Ocean's Infiltrator

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Ocean's Infiltrator Page 19

by Carlton, Demelza

  She laughed. "You mean climb aboard a human vessel and travel with it north to as near to home as it gets? What if they see us?"

  "We can hide beneath," I replied, showing her the underside of the vessel beneath the water. "There are sea chests with soft algae in them. We would have a bed and a secure place to conserve our energies."

  She smiled. "Or to expend them in exercise other than swimming."

  We chased after the vessel and prised our way into the largest sea chest with the most luxuriant algal growth. Whilst the ship was in port, switching one set of sea containers for another, we made our compartment as comfortable as we could. Together, we detached anything hard – molluscs, barnacles and anything else – evicting some small purple swimming crabs that waved their claws at us in impotent aggression. When the compartment beneath the ship was soft once more, we pulled the grate shut, checking to make sure we could open it from the inside. Satisfied that we could, we both lay in the green growth on the walls of the sea chest, luxuriating in our lazy journey home.

  "What shall we do now, dearest?" Estella asked, stretching so that her back arched out of the green cushion beneath her. There was a piece of algae caught on her nipple.

  I reached over and picked the algae off, placing it carefully in my mouth. Chewing slowly, I looked at her.

  "I would like to do you," I replied after I'd swallowed.

  She giggled. "You are reading my mind."

  I didn't reply, for my tongue was already busy.

  71. Joe

  "Daddy, Daddy, I'm hungry!" Marina shouted, bouncing on the bed.

  I managed to open my eyes. It was 10 am and Vanessa wasn't in bed beside me.

  Oh God, what did I do? Is she gone?

  I wandered into the kitchen, Marina tugging on my hand to make me walk faster. In a daze, I made her some toast and poured her a cup of juice. I emptied the juice carton and went back to the fridge to check for more. Nope, we need to buy more juice. I found a pen and turned to write it on the bottom of the shopping list. I paused when I realised the sheet was blank. I thought we had a pretty long list, but now it's gone. Maybe Vanessa's just gone to do the food shopping?

  Slightly reassured, but still worried, I made and swallowed my own breakfast without tasting it. I coaxed Marina into eating her toast, then helped her to brush her teeth and get dressed. We played together with some of her stuffed toys, until she got bored and wandered back into the kitchen.

  By then, it was lunchtime, so I made us both sandwiches and spent the next hour persuading her to eat every bite. When she finally finished, she was tired, so we sat down to watch her favourite movie, The Little Mermaid. She fell asleep less than halfway into the movie, so I carried her little body to her bedroom. She seemed heavier than ever, so it took more effort than I remembered. She was growing fast. I tucked her into bed and closed the curtains. Just before I closed the bedroom door, I heard a glass door shut.

  Vanessa's home. Oh thank God, she came back.

  I almost flew down the passage to the side door. Vanessa dropped her shopping bags on the kitchen table and looked at me, her eyes sad.

  "Oh, Joe, I'm so sorry," she burst out before I could even think of what to say. "I've never felt so lonely as I did last night. I went and bought some condoms, so even if you didn't want me to be able to conceive children, we could still have sex. I didn't know which ones you wanted, so….oh!" As she reached for the bag, it tipped over, spilling its contents all over the floor. Boxes of condoms went everywhere. Vanessa dropped to her knees and started crawling across the floor after them.

  Oh my God. Underneath her short blue dress, Vanessa was wearing a blue lace g-string.

  My shorts felt way too tight. "Vanessa, stop," I managed to say, before I dropped to my knees behind her. I touched my shaking hands to her almost bare behind.

  She was still and I was as tongue-tied as the first time I saw her naked. After a moment, she said gently, "What is it, Joe?"

  I swallowed and prayed that I wouldn't say the wrong thing again. "I...wasn't telling the truth last night. I did...and I do want to have sex with you. Even here and now on the kitchen floor." I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. At least it was better than telling her I want to bend her over the kitchen bench and fuck her from behind. I still hadn't worked out why she let me do it instead of feeding me to the sharks.

  She looked back over her shoulder at me. "Pick whatever condom you want, Joe. I've been ready for you since last night."

  Breathing hard, I slid my fingers under the blue lace. She was already wet, but I was going to do this properly. This isn't something I can afford to fuck up. I have to make sure she enjoys this even more than I do. I dipped my finger inside her and rubbed her with my wet finger. She gave a little gasp and I rubbed harder, trying to keep my hand steady. I struggled to get out of my shorts one-handed, as her breathing quickened.

  Her breathing came in short gasps by the time I had my shorts out of the way and I wanted to be inside her when she came. I yanked down the blue lace and plunged in, faster and faster, so that I could come with her. She screamed out my name and squeezed me so hard it felt like I'd burst. I guess in a way I did.

  I was suddenly aware of how hard the tiles were under my knees and sat back, pulling Vanessa with me onto my lap.

  She surveyed the mess of boxes all over the floor. "You didn't use any of them," she said in wonder.

  Oh shit. Did she want me to use one? "All I wanted wrapped around me was you," I told her honestly, praying I hadn't just stuffed up worse than last night. "You're my wife. If you want me to sleep with you so we'll have children, I agreed to that when we got married. My stud services are all yours, along with my dubious parenting skills afterwards."

  She smiled, squirming around in my lap until she faced me. "I told you, I already have all the children I can handle." She suddenly looked around. "Where's Marina?"

  "She just went down for a sleep," I said proudly.

  She looked thoughtful. "So, we probably have at least an hour before she wakes up?"

  "I guess," I answered.

  Her hands slid up my sides, pulling my shirt up over my head. Now I was naked, but she was still wearing her dress. I helped her take that off, too, followed by her bra. She moved closer to me in my lap, so her knees were on either side of my hips. She's astride me, just like last night, before I fucked up royally. Please, don't let me fuck up again now.

  She rocked her hips against me and I rose up to meet her, sliding in easily because she was so wet. I felt like I was going to slide right out again. Then she squeezed me deep inside of her and I just let her take control. By the time she let me blow for the second time, she'd already come twice.

  Oh God, that was so good it's going to be days before I can get it up again. I kissed Vanessa, long and lingering. My tongue was still tangled with hers when she moved off me, leaving me as limp as a garden hose. I grabbed hold of the table and pulled myself to my feet. I rested my backside on the table for a minute, because my legs felt shaky. Vanessa was still on her knees on the floor, looking up at me thoughtfully.

  "Hey, Joe," she said, her impish smile already in place. "How about we go for third time lucky?"

  I laughed. "After two rounds of sex that good, even the most beautiful woman in the world wouldn't be able to make me get it up again today. And as I've just gone two rounds with the most beautiful woman in the world, I hope she'll forgive me." I closed my eyes. I could still feel her, hot around me, even in the cool air-conditioned air of the kitchen. I just want to hold onto that feeling for a minute longer…

  She laughed, and then sucked me so hard it almost hurt. I could feel my dick hardening and lengthening inside her mouth. I was glad I was sitting on the table, because my legs couldn't have held me up under her onslaught. I had my hands in her hair as I gasped out her name. This was better than the incredible blow job she'd given me in the air strip shed all those years ago. Fuck, this was like something out of a dream.

She had the full length of me inside her when I came for the third time and I don't know how she managed to swallow that without choking. Hell, like the first time, Vanessa sucked me dry before she let me out of her mouth.

  Vanessa meticulously put her clothes back on, from the g-string to the dress. I sat on the table, so much adrenaline coursing through my blood that I felt like a rag doll. I felt her lips on my dick again, a cool kiss on the shaft, but it hung as lifeless as a dead elephant's trunk.

  I wanted to apologise, but she helped me pull my boxer shorts and then my shorts up my legs. I slid carefully off the table as I put my shirt back on.

  I put my arms around her and kissed her.

  "Now we're even," she murmured, before I kissed her again.

  I moved one hand down so that it rested on her perfect bottom. I pressed my lips to the top of her equally perfect breast, just visible at the front of her dress. How can we ever be even, when you're the most beautiful woman in the world and also the most gifted at sex?

  I answered dreamily, "Whatever makes you happy."

  She smiled and started picking the boxes off the floor again, flashing what was now a damp lace g-string. This time, I settled down to admire the view, happy just to watch. For once.

  72. Laila

  I was called to the first Council meeting after Estella had given birth to her twins. I had wanted to remain by her side, keeping watch over her, but the summons was urgent and Estella insisted that I go.

  The meeting commenced with my arrival.

  Elder Sunitha spoke first. "The whales have brought a message from Cantrella. She intends to remain with our sisters in the Atlantic. She has resigned her position on the Council and we must appoint her successor. She has named Laila as her heir."

  Darma nodded. "What has Laila to say to this?"

  I had known this day would come, but I was still not prepared for it. I took a breath, then another, willing my heart to slow. It felt like a fish flapping on land, desperate to escape to water where it could breathe freely. I reminded myself that I was in water, no longer on land.

  "Laila?" Elder Sunitha prompted.

  This was why I had ventured far from home, why I had offered my body to join with humans in the Atlantic and on land. Why I had borne my twin children, Blythe and Joy, with all the pain that entailed. To live my life as an adult, to make choices of my own, to take Mother's place as the Elder of the Black line on the Council as I was destined to.

  "I wish to be a Watcher, as my mother was, to watch over our people and the children, to guard my people while you sleep. But I do not wish to be on the Elder Council. This honour is too much for me. Let the place pass to another who is worthy and wishes for it. I have no desire to lead." I let out all of my breath, feeling my shoulders slump, though the weight had lifted.

  Darma looked shocked. "You mean you decline? You have the strongest claim of any in the Black line, for there are few left. It will take time to find a replacement, to work out who has the next strongest claim…"

  She continued and the other Elders murmured in discussion, but I sank into dejection and did not listen to more. I felt guilt for placing such a burden on the Council. I wondered if I should offer to take my mother's place temporarily until someone more suitable could be found. I opened my mouth to make my offer.

  A hand closed over my open mouth, as lips kissed my neck. "Don't, dearest. You don't owe them this."

  I relaxed as my sweet Estella's arms slid around me. "What about the children? Are you rested enough to be here? You gave birth only yesterday…"

  Estella's breasts bounced as she giggled. "I would not miss this day for the world. Aunt Apalala and Healer Pearl have the children. They are safe, dearest. Today I must take care of you." She pressed her lips to my neck one more time.

  I did not understand her meaning, but such was my relief that I didn't question her.

  "I, Estella of the Black and the Gold lines, offer to take the place of Elder Cantrella on the Council," Estella announced, her voice as majestic as her grandmother's.

  Darma shook her head. "You are not summoned by the Council, child, and you cannot claim to be of the Black line until we check the records."

  Estella's voice was clear and commanding. "I am no child. I am a mother of two children – Diana and Danielle. My claim to Cantrella's place is greater than Laila's. My great-grandmother was Sephira and she was the daughter of Elder Aurelia and Dubhan of the Black, the last and greatest of the Black line."

  Indah gently ventured, "But Elder Sirena is not here to approve such an unusual claim. We must send word to her…"

  "I voice my claim at her command. She holds the records of her and my ancestry. Send word if you must, but she will support me," Estella's voice thundered through the water.

  I shrank in terror for her, dreading the response of the Elders at being commanded by one so young. I reached for Estella's hand, thinking to offer comfort but needing hers more than she did mine.

  "You don't need to take this burden for me, Estella…" I began, aching for her sacrifice.

  As my fingers touched hers, she turned to give me a triumphant smile. "This is no burden. I have wanted this for longer than I have wanted you, though perhaps not as much." She pressed her lips to my breast, swollen with the milk that I must feed my daughters with soon.

  Darma broke into our intimate exchange. "The Council will accept Estella's candidacy, pending confirmation from Elder Sirena. Welcome to the Council, Elder Estella."

  All four of the Elders bowed their heads to Estella, as did I.

  She bowed in response, not letting go of my hand. "Thank you. Is there more business to this meeting, or may I return to my children? Both I and my partner have newborns to feed." I felt a thrill at the sound of it. My partner! She had formally acknowledged me to the Council. We were officially partners!

  Darma nodded slowly. "The meeting is concluded."

  Estella pulled me through the water in her excitement, as I could barely keep up. "It is done!" she squealed.

  "It is," I replied in relief. I would not have to be an Elder. I could care for my family and not my whole people. And Estella was mine.

  She swam around me, until she stopped beneath me, her hands on my breasts. "They're enormous," she said in wonder. She touched her lips to mine, opening her mouth to deepen her kiss as I pulled her closer.

  The pressure sent a thin stream of milk to cloud the water. Estella giggled, putting her lips to my nipple instead. A soft touch inside my tail had me looking down. The end of her tail was inside mine, a delicate tickle that I found hard to resist. "Celebrate with me," she said softly, stroking.

  I could never refuse my sweet Estella, but I worried for her. "Are you recovered enough from your ordeal yesterday?"

  She giggled again. "For an hour with you? I think so."

  73. Joe

  "The lobster disease has spread, all the way up the US coast. It was detected in Maine this morning," Vanessa told me as she came in from work, looking excited. "They've found a shipping container washed up not far from there, which tested positive for the disease. It was identified as part of the cargo of the container ship the Atlantic sisters sank."

  "Mmm?" I asked, my eyes on the TV.

  "Call Skipper. Ask him who has quota left and doesn't want to fish it this year. I'll buy anything that's going. I'll buy anything going for the next ten years – licences included." Vanessa's voice was businesslike and brisk.

  "What? You want to quit your job and go fishing for ten years?" I struggled both to sit up and grasp the idea. "What do you want me to do with my business?"

  "Sell it, too, Joe. We're going fishing." Vanessa smiled.

  I wondered if she was joking. "You know, if I told anyone that my wife had just told me to quit my job and she'd quit hers so we could just go fishing for the next ten years, they wouldn't believe me. Are you serious?"

  She laughed. "Yes, Joe, I'm serious. My sisters in the Atlantic have caused an ecological disaster on a mas
s scale through their stupidity and we're going to cash in on it when lobster prices go through the roof. In ten years, we'll be able to retire and you'll never have to work again."

  I shook my head, still not really believing her. It sounded too good to be true. "Retire before I'm fifty? Seriously?"

  Vanessa smiled. "Whatever you want, Joe. But I need the best deckhand I've ever had on the Siren at my beck and call until then."

  "What about Marina?" I asked.

  "She can fish with us as much as possible in the school holidays and we'll make arrangements for her schooling up there." Vanessa smiled. "I am a teacher, Joe. I'll ensure my daughter receives a full education."

  Idly, I wondered what a mermaid education involved, but I didn't think about it for long.

  I had phone calls to make and then we were going fishing. For ten years.

  Fuck, I hate lobsters.

  Maybe in ten years' time I wouldn't mind them so much.

  74. Laila

  "Mother has sent word that I must send one of my children to her in the Atlantic, to be trained properly!" I wailed to Estella, the moment I found her.

  Six years had come and gone, a brief respite from the doom I knew floated over my head. My baby girls were growing up fast. Even as I watched them with delight, I still felt the dread of what their future held.

  Estella watched our four girls and the daughters of Nafula and Indah, as they practised walking on land. Their balance was not good and more than once a girl would fall in the shallow water, landing with a splash. Diana was the youngest of them all, but she seemed to have the most poise. Blythe as the bravest was the first to run, but very clumsily. When she fell, she landed in front of Joy and Danielle, tripping both so they all landed in a heap on the sand.

  I watched my two beautiful girls, my heart aching at the thought of giving either of them up to my mother and the Atlantic Elders. I loved them dearly and I did not want them to be subject to the cruelty of our sisters to the west.


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