try to rein myself in, but all it does is bring her scent into my lungs.

  With a growl, I cup her face in my hands and bring her up to meet my lips. My control is lost the minute our lips fuse together. She tastes of the tiramisu, and as it hits my tongue, I dig deeper—sucking and licking and sliding against her tongue—wanting and needing more of her.

  Groaning, my hand slides down her curves until it cups her bottom. I help her move on top of me, her leg sliding between mine. As she searches for my lips again, my hips surge up, desperate for more friction against my throbbing dick and balls.

  While she’s holding my head in place, I use my hands to caress down her back to her round bottom and press her into me as I arch up into her.

  Savannah can’t seem to stay still, and her hips are rolling in time to mine. I’ve no intention of dry humping to release—this time I’m going to come inside her delicious body.

  Reaching for the zipper of her dress, I pull it down and catch her sigh of pleasure when I do. With a stronger roll of her hips, she pushes up and straddles me. Seconds later, she pulls her dress up and over her head, tossing it to the side of us. Before I can get my brain to fully register what I’m seeing, she has her bra off.

  I close my eyes and pray for calm, but no matter how much I try, my dick feels ready to burst.

  “Jace,” she moans her voice husky, “open your eyes, and look at me.”

  I do as she asks and meet her gaze, which is clouded with lust, embarras
sment, and uncertainty.

  “I’m afraid to move my eyes south in case I embarrass myself,” I admit.

  Swallowing down my lust, I move my hands and caress up her thighs. My fingers tingle as they’re met with fine silk, and then the lace top before I’m met with skin.

  God help me, she’s in thigh-highs!

  I gulp in air and try to breathe, but as my hands slowly slide toward her hips and up to her waist, I pause and move back down.

  “What?” I raise my head, and drop it back to the bed of the truck. She has no fucking panties on.

  I’m so fucking lost.

  Ripping my shirt over my head, I finally look my fill at the sexy woman sitting astride me. She’s beautiful.

  Her large breasts are firm with cherry nipples that are rock hard buds. Reaching toward them, I roll each one between my fingers, and surge against her with arousal when she throws her head back and moans—long and husky.

  “Savannah, I’m holding on by a thread.”

  “Mmm, then we better get your jeans open.” She rises onto her knees. “Open them.”

  As I unfasten the button and zipper, my knuckles scrape along her wet pussy, causing them to shake with need.

  God, give me strength!

  Finally having them open, I lift my ass and shove them down with her help. They get stuck around my knees, but who gives a fuck?

  I wrap her hair around my fist and bring her against me, needing her lips against mine, but I break off in a gasp when my dick ends up between her legs.

  Savannah smiles, and nips at my chin while reaching behind her. Her finger brushes the head of my dick and she swirls that finger around, and around until I can’t see straight.

  “I need inside you…now,” I admit while grinding my molars together.


  I’ve never been so glad in my life for throwing everything out the window to act like this with Jace. It’s not exactly an act though; it’s how he makes me feel. He’s so damn gorgeous, and all my inhibitions really have gone out of the window. Who knew I had it in me to act like a naughty vixen?

  Jace fumbles with his wallet, and I fight back a chuckle as everything flies out in his haste. I see him pull out a condom and I snatch it from his hands. Ripping it open, I move further down his thighs. Feeling wicked, I bend over him and let my hair fall like a curtain around me, and then I lick him from balls to tip. My tongue swirls around the flared head, which is dripping with his arousal.

  “Mmm, you taste good,” I whisper as I move in for seconds.

  “Savannah,” he growls, his legs quivering.

  Slowly, sliding the condom in place, I caress his balls before I lick up to his navel. Moving toward his nipples, I make sure mine graze along his stomach and ribs. His body shudders.

  Reaching between us, Jace grips his dick, and when I feel him in position, I sit up and slide down his length.

  God, he feels so good! He fills me so tightly that I’m afraid I’m going to come the minute I start to move on him.

  Now that he’s fully seated inside me, I open my eyes and meet his.

  “You’re so beautiful, Savannah.”

  “So are you.” I smile because he really is a beautiful man—inside and out.

  His hands grip my hips, and he urges me to move. I certainly don’t have any problem with that.

  Rocking slowly back and forth, I bite my lip with the pleasure rolling through me at the feel of his heavily swollen cock caressing along my channel.

  “Mmm, that feels good…too good. You’re so tight, and when your pussy ripples around my dick, I see fucking stars.” He throws his head back and groans while I grind down, circling my hips with each thrust.

  Jace suddenly surges up and wrapping his arms around my waist, he grips my bottom while his mouth consumes my breasts. That’s the only word for what he’s doing as he sucks. The strength of his mouth and tongue on me has my pussy clenching down on his cock while my insides go crazy, and then I’m coming. My climax ripples through me, and Jace doesn’t let up, until I feel his cock jerking with his own release.

  He gasps and groans through his own pleasure, his grip on me so tight that I think he’s afraid of losing me.

  After a few minutes, his arms loosen, but he keeps me close in the shelter of them.

  “That was amazing.” He kisses me. “Thank you.”

  I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “You’re the amazing one, Jace.” I squeeze him close before sitting back.

  He reaches between us and holds the condom on his spent dick while I climb from him.

  I watch every movement and the way his muscles flex and shift while he removes the condom. He ties it into a knot and then tosses it into the bag we’ve been using for trash.

  “Good shot.”

  “What do you expect?” He smirks while caressing my body with his gaze.

  He’s not the only one doing the eye thing because my gaze has been dancing all over him for a long time now. It also doesn’t get past me that his erection is on the rise again.

  He chuckles, and wraps his hand around his dick. “What do you expect when you’re sitting there looking gorgeous.” He pumps a few times with his fist, before removing his hand.

  “Don’t stop on my account.” I lick my lips, unable to move my eyes from the deliciously sexy man who is so close to me, and has what I want.

  “Christ.” He lies back down, and watches me through heavily lidded eyes. “You like watching me.”

  It isn’t a question but an observation.

  “Hmm, I’m going to remember that,” he says thoughtfully.

  Hitching his briefs and jeans back up, he leaves them open before helping me back into my clothes, or rather my bra and dress.

  “Panties?” he enquires with a raised brow.

  Now I blush.

  He laughs. “Seriously? That’s fucking hot, and is going to drive me crazy from now on wondering as to whether or not you’re wearing any.”

  I cuddle down against him, and admit, “That’s the first time I’ve ever gone without in public. I’d planned on whispering to you in the restaurant about my lack of under-garments.”

  “God, I’d have had to take you somewhere to look.”

  I squirm at the idea of Jace being under my skirt in a public place, but out of view of others.

  “Oh, you like that idea, huh? I always like to please a lady.”

  What have I just agreed to?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Walking Savannah to her porch after our evening under the stars has me feeling like a teenager with a belly full of nerves. I can’t remember the last time I even did this.

  But with her hand in mine, it feels right and I have no problem feeling like a teenager walking his girl home after having sex for the first time. We have had sex for the first time, but I’m sure as hell not a teenager, and neither is the sexy woman walking beside me but there is something different about this experience with her. It really does feel like a first…no, not a first but a beginning.

  Savannah is nervous as well and keeps chewing her bottom lip, which is seconds away from being covered by my mouth.

  I let her walk up the steps of her porch in front of me so I can watch the sway of her bottom. Knowing that she has no panties on beneath her dress has me hard as fuck.

  “You enjoying the view?” She turns and, with one hand on her dress, she slowly lifts the material.

  My mouth goes dry as I watch more of her thigh appear before she laughs and lets the dress fall back into place.

  I growl, “Tease.”

  “I can be.” Her playful expression disappears as she lets me see the longing on her beautiful face. “Stay,” she whispers.

  Not wanting to think about anything, I move forward and cup her face in my hands, sealing my mouth to hers. I don’t give any warning, and just dive in needing to taste her, to leave an impression that she is whom I want no matter how much I might hurt her by my next words.r />
  Trying to control the passion I feel for the woman in my arms, I place feather-like kisses along her lips, her jaw, and her neck before returning to her lips. I rest my forehead against hers and meet her gaze.

  “You’re not going to be staying…are you?” She starts pulling away, even though I haven’t answered her.

  I brush the loose hair away from her face with my fingers, and admit, “I’m not staying.”

  Her eyes look away as she edges toward the door. “Okay.”


  “It isn’t okay, Savannah.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against me. Inhaling the scent of strawberries from her hair, I drop my mouth to her ear. “I want to stay, but for now I’m not going to. You’re amazing and this thing between us is only just starting. Please just bear with me.”

  After a brief pause, she nods her head. “Okay.”

  I sigh in relief and turn her to face me. “Go inside, and lock up so I know you’re safe.” I kiss the tip of her nose, and avoid her gaze. “I’ll call you.”

  She flinches. “Goodnight, Jace.”

  With her front door closed in my face, I feel like kicking myself in the fucking balls. I’ll call you. What a damn thing to say to her. That’s a standard fucking line, and usually means the opposite.

  Sometimes I wish my brain would censor what I’m about to say before the words jump out of my mouth. Seeing the hurt my words caused Savannah has unease sliding through my heart.

  Unable to stay on her porch all night, I head back to my truck and peel out of her street as though I’m John Connor with the Terminator after him.

  * * * * *

  It’s only eleven at night, so why am I sitting in my house, in the dark, feeling sorry for myself?

  Because you’re an idiot.

  Since arriving home, I’ve been unable to stop thinking about Savannah, and the look on her face when I told her that I’d call. I should have been taking her into my arms and telling her the real reason why I wasn’t going to stay the night. And now she’s going to be thinking the worst of me. Considering how badly I’m thinking about myself right now, I deserve whatever she’s thinking.


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