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Pack Rogue

Page 1

by Crissy Smith

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Pack Rogue

  ISBN #978-0-85715-389-0

  ©Copyright Crissy Smith 2011

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright January 2011

  Edited by Stacey Birkel

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way

  , Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

  Were Chronicles


  Crissy Smith


  For my family, whom I love and cherish even through the tough times.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Hummer: General Motors Corporation

  Chapter One

  Kiley Palmer sat scrunched down inside her SUV, well-hidden by the tinted windows as she held a camera up and snapped off pictures. The old man had been right. The fourth Mrs. Douglas was having a visitor every morning as soon as her husband left for work.

  “Gotcha,” she whispered to empty air as she snapped off four more pictures before the front door of the large house closed.

  She set the camera down and prepared herself for the wait. All week she had been staking out the home of her client, Edward Franklin Douglas the Third. The man knew his young thirty-year old wife was cheating on him, and Kiley had just finished collecting the reminder of the evidence to provide to her client. She would snap off a few more pictures as the man left then she would be done with the job.

  As private detective work went, this had been simple. Easy money. Mr. Douglas had known his wife was not being faithful and, to protect his money, he had needed proof.

  Kiley reached for her coffee and found the cup empty. Damn, she thought as she sat back with a sigh. She was contemplating running to the closest convenience store to grab another cup when a knock on the passenger window startled her.

  She jumped, her hand going to her heart. The grin from the man on the other side of the glass annoyed and amused her at the same time. She rolled her window down.

  “Detective,” she greeted.

  Detective Gray Mason continued to grin as he leant against her door. “Kiley, how’s it going?”

  Kiley shrugged. “Fine, until you scared the living daylights out of me.”

  He chuckled in response.

  Kiley crossed her arms over her chest and gave him her best pout.

  Unfazed, he continued to smile. “All done here?” he asked.

  Kiley looked at the house and back at him. As Gray turned serious, she knew it wasn’t so much a question as him telling her she was done. She nodded.

  He opened her door and held out a hand. “I need you to come with me.”

  She rolled her shoulders and stepped from her vehicle, ignoring his hand. He stepped back, giving her room as another man stepped up and drew her attention. Kiley frowned at the guard. She didn’t know Wyatt well but he had a reputation for being a hardcore fighter.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Gray, her eyes snapping from one man to the other. Dread scrawled up her spine as unease settled in her stomach. This couldn’t be good.

  “He needs to see you,” Gray told her quietly.

  Kiley shook her head and started to back towards her SUV. “No.” She knew what this weekend was about. She’d seen the many cars which had driven through town on their way up to the compound.

  Gray’s hand on her elbow stopped her. “It’ll be okay. I’ll stay with you,” he promised.

  Kiley’s heart sank. It had been months since her presence had been requested at the local Alpha’s residence. Always it had been when few people had been around.

  “Come on,” Gray urged with a gentle tug.

  Kiley tried to plant her feet. “I’ll follow you.”

  Gray shook his head, knowing the game. “I don’t think so,” he quipped.

  Kiley bit her bottom lip. Damn, she’d already used that trick. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the Alpha—the new Alpha anyway—it was just that she had too many bad memories of the old one, and the guests he always had over.

  “Wyatt will drive your vehicle and follow,” Gray explained. “You won’t be without a way home.”

  Kiley knew she should be grateful. At least they were giving her a way out without depending on one of the Pack members. It was a small thing but it made her relax a little, just as Gray probably knew it would. In the year the man had lived in her city, he had got to know her better than anyone else.

  One foot in front of the other, she let Gray lead her to the big Hummer parked behind her SUV.

  “This new?” she inquired. It had to be since she’d never seen it before—damn, it was huge.

  Gray just shrugged, and she grinned. “Over-compensating much?” she teased.

  Gray growled as he opened the passenger door. “Get in.”

  Kiley giggled. “Oh yes, sir,” she said innocently. She relaxed enough to really enjoy teasing Gray. It had, after all, become one of her favourite activities.

  Gray’s lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile. Kiley settled in the seat and had pulled her seat belt on by the time he made it to the driver’s door and got in. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

  Gray was one of the few Pack members she would actually call a friend. As a police detective, he matched her ideal of the perfect strong male. He was well built. The play of muscles under his dress shirt, the wide shoulders, and just the plain bulk of the man both intimidated and aroused her. His kind heart and quick wit were just added bonuses.

  There had been numerous times in the past that she had wished she could fall in love with him. They’d fooled around a few times, but as good as it was, it wasn’t what either of them were looking for. They were not destined to be mates.

  Which saddened her. She had never expected to be given the chance to find her mate. At one time it had been forbidden, in fact. She was already spoken for, or she had been until the Alpha had finally come across someone he couldn’t threaten or beat into submission.

  Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t realised they’d started to move until Gray reached over and intertwined his fingers with hers. Kiley leant her head back and closed her eyes. “What does he want to see me for?”

  Since the night she had been released from her own living hell, she had tried to avoid contact with other shifters. The new Alpha had left her alone, only calling on her to check how she was doing and sometimes asking her to watch his child. But when he needed a babysitter, he’d always called. Not sent guards after her.

  Gray lifted her hand to his face and ran his cheek over her knuckles before ki
ssing the back of her hand. “I believe he has a job for you.”

  Kiley was beginning to get lost in the sensations Gray caused. She shivered as her body instantly began to heat. “A job?” she breathed.

  “You heard about the Wolf council wanting to go public,” Gray started to explain. “They are sending someone to meet with him and another Alpha. There’ve been threats.”

  Kiley blinked in surprise and pulled her hand away so she could concentrate. “Threats?”

  “Yes,” Gray said with a frown. “Against any Pack members who might agree to the publicity.”

  “Why does he need me?” Kiley wondered aloud. The Pack had their own investigators.

  “Always so suspicious,” Gray commented.

  Kiley grunted but didn’t reply.

  Gray’s heavy sighed sounded loudly through the vehicle. “It’s complicated.”

  Kiley nodded, even though he wasn’t looking at her. Had it only been a year since the new Alpha had come to Clear Water, Colorado? It seemed like so long ago. In a matter of hours, her life had changed. Her Pack leader had been killed and another Alpha now led. He had granted anyone who wanted to stay Pack status and allowed the others to leave. Kiley hadn’t wanted to do either,so she was caught somewhere in the middle.

  Kiley had the feeling that the new Alpha gave her odd jobs here and there to keep her in his territory without smothering her. No pressure to join the Pack, but letting her know she would be welcome if she chose to. For that reason alone, Kiley vowed to help in any way she could.

  As they left the city behind and started towards the secluded woods where the Alpha’s home was located, Kiley could felt the tension invade her body. Too many memories haunted her for her to be able to control her fear.

  Tyler Adams was one of the best and most honest Alphas in the country. The day he’d walked into the small bedroom she’s been imprisoned in and demanded her release was one that would forever stay with her. She owed him more than she would ever be able to pay back. She knew that, but he never made her feel bad about it. He was one of the few people in the world who had earned her respect.

  As if he could feel her growing nervousness, Gray started to tell her about the last full moon run and the antics of the cubs who had shifted for the first time. It made her miss being Pack even more, but she held that feeling inside. It wouldn’t help anything.

  Kiley grinned as Gray went into great detail about one of the boys, who had only got his paws and tail to shift until one of the guards had scared him and he had finally fully shifted in self-defence.

  By the time they reached the outside of the stone gates barring the road that led to the Alpha house, she was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

  A young, handsome guard waved Gray inside as the gates slowly opened.

  “Breathe, Kiley,” Gray urged quietly.

  She took a deep breath and counted to ten. Kiley knew she was safe here. She was almost calm by the time they pulled into the circular drive and parked in front of the house. Several unknown vehicles were there and she took stock of each one. She liked to be prepared in case she needed to make a quick exit. If one of these vehicles followed her, she would know. Several yards from the compound, she saw a new house in the process of being built.

  The beautiful brickwork and large glass windows looked welcoming and secure at the same time.

  “What’s that?” she asked Gray with a nod to the building.

  “Tyler’s having a new main house built.”

  “Really?” Kiley asked, shocked. The compound was big and solid. She hated it but thought that was where an Alpha belonged.

  “He hates the compound. Says it’s like living in a tomb. He wants a happy place to raise the cubs and welcome the Pack,” Gray informed her.

  “Wow!” Kiley couldn’t help the awe in her voice. So much change.

  Gray turned in his seat after he cut the engine. As he cupped her check, she leant into his touch. “Maybe I can take you out to dinner after this?” he inquired.

  It had been a few months since they’d been together and Kiley was more than ready to reconnect with him. Even if they would never be mates, she still had strong feelings for the man.

  She turned her head and kissed his palm. “I’d like that,” she agreed.

  He smiled once more at her, his eyes warm and inviting as he reached for the door handle on his side. “Well then, let’s get this party started so we can get to the good stuff.”

  Kiley just shook her head, grinning as she followed his lead and climbed from the monster vehicle. She had to jump to get down.

  The front door opened before they reached it, and Kiley barely had enough time to brace herself before her arms were full of a small six year old girl.

  “Daddy said you were coming!” she squealed as she hugged Kiley’s neck tight.

  Kiley patted the little cub’s back. “Hey sunshine, miss me?”

  “Uh huh,” Jesse, the Alpha’s daughter, said excitedly. “I’ve been waiting for hours!”

  Gray chuckled as he pressed his hand against the small of Kiley’s back, urging her forwards. “It didn’t take that long.”

  Jesse rolled her eyes as only a young child could. “Seemed like it to me.”

  “I tried to tell Gray to hurry,” Kiley teased. “But you know cops. They gotta obey all the rules.”

  Gray growled playfully but the two females ignored him.

  “Yeah, he never goes fast. Not like Dominic,” Jesse whispered.

  Dominic Adams, the Alpha’s Beta and brother, stepped out from the shadows at the mention of his name. “Are you telling my secrets?” he asked Jesse, winking at Kiley.

  Jesse clapped a hand over her mouth and shook her head.

  Everyone laughed at her antics.

  “Come now.” He held his arms out for Jesse. “Let Kiley see your daddy and then you can hang all over her.”

  Bright, innocent eyes looked up at her. “Promise?”

  Immediately, guilt flooded Kiley. She didn’t see Jesse enough. The young girl had attached herself to Kiley on her first visit. There was nothing like the heart-melting feeling of the total love the cub gave. Jesse had quickly become one of her favourite people in the world.

  “I promise,” she told Jesse with one last hug before she allowed Dominic to take her.

  “They are waiting for the two of you in the study,” he said with a more business-like tone than he’d used with Jesse.

  Gray nodded and took Kiley’s elbow to lead her. Kiley concentrated on remaining calm as they walked down the long hall. Gray knocked on the door, and they waited for the command to enter.

  As Gray pushed the door open, Kiley remained behind him. As she stepped into the room, she was suddenly hit with the strongest, most intoxicating scent she’d ever been around.

  She gasped as her body responded quickly and she became light-headed.

  Gray blocked her view of the room but even without looking, she knew she was in deep trouble.

  Her mate was here.

  Chapter Two

  Austin Winters’ head snapped up a moment before the knock sounded on the study door. By the time it opened, he was already on his feet. His mate’s scent hit him hard and he took a step forward even before she entered.

  He couldn’t see her, but the gasp of breath and the overwhelming emotions he felt combined to almost make his knees buckle. His Beta and best friend, Colt, grabbed his arm.

  The room was silent as the others recognised the mating scent that saturated the room. The man in front of his mate half-turned and said something too low for him to hear.

  Austin didn’t like that the man stood between him and his mate. A growl started deep in his throat and there was no way to hold it back. The man looked over his shoulder at him with an expression that surprised Austin.

  Instead of fear of the Alpha, his look was one of sympathy. He nodded and stepped to the side. Austin understood immediately. The expression on his mate’s face was one of panic.

  Austin took a step towards her, dislodging Colt’s hand, his only thought to comfort his mate. Her eyes widened and she took a step back. Austin paused, confused.

  He heard Tyler sigh before he cleared his throat. It was hard, but he took his eyes off his mate and looked at the other Alpha.

  “Austin, you’ve met Grayson, and this is Kiley Palmer,” he introduced.

  Austin wasn’t sure what was going on. Tyler’s eyes were trying to convey something to him but he wasn’t picking it up. He wanted to cross the room and grab his mate. His fingers literally itched to touch her. She was his mate, his one, and he didn’t know why everyone looked so worried. It was a cause for celebration.

  Tyler walked to him and clasped him on the shoulder. “Kiley, this is Austin Winters—a good friend of mine and Alpha of a Pack further south.”

  “She is very uneasy with being around any shifter, much less powerful ones.” Tyler murmured quietly to him. “Your being an Alpha is not good.”

  Austin frowned and looked back to the woman. She remained frozen just inside the doorway. He breathed in deeply, pulling her scent into him. She was a shifter. More and more shifters were finding mates among humans. He didn’t mind, but some of his friends had told him how hard it was to tell a human mate about their…unique abilities. Kiley—his mate’s name was Kiley—was a shifter, so that wasn’t the problem.

  The room was filled with members of both his Pack and Tyler’s. While the meeting had already started, the only thing he cared about was getting to his mate. But if she was uneasy around shifters, being in a roomful of them wouldn’t be comforting.

  Tyler must have thought the same thing, because the order from the other Alpha was given only a moment later. “Gentlemen, if you could please give us a minute. Grayson will take you to get a drink and I’m sure we have some snacks made in the kitchen.”


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