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Antique Mirror

Page 2

by D. F. Jones

  Tori shook her head in disbelief as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks—she was his ticket out. She jumped up and shouted, “What? This can’t be real! I don’t believe this! I can’t be stuck here. I have a life, a wonderful career that’s taking off. I just adopted Jett.” She ran her fingers through her ebony hair as she paced about the room. “Okay, there has to be a way to break the curse. Surely there’s a way.”

  Jonathan held her gaze and without wavering said, “There’s a way. We have to fall in love by this All Hallows’ Eve to break the curse, and we’ll be set free. It’s only two weeks away. The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, will almost be overhead on midnight of All Hallows’ Eve. The star cluster signals not only the night of the dead but offers us a window in time to cross back through the mirror, which will break the curse. If we don’t, fall in love. It will be another year before the window opens again.”

  Tori screamed in frustration and stormed over and smacked him hard across his face. She ran out the front door and onto the porch. The brisk air cut her to the bone, and she started to shiver. The trees were emblazoned with the colors of fall as she looked around the property—which was owned by both her and Jonathan, although a hundred years apart. Tori pondered the impossible situation: she had two weeks to fall in love with a complete stranger.

  Tori still couldn’t believe she was really here in 1915 with a man who had pulled her across time to break him free from a hundred-year-old curse. Surely, she would wake up from this nightmare. “What am I going to do now?” she muttered to herself.

  Jonathan joined her on the porch and set down a pair of boots, and then wrapped a quilt around her shoulders. She turned to face him, and he pulled her into his arms. He brushed his lips softly across her cheek and up to her ear, and then whispered, “I should be sorry I pulled you across time, but I’m not.” Jonathan crushed her with a kiss that would have knocked her socks off—had she been wearing any.

  Victoria broke from his kiss and pushed him away. “Thanks for the boots.” She slipped her feet inside the boots and walked down the steps. “I have to clear my head.” She continued walking around the outside of the cabin. In the backyard, beyond the white fence, she saw an outhouse and a cellar. She quickly walked down the steps of the cellar and nearly fell out of the borrowed boots because they were way too big for her feet. “Victoria, Victoria, you’re not in Kansas anymore, and these are definitely not ruby slippers.” Tori felt Jonathan walk up behind her. Yes, she was attracted to Jonathan—but would she fall in love with him? And within two weeks, no less. Tori turned and gazed into his eyes. He was beautiful.

  Jonathan placed his hand on her shoulder. “Not much changes on this side of the mirror, but on your side, I have seen many changes. Radio and television, stereos and Xboxes. I’ve watched mankind evolve into a self-indulgent society. It’s not a bad thing. But, with all the conveniences of your generation, people have forgotten the sacrifices of those who came before them.”

  Victoria replied, “I suppose we are very used to our conveniences. Running water—I will never take it for granted again.” Tori shivered from the cold, and he wrapped his big, muscular arms around her. The warmth of his body made her instantly heat up. It felt nice to be in a man’s arms, if only briefly, but then she pushed him away.

  Tori felt confused and didn’t understand what was happening to her. She didn’t want her sexual attraction to Jonathan to cloud her already-buzzed brain. Tori walked out of the cellar. “Jonathan, I need some time alone. I’m going for a walk.”

  Jonathan stepped out of her way. “Follow this tractor trail behind the cabin. The trail circles back to the barn. I’ll be here if you need me, just holler.”

  Victoria said, “I will.” She knew the way because it was her property, too.


  Tori walked along the trail behind the cabin. She came across a few squirrels and rabbits, and off to the left, she saw a small pond where a deer was taking a drink of water. The cabin disappeared behind her as she rounded the bend on the trail. Suddenly out of nowhere, a woman appeared on a log stump. She looked to be Tori’s age, with piercing green eyes that reminded Tori of a cat’s. The woman was exotically beautiful, with her smooth olive skin and inky black hair. The woman stood and approached Tori. She said, “Hello, Victoria. I’m Jasmine, the witch who cursed Jonathan.”Tori turned to run, but the witch grabbed her wrist and shouted, “Be still.” Tori was unable to move because the witch paralyzed her. Tori thought, this day just keeps getting better and better.

  “Don’t be afraid, child. If I wanted to harm you, I would have.” The witch let go of her grasp and walked slowly around Victoria. “Now, I see my Jonathan has selected his new mate. Are you worthy?” The witch waved her hand. “Don’t answer that. I’ve been watching you since you came onto this property. You’re alone, so is Jonathan. It’s only natural for him to be attracted to you.”

  Tori tried to speak, but she couldn’t open her mouth. The witch walked over to stand within inches of her, searching out every line and crevice of Tori’s face. The witch said, “You wish to speak?” She touched Tori’s lips.

  Tori opened her mouth and then closed it. What if she said something that pissed the witch off and she turned her into a toad? But curiosity got the best of her and Tori said, “Can’t you reverse the curse? You obviously seem to care something for Jonathan if you’ve been watching him for a hundred years.”

  The witch shouted, “Be silent! You know nothing of this matter. You’re simply a means to an end.” Jasmine began to study Tori and trailed her long, slender fingers over Tori’s skin, which made her flesh crawl. The witch said wickedly, “Mae was never good enough for Jonathan, and you aren’t either. My coven has strict rules on intervening on behalf of humans, and especially regarding reversing curses. I am forbidden, even if I wanted to help Jonathan. If I had only seen Jonathan before I cast the spell, I would have spared him. I would have made him mine. But you, my dear, you only have to get him to fall in love with you. And then once he returns to the real world, you may go back to your life.”

  Tori didn’t believe for one minute the witch would allow her to live. Tori could feel the evil surrounding the witch. She had killed Mae and god knows who else in the last hundred years. Tori was in a lose-lose situation.

  Tori said, “I thought the curse said we had to fall in love with each other by All Hallows’ Eve or we would be cursed to spend another year here together.” Tori’s eyes widened, and she said, “That’s it, you want me to fall in love with him now, before Halloween because if I don’t, he will live with me for a year. A lot can happen in a year.”

  Jasmine seemed to glow a bluish-gray color. Tori knew instantly she had overstepped her boundaries. The witch said, “You’re very unlike Mae. Very intelligent, too smart for your own good. Yes, the love must be reciprocated, but once you’re back in your own time, I will place a spell on Jonathan breaking him free of your love. Then, he will be mine.”

  Tori was afraid of the witch, but also felt pity for her. True love held its own magic and could not be paved with a curse. Tori had no idea if she would fall in love with Jonathan, but she didn’t want him to fall into the witch’s hands, either.

  Tori asked, “Why can’t you cast a spell on him now? You are in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “Silence!” Jasmine pointed her finger in Tori’s face and without thinking Tori grabbed it. The witch jerked her hand away and tossed Tori several feet in the air. Then the witch turned Tori upside down and left her dangling there. For the first time in Tori’s life, she felt fear. Tori could feel the witch’s desire to kill her.

  Jonathan ran up behind the witch and yelled, “Jasmine, don’t hurt her.” Jasmine wheeled on him, hissed, and then vanished.

  Jonathan dashed underneath Victoria to protect her from crashing to the ground. Tori fell on top of Jonathan and then threw her arms around his neck, and lost it. She shook uncontrollably as she tried to tell Jonathan what ha
d happened with the witch.

  Tori pulled slightly away from Jonathan and said, “She wants me dead. I could feel it. Jasmine wants to kill me. She has a seriously unhealthy attachment to you and wants you for herself. I don’t think she has any intention of allowing me to live; once she gets what she wants.”

  “Victoria, she’s a murderer, and I hate her. I’ll find a way to protect you. I will not lose you like I lost Mae.” He wrapped his arms around Tori, pulling her against his chest, and rocked her back and forth.

  Jonathan had saved her, but for how long? She broke from his embrace and searched his eyes. “How can you protect me from her? How? She’s a friggin’ witch!”

  Jonathan caressed the side of her face with his hand and said, “I don’t have many books, but I do have one about Cherokee folklore, legends, and myths. There’s a chapter on protection against evil. That’s why I made this.” He showed her the necklace around his neck. “It’s a talisman to protect me from the witch and other evil spirits. I will make one for you, too.”


  The next day, Tori tried to acclimate to living in the early twentieth century. Tori had lost her temper several times learning how to draw water from the well and how to cook on a potbellied stove. Jonathan was a kind, gentle and very patient teacher. Living in this altered state of reality was hard, but Tori felt a sense of accomplishment when she mastered a task, like washing clothes on the rudimentary machine on the back porch.

  Tori and Jonathan sat at the kitchen table talking after supper. Jonathan excitedly talked about the time he had heard Teddy Roosevelt speak. Jonathan moved his hands all about while talking. He said, “Teddy Roosevelt was larger than life. My father and I heard him speak when he was McKinley’s running mate in the election of 1900.”

  Tori walked over to the fireplace and turned her back to the fire to feel its warmth. She said, “The only place I’ve ever seen our president is on TV. Jonathan, we’re from two way different time periods, but I’m glad we’re getting to know each other.”

  Jonathan walked over to join her and brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek and reached over and gently kissed her. “I watched you for two weeks when you moved into the cabin, and this is what I have learned about you. You love your dog. You talk to your plants like they’re babies. The night you brought your easel into your bedroom and began to paint on your canvas was pure magic. You should have seen the expression on your face. You love your art. I want you to look at me like that.”

  Jonathan trailed his fingers down to the hollow spot at the base of her neck and leaned over and kissed her there. Then he said, “You’re so stunningly beautiful, and you have the most insane sense of humor when you’re talking on the phone with your friend, Max.” He kissed her this time on her lips, and she melted against him.

  When she broke from his kiss, Tori eyes brightened, and her cheeks were flushed pink. “I think I’m a little jealous of Mae. It’s gonna be kind of hard to compete with the memory of a dead woman.” Oh shit, the stare he just gave her sent chills up her arm. Why did she have to say “dead woman”?

  Jonathan’s eyes darkened, and he stepped away from Tori. “Don’t ever speak of Mae. Not ever.” He grabbed his coat and stalked out of the cabin.

  Tori fell back on the bed and threw her arm across her eyes. “I’m so screwed. How in the hell did this happen to me? I’m falling for someone who is so obviously still hung up on his dead wife.” Tori heard Jett barking, and she jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror. Jett was looking at her from the other side. He barked and wagged his tail.

  “Jett, can you hear me, boy? Can you see me? I miss you, sweetie.” Jett had probably been fending for himself, going in and out of the doggie door to relieve himself and forage for food. Jett was barking like crazy when Tori heard Max come in her front door.

  “Victoria! Tori, are you here? I’ve called your cell numerous times, and it went straight to voicemail, so I got worried. Where are you, chicken?” He walked into her bedroom and looked up into the mirror and saw her on the other side.

  Tori waved weakly. “Hi, my Tennessee lamb. You know the ghost, well he ain’t a ghost. He’s cursed. I foolishly touched the mirror, and he grabbed ahold of my hand, and the next thing I knew I crossed over into one of those PBS 1900 House episodes.”

  Max stood frozen, with his mouth wide open for a couple of seconds, but then walked over to touch the mirror.

  Tori screamed, “Don’t, Maxey! The mirror could suck you in, too.”

  Max jumped back and covered his mouth. He said, “Well, kiss my grits. This is... this is so insane. Can’t I try and grab you out of there? Good lord, how did the curse happen?” Max placed one hand on his hip.

  Oh, she loved Max Dupres. “This is the down and dirty. The mirror man’s name is Jonathan, and he was in love with a woman named Mae. His intended’s deranged father paid a witch to curse them. Mae ran away to Brawny, and they were married. The curse kicked in when they made love, killing Mae and spinning Brawny into this mirrored life. Jonathan has to fall in love again to break the curse. That’s where I come in. And I met the witch who cast the curse, Jasmine. She wants me dead.” Tori placed her hand on the mirror as the tears began to stream down her face.

  “Chicken, please don’t cry. We’ll figure something out. I have friends in many circles. I just bet I can find something to nullify the curse. Where’s Brawny now and what’s he like?” Max placed his hand on the mantle.

  Tori cried and then laughed. “Jonathan is wonderful and kind. I haphazardly referred to his wife as a dead woman, and he got pissed off and stalked out of the cabin.” Then, she started to giggle at how ridiculous the whole thing sounded.

  Max smiled and wagged his index finger at her. “My god, Tori, you really like this man.”

  Tori’s leveled her eyes at Max. “I do not! He… he is… aw, hell, he’s in love with his dead wife. How am I supposed to compete with a memory? Oh, there’s one more problem with the curse. Jonathan has to fall in love with me by this Halloween, and I have to love him back, or I’ll be stuck in here for at least another year, and you can kiss the New York show good-bye. If we do fall in love with each other, then Jonathan and I can escape the mirror, and I might have a new date to the Frist Christmas Gala.”

  Max rubbed his shiny bald head. “I’ve got to get you out of there! I wonder if they have anything in the local library about the witch coven. Obviously, since you met the witch, the coven must still exist. Maybe some locals would know how to help us expedite you out of the mirror. You’re living in 1915?” He chuckled.

  Tori nodded and stepped back so Max could look around Jonathan’s room. “No running water, no electricity, no phone and no bathroom! I had to use an outhouse for a toilet.” Max started laughing. “Stop it, Max, it’s not funny. Would you take care of Jett for me? I’ve been so worried about him.”

  Max turned and saw Jett sitting beside him. “Okay, I will take care of Jett. But, I'm not going anywhere until I meet Brawny.”

  Jonathan walked back inside the cabin and over to Tori, and then he looked at Max. “Who is Brawny?”

  Max gave him a once-over and lifted his brow. “You are a doll.”

  Tori laughed and then made the introductions, and told Jonathan about Max going to search out the locals to see if anyone could help them.

  With a look of concern, Jonathan said, “I wouldn’t advise it. The witches will kill you or us if they feel threatened in any way.”

  Max’s eyes widened. “Duly noted. I will steer clear of the witch coven and the locals. I have to go out of town with another artist, but I’ll be back on Halloween. I’ll call my friend who practices witchcraft. He may know something of the curse. I’ll take Jett with me. Jonathan, take care of my girl.” Max blew Tori a kiss and said, “I love you, pookie.”

  “I love you, Max. Be careful.” Tori watched Max and Jett walk out into the foyer and heard the front door shut.

  Jonathan turned Tori to face him. “I’m sorry I lost my t
emper. You may have misunderstood why I got mad. I’ve made some peace with Mae’s death, but I’ll always love her, and I still feel responsible for her death. Victoria, you don’t have to compete with anyone, much less the memory of Mae. You just have to decide whether you can love me or not. I’m falling in love with you, and it is much more intense than the first time, with Mae.” Jonathan grabbed her by the nape of her neck and covered her with kisses. Desire fisted sharply at the base of her spine as she pressed against the length of Jonathan.

  Jonathan whispered murmurings of love, in between his kisses, and she desperately wanted to believe him. For the moment, Tori allowed herself to be caught in a whirlwind of emotion, and she lost herself in his embrace.


  Over the next couple of weeks, Tori helped Jonathan pick the remaining vegetables from his garden and the apples from his orchard. He taught her how to can vegetables and make jam.

  They raked the fall leaves around the small yard and Jonathan made a large pile of leaves for them to jump in like they were kids. Jonathan loved to laugh, and his laughter was contagious.

  At bedtime, Jonathan made a pallet on the floor close to the bed where Tori slept. They would talk until one of them fell asleep. Tori wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of her life with him on the nights Jonathan fell asleep first. She would glance out the window, and the moon seemed to smile at her like they shared a cosmic secret. Tori knew the curse had brought her through the mirror, but it was love, making her want to stay. Yes, she admitted to herself, she was falling in love with Jonathan more and more every day.

  Tori had mixed emotions the day All Hallows’ Eve arrived. Part of her wanted to stay with Jonathan in his isolated 1915 world, and part of her longed for home. Jonathan took her fishing that morning in his pond, and they carved a couple of pumpkins during the afternoon. As dusk turned into nightfall, Jonathan placed lit candles inside the jack-o’-lanterns.

  Jonathan and Tori sat in front of the fireplace, talking after supper. Tori talked about the first time she watched the movie Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis, and how the villain, Michael Myers, couldn’t be killed.


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