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Page 20

by Lexi Buchanan

  I catch my breath and groan in surprised pleasure as Savannah pulses around my rapidly rising dick.

  “You can welcome me home like that any day, babe.” I spank her ass, and then admit, “My knees are about to buckle.”

  “I know that feeling. You’re the only one keeping me up right now.”

  “Hold still.”

  I slowly withdraw from her, and tug my briefs and shorts back into place so I’m not falling over them when I do my next move.

  “I love you, Savannah.” I kiss the top of her head before swinging her up into my arms.

  Holding her tightly against my chest, I carry her through to the bedroom. I’m not sure where my strength has come from, but once I’ve tossed her onto our bed, I follow her down, spooning against her back.

  “Just let me hold you for a short while.”


  The chicken casserole has gone down like a treat, and so have the red velvet muffins. The fact that I can’t move is a sign of just how much I enjoyed the dinner that was warmed up after a slower round of love making.

  I had no idea it would be such a turn on meeting Jace the way I had. He’d certainly been ready to join me.

  I’d felt embarrassed at my lack of clothing and pose, but my confidence had grown when I’d seen the love and heat in his eyes.

  He’s damn strong though, because if I hadn’t been impaled on him, I’m sure I’d have sunk to the floor like a wet noodle.

  Smiling against his chest, I throw my leg over his while we lie on the hammock he’d strung up the other day. The light breeze is nice and cooling against my heated skin as we watch the evening dusk turn to the dark night. The stars in the sky on this clear night are starting to appear and create a beautiful tapestry of light surrounding the half-moon. It’s so peaceful and tranquil that I wish it were like this all the time.

  But most of all, I’m just enjoying being able to spend this time with Jace, who I think is asleep. His chest is rising and falling as though he’s asleep, but he’s done this before and when I’ve glanced into his face, he’s met my gaze.

  Snuggling closer, I’m careful of his leg, which is free of his prosthesis. Since the first night together, he’s gradually gotten used to me watching him either removing or putting on his prosthesis, and I’m glad. I don’t want him ever to worry about me seeing his stump or his scars. They’re part of him and I love every single inch of him. I think he knows that now.

  My thoughts drift to the kids and softball, or more specifically to Catcher. I’ve noticed that Catcher always watches Jace, and once or twice, I’ve seen Catcher’s eyes widen when Jace jogs around the field. He’s always checking up on Jace to make sure he’s okay. I know it tugs at Jace’s heartstrings to see, but for now, Jace doesn’t think he can offer Catcher what he wants most—a father. I really wish Jace could see what I see when I look at him, and what Catcher sees.

  Which is why I’m seriously considering offering the same to Catcher as I am to Tammy, but I need to think about it a little more.

  The adoption of Tammy is what I’m eventually going for, but I need to be awarded guardianship first. Every time I think about the court date in about two weeks, my mind freezes with panic. I want this so much that I’m fearful of hoping.

  But on the days that I’m feeling more confident, I’m seriously considering going for guardianship of Catcher once Tammy is settled in my home. They’d make an amazing brother and sister, and if Jace really is in this with me, then knowing I’m on board will hopefully help sway him to become a family; one home.

  My dream is alive, and I’ve no intention of giving up on it, or the man who is currently curving his palm around my ass.

  Chuckling, I move my knee and start to rub against his growing erection while his hand does some investigating of its own.

  “Are you really happy, Savannah?”

  I frown at the serious question. Why on earth would he ask me that? I would have thought it was obvious.

  Resting my chin on his chest, I peer up at him and feel my heart kick in my chest when I see the sadness on his face.

  “Jace,” I start, “I can’t ever remember being this happy. I love you, and nothing you do or say will ever change that.” Now that I’ve answered, I have a question of my own, “Are you happy?” I start chewing on my lip, worried about what he’s going to say. I’ve never seen him look…I don’t know…maybe lost.

  He cups my face with his hands and closes the gap between our mouths. After he’s placed a soft kiss against my parted lips, he admits, “I’m really happy here with you… I love you so much that I’m afraid something is going to come along and ruin it all; something will make you leave me. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to deal with the fallout of that.”

  “Jace, don’t say that.” I wiggle up his body so that I’m supporting myself on his chest, and we’re now eye to eye. “You’re imagining trouble where there isn’t any. We’re so compatible and, in the short time we’ve been together, I can’t imagine there never being a ‘Jace and Savannah,’ so get any dark thoughts out of that gorgeous head of yours.”

  “Gorgeous, huh?”

  I roll my eyes, and smile at the grin trying to slip through his stern expression.

  “Don’t let that assessment go to your head.” I chuckle as he starts to tickle me.

  He manages to roll me to my back without us falling out of the hammock. Hovering over me is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. He’s all hard as I wrap my legs around his thighs to keep him on top of me. I love feeling his weight against my softness, but he’s always afraid of hurting me…and then he smiles and my panties melt.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Game Day!

  I’m so damn excited for today that I feel like a teenager. It’s been too long since I’ve felt so much enthusiasm to be part of a game, and I think some of that has to do with Savannah.

  Golden Circle means a lot to the woman I love, so that means something to me, regardless of the fact that I’m falling for the kids. Catcher. I don’t really know what the hell to do about him.

  Catcher follows me around like a shadow, and always asks my opinion on his catch, TV shows, and just about anything that pops into his young head.

  He tugs at my heart and it’s getting harder and harder to leave him once the softball lesson finishes, or my visit to the home comes to an end. The fact that I’ll see him today makes me smile. The kids will have a surprise when they show up at the field today because we’ve gotten them shirts made specifically for today’s game, with half the academy’s team colors and half the sheriff’s department team colors.

  Catcher has my number—thirteen—on the back of his shirt. If I’m honest, I feel like a big kid because I can’t wait to see his face when I give him the shirt. I wish I could give him more, but I can’t.


  Savannah has crept up behind me and slides her arms around to my stomach while her lips trace my spine and send heat rushing south.

  “You smell real good,” she adds.

  It’s when I feel her tongue tracing over my shoulder blade that I turn. Using all the inner strength that I can muster, I gently push her away from me. “Fuck, Savannah…We need breakfast before the game.” I quickly kiss her button nose. “And, good morning… Can you set the table?” I ask over my shoulder.

  There’s no way I can turn around right now or she’ll know exactly how much I want to miss breakfast.

  Hearing her puttering around before the knives and forks hit the table, I quickly re-arrange my aching dick and finish cooking the eggs.

  Getting the eggs, bacon, tomatoes, and mushrooms onto the plates, I end up having to use the waist of my sweats to stop my cock from jumping around because it’s still hard as fuck with Savannah taking her sweet time setting the table.

  She’s wearing one of my old T-shirts, which has shrunk slightly in the wash and has faded. Every time she moves, her breasts sway, and when she bends over the table to se
t the cutlery, her fucking naked ass is on display.

  It’s no wonder my dick is trying to escape; Savannah’s ass is like a fucking homing beacon right now.

  Inhaling, I take the plates to the table and raise a brow when Savannah smirks in my direction, and then her eyes pop while fixed on my groin.

  “Here, eat before it gets cold.”

  The plates on the table, I take my seat opposite where she’s just dropped her ass and smile at her surprised expression.

  “You’re…you’re,” she clears her throat and tries again, “you’re, um, showing.”

  I throw my head back and laugh.

  With eyes full of mischief, I admit, “You teased the fuck out of me while I was making us breakfast. That naked ass kept putting in an appearance whenever you leaned over the table—fucking hot.”

  She smiles. “There’s a lot of fuckings today.”

  “Hmm, is that a fact?”

  “Hmm.” She starts eating her breakfast so I follow, knowing she isn’t finished yet.

  She’s up to something because she has that look about her.

  While I finish eating, I keep one eye on her, knowing she’ll be making a move.

  I’m all for breakfast sex, and I sure as hell hope she is, because my dick is still bursting out of my sweats, and pulsing with fucking need to be inside her tight, wet pussy.

  Growling, as my excitement coats the head of my dick, I make her jump until she looks up. Her eyes dip seconds before she’s pushing away from the table.

  The T-shirt flies—I lift up and shove my sweats down my hips—and then she’s slowly impaling herself on me.

  I grip her hips and keep her in place because I feel one move is all it will take to have me coming so hard I won’t be able to see straight.

  Her fingers start rubbing circles around my nipples before she concentrates on each hard bud, sending shards of pleasure to my dick, which swells inside her pussy.

  “I can’t wait, babe,” I gasp as her vaginal walls squeeze the hell out of me. “Fuck, I’ll make it up to you.” With those words said, I rock her on me, and then she seems to get a grip with her feet because she starts bouncing up and down in my lap, and fuck me, but my friggin toes curl—even the ones I don’t fucking have anymore.

  Her nipples rub back and forth on my chest, and just as my dick swells, ready to release, Savannah starts to climax—thank you, God—and throws her head back, moaning through what looks, and feels, like an intense release.

  The feel of her so damn wet, and rippling against me, has my cock swelling and filling her with my own explosive release while my lips lock to one of her cherry nipples that are begging to be bitten…and fuck…if she doesn’t start coming again. I hold her down on my lap, and grind up into her as I feel the suction of her second climax gripping my dick.

  It takes minutes for the both of us to catch our breath, and when we do, Savannah wraps her arms around my neck, “I love you, Jace Stone,” and then she seals our lips together.

  Her taste and the feel of her naked form against me is enough to get me hard again, but fuck, we can’t. We shouldn’t have done it the first time before a game that I need all my strength for. But how the fuck am I supposed to say no when she has me in a constant state of arousal?

  “Savannah, babe,” I brush the hair from her eyes with my fingers, “we really need to get ready to go.”

  “I know.”

  After planting another quick kiss to my lips, she slowly stands, and catches her breath as I slide from her. Hovering over me, she stays put and looks down, between us.

  Following her gaze, my dick is rock hard and glistening with our joint release. I find I’m having to clench my jaw before I pull her back down on top of me.

  “Savannah,” I croak.

  “I know.” She sighs. “It’s a big turn on seeing you like that while your release runs out of me.”

  Fuck! Don’t look. Don’t look.

  I look.

  Reaching out, I trail my fingers between her thighs, up to her soaked pussy, and she’s right—my release is running out of her, and I’m going to take her again if we stay like this.

  Closing my eyes, I inhale before snapping them open. “Shower… Now.” I smirk, and as she moves away, I spank her ass. “No funny business in the shower, woman.”

  She glances at my excited cock. “Are you sure about that?”

  Fuck no. “Yeah.” Why does saying that one word feel like I’m swallowing nails?


  Turning up at the softball field for Game Day has my belly full of excitement. Jace has given me a replica of his shirt with his lucky ‘thirteen’ on it so I really do feel claimed, even more so after this morning’s activities.

  I smirk as I watch Jace bending over the bleachers to reach something that he’s dropped through…and get caught.

  He throws that damn, big smile of his over his shoulder at me before his attention is caught up with the guy next to him.

  “So,” Dahlia drawls standing beside me, “no guesses as to what you two were up to before coming down here.”

  Not replying, I smile at her, but join in with her laughter when she lets rip. Dahlia is beautiful and draws attention to us, until her large husband wraps one of his arms around her and glares.

  Ryder turns to me, and smiles. “That’ll show them.”

  “Big strong guy,” Dahlia rolls her eyes before turning to Ryder and fluttering her lashes, “please behave yourself for one day, and you might get lucky later.”

  “Bet that sweet ass I’ll get lucky later,” he smacks her hard enough to feel, but the dark look that crosses Dahlia’s face tells me she loved it.

  He wanders off toward Jace.

  Clearing my throat, I ask, “Faith?”

  “Reece’s mom is watching her today.”

  I frown at ‘Reece’s mom’ because I thought they were brother and sister.

  Dahlia catches my look. “It’s a long story, but basically I share the same father with Reece and his sisters. Around the time that Reece and Callie got married, Reece’s mom started to accept me as part of her children’s lives and she loves visiting with Faith. I’m not about to complain because it was hard enough for me when I was growing up.” She shrugs. “So, sex before a big game, huh?” She laughs. “Jace must have found it hard to pass up.”

  Shaking my head, I start laughing at the innuendo and nudge her shoulder with mine. “You’re terrible.”

  “I know.” She takes my arm and gets my feet moving. “Let’s go and grab some seats so we can watch all that maleness on the field.”

  “Seriously? And you don’t think Ryder will catch you?”

  “He’s on the field, isn’t he? Who do you think I’m talking about?” She drops her glasses and gives me a teasing look.

  “I should have known.”

  Just as I comment, a loud racket comes from behind, so I turn just in time to watch the kids from Golden Circle run, screaming and shouting, toward Jace and some of the players who are getting ready.

  Their arms and legs are pumping as they run, and I have seconds to catch the ball of blonde child who detours and runs straight for me.

  Her cut-off-air hugs always bring tears to my eyes because she’s always so damn happy to see me, just like I am her. She’s adorable, and my heart is set on having her permanently in my life in a little over two weeks’ time.

  “I’ve missed you, Anna.” I chuckle. She struggles to say Savannah, but has no trouble with Anna, which I love hearing her call me. I consider it her special name for me.

  “I’ve missed you too, Tammy. Are you looking forward to the game?” I give her one last squeeze before I put her back on her feet.

  “Yes. Karen said Jace has a surprise for us, but we only get it if we’re good,” she tells me before putting her thumb into her mouth.

  “Are you Anna’s friend?” she asks Dahlia.

  Dahlia smiles. “I am. I’m married to Jace’s brother.”

  “Is he nice like

  “Yes, he is. Would you like to meet him?”

  “Only if Anna comes too.”

  “Then let’s go meet him.”

  It doesn’t go without notice that Tammy hasn’t brought her bunny with her today. But not wanting to draw the fact to Tammy in case she really has just forgotten in her excitement, I take her hand, and turn her to look at the others. Tammy slips her other hand into Dahlia’s and lets us lead her toward the other children, who are surrounding Jace, Ryder, and the other guys.

  When we get there though, she gets pulled into the excitement of having her own softball shirt, with Jace’s number on it, the same as Catcher.

  Jace keeps hold of Catcher as he spots me and comes over and ruffles Tammy’s hair.

  “Hey, wait a sec,” Dahlia demands. “Let me get a picture of you guys together, you look so damn cute.”

  I’m not about to complain.

  Picking Tammy up in my arms, I cuddle her to me as Catcher stands to the front of Jace and I. Snuggling into my guy, I face Dahlia’s cell and smile while she snaps some pictures.

  This feeling right here that hits me in the chest while I’m in Jace’s arms with both Tammy and Catcher is like nothing I’ve felt before. This feels like family—our family.

  “Got it guys… I’ll send it to you,” Dahlia adds, looking at me.

  “Thank you.”

  I turn my attention back to Jace, who is grinning like a big kid. “You’re in your element here, huh?”

  “Damn straight, babe.” He pulls me in for a kiss, which lasts all of two seconds.

  “Eww, yuk,” Tammy complains.

  We chuckle against each other’s mouths at the very lady-like comment.

  “Yeah, it’s gross, isn’t it guys?” Ryder appears.

  “Hmm, we’ll see how gross you consider it when you’re not getting any, shall we?” Dahlia smirks.

  “I was only teasing, as you well know, Mrs. Stone.”

  They drift off while I stay close to Jace.

  “The game will be starting soon,” he hesitates.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I should have mentioned this before, but well, with everything going so well between us, I let it slide and I shouldn’t have.”


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