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Shadow & Flame - Part One: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 4

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by Elias Raven

  “I’ve been trying to figure a way to get off the merry go round. I meet you and bam just like that,” she whispered. “I’ll go if I can afford it,” she said.

  Ricky came back inside of the shop and shut the security door pulling me out of my memory.

  “I just gave your visitors a huge hug bitch! At least the women!” she said laughing.

  My eyes followed her as she made her way back to the reception area.

  I heard the security door open and in came the Demi-God himself, Abel Gunner.

  I quickly stood and weaved my way around my workstation.

  “Abel!” I yelled latching onto his waist and hugging him. Gia, Mia, and Chance came in right behind him.

  “Yeah, that’s me, Baby Girl. Now don’t burn my eardrums out yelling it!” he said gruffly. “And don’t wake Mia.” Chance, Abel’s assistant stood off to the side with a little pink bundle in his arms. He swayed back and forth ever so slightly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Sir Growly,” I replied.

  “Well, you get all of us today,” he said smirking.

  “Oh really? Who might the other guest be Abel?” Ricky said from across the studio. I could tell the bitch was smirking.

  Suddenly, the screen door opened again and in came Elias and Genevieve. I just about wrecked a good pair of panties at that point!

  I threw my arms around both of them and made a small racket.

  Ricky the PITA! I knew she was laughing her ass off, but I didn’t care. I didn’t get to see them all that much, so this was beyond the moon as far as I was concerned.

  We separated, and I directed the boys over to my section of the studio.

  “Fuck it’s good to see you all,” I said.

  Elias and Abel gave me the thumbs up while the girls stood next to me. Genevieve reached over and put her arm around my waist. From anyone else I would have said hell no, but not her. She was drop-dead fucking gorgeous! Just then my phone started vibrating on my desk.

  Genevieve let go of my waist and glanced down at my phone.

  “Looks like someone is dying to talk to you, Miss Misty. I do believe that is Miss Rhianna Raines blowing up your cell phone right now,” she said laughing.

  I glanced down at the caller ID, and my heart skipped a beat.

  “Well speak of the devil!” I said grabbing my phone and launching Facetime.

  I waited for her image to come up on the screen.

  “Hi, Baby. I was going to call you, but you beat me to it,” I said into the phone. Rhianna’s smiling face was looking back at me laughing.

  “Are they there yet?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah, the boys are back in town,” I replied saucily, “You want to say hi?” I asked her.

  “Hell yes,” Rhianna answered.

  “Just a sec.” I walked over to Abel and handed him my phone. He chatted with Rhi while I finished setting up the gun.

  Elias straddled the stool next to him while Genevieve, Gia, Mia and Chance hung out with Ricky. It was good to hear Rhianna’s voice. I had texted her when the boys said they might come into the studio. I figured knowing my baby she would be all over that shit and sure enough, she was. Hopefully, she could convince them both to play up in Frisco for the show. I had been itching to trade licks with the famed Abel Gunner himself. I knew Elias was no amateur either. When Abel and Elias would play together on stage, it was like fuck yes! It was a pentatonic shred fest, pure bliss! Rhianna said maybe we could do a three-way ménage’ of metal with them on stage if they came up. God! I wanted them to say yes!

  I heard Abel talking to Rhi. “Actually, we are playing up there Rhi. Let me check with my manager Scott, but it should be totally doable. You’re playing the Fillmore right? I fucking love that place! Yeah, I’ll ask Elias and the girls if they want to hang for the weekend. It will be good to see you,” he said.

  I could hear Rhianna working Abel over good. I knew if anyone could persuade him it was her. I was shaking with excitement when he handed me back the phone. Fuck Yes! It sounded like it was a go. I handed my phone to Elias so they could chat, while I went to work on Abel’s back.

  I yelled across the store. “Ricky, can you get those drawings?” I asked her.

  “Oh hell yeah! I forgot!” Her little heels clacked across the tile as she grabbed it.

  I looked over at Ricky again, remembering the end of our story.

  Ricky ended up going into rehab with me, and we both cleaned up really nice. We were like sparkling diamonds when it was all over. Ricky had managed to stay off the shit for good. I had one slip up, and it cost me, Tommy. When he said he wouldn’t put up with it, he meant it.

  I still drank on occasion, but I had finally gotten off the shit. It wasn’t pretty, but it never is. After the lust phase and reality had come crashing down on us, Ricky and I decided that friends would be better. She was a full slip waiting to happen. Besides, I had Rhianna now, and my life was a lot simpler. I guess it's ok to reminisce, but I didn’t want to get back on that train again. I had survived, and that was enough.

  Chapter 3


  High above he stands,

  beside the many saintly figures

  fronting the cathedral's gothic tympanum,

  close by the window called the rose,

  and looks astonished at his own deification,

  which placed him there.

  Erect and proud he smiles,

  and quite enjoys this feat of his survival,

  willed by choice.

  Excerpt From Adam

  by Rainer Maria Rilke

  ~Abel~ The security gate opened slowly, and I hit the gas eager to get in the door. I parked next to Gia, and noticed a stick figure father, mother, and baby on the rear window of her Rover. Mia. I walked over touching each figure gently. She probably thought I’d freak. In another life, I would have thought it was a pussy move. Today, not so much. It warmed me. That same warmness ebbed its way through my veins anchoring deep into my heart. Family. Marriage. Fatherhood.

  "Babe???” Gia’s concerned voice broke through my thoughts.

  I turned, letting it guide me up the walkway, and had to stop. Breathtaking. Mia on Gia’s hip, as if it were the most natural thing. And it was! My baby girl cooing for her daddy.

  What a fucking dream.

  From the phone in Gia’s free hand, I heard Misty’s excited voice. “Tell him to get his ass in the studio! I have some new ink for Abel that will blow his fucking mind. Gia, I'm serious! I got ink from India and Tibet that are like “whoa bitch. Wow!” You know, that kind of fucking look. You know what I mean!’

  Gia laughed, but gave me the raised eyebrow. Not a good thing, but not bad either. Over the past few months, Gia and Misty had gotten real tight, but my wife was an Italian with a jealous streak a mile long. Surely, she wouldn’t freak with Mia in her arms. My lil’ cherub’s dimple speared my heart. Her arms going a mile a minute, and legs keeping pace.

  This was life! My life.

  I drew up the demons of the day, and blew them out in one long agonizing breath. My wife knew me well, phone went to her shoulder, and her fingers found their way under my tee-shirt. Any thoughts of anything—stopped. I kissed my daughter’s forehead, and took her in my arms, a reminder, it wasn’t the time or place.


  I gave Gia a sidelong glance, as I bounced Mia into laughter, and mouthed ‘what’s up.’

  She smiled brightly, and gave a single nod all was well. Her tongue drew ever so slowly along the seam of her nude lips. A tease she was—not. She was a cunning little beauty. And her antics delighted me endlessly. She knew every fucking move, what it did to me, and how to counter any insurgency.

  Before she hung up, Gia repeated Misty’s words, delighting in poking me to poke me. "Yeah! I'll tell "Sir Growly" to get down to see you ASAP!”

  Wait. What? I cringed, nearly squirming out of my skin.

  However, there was more, and she was beyond delighted to repeat it. “He can make it to you in
like an hour on his bike if he wanted. Oh, I don’t know anything about that, but I’ll pass along your message. Ok, chick. I'll make sure he gets his ass over there!"

  A teasing laugh blew her mahogany hair up, and out of her face, breathing life to a whole new fantasy. One, I was certain to explore. Phone sex operator.

  She held her fingers punctuating air quotes. “I think your friends are missing you, ‘Sir get my ass into the studio!’

  Didn’t I just come off tour?

  Her marked punctuation on Sir, was not lost on me. It even made me cringe. It was a respect thing. My past a constant slap in the face. The thought of my attention given to another drove her crazy. Affection drove her to the brink of insanity. I didn’t blame her. The thought of her beneath another man made me homicidal. So, as small as it seemed, it wasn’t. Words mattered, and she showed me that. Thankfully, she wasn’t completely irrational.

  “As per, Ms. Misty, you are to show up and get some more ink! Also FYI, Rhianna has called and texted a few times today. She wants a gig with you at the Fillmore? If you ask me,” she said throwing a hip out. “She needs you. I’m thinking she must be working on new material. Maybe going in a metal direction.”

  I smiled.

  Gia was smart as fuck. Saw through the business. She was a bottom-line girl! And bottom-line, Rhi needed a favor. Said favor, undoubtedly would be great press for Lethal Abel. Rhi was a cool chick. Talented! Not my preferred style of music, but there was no disputing her talent.

  Music was music at the end of the day. And she was relevant in the industry. Relevance equaled regard. Regard equaled money.

  She prowled the kitchen like a fierce Lioness. Plotting. The puzzle pieces were now moving into place, and I loved it.

  I grabbed and squeezed a handful of ass despite her holding my daughter. Hey, I am all man. Nature is nature. And my nature is to get her under me as much as humanly possible. We both laughed. Our priorities shifted after Mia. Not that we didn’t have time, but my beauty was exhausted. It was about rest for her, and I couldn’t bear taking a second of sleep away. She was everything.

  They were—everything.

  Nonetheless, pressure was pressure, and Gia knew I needed some down time. A ride on the Harley always released some much-needed tension. My arm cradled Mia securely to my chest, as I watched her tiny eyelids close peacefully. Goodnight Baby Girl. Without a word, I left Gia puzzling out the Rhianna situation, and returned Mia to her crib.

  My phone buzzed as I was gently laying her down, and an old friend’s name lit the screen. Two long strides across the floor, and I was out of Mia’s nursery. “Dude, are you a mind reader? I’ve been meaning to hit you up.”

  "What’s up, man! I know it has been a fucking minute, but life’s in session ya’ know? I am in Cali for a few weeks. What do you say about grabbing G, and we’ll head over to Misty’s? When was the last time you visited Ink & Iron? She was babbling about some new ink. Something about ‘painting my ass.’” He ended with a laugh.

  “What part of that is funny? Please tell me you’re not considering that punk move? Get an ass tattoo, and our friendship is done.” It was more a plea, but I couldn’t hold in my laugh. No fucking way would I allow a brother to get an ass tattoo like a chick. Then again, who was I to judge with a dragon on my cock? “When was the last time you got ink?”

  Elias laughed blowing off my last dig. “I miss you too Abel! I can see fatherhood did nothing to soften you up. Still a prick!"

  “Prick?” And just like that, we picked up right where we left off. We had that type of friendship. Bilateral. No demands. Time held no relevance. A brother from another mother. We both laughed, and Gia snaked an arm around my waist. Her sweet scent drew up my balls in a painful reminder. On autopilot, my arm caged her in place. Her fragrance had taken the place of my beloved Kush. Fragrant. Potent. Powerful.

  "Rhianna mentioned she left Gia a message. She called me as well! Told me you are balls about playing the Fillmore with her! I appreciated the invite, but with my dad passing, just not the right time. My hands are full. And...” He had let the statement hang, and I dove head first.

  "I'll check with Scott. If you can get away for the weekend, I’ll grab Gia, and we can fly up together? We can take my G7 or yours. I’m cool across the board. Ride or die?" That last tidbit a reminder of the friendship we shared and the support he could always count on.

  "Sounds good! I do need a break from all this shit! A weekend away will do us a world of good. Besides, I haven't played my axe in like forever! It'll be good to tear it up again!" His new excitement was contagious.

  "Grab your bike, I’ll see you at the shop!"

  "Yeah, and $100 says I beat you there, even with a passenger on the rear seat." His words were light but challenging.

  Challenge accepted.

  I laughed inwardly, but my skin bristled at the challenge. Fuck the hundred dollars. It was never about money for me. E, actually sounded like himself—for once! When he accepted a job with his old man, he had gotten more corporate. A paper-pushing drone. He reminded me of my old man. Stuck. Robotic. His old man passing definitely sucked, but a blessing in my eyes. Our friendship had taken a hit leaving a bad taste in my mouth. This was about reminding him: In life, you’re either on the fucking train or getting hit by the motherfucker.

  "Yeah right, E” I huffed. My ego already reared its ugly head. “Have fun eating my dust, and bring some toothpicks. You’ll be picking bugs from between your teeth bro. I'm closer than you are anyway, and if you’re still living in that shitty little loft downtown, I’m going to smoke your ass there. Can you feel the burn? I sure can." I made a sizzling sound with my mouth into the receiver.

  He laughed. "We'll see who’s eating road dust brother. I'll see you at Misty's shop.” And he hung up the phone. The air around me changed—shifted. A new explosive energy crackled to life. My wife’s fragrance hit me square in the balls drawing them up tightly.

  She sighed deeply, and a salacious smile curved her plump lips. “My heart has no game when your ego is already the winner.”

  I took two predatory steps toward her, but she shushed me by placing her delicate fingers over my lips preventing any speech. Fuck that! I spun her, so her back was flat against my chest, and my mouth was above her ear.

  “I could cancel. And I’ll do it in two fucking minutes. All I need is you. Always—you.” Her body melted into me and I was dead-ass serious. “He needs me, and I could use a ride. But, riding you is always my preference. You know that right?”

  Her voice was barely a whisper, but certain. “I do, but I’m the lucky girl who gets to spend the rest of my life with you.” She tried turning to meet my eyes. I didn’t allow it, and held her firm against my heart. She thought I was leaving her. Never.

  I drew in a calming breath. “Did you think I’d ever leave you behind—beauty? If it takes me the rest of my life reminding be it.” I slowly turned her to face me, so there would be no mistake. “There are moments in my life that stand out above the rest, passion, anger, sorrow, and pure love. All, every single one has been with you. My yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows are all—yours. We are beautifully damaged reflections of one another; two magnets unable to pull apart. You move, and I move.” Her unshed tears fell onto her flushed face, and I broke.

  My lips slammed onto hers with every ounce of skill I had—wanting—needing—this kiss to brand her the same way she branded me.

  It seems my kiss knocked my wife off her feet. “Jesus Abel. You didn’t have to go all warrior on my heart.”

  My hands cupped her face reverently. “I am your warrior, beauty—always. This trip will be good for us. We’ll bring Chance and Mia. We can all go up to Frisco to unwind for a few days. Rhianna is the icing on the cake. She’s kicking ass, taking numbers, and her band is getting some serious rotation on local stations! Royston must be pimping the shit out of her, if not selling his own ass to the sailors at the dock.” We both laughed.

  Royston was
n’t gay really. He was English and I made a sport out of fucking with him. Wait until he meets Chance.

  "If Rhi and I hit the stage, the show will sell out, and the press will eat that shit up.” I added thoughtfully.

  It was a great business move. Any press was good press right? Except when these parasite theorists took it to another level. My old man loved handing their asses to them. Free speech my ass! He turned the second amendment on its ass when it came to protecting me and my—family.

  We walked into the bedroom. Chance had already beaten us there and had our luggage out and laid out on the bed.

  Gia started packing for her and the baby. Chance was packing his own bag at lightning speed. While Gia changed her clothes, and freshened up her makeup, I disappeared into my closet concentrating on what I was bringing. A few black Obey tee shirts, long sleeve thermal, distressed jeans, my new pewter skull buckle decked out with real ruby eyes. I walked out of our bedroom heading to the garage where my black riding boots were. Gia was waiting by the garage door looking fuck-hot in a pair of black leather pants, and matching Lethal Abel wife beater. Chance loaded the car with our luggage, and was already strapping Mia into her car seat. Family.

  I leaned in, my tongue eager to taste her. Her mouth opened in reply. She sucked on my tongue hungrily, and a soft moan escaped her lips. I pulled back slightly and smiled down at her. Yeah, we both needed this. The indication in her still shaking knees.

  I pulled her deeper into the garage bay.

  “I’m not blowing you in a dark garage.”

  “We do have lights, babe,” I teased. A blow job sounded great, but we didn’t have time for that. It would have to wait.

  “Pfft. Cave man,” she huffed, but her eyes narrowed, and a flush lit her cheeks as she watched me zip my riding leathers over my jeans. “Fuck, I forgot about those things.” She moistened her bottom lip with that delightful pink tongue I loved. She was turned on. “I take back the no blow job comment.” She purred making her way to where I was standing.


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