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Jock Hard

Page 39

by Ney, Sara

  “It’s perfectly normal not to be turned on all the time.” “No. It’s not.” At least, I don’t think it is.

  “How would you even know? You’re not a female.”

  “No, but I’ve seen enough of them around campus and at parties to know most are sex-crazed lunatics.”

  “Are you high right now?” she barks at me through the shadows. “Who are you hanging out with? Absolutely no one is running around campus like a sex-crazed lunatic, except maybe the guys.”

  “False. I am not a sex-crazed lunatic.”

  “What are you then? Because I doubt you’re a virgin.”

  Definitely not a virgin. “No. I just swore off girls when they became too much trouble.”

  “Trouble? How?”

  “You know, wanting to get serious and shit.”

  “Ah, so you’re one of thooose.” She drags the word out, as if she’s finally cracked my code, satisfaction lacing every syllable. “A commitment-phobe.”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Pfft. Try me.”

  “Nope. We are not having this conversation.” Especially not in the middle of the night.

  “Oh, but we are.” If we were seated at a table, she’d be crossing her arms and leaning back, waiting for my reply like a boss. Giving me the stink eye. Puffing on a cigar, killing me with silence.

  “Let’s just agree to disagree, okay? I don’t need to justify why I’m not into dating, and you don’t need to justify why you don’t like touching yourself downtown.”

  “Oh my god.”

  I uncurl myself, rolling to my back, gaze staring up at the ceiling in the pitch black.

  “I have a question for you: what if I like it so much I never want to have sex with a guy?”

  “What if you love jerking yourself off so much you never want to have sex with a dude? I don’t even know how to respond to that, Teddy.”

  The thought is inconceivable.

  “But that’s what happened to you, right? You masturbated yourself single. You don’t need a female. You have two hands to keep you satisfied.”

  There’s probably an element of truth to that, but “Sometimes it’s not enough.”

  Jesus. Why did I admit that out loud?

  “I could have told you that, and I’m not even doing it. You can’t replace real intimacy, Kip, no matter how hard you try.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Teddy only gives me a few seconds of reprieve before she hits me with her next assault. “Why don’t you like having people over?”

  I sigh, long and loudly into the dark, tucking my arms behind my head. “Who said I don’t like having people over?”

  I feel her shrug when the mattress dips, though I can’t see it.

  “I just assumed since you never have people over.” She pauses, uncertain. “Is it because you’re embarrassed?”

  Is she serious? “Embarrassed about what?”

  “That you…that your…” She falters, searching for the right words.

  I wait her out.

  “It’s pretty obvious you come from money, okay?” Teddy has no idea.

  “I don’t think you should be ashamed of it,” she goes on in the dark.

  “I’m not.”

  “Whatever you say, Kipling Carmichael.” Teddy laughs, wiggling her feet. They’re dainty, and small, and feel good still tucked beneath me. “God, even that name sounds…rich, like you should be on a yacht somewhere in the Pacific.”

  The Atlantic, actually. That’s where the boat is docked, at some marina with a yacht club, near one of several Carmichael vacation homes.

  “It’s not a crime coming from money, just like it’s not a crime for me to be—I don’t know, poor, I guess. A scholarship kid. I’m not ashamed, though I used to be. Not anymore. I work my ass off, and so does my mom.”

  Her body shivers.

  “You can move over a little if you’re still cold.” I know I am. My nuts are shriveled up, practically ascended into my body.

  “No funny business.” As if.

  “Just scoot your ass over here.”

  “Okay, okay. So bossy.”

  Teddy’s feet pull out from under me and soon the heat from her flat stomach, from between her legs, and from her tits are burning my skin where she’s pressed up against me.

  Goddamn. When I told her to scoot over, I didn’t mean Singe me with all your best parts. How the fuck am I supposed to sleep with the apex of her thighs straddling my hip?

  Next, she throws her arm over my chest, fingers casually resting on the bicep opposite, hand falling limp.

  “Oh my god, you are so warm! This feels so amazing.” She hunkers down closer, squeezing me. “Mmm, heaven.”

  Her long, dark hair tickles my nostrils, and I draw in a breath to sniff it as discretely as I can.

  Clean and fruity and I want to bury my nose in it. And my hands. Those lie limply at my sides, one buried beneath her, the other on the mattress—

  “Your beard tickles.”

  “So does your hair.” Hair I’m tempted to sink my fingers into, to test its weight and feel how soft it is.

  We lie like this for who knows how long, my chest heaving up and down, heart rate accelerated like I’ve just run a mile. I wonder if she can hear it beating—if she knows she’s the reason it’s racing.

  “I’ve never been this comfortable in my entire life.” She sighs, content. “I could lie like this every night.”

  “Only because your survival instincts kicked in.”

  “Or because you’re like a giant teddy bear.”

  Suddenly, Teddy pulls away. In the shadow of the moon shining through the window, I watch her sit up and pull the fabric of her sweatshirt up and over her head, tossing it to the end of the bed.

  What’s left is the silhouette of her breasts veiled in a thin T- shirt, and when she lies back down beside me, the hard peaks of her nipples graze my ribcage.

  “It’s warm enough under these covers I don’t need that anymore.”

  She settles back in, curling into my side, really making herself at home against my body. Hikes her leg over my thigh, the warmest parts of her boiling my skin.


  I can literally feel the fucking heat from her pussy against my leg.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa—what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  What I should do is shove her off the bed, onto the floor, and get the fuck out of my own room. Fast.

  She pats me on the chest, her touch more of a caress than a chastising reprimand.

  “Relax! You’re like one of those pregnancy body pillows I’ve seen in Target. Stop moving around so much or you’re going to mess up my positioning.”

  A pregnancy body pillow? What the fuck is she talking about?

  I can’t concentrate when her delicate hand, which was previously resting innocently on my arm, begins to wander, finger trailing over my left pec, hand pressing into my skin. Poking. Kneading at my muscles.

  “Could your body be any harder?”


  Yes, I can be harder.

  Keep that shit up and you’ll find out just how hard I can be.

  “Jeez, Kip—how often do you work out? All day, every day?”

  “Please stop.”

  Poke. Poke.

  “Teddy, stop.”

  “Oh please—you’re immune to me, remember?”

  I’m only immune to you when your perky set of amazing tits isn’t pressed against my body in the middle of the fucking night, reminding me how fucking long it’s been since I’ve boned someone.

  “I never said I was immune to you, Teddy. I said I wasn’t dating anyone or having sex.”

  “And I said I was curious. It’s harmless, I’m not going to try anything—I wouldn’t even know how.”

  That does not make me feel any better; in fact, that makes this whole thing worse, because now all I’m thinking about is being the one who can teach her…stuff.

nbsp; “Did you know I haven’t ever seen a guy this close up before? I want to take advantage of the opportunity—since it’s you.”

  A few things hit me at once. One, she doesn’t realize touching me, roaming her hands all over my body is going to eventually make me hard.

  And two: Teddy just admitted she’s a virgin.

  My brain kicks into overdrive, reacting to the soft glide of her palm over my cotton T-shirt. The path it takes down the center of my ab muscles, pausing when they involuntarily contract. Flex. Tighten.

  Oh shit.

  Ohhh. Shit.

  “Wow, I knew you were ripped, but these are…” Her voice is low, full of wonder, the hum inside her throat one of appreciation. “Ridiculous.”

  She makes another little sound of pleasure.

  I don’t know what to fucking do—take her hand off me and tell her to respect my boundaries? Do us both a favor and roll away, creating distance? Or let her explore and see where those curious fingers roam next?

  Inside my mesh athletic bottoms, my dick stirs. Twitches.

  “You really are a gentleman, Kip.”

  “I’m really not.”

  She has no idea.

  It stretches toward the fabric, alerted to the presence of a foreign hand, to the soothing female voice not far from my ear.

  “Uh huh.” Her arms snakes around my middle, hugging me, body pressed so tightly against mine it’s as if we were one person. “Your skin is so warm. God you feel good.”

  God you feel good?

  Those are sex words, those are sex words, my body screams, even though Teddy isn’t being sexual—is she?

  Nope. She’s snuggling me, for fuck’s sake.

  Unless she’s not? No, she definitely is. Or maybe she’s not?

  Shit, shit, fuck my life.

  “Why are you so tense right now?” Comes a low, soothing voice. “Should I rub your back?”

  “Jesus no!” I shout. “I mean—no thanks, I’m good.”

  “You really must be tired, ’cause you’re so grouchy all of a sudden. Close your eyes and I’ll rub your shoulders.”

  As she lies next to me, her innocent hands are already there, slowly rubbing circles over my collarbone, clavicle, and deltoid. Goddamn, it feels good.


  “Please don’t.”

  “Mmm, why not?”

  “Because…” Because you just went Mmm, and it made my dick stiffen up, that’s why not. Does she really not get it? Or is she playing dumb? She can’t be this clueless.

  Can she?

  “Just relax, okay?”

  “That’s not gonna happen.” I bark out a laugh, wanting to move away but paralyzed.

  Her fingers brush the bottom of my beard then lightly caress my cheeks.

  “Your skin is so soft where you don’t have hair—too bad there isn’t much of it showing.”

  “Yup, just how I like it.”

  “You know what girls always talk about when they see a guy with a beard?”

  “How repulsive it is?”

  “Uh, no.” Teddy laughs. “They talk about what it would feel like between their legs.”

  “What?” Another laugh from her and I’m ready to fly off the damn bed. “You’re lying.”

  “Did you not know that?”


  “Kip, they make T-shirts that say Bearded for her pleasure. You should get one—I’d get you one myself, but I’m broke, ha.”


  “Have you been living under a rock? Beards are so trendy right now. Even I know that, and I’m the untrendiest person I know. That doesn’t mean I like beards, but everyone else does—girls, I mean.”

  That would explain so many things: girls still approaching me at parties, wanting to touch my beard. Touching my mustache at the bar. Making lewd comments. Telling me I should enter contests. I always thought they were joking. Shit, maybe I have been living under a rock—otherwise known as the Midwest.

  Teddy drones on, fingers at the base of my neck, kneading at a knot. “…and I saw a girl wearing one that said My other ride is a beard. Get it?”

  She says it so casually, yet the sudden image of her sitting on my face while I suck on her—

  Her throat gives a little mew, fingers still massaging my sensitive skin. “You’ve heard of a beardgasm before, haven’t you?”


  Her fingers stop.

  “I didn’t mean you had to stop doing that, I meant stop saying shit like that, about beards and orgasms and crap.”

  “Why?” She sounds about as perplexed as I’m feeling right now. “We’re just talking.”

  “Because it’s getting me hard.” Er. Hard-er. There. If that doesn’t scare her off, nothing will. Seconds of silence pass.

  Then minutes.

  “Is it?” Her voice is barely a whisper. Fascinated.

  “Yes.” Mine is gruff.


  “Why?” I deadpan. “Because I’m in bed with a pretty girl, in the middle of the fucking dark, and her hand is on my body— one that hasn’t been touched in years, by the way. And you’re going on and fucking on about oral.” I pause to take a breath. “That’s why.”


  “Yeah, oh.”

  I lift my arm, hand searching for hers in the dark. Remove it from my shoulder, clasping her fingers. Place it back on my stomach, where it belongs—away from my chest and nipples and face.

  Where I hope it will stay.

  But apparently, I’m a fucking moron, because it doesn’t.

  Back and forth on my abs it goes. Back.


  My hand—the hand lodged under Teddy’s torso finally makes its way out, feeling along the cotton of her leggings. Lands on her ass.

  Settles there, at least momentarily. Back, her hand caresses.

  And forth.

  Until it meanders south, grazing the hemline of my shirt. Drifting back up inside it.

  Skin on skin.

  Palm against my tight abs.

  “We should go to sleep.” I sound so pitifully weak.

  “We should.” She agrees. Yawns.


  And forth.

  My cock throbs, the hand on her ass giving it a little squeeze. Then another, as the muscles in my thighs contract, because every single nerve ending throughout my entire fucking body is humming, alive and alert. Buzzing.

  God I want her to touch it.

  Fuck, just for a second, and then I can finish myself off in the bathroom.

  Christ, what am I saying? I’m not going to jerk myself off with her in the house, as much as I want to.

  If only she’d…

  Just a little lower…

  Please Teddy, please…

  I count to ten—then ten again so my goddamn leg doesn’t start bouncing like a jackrabbit’s, tension-filled and nervous.

  Slowly I take my hand, working it up her back. Underneath her shirt. Stroking the warm skin of her spine, fingers grazing her side boob. The tits pressed into my ribcage.

  For fuck’s sake, please touch it. Graze it.

  Flick it.


  Christ, I’ve never wanted anyone to touch my dick so bad. Or suck it, or stroke it, or…

  Teddy says nothing when the pads of all five of my fingers brush her tender skin again. Only her sharp inhale of breath gives away the fact that she felt it. She holds that breath, waiting.

  One second.




  Her hand moves. Down.

  God, what is she doing? What are we doing? This is such a bad idea. I don’t want her to stop.

  That’s it, Teddy. Lower. Lower. Oh fuck…

  * * *


  “That’s it Teddy, lower…” Kip’s low groan cuts into the dark, his guttural plea sexy and deep, hitting me right in the ovaries as he lays still beside me.

  God, his voice. His words.
  I doubt he realizes he’s even saying them out loud.

  Not Kip—he has too much self-control, and he’s kept me firmly at arm’s length the past few weeks. There is no way he would purposely allow this to happen, unless…

  Unless he really wanted me to. Or I was making him crazy, which I doubt, because—look at me. I’m the opposite of the girls who hang out at the rugby house. I’m wholesome and studious and, well, virginal.

  The feel of Kip’s hard, warm skin beneath my gliding fingertips is amazing. Warm, hot, and cool—all at the same time.

  Him lying here motionless, allowing me to explore—it must be driving him insane; even I know that. I’m playing with fire and we both know it.

  We should not be doing this.

  Oh, who am I kidding? I’m the one with my hand practically down Kip’s pants, running my palm along the happy trail I discovered under the soft fabric of his shirt.

  I love those.

  I think they’re so sexy and masculine.

  He obviously doesn’t shave his junk like a lot of guys these days do. Metrosexuals.

  His entire body stiffens when I skim the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs, trail a path with my hand, back and forth along the fabric. Teasing as I debate what the hell to do next.

  One thing is for sure: I should not be doing this.

  The thing is…I’ve never done this before. Not with a guy like this. They were boys, really, and it was mostly just making out and some heavy petting. Got fingered only once, in high school, with a kid named Devon, who was just as awkward as I was. Fumbling around in the dark with all our clothes on— two virgins who stayed that way—the closest I’ve gotten to having sex was him sticking his hand down my pants and shoving two fingers up my—

  “Lower. Oh fuck, Teddy…” My name on his lips.

  It spurs me on, and suddenly, all I want to do is touch it. No harm in that, right? He obviously wants me to. Feel it. Maybe grip it, run my hand up and down its hard length (like I’ve seen in the few pornos I’ve snuck peeks at) just to see what it’s like.

  To hear what he sounds like when I do. So I know.

  I want to know what the other girls know, what it feels like to turn a guy on. What it feels like to make a dick hard. To make him come. The weight of a dick in my hands.


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