Ocean's Infiltrator

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Ocean's Infiltrator Page 18

by Carlton, Demelza

  My jeans were so tight it hurt, but I was torn between getting her pants off first or mine.

  "Upstairs," I managed to say between passionate kisses, as Vanessa pulled me with her toward the house.

  I had my hands between the jacket and her boobs and I wasn't letting go for anyone, stumbling with her toward bed and getting my damn jeans off.

  Once up the stairs and in the bedroom, Vanessa shrugged out of the open jacket, her boobs bouncing a little as she moved.

  I gave a moan of relief as I unzipped my jeans and let them slide to the floor. I sure as hell wasn't floppy tonight.

  Her body slammed against mine without hesitation. I clutched her leather-clad arse, wanting to tease her just a little before I helped her out of her pants.

  "Mummy, Mummy, Laila's trying to make me eat yucky fish! I want cucumber!"

  Marina's high-pitched wail preceded the sound of her feet off the stairs. Vanessa and I broke apart, panting. I grabbed my jeans to at least shield what was too hard to hide.

  Vanessa was putting on a singlet top when Marina came into the bedroom, pouting. "I don't want yucky fish! I WANT CUCUMBER!" She screwed her face up as she demanded the vegetable.

  "Sure, sweetheart," Vanessa said, sounding as out of breath as I was. She held out her hand to Marina. "I'll come down and cut you up a cucumber. Then maybe we can go eat it together while we watch a movie…" She and Marina headed down the stairs.

  Shit. I collapsed on the bed to catch my breath. Well, most of me collapsed. Aching with how much I wanted my wife, I headed to the ensuite for a cold shower. Sex would have to wait.

  66. Laila

  "Goodbye. And thank you," I heard Estella say. I heard her kiss the human.

  "You'll call me when you're back in Australia, right?" he asked, sounding uncertain.

  "Of course," Estella cooed softly. I heard another wet kiss.

  I vowed to keep her in the water at all costs, never to set foot on land again if it meant I would have to share her with a human. She had spent her last night with him.

  The door shut and Estella entered our shared room, sunshine streaming through the window and setting red highlights in her hair. She smiled and sat astride my thighs, her hands gentle on the rounded mound that now rose between my hips. "It is done, dearest. I carry a child now, though not as clearly as you do." She pressed her lips to my tummy.

  "You just got home. Did you test for the child with him?" I struggled to sit up, shocked.

  Estella placed her hands on my shoulders. "No, dearest. I did the test just before he arrived and left before I could tell you."

  I was horrified. "And you let him use your body when it was not necessary? How dare he!" I tried to get up from my bed.

  Estella shook her head, her weight still firmly on my legs. "I wanted to say farewell. And I have enjoyed his company. He gave me considerable joy and a child. I wanted one more memory to take with me to the deeps and he gave me that, too." She laughed. "I gave him a parting gift, too. I sang to him to make sure he will never sleep with another, not after me. I left the man with a limp…" She shook her head, still laughing. "I spent too much time teaching him what to do to waste him on a human girl. Only a singer of our own kind can arouse him now and she will need to be a stronger singer than I."

  She sighed as she lay down on the bed beside me, stretching. I ached with want for her, but she might have been sated by the human, in their sweaty coupling in the darkness of night. I would deny my own needs to ensure my Estella was well-rested, for her wellbeing surely meant more to me than it did to the hairy human. A human who would never join with another again, for who among our kind but Estella could find such a hideously hairy human attractive?

  "I was saving something special for our last day – something we haven't tried before. Are you too angry with me, or would you like to try something new? I promise you'll like it." Estella smiled, her eyes closed as she lightly ran her fingers up my sides.

  I was angry at the human for taking her time from me, for daring to touch her, to venture inside her. I was furious at him, but never at her. "What is it?" I asked grudgingly.

  "I'll be right back," Estella said in excitement, leaping up and running to the kitchen. I heard the clink of something in a bowl, growing louder as she returned to me. She dropped the large bowl on the table, where I couldn't see its contents. She slid a hand beneath her skirt, then withdrew it. She pulled off her dress, looking at me expectantly as I did the same.

  She knew me so well by now that she could bring me to the cusp of a climax within a few minutes. "Are you ready, dearest?" she asked sweetly.

  I gasped out an incoherent reply that she nevertheless understood. I heard her reach for the bowl, unable to focus on anything except her mouth on me. My orgasm came with a new sensation – of something long and hard pushed deep inside me by her hands. It wasn't until I came down off my high that I realised what it was. "Ice!"

  Estella gave me one last lick before shifting up my body to kiss me with her cold tongue. Her hands were already busy, caressing me and shifting the ice so I could only moan in response. Once…and again…and a third time…I didn't know I could peak so many times in such quick succession. My skin felt so sensitive after her onslaught a single breath from her lips could push me over the brink again.

  She kissed my lips, then bent down and sucked the much-reduced ice from between my legs. She crunched it in her teeth with a wicked smile. "Did you like it, dearest?" She lifted her head to look in the bowl. "We have two more – one each?"

  I felt spent, but I wanted to make Estella forget the human today. "You first," I murmured, sitting up and reaching for the ice.

  Her breasts bounced as she laughed. "I was first, dearest, but you made me so hot it melted clear away." She lay on her side beside me on the bed, her hair in dark ribbons on the pillow. I stared at her for a moment and she smiled back. "How about both at the same time?" she whispered.

  I eagerly complied, shifting my body for better access to hers. Her first breathy squeal sent a waft of hot air that melted the ice inside me, blowing away all thoughts of humans. Estella was mine and I was hers.

  67. Joe

  I could hear voices in the kitchen, so I came closer to find out if Vanessa was there. The voice I heard was Estella's, sounding very serious.

  "If I do this, then I can offer to be your ally in all matters of policy, to support you as long as you lead. But she will be mine."

  Vanessa laughed. "You are still a child. I can order either of you and you must obey. Defy me and I will ensure there are consequences that see you never dare to consider disobeying again."

  "But you will not have a willing ally and she will oppose you, even as her mother did, until she is ruined beneath the strain. You will have a far more capable ally for much longer if you support my candidacy. I am your best choice, grandmother, for I have your blood and his."

  "I would like to have known your father." Vanessa still sounded amused.

  Estella's voice contained far less emotion. "What does he matter? He was a man who sold his seed for a profit, hoping to people more of the world with his progeny in the process. He was ambitious and took calculated risks to forward his ambition. As did your grandmother and mine…as do I.

  "I will do all that you ask and willingly, but she is my price. Mine and mine alone. You will ask nothing more of her. I will take care of her, whatever may come." She paused for a moment, before continuing, "Thank you for your guidance and assistance, Grandmother. With your permission, when the time comes, I will do what is necessary and reveal what you have told me of the Black line. I will take her place when she falters. I will do you and Dubhan proud."

  I entered the room, just in time to see Estella place her hands by her sides as she stood straight and tall, though she barely came to Vanessa's shoulder. She bowed her head deeply, so her chin almost touched her collarbone. She lifted her head again, throwing a quick glance at me before her eyes turned to Vanessa. "With your permission, Gran

  Vanessa smiled. "Go ahead."

  Estella spun on the spot to face me, before she did the same head-bow in my direction. "I thought Elder Sirena would make you forget my lapse of judgement when I first arrived on land, rendering an apology unnecessary. Now I understand that you are her consort and as such you are permitted to know more than any other human." Another head-bow.

  She'd spent weeks ignoring me, but now she wasn't just acknowledging me, she was offering me some sort of respect that was full of big words. I looked askance at Vanessa, but she only smiled.

  Estella continued, "I wish to apologise for my behaviour when I first came to land. I took poor advice and gave in to bad guidance. If my actions caused you harm or discomfort, I express my deep sorrow and remorse for having caused such. I understand now that as the Elder's consort, had you granted my desire it would be an honour I do not deserve. I offer apologies for the behaviour of my Laila, too, but I can promise you that she will have better guidance in the future." She regarded me gravely as she spoke, then finished with yet another head-bow.

  "Ah, no worries," I began uncertainly. "Your Laila?" I asked, feeling stupid.

  "My Laila," Estella said with some satisfaction. "I will take care of her, for we will be life partners. All but the brightest star needs darkness to shine." Her smile said a lot more than I could understand, possibly because I couldn't get past the thought of lesbian mermaids.

  I stumbled to Vanessa's side, wanting to remind myself that I had someone better than any pair of lesbian mermaids. Two of them…who'd consider it an honour if I…Shit. If I didn't have Vanessa, I'd…

  "As long as the brightest star does not crush the darkness," Estella finished cryptically. She repeated her head-bow, for longer than before. "Farewell, Grandmother. Farewell, consort."

  I waved automatically as she left the room. I heard the front door open and close.

  I looked at Vanessa. "What was that all about?"

  Vanessa laughed softly. "I think my grand-daughter has more strength and ambition than her mother. She would be formidable if she were to lead the Council. I'm lucky that she will not. I pity the other Elders who are not strong enough to withstand her, though. It's a good thing for Laila that Estella wanted to bed her instead of eliminating her. Poor Laila doesn't have the strength to fight Estella, but she'll thrive as her subordinate. Now both girls have gone home to take their places among my people."

  When I was game to go into the hallway, I saw the clothes Estella had been wearing lying neatly folded on the door mat. She and her crazy friend were really gone and they'd left their clothes behind. Naked lesbian mermaids…shit, think of something else!

  68. Laila

  "Where would you like to sleep, dearest?" Estella asked, swirling the waters around me in her joy to be beneath the surface once more.

  The visibility was low in the muddy water. I longed for the open ocean. "I don't care, provided we are at sea."

  "An island or the surface?" she mused. Before I could answer, she had decided. "Come, dearest. We shall swim for a couple of hours and we will sleep in safety together. No need for Watchers where we're going."

  She flicked her tail and headed off, as I accelerated in her wake. I matched her speed, as muddy waters gave way to the pylons and shadows of ships in the port, before we were out of the shipping channel and into the open ocean.

  There were dolphins and some large sharks, but I made sure that the fish were told to keep well away.

  Estella led me to an island off the coast, surrounded by rocky reefs and low cliffs, with some sandy beaches. She chose a cave near the waterline, shifting to her legs to trudge up the rocks to the sandy beach inside.

  The sand was big enough for the two of us, but no one else.

  "Just us, dearest," Estella whispered. She licked the salt water from my cheek before she kissed me. Her kiss was salty, too.

  "Are you too tired from the swim, or would you like me to pleasure you?" she asked, her hands already on me.

  I laughed, more freely than I had on land. "You first." I rolled in the sand so that I ended on top of her.

  I had her squealing and clawing at the sand before she could do the same to me. We slept, sated, secure in one another's arms.

  Of course, that was until the usual inhabitants of the cave came home to sleep.

  A snuffle and the sound of sand being compacted woke me. The strong smell of fish was unmistakeable. A damp nose touched my hair. "This is our cave. Go sleep somewhere else," I murmured. This had no effect on the fur seal.

  I heard a slap. Estella had an amorous fur seal, too.

  "Fuck off, fur seals!" Her angry shout echoed through the cave. "No boys allowed!"

  The male New Zealand fur seals slunk reluctantly back into the water.

  "You tell them, Estella," I murmured, cuddling up to her breasts.

  Her laughter set my soft pillow moving. "Oh I will, dearest."

  69. Joe

  "I hope we have a boy next," I murmured sleepily, much later.

  "A boy?" Vanessa asked.

  "If you have another baby, I hope it's a boy." I explained. "I always wanted to name my son John Giuseppe, after my father and my mother's father."

  I heard Vanessa take a deep breath and let it out. "Joe, my kind don't have boys."

  "What, you only have girls? I thought that was up to the man…" I drifted off, uncertain. I didn't know much about genetics.

  "No, all of my kind only have girls. There are no males." Vanessa's voice was gentle.

  "But our child will only be half mermaid. It'll be half human, too," I tried to explain.

  Vanessa laughed. "It's a genetic predisposition among my kind. We only give birth to girls."

  I thought for a moment. "So, if mermaids are all girls, where do the little ones come from?"

  "From sex, the same as humans," Vanessa replied shortly.

  "But if there's no male mermaids, does that mean…" I began. My voice died before I could get the words lesbian sex out of my mouth.

  Vanessa came to my rescue. "It means that when one of my kind wishes to conceive a child, she has to come on land and find a willing human male."

  My mouth hung open. "You mean…you seduced me so you could have Marina? I was just…a sperm donor?" I sat up in bed, horrified. No wonder she hesitated about marrying me. "Is that what you're here for now?"

  Vanessa sat up, too, and slid her arms around me. "No. I wasn't on land to conceive a child. In fact, we weren't supposed to get too friendly with humans at all. Then, as now, I'm among humans to collect information on changes to tectonic plates, subsea volcanic activity and the marine environment, and how it will affect both of our peoples." She laughed softly, her breasts bouncing against my back. "My time with you, and Marina, were…not planned."

  I started to relax, then thought of something else to worry about. "And how many other men have you slept with who weren't planned? How many other children have you had, who were not planned?"

  "None," Vanessa answered softly. "Joe, unplanned doesn't mean unwanted." She pressed her body against my back and kissed my neck. "I've wanted you since the day I first met you."

  I wanted you the first time I saw you, too, but then I didn't know that all you wanted was my stud services. She just wanted a guy with a functional dick, one who didn't shoot blanks. Anyone would do.

  She shifted so that she was up on her knees, then swung around so she was kneeling astride me. My head was a mess, but my dick had a mind of its own. It was already hard and ready to go. She could feel it and she was angling her hips so I'd slide right in.

  I could feel all my willpower draining away as my sex drive took over. "No, I don't like being used for my stud services. I don't want to have sex with you," I lied through my teeth. Dead kittens, dead, smelly lobsters, getting electrocuted…shit, please let my dick go down…a pair of naked, lesbian mermaids taking my pants off…fuck, no, that won't help…big, gay, hairy bikies with prison tattoos…

e laughed gently. "Just a few minutes ago you were saying how much you wanted to have children with me. Now you don't. You can always wear a condom, Joe." She rocked her hips against mine.

  "I don't have any left," I managed to say. Once I'm inside her, I won't care why she's decided to sleep with me. All I'll care about is how incredible it feels to come inside her.

  "Oh, well," she said indifferently, moving off me.

  I wanted to tell her I'd changed my mind and I'd take sex with her at any price, but the words died in my throat. I've married a woman I barely know.

  She kissed my cheek. "Good night," she said softly, before lying back down and turning away from me.

  I stumbled into the ensuite bathroom and closed the door. I waited a few minutes, then realised there was only one way I was going to get rid of my hard on. Weeks of impotence because I was terrified of those two crazy girls, the first night I had Vanessa all to myself and no worries…then this. Fuck. Oh, and the shower's fucking cold, too! Big, gay, hairy bikies with prison tattoos… I froze my arse off in the shower 'til I wasn't in the mood any more, then dried myself and went back to the bedroom.

  I lay back in bed, beside the beautiful woman who was my wife. I'd give anything to be able to take it all back, the whole stupid argument. I'd tell you I'm sorry, Vanessa, and how much I want to have sex with you, in any position you want. I'd tell you that I'll be happy to sleep with you as many times as you want, because I'd give anything to see you carrying my child.

  But she was fast asleep. I lay awake beside her, wishing I could sleep, too.

  70. Laila

  When dawn approached, there was a large vessel near the island, slowing as it approached the port to unload. It was a container ship, like the one the Atlantic sisters had sunk in their own ocean. They unloaded and loaded in a day or two and moved very quickly. I looked at Estella. "What do you think? Would you like to ride on it and be lazy?"


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