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Hard Candy

Page 13

by Volley, Rue

  His hazel green eyes opened and he stopped moving. She had tried to push him before, but he would never give in, his hands went to her hips. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you?”

  She lifted one of her hands to rest on his cheek, and nodded. His fingers held on to her hips as he sped up his pace, and she moaned with every thrust. She elevated her hips a little more and his fingers dug deeper, and he shook his head.

  He removed one of his hands from her hip and started to rub her clit, she knew he was holding on to his control and his own release. “Baby, I need you to come soon or I will go without you,” he said, his voice deeper, and she knew he was close.

  Since she was pregnant she was almost ready to explode most of the time. His fingers started to pinch her overly sensitive clit and she felt herself shatter around his cock, and he quickly followed. He propped himself on his elbows and stared into her eyes as she felt his hot come fill her.

  Chapter Two

  After their amazing night she passed out in Stefan’s arms, and woke in the same spot. She loved how he treated her as if she was a queen and she loved when he would fuck her as if she was the one night stand that started them. People said that the first year of marriage was the hardest, but it was easy for them. She’d found out they were pregnant the day she married the love of her life, and that was after she’d been told it would be nearly impossible to have any children, but he gave her what she desired the most.

  When she’d lost her mother she was heartbroken, and thought she would never have the bond with a child like what she and her mother had had. Thanks to Stefan she would. Now she was waiting for her best friend Laura to show up at her house.

  A knock came from her front door and she smiled as she walked toward it. Laura’s dark green eyes were on her as she opened the door. And Gretchen could see that her long blonde hair was pulled back out of her attractive face.

  “You have gotten huge!” her best friend said, and rested her hands on Gretchen’s growing belly. It had been almost a month since they had seen each other. Laura had a new man in her life, and was keeping him a secret from her because the last man she’d dated Gretchen had asked Stefan to check him out. They’d found out he was just released from jail for DUI.

  “If you are mean to me I won’t share my ice cream.” She winked at the woman that had been there for her when no one else was.

  “Hmm…I will be nice if it’s B&J’s Triple Caramel Chunk.” Laura narrowed her eyes and Gretchen laughed.

  “Like I would eat anything else!” They both laughed and then she walked to the kitchen to fetch the ice cream and two spoons. “So I want to know about your new boyfriend,” she said and Laura turned around to face her.

  “The last time I told you, you had your husband check him out.”

  Gretchen sat next to her oldest friend and winked. “Hey I had a good reason. He gave me a creepy vibe.”

  Laura took a spoon from Gretchen and pointed it at her. “Well, thank you for doing that, but still my love life is mine. I have a hard enough time finding someone that wants me for more than my looks I don’t need you cock blocking me.”

  Gretchen laughed and opened the ice cream. She knew men loved Laura, but mostly for her looks. She was a blonde bombshell with dark green eyes and a body to kill for. When she’d left Robert, a highly known millionaire, Laura was her lawyer and wanted her to take what was hers from their marriage, but Gretchen didn’t want anything besides her car and her life back. Being married to an Elliott came with so much responsibility, she’d always had to look good and act right because someone was always watching her. Being with Stefan was easy and she loved it. “Fine can I at least have his first name, so I can stop calling him your boy toy?”

  Laura narrowed her eyes and frowned at her. “Boy toy? Honey he isn’t a boy, he is a man, his first name is Nathan and that is all you are getting.”

  Gretchen smiled because she loved the woman more than a best friend, she was like her sister. “Okay, now that I know his name I am done questioning you. But I need your help. I want to recreate my first night with Stefan at the hotel. I need your help.”

  Laura shoved her spoon in the ice cream, and smiled. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to take me shopping for something sexy and for handcuffs.”

  Laura choked on her ice cream and brought her watery eyes to Gretchen’s. “Sexy is easy, but why do you want handcuffs? Can’t you use his?”

  She couldn’t. When she’d looked it up online she’d seen that it might hurt her if she used the metal police handcuffs. “No I want something that will feel good, not hurt me.”

  Laura sighed and placed her spoon on the small stone table in front of her. “Fine, let’s go shopping,” she said and stood up. “Do we have to go to a maternity store?”

  Slowly Gretchen stood up, and shook her head. “No, I’m still small enough to fit into something at Fredericks of Hollywood.”

  Twenty minutes later she was in the dressing room at her favorite lingerie store, and she had five sexy outfits to try on. She had a sexy black lace babydoll, and a long matching satin robe with white lace at the end of the arms. She knew that she would have to have that one, and decided to get it without trying anything else on.

  “You need heels too,” Laura said when she walked out of the dressing room area. She was holding some red heels. “I think you should go with these.” She held up the red heels that had sparkles on the heel.

  Gretchen grabbed them and smiled. She loved them, and missed wearing high heels. “Now all I need are the handcuffs.” She turned her head to the side as she spoke to her friend, and handed her credit card to the cashier. She had the perfect outfit, now she needed some toys to make their Christmas magical.

  Next to Fredericks of Hollywood was a sex store, she had only been there a few times. Being with Stefan she didn’t really have a use for any toys because he was always ready for her.

  “Welcome to Kink, please let me know if you need any help,” A gorgeous red head said when they walked in.

  “I’m looking for some handcuffs that won’t hurt me.” The woman smiled and motioned for Gretchen to follow her. Everything that she passed stood out to her, and she smiled remembering when Stefan asked her if she had a vibrator. This store had everything you could think of and more. The redhead stopped in front of a large display of handcuffs in many different colors.

  “These are our top sellers.” She reached for a pair of metal handcuffs, and Gretchen knew that her husband wouldn’t use them. “They look like metal but look,” she opened the package and handed it to Gretchen. She took out the cuffs and her fingers brushed against the soft inside lining of the handcuffs. “They are lined so they won’t hurt, but you get the feel of the real handcuffs.”

  “These are perfect,” Gretchen smiled.

  “Great, meet me in the front when you are ready.” The redhead grinned and walked away, Gretchen looked around the store for her best friend.

  She found Laura in the back of the store talking on her phone. “I really don’t care what you want to do, you knew I didn’t want to tell them we were dating.” Gretchen knew that she shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but if the table was turned Laura would be listening. “And it looks bad that I helped you with your divorce.”

  Gretchen’s heart sank because she knew who Laura was dating. At her wedding Stefan’s brother Nathan had needed a lawyer to make sure his soon to be ex-wife didn’t take everything they had including their two children. She had recommend Laura to help even though she’d said she wanted to be done with family law. When she’d said she was seeing a Nathan, she didn’t think anything about it.

  Gretchen turned around and walked to the front of the store to pay for her new handcuffs, she was still in shock that her best friend was dating Stefan’s older brother. When Laura made her way back up to the front, she didn’t look happy and Gretchen knew she hated to keep things from her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked the woman that had been so st
rong and the one that helped her no matter what.

  “Of course,” she said and arched one perfectly plucked eyebrow at her. “Did you get what you wanted?”

  Gretchen narrowed her eyes and nodded as she held up the bag. She knew she couldn’t push for what was going on with her and Nate, that she would tell her when she was ready.

  Chapter Three

  Three days after she went shopping, Gretchen smiled when she hung up the phone. She’d just made sure that she would have the same room from their first night. The manager wasn’t sure if the same room was available because they were booked up for the holidays. But he was able to get the same room for her, and she was so happy. She looked up when Stefan walked through their front door wearing a black long sleeve button up shirt with his black leather jacket. He looked tired, but oh so sexy, and she loved him with every beat of her heart.

  “I don’t know how you can make walking in the front door sexy, but you do.”

  He glanced at her and shook his head. “I don’t know if I would say sexy,” he said as he walked toward her and sat on the couch next to her. He took her hand in his and lightly squeezed. “How was your day, love?” he said and brought his dreamy hazel green eyes to hers.

  “Mine was great. I am getting bored staying home all the time.” Since she was a high risk pregnancy she was on bed rest and couldn’t work. She hated that she had to quit working in the little bookstore.

  “I’m sorry, but it will be worth it in the end, and you never know, you might want to stay home.”

  She had thought about being a full time mother, and leaving the working world behind. She had read the studies saying it was better for the child for the mother to be with them the first few years. Her mother stayed home with her and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. When she needed her mother she was always there and she wanted to be able to give that to her child.

  “I have been thinking about that, but I don’t know yet.” She turned her whole body on the couch to face her husband, and she noticed the circles under his eyes were growing darker with each passing day. “Stefan, are you okay? I know you haven’t been sleeping that much.” Every time she woke up in the middle of the night he wasn’t there, and his side was cold telling her it had been a while since he had laid there.

  “I’m worried about Britney.” His little sister had gone off to the same collage as the ex-boyfriend that abused her. “I called her again today and her phone went to voicemail right away. I hate knowing he is in the same collage as her. If I had my way he would be locked up for hurting her.”

  Gretchen took her hand out of his and brushed his hair out of his devilishly handsome face. She loved how much he loved his family, it was his greatest quality. “Honey, she is busy with school. I talked to her yesterday and she told me she sees him in passing, but they don’t hang out.”

  Stefan sighed and leaned his forehead against hers. “What would I do without you?”

  She knew where she would be, lost. When they broke up for a week she thought her world was coming to an end and she knew he was her forever kind of guy.

  “I would be lost without you, and our little bun.” She smiled as he rested his palm on her growing stomach. “I never thought I would get it all, the house, the trophy wife, and a baby.” He winked at her and kissed her nose.

  “Oh I am no trophy,” she said as she shook her head, and he narrowed his eyes.

  “You are my trophy, I am just amazed you picked me to love.” He put his hands up in surrender. “But I’m not complaining.”

  “What would you have done if I wasn’t at the bar?” she always wondered if he would have shown up at her apartment begging her to take him back or if he would have just left her alone.

  His hazel green eyes stared into her and she wasn’t sure if he was going to answer her, and that terrified her. She couldn’t imagine her life without Stefan Romano, he was her wind to her sail. “I drove to your apartment every night that week. I parked outside and stared up at your window, I know I was kind of stalking you, but I needed to know you were okay. One night I saw you and you shattered my heart. You were crying and I hated knowing I was the cause. I wanted to take you in my arms and tell you I would never leave your side again, but I was scared too. You had been hurt and I knew you didn’t trust me completely and I didn’t blame you. When I showed up at the bar and I heard you singing, my heart stopped. I almost punched that DJ because he was looking at you in a way no other man should.”

  She hadn’t known he was watching her, and she didn’t think it was weird. She loved him more and more every day. He was her one and only, she threw her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. “Stefan, I love you so much, thank you for making my life complete.” She rested her cheek on his shoulder.

  She yawned, and he chuckled. “Baby, go to bed I will be there soon.” He kissed her forehead, and she stood up.

  “Fine, but don’t take too long, I miss you at night.”

  “I’m sorry, but you will know why I leave soon.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek and she narrowed her eyes, she hated knowing he was keeping something from her. “Don’t look at me like that, like I said, you will know why soon. Don’t make me ruin the surprise.” His eyes pleaded with her not to push because she knew if she truly wanted to know what he was up to he would tell her.

  “Fine, I guess I will see you when you come to bed.”

  When she went to turn away and walk to their bedroom, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to him. She stared into his eyes as he lowered his sinful lips to hers, and she pulled on the front of his shirt. His arms wrapped around her back, and pulled her as close as she could get. Her hands traveled up to his hair and tangled causing him to moan. She loved how she affected him, and she loved that he reacted to her. She arched into his touch when his hands made their way under her shirt.

  He tore his mouth from hers, and she grinned. “You are driving me crazy woman.” She grinned up at him, because she loved that she did.

  “Don’t take too long, I want you to hold me.” She stood on her tippy toes and kissed his rough cheek. “I love you, Stefan.” She walked away leaving her handsome husband with his secrets.


  Stefan smiled to himself as he watched his wife saunter out of the room and when he turned toward the little bedroom he had been working on, he shook his head. When they’d moved there a few months ago he’d already planned on making that room their baby’s room. He had painted it green because Gretchen didn’t want to know what they were having, she’d said as long as it’s healthy.

  He built a crib out of cherry wood, because it was her favorite wood and a matching rocking chair. He’d had his mother make the white padding that covered the seat and back of the chair. He had his older brother Nate help with painting a tree with Gretchen’s, and his name on their family tree.

  With a sigh, he grabbed some sandpaper to finish sanding the crib.

  Chapter Four

  A few nights later Stefan stood outside the same door he almost walked away from two years ago. He was so nervous when he was first there that he almost didn’t knock, but he was happy he did because his life was changed the moment Gretchen opened the door. His wife wasn’t the only one who had a surprise for tonight. He was wearing a red velvet Santa suit with the matching red hat. He was her Claus and she was his Noel.

  This time was different though, he didn’t need to knock, because he had a room key in his pocket. Slowly he slid the key in and when he heard the two beeps he opened the hotel door. He walked in and peppermint wrapped around him, his eyes went to the glow of a candle and he grinned. Gretchen said that he always smelled of peppermint, so he’d bought her candles.

  He took a few more steps and froze, she was standing by the bed wearing a long black robe with white at the cuffs, her long legs were his favorite because they seemed to go on forever. She smiled her sexy come and get her smile, and he didn’t waste any time rushing to her. He loved her more than he thought was h
umanly possible, she was his world.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her as close as he could get her to him. Not wasting time he took hungry possession of her mouth, he kissed her as if he was a thirsty man and she was the water in the desert. When she sighed in his arms he deepened the kiss by sucking on her bottom lip. He grinned when he felt her hands fist with his shirt.

  “Stefan, I want you,” she said when she tore her swollen lips from his. He smiled as his fingers traveled to the front of her panties, now it was his turn to groan because she was bare. “Yeah, I had Laura help me, I missed shaving.”

  Stefan wasn’t sure if he should be mad that her best friend helped her shave her pussy, he dropped to his knees in front of her and when he looked up at her she stole his breath. She was so beautiful he knew he didn’t deserve her. She arched her eyebrows and pulled on his heartstrings. Slowly he lowered his lips to her and leisurely licked her clit, she moaned loudly and took off his hat to tangle her fingers in his hair.

  He smiled against her and brought his fingers to her opening, she was already wet for him and he loved that. She was always ready for him just like he was for her.

  “Stefan!” she yelled when he started to pump his fingers in her and he sucked on her clit. “…God!” She trembled and he forced himself to pull his mouth off of her.

  He knew she was extremely sensitive since she’d become pregnant, he kept his fingers in her slowly moving in and out of her.

  She took his face in her small soft hands, and smiled lovingly at him. “I love the Santa outfit, but I want you naked and inside me.”

  He curled his fingers inside her and her eyes widened. He knew he’d found what he was looking for. He grinned when as he kissed his way to her ear, and she moaned when he sucked her earlobe in his mouth. “You will have what you want soon enough,” he whispered against her ear.


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