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Hard Candy

Page 27

by Volley, Rue

  “Do you think we can do this?” I curled into his chest. This was the Eric I knew.

  “If it doesn't work, we can always just play. We don't need a contract for me to know I love you.” He kissed my temple.

  “I spent the night at the truck stop. I did some research.” I pulled the crumpled, tear-stained paper from my purse. “ I made a start on some limits.”

  “You spent the whole night there? Where did you sleep?” Eric pushed me back to look in my face.

  “I haven't been to sleep yet. I was upset, and I blamed myself. You asked me to look into this. I just jumped the gun.” I handed him the paper, with shaky fingers.

  “I think you need a long bath and some sleep. I will look at this later. Right now, your well being needs to come first.” He picked me up and carried me to the master bath.

  He sat me on the counter and turned to start the water. He put in my favorite bubble bath and let the tub fill. Eric returned to me and slid the dress from last night down my shoulders. He kissed each shoulder, causing goose bumps to break out across my flesh. He helped me stand, sliding the dress down my legs. I steadied myself on him, to step out of it. He unstrapped each shoe and removed them from my feet. His hands trailed up my legs, across my stomach, and rested on my shoulders. My breathing had become ragged, the scent of peppermint surrounded me. He picked me up and placed me in the warm water.

  The water soothed my weary muscles. I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I felt the sponge trail over my stomach as he washed me. I sank into the water, enjoying the feel of him swirling the sponge across my body. I vaguely remember the feel of the towel as it brushed against my skin. The cool satin of the sheet, and the warm comforter pulled around my body. I drifted in and out. A soft kiss to my temple and a warm hand on my cheek is the last thing I remembered.

  Chapter 5

  Eric woke me around ten in the morning, with breakfast in bed.

  “Good morning baby.” He placed the tray across my lap.

  “Hey.” I sipped the rich morning elixir.

  “What's wrong?” He sat on the bed next to me.

  “What if we can't do this? Eric I'm scared.”

  “Baby, we can learn together. We can do this anyway we need to. If it doesn't work, we can just to things the way we used too.” His confident smile soothed my doubts.


  “Eat up. You need your energy.”

  “For what?” My curiosity had been peeked.

  “It's a surprise.” He kissed my cheek and left the room.

  I ate and dressed quickly. I threw on my jeans and a sweatshirt. I ran out to the living room, and smacked right into Eric. He laughed and pulled me into his arms. I melted into him, enjoying the normalcy that had returned to us. He kissed me softly and I stifled a moan. Heat pooled in my core. I leaned into him feeling his heart beat against my chest. His arousal pressed into my stomach.

  “Not yet.” He ended the kiss pushing me back. “Close your eyes.”

  I frowned at him, but didn't argue. I wanted to know what my surprise was. He led to the couch, setting me down on the edge. I felt him sit in front of me on the floor. My heart skipped a beat in anticipation. I always had the patience of a child, wanting to know right away. Christmas had always been my favorite holiday.

  “Open your eyes.”

  I opened my eyes. Eric sat on the floor in front of me, holding a perfectly wrapped red box, with a golden shimmering bow. I took the box and shook it. My gaze darted between him and the box. He was on one knee and I was holding a box. My breath came in ragged gasps. My brain ran the scenarios in my head. Was this what I thought it was?


  “Open it.” He coaxed.

  I peeled the golden bow from the box and carefully removed the shiny red paper. There was a small white box inside. I held my breath as I removed the lid. Inside was yet another box, this one however, was a jewelry box. My heart beat out a nervous dance in my chest, threatening to break free. My lungs refused to draw air. With trembling fingers, I pulled the soft velvet box out.

  Eric took the box from me, and flipped it open. “Mariana, I know we have some issues to work through. I love you. I am giving you this ring, as a promise. I will learn everything I can to help you in your journey. I will care for you.”


  “I'm not done.” He put a finger to my lips. “I'll be your teacher and your guide. I will always cherish you in every way.”

  “Eric, I love you.” The tears streamed down my face.

  He slipped the golden band on my finger. The heart shaped diamond shimmered like the freshly fallen snow. It wasn't a marriage proposal, it was so much more. This was a promise, a real vow. I slid off the couch onto his lap. I kissed his face, finally landing on his lips. I slanted my mouth over his, my tongue dueling with his. His hands fisted in my hair, pulling my head back, as his mouth traveled across my neck. He nipped my collarbone. My hands explored the curve of his back. I loved the way his muscles flexed beneath my fingers as he moved.

  He laid me out on the floor, under the twinkle of the Christmas tree. Eric lifted the sweatshirt over my head. His gaze scorched my skin, sending tremors of need through me. I reached for him, pulling him onto me. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, dragging a moan of need from my lips. His fingers pinched the other nipple until they were both taut peaks. I wrapped my legs around his waist, grinding against his arousal. His trailed wet kissed down my stomach, working my jeans down as he went.

  The cool air against my heated flesh broke goose bumps out along my body. Eric positioned himself between my legs, using his shoulders to keep me exposed. He sucked my clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue across the sensitive bundle of nerves. He slipped a finger into my pussy, curling it against my g-spot. I felt my release, building. He was relentless in his assault, sucking hard, bringing me to the edge.. I twined my fingers in his hair, pulling him hard against my core.

  “Please, Eric. Please mayI come?”

  “Come for me love, let me hear you.”

  My orgasm rushed over me. My body shook as waves of ecstasy poured over my senses. He continued to suck the over sensitive bundle of nerves, sending more tremors though me. Before the last ripple subsided, he was on me. He buried his shaft deep in me, claiming my mouth, as he claimed my body.. He pumped into me, sending me spiraling out of control. My pussy gripped his cock, as another orgasm ripped through me.

  Eric held my arms above my head. He sucked my nipple into his mouth. I met his hips thrust for thrust. Each time he entered me, his body rubbed against my clit. I wrapped my legs around his waist. His cock swelled inside of me, a sign of his impending orgasm. He raked his teeth across my sensitive flesh, sending waves of pleasure though me.. My orgasm slammed into me as he thrust into me one last time, finding his own release.

  He lay down next to me, pulling me into his arms. I curled into his safe embrace. I still had a fleeting ray of doubt. I only hoped our love would see us through. I twirled my new diamond on my finger, a sign of commitment. One he had made to me, and one I accepted.

  “Hey baby?” His voice soft and smooth.

  “Yeah?” I turned in his arms.

  “We have our first class tomorrow night. It's a meet and greet. The first of a six week session.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “You still want to go?” His eyes betraying the doubt he tried to hide.

  “Yes. I want to try. I want to do this right.”

  “I'm glad. I want us to learn together.” He cupped my cheek in his hand, and kissed me lightly. “Get some more rest.”

  I was more than happy to obliged. I still didn't feel caught back up on my sleep. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. He tucked my head against his chest and wrapped his arms around him. I drifted into a deep sleep, surrounded by the scent of peppermint.


  It was Christmas Eve, one year after my contract fiasco. Eric and had completed all the classes at the club. We h
ad learned how to communicate effectively. I found my voice, and was able to give him a list of limits. I knew what scared me, and what I wanted to try. He pushed my boundaries, but always with love. I trusted him. He cared for me emotionally and physically. We had found our path, and we traveled it together.

  I sat on the hard wood, the coolness contrasted against my heated flesh. I practiced this slave position many times. On my knees, legs spread, head bowed, and hands palms up on my thighs. The muscle in my thigh twitched with nerves. The lights dimmed throughout the room. I felt the eyes of the crowd on me and I wanted to make Eric proud. We had worked hard to get where we were. A lone trickle of sweat trailed down my back, snaking along my spine. I wanted to reach up and wipe it away, but I dared not move.

  The click of boots across the stage, echoed into my ears. Each step, resounded in my soul. Eric was coming. My tongue flicked out to wet my dry lips. My heart hammered a nervous beat. I wanted this to be perfect. The shiny black boots, stopped in my line of sight. My breath hitched in my throat, as the scent of leather and peppermint surrounded me.

  His hand stroked over my head, and down to my shoulders. He tilted my face up to gaze into his eyes. The love and adoration that greeted me, pierced into my soul.. He smiled at me and guided me to my feet. We stood in the center of the stage and time stood still. He held my hands in his, and his eyes searched my face. Was he looking for certainty?

  “Mariana, it has been a long year. We have come far in our journey together. On this night in front of our new friends.” A single tear slid down his cheek. “I want to ask you to wear my collar.”

  “Eric, we started this journey together, on the wrong foot. We have climbed mountains in the last year. There no other man worthy of my gift of submission.” I smiled up at him.

  “Kneel, my love.”

  “Yes, Sir.” I knelt down bowing my head.

  “Mariana, you are my heart. Your submission is truly a gift. I vow to treasure. As your Dom I swear to guide and teach you. We will continue our journey together. I promise to always help you be the best you, that you can be.”

  The cool metal slipped around my neck. The lock clicked into place and Eric handed me a key.

  “Your submission is not mine to take.”

  I grasped the key to the collar. This was my choice. It had always been mine, and I needed Eric to show me.

  “Sir, I would give no other the key. You have guided me with love and respect.” I held up my hand to him.

  “Thank you love.” He took the key and placed it in his shirt pocket. “Stand up. Show them your collar.”

  I stood and faced the room. The claps and cheer surrounded us. I reached up and felt the webbed silver around my neck. Eric had it specially made for this night. I hadn't seen it yet. I tugged on his hand.

  “Sir, can we go somewhere alone?”

  “Not yet love. We have a party to attend in our honor. Soon though.” He smiled and took my hand.

  The music pumped through the speakers as he led me around the room. I kept eyes lowered. We stopped and talked with other Dom's in the club. He offered me a glass of wine, and pulled me onto his lap in a corner booth. His arousal pressed into my ass. I wiggled into him, enjoying the groan that broke free from his lips.

  “Sir, is there anything I can do to relieve your stress.” I smirked at him.

  “You can behave yourself.” He smiled and pulled me tighter to him.

  “Yes, Sir.” I laid my head on his shoulder, surrounding myself with the scent of peppermints.

  The club goers came by and congratulated us one by one. As the night carried on, the club started to empty, people pair off and went to their own rooms. There was a shibari session on the stage was in full swing. The red ropes, looped around the subs body, binding her arms to her sides. It snaked between her legs and wrapped around her waist. Her Dom tugged on the rope her body wracked with shivers. The sweat on her skin glistened in the lights.

  “Does that intrigue you love?” Eric followed my line of sight.

  “Yes Sir, it does.”

  “They offer classes here on it. If you would like to sign up.”

  “I would love that, Sir.” I kissed his cheek.

  “Come love, I reserved a private room for us tonight.” He lifted me to my feet.

  The room he had reserved was the winter wonderland room. The lights around the ceiling twinkled softly. The smell of evergreen and cinnamon lingered in the air. The bed was shrouded in fluffy white pillows and a comforter. Red and green candles decorated the tables on either side of the bed.

  Eric picked me up in his arms, carrying me to the bed. He laid me down, and climbed in beside me. The warmth of his body radiated into me, heating my soul. My heart stuttered full of love for this man.

  “I love you, Mariana” He brushed a wayward strand of hair from my forehead.

  “Eric, I love you. You have made me so happy tonight.” I felt the tear trickled down my cheek.

  He slanted his mouth over mine. My body heated, and my arousal spiked. His tongue tangled with mine, and the cool taste of peppermint, flooded my being. I arched my back, pressing into him.

  “Raise your hands, love.” His words tickled the hair hanging against my neck.

  I placed my hands above my head. The cool leather cuffs, fit snug around my wrists. Eric pulled my arms taunt, fastening the cuffs to the headboard. His kissed his way down my body. His tongue dipped into my belly button, eliciting a fit of giggles from me. The fluffy comforter tickled my thighs. The material a blatant contrast to the cuffs now on my ankles. I laid spread eagle on the bed. Eric stood and walked to the dresser at the side of the bed. He removed a black satin blindfold and covered my eyes. I sunk into the darkness. The sounds of him in the room floated to my ears. The tantalizing scent of cinnamon from the candles filled my senses.

  The sharp swat of the flogger on my legs centered my attention back to the present. My body ached for more. I arched searching for the next strike. Eric chuckled. A light breeze of a touch, whispered down my arm. Shivers raced down my spine. The cold drops of liquid made contact with my nipples. The drops tickled as they ran down my breasts. A moan broke free from my lips, as goose bumps racked my body. A warm tongue followed the liquid's trail along my skin. Fire and ice raged through my system. My nerve endings fired in rapid succession. The gasp of my breath echoed in the room.

  “Please Sir.” I begged.

  “Patience my love.” His shoulders pushed my thighs further apart.

  Eric blew across my heated core. My arousal leaked out onto my thighs. I thrust my hips up seeking contact. A sharp slap across my center, reminded me to stay still. His thumb stroked over my clit. My body screamed for release. The building of my orgasm centered in my stomach. My pussy clenched in need to be filled.

  He slid two fingers into my wet channel, as he took the bundle of nerves into this mouth. My body raced towards orgasm. My release was imminent I couldn't hold it back any longer. Just when I thought I was explode he was gone. No weight on the bed, no contact. My body trembled in need. Sweat beaded across my brow.

  “Your orgasms belong to me now love. How do you earn them?”

  “I ask for permission before I come. I earn them by being a good girl, Sir.” My voice squeaked out.

  “Do you need to come love?” I felt his body over mine, his breath warm against my cheek.

  “Yes Sir.”

  He entered me, filling me completely. His shaft pulsed thick and hard in my core. His teeth raked across my nipple. He pumped into me, building my orgasm back to the brink. My legs trembled with need. His lips pressed against mine. He thrust his tongue in my mouth, claiming me all over again.

  “Please, Sir. Please ,may I come?” I moaned into his mouth.

  He pushed a hand in between our bodies. His thumb found my clit and he rubbed it in circles.

  “Come for me love.”

  My release burst from my soul. My body shuddered with delight. I felt his shaft swell inside me as he buri
ed it deep. His seed spilled into my channel, as my orgasm pulled him over the edge with me. He pinched my clit again, sending me into another wave of ecstasy. My body went limp, I hung from the restraints on the headboard. I have no energy left to even raise my head.

  Eric released my arms and legs, rubbing each spot the leather had been on. He removed my blindfold and brushed the damp hair from my forehead. He kissed me gently on the lips as he slid the comforter over my body. I curled into his chest, his heart beating as rapidly as mine.

  “I'm glad we took this journey together.” His voice rumbled out of his chest.

  “I am too.” I sighed and snuggled closer to him.

  “Get some rest love.” He put his arms around me, holding me close. I never felt safer.

  “Merry Christmas, Sir.”

  “Merry Christmas, love.”




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