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Sinful Page 21

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Jace,” I watch as Tammy and Catcher run toward Karen, who is seating the children in the bleachers, “what are you talking about?”


  “You’ve already told me he’s playing.” I frown because he still looks worried.

  “Look I know he admitted to being with the other woman while he was with you, but what he omitted to tell you is that she’s pregnant.”

  “Oh, wow.” I should be surprised, but I find that I’m not. “You know, when I really think about him and the other woman, I’m thankful that everything has worked out as it was supposed to. The fact is, he wasn’t sleeping with me as well as her, it was purely her, so it doesn’t bother me as much as it should.”

  I reach up and kiss him. “Now go and play ball.” I smack him on his tight ass while I turn and saunter to the bleachers to join the kids and Jace’s family, who appear to have arrived.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Seeing the bleachers full of friends and family, and others who have come to support a great cause, keeps the smile on my face.

  The sun is beaming down and I have my woman and the kids from the home cheering us on, which is all I could ask for.

  What only a handful of people know is that Deception are going to sing the national anthem to open the game, as well as another song, which is sure to get the excitement pumping through everyone’s blood—Take me out to the ball game—one of my favorite songs when on the field.

  Watching the guys walk toward me on the field has the crowd staring from their seats because I’m guessing a lot of the folk out there are aware of who these guys are.

  When they join me, each with their own microphone, I switch the one in my hand on, and get the ball rolling.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention,” I ask, as my voice booms through the microphone system.

  Grinning, I wait for them to quiet and carry on, “I just want to thank you all for coming today to support Golden Circle. We all appreciate you giving to this amazing home for the children, and hope you have a great afternoon.”

  The shouts and cheers from the stands are loud and full of excitement.

  Waiting for everyone to go quiet again, I then introduce the band, “Please welcome Deception, who are going to open today’s game.”

  I stand with my teammates and join Deception in singing the national anthem, which is damn good. The crowd stands and joins in. The whole thing is being filmed and I know watching this part is going to bring a smile to my face.

  Before long Deception splits up and start singing, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, as they walk closer to the stands. There is a lot of laughter and singing as they work the crowd. The kids are having an amazing time, and I just hope they aren’t sick later with all the jumping up and down they’re doing.

  On the last note and as cheers go up, we flip a coin to decide which side is up first to bat—The Sheriffs. Usually the away team would be up to bat first, but as we share these grounds for practice, we flip.

  Shaking hands with each other, Richard pauses before offering his hand to me. This doesn’t mean I forgive him for what he did to Savannah, but it means I’m willing to put it aside for today’s game.

  Jogging over to my fielding position on right field, I realize that, for once, I don’t have any ghosts following me. None. Today my thoughts are full of Savannah and my family, who are sitting, watching the game. They’re full of Catcher who I know will be following me around the field like a hawk. It feels good to get my mojo back, and I hope it stays.

  Although I’m used to fielding in all positions, I prefer second base. However, today, I’ve switched with Santos, who was only too happy to switch.

  This is Catcher’s favorite position, which is why I wanted a change, and it was worth it to see the grin on his face when I told him earlier on presenting him with his new shirt. So worth it.

  Seeing Richard step up to bat, he warms up as Jeff, the pitcher, loosens up…and then it’s game on.

  The first ball is a strike, but the next Richard sends sailing close to the left fielder, Pete. Richard throws the bat and churns up the pitch as he hoofs it to first base, where he slides onto, and makes the decision to stay as Pete throws to Santos in an effort to get Richard out.

  And that’s how the rest of the first half of the first inning goes, except I do catch a fly ball mid-air, sending Des out.


  I’m so darn hot that I’ve drank so much water I’m probably going to be peeing until next week, but at least the kids copied what the adults were doing and stayed hydrated in the heat. Sitting under the cover of the stand has kept the direct sunlight from us, but gee-whiz it’s a scorcher.

  The fact that Jace is on the field looking all hot and sweaty isn’t helping me any. Because all I can see in my mind is stripping him naked before shoving him in the shower so that I can make sure every inch of him is clean…before getting on my knees for a closer inspection of—

  “What are you thinking about?” Dahlia shoves me in the side. “Actually, there are little ears around, so best let me imagine.”

  I snicker, and whisper, “With your imagination, you’d probably be right.” Turning back to the game, I continue, “I mean, look at him move. All that muscle and the way it ripples when he throws himself onto third base.”

  “Ryder’s the same,” Dahlia starts, “you should see me drool when he takes his shirt off and works out back at Kix. My tongue practically hangs out of my mouth, it did from the first moment I saw him. Of course, I acted like it didn’t affect me seeing him half naked, and imagining what he’d look like without his jeans. They used to dip real low and once or twice I caught a glimpse of—”

  “Honey, you gossiping about my package?” Ryder drawls, amusement written all over his face.

  Dahlia rolls her eyes. “He loves knowing that I used to drool over him.” She winks at me. “That all stopped when we got married.”

  She laughs when she catches the look on Ryder’s face.

  “You know I’m teasing you, right? I mean, why do you think I sat on the back porch and watched you put the patio table and chairs together? The view was so much better than actually helping.”

  My laughter rings out at the two of them. I’ve never seen a happier couple, and they dote on their daughter, Faith. They’re so damn sweet.

  Hearing the crowd roar, I glance to the field just as Jace is running for home plate, which he slides onto and barely touches with his hands as the fielder catches the ball.

  I stand and cheer him on, thankful he made it by the skin of his teeth.

  The Academy leads the bottom half of the seventh inning by two runs with an overall score of the Academy nine and Sheriffs seven. Even though it looks like the academy team is going to win, every minute has been worth it today because the money raised will be put to good use at the children’s home.

  Within thirty minutes, the game is over and the academy team has won. There is some joking around between the two teams, but in all, it was a good game and the guys are now ready for the spread of food that the caterers have put on at Kix for everyone who wants to go.

  The kids have been well behaved, but now they’re restless and some pushing and shoving is going on. It soon stops though, when Jace comes running over to us, ruffling the kids’ hair affectionately.

  His eyes stay on mine though as he makes his way to me. He’s sweaty, he’s caught the sun…and he’s all mine.

  Without touching me, he plants a kiss to my lips, and hovers. “I’m in desperate need of a shower before heading over to Kix,” he whispers into my ear.

  I reach up and hold onto his shoulders to keep me from becoming a puddle on the ground with his touch.

  “Join me.” He nibbles my lobe, and uses suction of his mouth to ease the throb.

  Wish he’d use his mouth to ease a different kind of throb.

  “Leave the poor girl alone… in front of all these people as well, Jace Stone,” Ellen mumbles.
/>   He snickers and pulls his head from where he’d buried it against my neck.

  “That’s better. You’re all—” Ellen waves her hands around.

  “Sweaty,” Ryder adds.

  Jace pulls me against him and I feel him chuckle. “Yeah, I was trying to get Savannah to come wash me.”

  Oh God!

  My face starts to flush with heat at Jace’s blatant announcement in front of his parents. He has no shame.

  “And to end that discussion, I’m taking my woman with me.” Jace buries his nose against my head. “Sorry, babe.” He chuckles.

  I dig him in the stomach with my finger. “Yeah, I bet you are.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I’m glad that we’re finally at Savannah’s house. It’s been a long day and I’m exhausted. The earlier thought about a shower went out the window when we discovered the kids had two more hours before the curfew time at the home.

  We hadn’t wanted to disappoint them, so sweat and all, we went and joined the party at Kix, and ended up staying two hours longer than we originally agreed.

  But regardless of how exhausted I am, I’m so in need of a shower, which is where I head. I want to hold my woman in my arms all night, and this is the first night we’ll have spent in her bed. For some reason, we’re always at mine, not that it bothers me, but this is a nice change. She even has a built in ledge in her shower, which fills my head with all kinds of thoughts—and yeah, they all involve a naked Savannah.

  Turning the shower knob, I step back and quickly strip the sweat soaked clothing from my body. It feels damn good to get them off and it’s going to feel a hundred times better when the water hits.

  Sitting on the toilet seat, I remove my prosthesis and protective layers before I use the counter for balance and shuffle into the shower. I pray that I don’t slip with the crutches I usually use, for balance, being back at my house. The hot water works its magic on my aching muscles as I rest against the wall with my hands and dip my head, sighing with tiredness.

  I soon spring to life in more ways than one when I feel the silken fingers belonging to a very naked Savannah creeping up my spine. “Thought I’d make sure you don’t miss a spot.”


  She chuckles, and the movement I feel tells me she’s putting the shower gel onto the sponge, and God, yes. She starts with slow strokes of the sponge over my neck and shoulders, under my arms, down my back. Around my buttocks, she takes her time and washes both legs, lowering to her knees.

  My dick is hard as nails and wondering when it’s going to be his turn to get her attention. The head bulges in excitement as Savannah sits back on her haunches in front of me.

  Using more gel, she coats her hands this time and works her way up my legs. Keeping her gaze fixed on me, she rubs between my legs, stroking my sac. My groin gets attention, but my cock pulsing with need gets missed as she moves up my torso.

  On her feet, she teases and rubs her pussy and breasts against me, driving me crazy while her hands wash around my nipples and neck.

  She smirks as though she has a secret or probably because she knows what she’s doing to me with how hard I am pressed against her soft belly.

  Sliding out from between the wall and me, she grabs another bottle and moving back in front of me, starts to wash my hair.

  “I love you, Jace. I just want to take care of you tonight.”

  Her softly spoken words are enough to humble me.

  “Will you sit on the ledge?” she asks, her voice unsure.

  With Savannah’s help, and a bit of shuffling, I manage to lower myself onto the ledge.

  “Are you okay, Jace?” She caresses back and forth along my thighs, kneeling between.

  “I’m tired, and horny as fuck, thanks to you.”

  She laughs. “You were horny as fuck before we even got home.”

  “Okay, so I told a little lie. You have to admit that I’ve only been horny for you, babe.” I wrap my hand around my dick and slowly start to pleasure myself. It’s hot having her eyes go heavy-lidded when she watches me like this. “Every little glance,” I whisper, my voice thick with arousal. “Every little touch has been causing my dick to throb.” I pull back to the root and feel my legs tremble as I hold the plump head, begging for her mouth. She doesn’t disappoint and swirls her tongue around, catching my pleasure as it drips from the slit.

  My eyes nearly roll when she sucks just the tip into her mouth, and continues to swirl her tongue around.

  “Savannah,” I gasp, “I want to get dirty with you.”

  She moans with her mouth wrapped around me, and shards of pleasure shoot through me, straight to my balls. They’re so damn tight that I’m surprised I’ve held off for as long as I have.

  With one long drawn out suck, she releases me. “Get me dirty, Jace.”


  I quickly wrap my fist around the base and squeeze because, fuck me, her ‘get me dirty, Jace,’ caused my orgasm to start rushing forth.

  “Let me watch you get yourself off,” she tickles my sac with her fingers, teasing the fuck out of me.

  Hardly able to catch my breath with how aroused she has me, I keep my eyes locked on her and slowly start to do as she asked.

  Her pupils widen in delighted surprise, but when she starts pinching and rolling her own nipples, I lose all control and start coming, shooting my thick release all over her boobs. The sight keeps me pumping my release out, over her nipples, her chest, and more over her boobs. The touch of her hand over mine on my spent dick has one last ejaculation jumping out before I collapse back against the shower wall—totally fucking spent after having experienced one of the most erotic encounters of my life.

  I’ve done that before in the bedroom, but nothing has ever been as powerful as what I have with Savannah. Nothing.


  Instantly awake, I lie still, wondering whether or not the noise I heard was in my dream or coming from somewhere within my house.

  And then I’m kicked in the shin, really hard, and realize the noise is coming from beside me.

  Hearing a growl, and mumbled words that don’t really make any sense, I slowly turn my head and look at Jace—I wish I hadn’t—the hair lifts on the nape of my neck as a cold dread slides over me…he’s having a nightmare.

  It’s not as though we weren’t expecting this but I think, deep down, I’d convinced myself that he wouldn’t suffer while I was here to keep them away.

  The reality of having him thrashing around beside me soaked in sweat, his face twisted in anger, and the muscles of his neck corded with tension, is terrifying and I know what he begged me to do. If only I can get my legs to work because right now I’m frozen. Nothing wants to move.

  I need to do something though, because he trusted me to do as I promised, but how, if my limbs won’t work?

  Move. Savannah, move your ass.

  I’ve no idea what Jace is shouting because it’s a jumble of words, but as he starts cursing a blue streak, I finally pull myself together and start to move.

  Not wanting to disturb him, I slip one leg out from beneath the quilt and slowly start to follow, thinking that I can slide out to the floor and then crawl to the bathroom. If I’m completely out of view, there’s less chance of disturbing him, right?

  With my heart in my throat, I finally make that move to the floor and find myself lying on my back, staring up at the ceiling, praying.

  My heartbeat is racing with fear, not just for me but because I know if Jace so much as touches me while he’s lost in the past, he’ll be distraught.

  Turning onto my hands and knees, I slowly creep along the floor, and with the bathroom maybe two feet away, I hurry my pace…and that’s when it all goes to shit.

  I accidentally bump into his flex-foot cheetah, or ‘cheetah’ as Jace calls it, knocking it to the floor with a clatter.

  Before I can move another inch, Jace drops on my back, knocking the air out of my lungs.

He grasps my wrists and pins them to the floor above my head with one of his large hands.

  “Jace,” I whisper, fear, or lack of oxygen, tightening my voice, take your pick.

  With how he’s crushing me and has me pinned to the floor, I’m going to presume he’s still in the past. Ryder told me a few days ago that if something should happen and I find myself ‘stuck,’ to freeze and not fight him. Apparently, Ryder fought him, way back then, and he’s convinced that’s why he ended up with a black eye. He thinks if I play docile, that Jace will back off and maybe come back to the present.

  It’s difficult and I’m starting to see stars, as I can’t inhale fully.

  Jace is still heavy, his breathing thick and fast beside my ear.

  Bucking up into him, I try to dislodge him slightly, just to get a bit more air, but he doesn’t budge. His hold on my wrists slackens slightly, but there’s nothing else. He isn’t thrashing around, and when I buck up into him again, I feel his arousal—long and thick.

  How can he be aroused? Is he back with me?

  Feeling relief that Jace is back, I sigh, and rub up against him, hoping sex will pull him completely out of his nightmare. He lifts off me slightly, and I feel his erection drop between my legs, the head rubbing against my pussy, causing flutters of arousal inside me.

  His hand is between us, and then the next minute, he shoves into me. I gasp with a mixture of pain and shock—I’m only slightly wet, and was not expecting such a shocking entrance.

  Jace roars, and pulling me up to my knees, grips one hip so tightly, it’s painful. He shoves my face into the floor with his other hand…and then he starts fucking me.

  This isn’t Jace.

  “Jace, stop.” I squirm, but he holds me down. “Jace,” I cry, trying to get through to him, my panic rising.

  He pounds into my pussy, not caring what he’s doing to me. I’m not even sure he knows it’s me he’s fucking. If he’s still lost in time, it could be anyone he’s imagining having pinned down.

  His hand holding my face to the floor moves as he reaches under me, and starts pinching and rolling my nipple. I want to cry because my arousal is starting to catch up to Jace’s.


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