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Married in Seattle

Page 28

by Debbie Macomber

  “You make my knees go weak,” she told him in a low voice.

  “Mine are, too.”

  Together they collapsed on the bed. Steve kissed her and loosened his tie. With their lips joined, Meg’s fingers worked at his shirt, undressing him.

  Soon they were lost in each other, loving each other, immersed in a world of their own. A world from which they didn’t emerge until the summer sun had been replaced by a glittering moon and a sky full of stars.

  Back at the reception, Lindsey sat with Steve’s sister, Nancy, and licked the icing off their fingertips. “Do you suppose they’ll ever figure it out?”

  Nancy sipped champagne from a crystal flute. “I doubt either of them is thinking about much right now—except each other.”

  “We made some real mistakes, though.”

  “We?” Nancy said, eyeing Lindsey.

  “Okay, me. I’ll admit I nearly ruined everything by pushing the marriage issue. How was I to know my mother would take it so personally? Jeez, she just about had a heart attack, and all because I suggested Steve marry her.”

  “It worked out, though,” Nancy said, looking pleased with herself. “And I made a few blunders of my own. Getting my friend to go to the shop and say she was Meg wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Steve was bound to find out sooner or later that it wasn’t Meg.”

  “But we had to do something,” Lindsey insisted. “They were both being so stubborn. One of them had to give in. Besides, your ploy worked.”

  “Better than the flowers I sent.”

  Lindsey sampled another bite of wedding cake. “You know what was the hardest part?”

  “I know what it was for me. I had one heck of a time keeping a straight face when your mother came to the house dressed in a Tina Turner wig and five-inch heels. Oh, Lindsey, if you could’ve seen her.”

  “Steve was pretty funny himself, with his leather jacket and that bad-boy smirk.”

  “Neither one of them’s any good at acting,” Nancy said, still grinning.

  “Not like us.”

  “Not like us,” Nancy agreed.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5085-1


  Copyright © 2009 by MIRA Books.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 1991 by Debbie Macomber.


  Copyright © 1995 by Debbie Macomber.

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