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by Roman (retail) (epub)

  He leaned forward and placed his forearms on the table. “Would you like to dance, Olivia from Virginia?”

  His question caught her by surprise, and she didn’t know if was because of the low, sexy tenor of his deep voice that caused her blood to boil, or the way the direction of the conversation had changed so dramatically. She looked around, not remembering seeing a dance floor when they’d walked in. A couple swayed together in the corner by their booth, but there wasn’t a definitive dance floor to be found.

  Normally, she’d shoot that idea down, and as she turned to him to do so, she found herself saying yes. Maybe it was the slow, sensual jazz wafting from the speakers, or maybe she’d said yes because of the devastatingly handsome man across from her who made her laugh. He stood and held out his hand. She placed hers in his, finding his palm warm and strong.

  As he helped her to her feet and pulled her close, they didn’t break eye contact. His hands rested on her lower back as she circled her arms around his neck. The stood eye-to-eye, their lips only inches apart as their bodies moved as one. She remembered their scorching kiss from the night before. Could it have really been that hot, or had she just built it up in her mind?

  As the heat radiated from his body, she found her breathing shallow. This man set her whole being on fire. The desire for him coursing through her had her heart thundering in her chest and her legs feeling weak.

  Without even thinking about it, she ran her hands over his wide shoulders and down to his biceps, then back up again. The man was completely solid, and she licked her lips, suddenly wanting to see exactly what his silk shirt hid.

  “I’m going to kiss you again, Olivia.”

  Not a request—he simply let her know his intentions, and she couldn’t say no even if she wanted to.

  When their lips met, her stomach exploded into butterflies. He tasted of vodka, and his stubble tickled as it scratched her skin. With each caress of his mouth, the kiss intensified until she trembled from head to toe.

  The song ended and he pulled away. His features said everything he didn’t voice—he gazed at her with such passion and longing, his intense, dark eyes boring into her, she knew exactly what he wanted.


  He brought her flush to him again, and his erection pressed against lower belly. Heat roared within her as her skin burned at her lower back where his hand held her in place. Primal need ached within her.

  “You feel it, don’t you?”

  She nodded, knowing exactly what he spoke of—their chemistry had been undeniable and scorching ever since the first time they’d looked at each other. Tonight, it left her almost unable to speak.

  “I … I think we should leave,” he whispered.

  Her answer came out in a whisper. “Yes.”

  He threw a few bills on the table, then took her hand, leading her out into the cool night air.

  Chapter 8

  As Roman walked, his whole body shook with desire. He’d had his fair share of human women, but he knew Olivia would turn out to be different. His head swam, and he couldn’t think clearly. Even in the cool night air, beads of sweat dotted his brow. He wanted to hurry, to walk faster, but then he realized he had no idea where they were headed.

  He stopped and looked up and down the street. A few people milled about, but it was still early in the evening. In a few hours, the place would be teeming with humans out looking for a good meal and fun times, but for now, Olivia and he pretty much had the street to themselves.

  Turning to her, he put his hands on both sides of her face and kissed her again. Sweet gods above, she tasted good—a bit of vodka, a bit of mint. Her tongue and lips felt like silk against his as her fingers dug into his shoulders. The thought of stripping her down right then and there crossed his mind, but he had too much respect for her. Besides, at least for tonight, she was his and off-limits to everyone else. No one would see her beautiful inky flesh tonight, except him.

  He hadn’t realized it, but he’d maneuvered them against the side of the building, her back to the bricks. His body pressed against hers as he peppered her neck with slow kisses and her breath came in short spurts.

  Her hands gripped the front of his collar as she tilted her head back and allowed him more access to the long column of her neck. As she reached under the shirt and pressed her palms to his pectorals, he groaned and hitched her leg up to his waist, grounding his cock to her core.

  The approaching footsteps registered in his brain, but he ignored them. Nothing could distract him from the feeling of the amazing woman in his arms, or her fingertips leaving trails of pure, torturous fire as she traced them down his abs.

  “Dude, you need to get a fucking room, man!”

  The words cut through his lusty haze, and he turned to see three college kids staring at them and laughing. Although angry that they had interrupted Olivia and him, their words did ring true.

  The kids moved on, and he stepped away from her.

  Olivia grinned at him, her eyes glassy. “They’re right, you know.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, they are.”

  He looked around to see where exactly they stood, and then chastised himself for lack of control. They could have been the next victims of a Colonist offspring. Even though things had been quiet in the city, the sick son of a bitches could come out to play at any time. He needed to be on his guard.

  “There’s a hotel right around the corner,” he said, taking her hand again.

  “Or, we could just go to my apartment.”

  He stopped and palmed her cheek, kissing her slowly. Feigning ignorance on where she lived, he whispered against her lips, “Where’s that? I don’t think I can hold back much longer. I want you too much. I want you right now.”

  She breathed heavily, as well. “Just a block or so away. By the police department.”

  He moaned, and she placed her forefinger on his chin and smiled.

  “Slow your roll, Roman. We can make it without ripping off each other’s clothing. Just think of how satisfying it’s all going to be once we can.”

  They walked holding hands in silence, and his body finally cooled, although the purr of her voice still echoed in his head. He took some deep breaths and felt like a normal male again instead of some type of animal in heat.

  When they passed the police station, he remembered not to give any indication he knew where she lived. As she stopped at the main door, she smiled at him after sticking her key in the lock.

  His body roared again at her sweet grin, and he wished she’d hustle it up.

  A flight of stairs later, they entered her apartment, and he slowly shut the door behind him. He glanced around and noticed not much furniture, and no personal effects. However, those details soon left his mind as he pulled off his jacket and threw it onto the chair in the corner of the room, his heart thundering in his chest.

  Olivia gazed at him from under hooded lids, then kicked off her heels and slammed her body into his.

  As their lips met, they hungrily grasped for each other’s clothing. Her nails grazed his stomach as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She bit her lower lip as she gently ran her hands over his chest, leaving goose bumps in her wake. Then, her hands dipped down to his jeans. He noticed her fingers trembling, making her unable to release the button.

  Lifting her hands above her head, he pulled off her shirt, then flicked the clasp of her bra. When he pulled her flush to him and his bare skin met hers, he hissed at the intensity.

  What was it about this woman that jacked him up so far, that made his skin feel as though it would peel away from his bones at her touch, but yet, he’d enjoy it and beg for more?

  Stepping away, he placed a finger over her mouth to stop her protests. “I believe the verbiage you used was, ‘slow your roll.’ It was so hard for me to do, Olivia, but now, I’m asking the same of you.”

  She made a sound that reminded him of a whimper, then shut her eyes. He took a moment to appreciate her inky skin and firm br
easts. Palming one in each hand, he teased her dark brown nipples, bringing them to firm peaks.

  His fingers grazed her ribcage, then settled on the button of her jeans. He popped it open, slowly lowering the zipper. As he pulled the fabric down over her hips then to her thighs, he got to his knees. He placed a small kiss over the pink, silky panties, and inhaled the heady scent of her arousal.

  She stepped out of her pants, and as he unbuckled his jeans, he took her all in—long legs, thin hips, and breasts that fit perfectly in his hands.

  And that face … she stared down toward him, her eyes seemed to glow, her lips slightly parted. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her, then pulled her close and kissed her, his body trembling as her hands moved up and down his back. When she palmed his butt and tugged him closer, he felt certain he’d found his own slice of heaven right here with Olivia. Never had it been this good, this passionate, nor had it ever felt so right.

  She led him down the small hallway to the bedroom, then over to the bed without breaking their kiss. As she fell backward onto the mattress, he followed and settled on top of her. He peppered her neck with slow kisses, then took her nipple into his mouth as she gasped. Moving his hand down between her legs, he found her secret flesh slick. She ground against his palm with a soft moan as he slipped a finger into her hot core.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he continued his ministrations. She opened her eyes and gazed at him, and he saw the same intensity he felt. Yes, this was more than a simple one-night stand, and they both knew it.

  He leaned down and ran his tongue over her stomach, gently nipping at her hip bone. Placing a hand on each knee, he spread her wide. As he settled himself between her legs, he kissed her inner thighs, the aroma of her arousal consuming all his senses. An elephant could have walked through the room and he’d never know it. It was all about Olivia.

  He lapped at her, closing his eyes and moaning at the sweet taste, one he could never get enough of. He flicked his tongue against her swollen nub, then suckled it gently. A moment later, her center began to contract around his fingers, and he pulled away.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathily.

  Without another word, he lay next to her on the bed and rolled her on top of him, their mouths meeting again. She palmed his cock, and he gasped as bolts of energy traveled throughout his body. When she fully seated herself on top of him, she planted her hands on his chest and ground her hips into his.

  As her nails dug into his pecs, he watched her rock back and forth, her breasts gently swaying, and he wondered if he’d ever see anything so beautiful again. Her dark skin glistened under the low lights, her pebbled nipples looking so inviting. She bit down on her lower lip and shut her eyes.

  Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he wrapped his arms around her waist as her movements became more forceful. Taking her nipple in his mouth, he suckled it and then bit down gently as she moaned and fisted his hair to hold him in place.

  His hands roamed up her back, to her shoulders, then down to her hips, feeling her muscles contract beneath her skin with each movement she made. As he rolled her nipple between his fingers, he glanced up at her.

  She gazed at him as she rode him, her fingers slipping through his hair, then over his shoulders. Her lips parted, and she threw her head back.

  Seconds later, her core began to violently contract around him, milking him. Olivia gasped, then a low scream emanated from her lips as she rode out her waves of pleasure.

  He stood without breaking the union and laid her out on the bed. As he pumped into her, beads of sweat formed on his brow, and her long legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to go deeper. It felt so good, so right … so perfect. As his breath came in short spurts, his hips bucked uncontrollably and his head spun as if he were pleasantly drunk. He wouldn’t last much longer.

  Then, as his body thrashed and bucked with his own release, pure rapture seemed to rattle within his soul, draining him, and he let out a string of curses as he collapsed on top of her.

  After a few minutes, he rolled off of her and stared at the ceiling. For the love of all the gods in his world … he’d never felt such intense gratification.

  He turned to Olivia and she smiled at him. Both of them still panted, their bodies covered in a light sheen of sweat. His mouth found hers, and their tongues danced lazily as he ran his hand over her ribcage and hip.

  She kissed the tip of his nose. “That was really amazing.”

  He couldn’t agree more, and as her fingers lightly threaded through his hair and he stared into her hazel eyes, he felt the stirrings of another erection. Leaning down, he circled her belly button with his tongue and licked the salty moisture off her skin. She moaned and arched her back, and he grinned. “We’re just getting started, Olivia.”

  Chapter 9

  As her driver maneuvered through the early daybreak traffic, Olivia sighed. It was still pitch black out, and she really hated this time of year. It had been hard to rouse herself from sleep, especially after the night she’d had.

  She grinned at her tired reflection in the window. Damn, what a lover he’d been. He’d brought her to heights of pleasure she’d never known existed, and done it over and over again. Frowning, she recalled how completely irresponsible they’d been last night—they hadn’t even discussed sexually transmitted diseases, but thankfully, she had the birth control covered. While with him, it seemed like they had been two old lovers reuniting, not two people having a hook-up.

  When the time had come for her to leave the apartment, she’d debated whether to wake him or not. In the end, he slept so peacefully she’d decided to let him keep resting. He’d pleasured her many times throughout the night, and they’d shared some good laughs, but it was time for her to reluctantly move on. The least she could do was allow him to get some rest.

  The military guy had met her downstairs at five, and they’d driven away in a non-descript Humvee. They’d been traveling for about an hour now, and she wondered where they would end up. She knew the basics of her assignment—she would be collaborating with the government and the military on a top-secret project.

  When she had pressed for details, her superiors had told her that they couldn’t give her what she wanted because if she didn’t accept the job, she had to remain completely unaware of it. It all seemed very clandestine, but excited her just the same—as if she’d taken a step off the ledge into a big, black hole, and she didn’t know where she’d land. She did, however, know that she’d be safe. It wasn’t as if she worked for the mob or something; she worked for the United States Government. They wouldn’t do her wrong. For someone who had always stayed on the paved path, she sure went into uncharted territories yesterday—first, by accepting this job, then jumping into bed with Roman. Yet, she felt no regrets for either action. Maybe her sister’s death had given her a good case of depression—she really had no other explanations for her erratic behavior.

  Her heart tugged for the loss of Roman. He’d been a good guy, but she had to take steps to further her career. If she didn’t take this assignment, she’d be heading back to Virginia. No matter which way she spun it, a future in Phoenix, and with Roman, simply didn’t fit into her plans.

  There’d be other lovers in her future, but certainly none as experienced and caring as him.

  And, maybe one day, she’d have a husband and some kids.

  But as the sun began to rise over the horizon, turning the sky a beautiful mosaic of reds, pinks, and blues, she tried to shut the door on the man who’d rocked her world. He’d given her the best night of her life with his sweet nature and silly sense of humor.

  Surprisingly, tears sprung to her eyes at what might have been, but she closed them and chalked it up to the exhaustion that had settled into her bones and tugged her toward sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Blake sat in the gym waiting for Roman. They had been scheduled for a sparring session, but apparently, Roman had canceled it without notifyi
ng Blake.


  He paced the mats and checked the clock again, deciding to wait another ten minutes. Pulling out his phone, he then called Roman for the millionth time. It went to voicemail, and his patience came to an end.

  “Hey, you douche canoe. I’m waiting ten more minutes, then I’m not waiting anymore. If you’re blowing me off because you’re banging some chick, she better be hot as hell. If you’re just being a lazy piece of shit, I’m going to lay you flat when I finally hunt you down.”

  He hung up, then grabbed the remote and turned up the music just as Titus walked in. “Titus! My man! How’s it hanging?”

  Titus grinned as he approached. “I’m good. What about you?”

  “I’m actually hanging a little to the left today.”

  Titus threw back his head and laughed. “Who’re you waiting for?”

  “I was supposed to spar with Roman, but I think I’m being blown.”

  “Usually, that’s a good thing.”

  Blake chuckled. “If it’s by my female, then yeah, it’s fantastic. But the kind of blowing Roman’s doing is pissing me off. You here for a workout?”

  “Nope. I think I left my earbuds down here yesterday.”

  “Do you want to work out?”


  “How come?”

  “Because my female is in the bathtub waiting for me.”

  Blake sighed. “You lucky son of a bitch.”

  Titus winked at him and walked over to the weight benches. He looked around, then bent down and retrieved the earbuds with a smile.

  Blake waited until he got closer before speaking. “Have you seen Roman around this morning?”

  Titus shook his head. “No, but if I do, I’ll tell him you’re looking for him.”

  “Thanks, man, but you probably won’t.”

  “Probably not, Blake. That would be weird, and most likely deadly for him, if he showed up in the bathtub with Macy and me.”


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