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AetherBorn (The AetherBorn Saga Book 1)

Page 15

by A. N. Sage

  The guard stationed outside of the cage left a while back and Ruby wondered if he was coming back soon. He wasn’t much of a conversationalist, but it would have been nice to have at least some contact with the outside world. She guessed, since there was no risk of her escaping, it might be a while before she had any visitors.

  Ruby stretched her legs and knocked on one of the glass walls. The sound echoed around her. She wondered if Cyril and Elena had kept up their end of the bargain, or if Liam was being held in a cage much like this one. Her mind was still with Liam when Jake walked towards her.

  “I thought you might be thirsty.” He opened a latch on the clear door and handed her a glass of water.

  If she really wanted to, she could probably do some damage right now, but she had other plans.

  “Thanks.” She said, taking a giant sip. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Cool. So, what the hell was that, Rue?”

  She could see he did not want to be there. Right or not, she had really hurt him. Ruby tried to imagine how she would feel if the tables were reversed, and it was him who toyed with her emotions instead, but all she could think of was Liam. “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to involve you in this. I care about...”

  “Let’s not.” He interrupted. “I think you’ve done enough talking about us for today.”

  This was it. She thought. No going back to being friends again.

  “Jake, I really am sorry. But this is bigger than me and you. It’s the only way to stop this war. I had to do everything I could, please understand that.”

  “Well, you got yourself locked up in a cage, so no, I don’t get it at all. How exactly is this helping anyone?”

  “I know how this looks.” She rubbed her wrists on the spot where the handcuffs used to be. This all must seem very strange to him.

  “I just don’t get what happened, Rue. One minute you’re telling me you want to be with me and the next I’m watching you get cuffed. What was your plan exactly? What could you even do from in here? This room is power proofed, there’s no getting out.”

  “I’m not planning to get out.”

  “So, what the hell are you planning, exactly?” He raised his voice, despite all she did, he still wanted to save her.

  “I need your help.”

  “Oh, this should be good.” His eyes widened.

  “Jake, come on. You know as well as I do that your dad and Elena are never going to let the resistance live this down.”

  “Why do you care about them so much? It just doesn’t make sense. I would have thought after everything; you would have been on our side.”

  “There are no sides. Don’t you get it? As long as the houses keep picking sides, there will always be war. The resistance will always want to take over and your houses will never let go of their control. If it continues, you’ll all fight until you wipe each other out entirely. And who knows how many others in the process.” She remembered Shaylah’s pale face in the hospital that day. “How many more people have to get hurt before you realize that there is another way?”

  “Even if you’re right, I don’t know how I can help you. You’re in a cage!” He punched the glass with his fist without causing so much as a crack.

  “Look, I didn’t just get myself locked up here for fun. I’ve seen how this plays out already, and it doesn’t matter who takes control of the sword, it will end in death.”

  “Seen how this plays out?” He asked.

  “How much do you know about AetherBorns? What they can do, I mean.”

  “I don’t know, Rue. There hasn’t been one in generations. All I know is what my parents told me. That they’re more powerful than any Elemental house and that the last AetherBorn died quite young. But that’s all anyone knows, there aren’t too many texts on this stuff, as you can imagine.”

  “Well, that sucks.” She said, hoping he might know how she was able to move through time.

  “Yeah, you’re kind of a big surprise to everyone.”

  “I gathered that much. That’s why I think I might be the only one who can unite the houses again. I have to at least try.”

  “So, what are you planning on doing exactly?”

  “Well, I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it. If it doesn’t work, I might be in more trouble than I already am.”

  “Ok...” He said, ready to hear her plan.

  “Oh, and there’s something else...”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’ll have to work with Liam. It’s the only way this is going to work.”

  She could see he wasn’t happy about it. his face was getting red with anger. There was no time to worry about Jake’s feelings right now. If this was going to work, she needed both him and Liam to follow her instructions. She moved closer to the air holes in the glass, walking him through the plan before the guard made his return.

  There was no turning back now.

  Chapter 43

  I think I’ll let Rue explain

  Jake held her tightly by the arm as they walked down the hallway back to Cyril’s office. He had followed through with the first part of her plan and arranged for all the house elders to meet straight away.

  Cyril was not inclined to agree to the meeting unless the stakes were high, and Ruby had convinced Jake to leverage her life in exchange for the meeting. As far as Air and Water were concerned, the meeting was put in place for her execution. Jake had managed to persuade his father that a dead AetherBorn was worth more than a live one and that Ruby’s execution was the only thing that could put Earth and Fire in their place. Even though she had managed to save Liam, she knew Cyril’s bloodthirst for holding onto his power would cloud his judgment. He’d do anything to keep Fire and Earth under his thumb.

  She was initially quite certain that her plan to unite the houses would prevent her own death, but walking towards the office now, doubt was clouding her judgement. If she could not sway the elders, she had no doubt Cyril would murder her just to prove a point. She looked at Jake for reassurance, but his stare was rigid. He was playing the part of her guard down to a T.

  Jake pulled harder on her arm as they walked through the metal doors. She could see Cyril and Elena perched side by side at the desk. To her right, Alice and Liam stood by the couch. His eyes stalked Ruby, checking to make sure there was not a bruise on her. She could see smoke coming off him, he was furious. Behind them, sitting across from one another were Myriam and Harvey. The twin Earth elders made her smile. Their polite and calm demeanor calmed her nerves, and she needed to stay calm in this moment more than ever.

  She stumbled to the center of the room, making sure to position herself directly in front of Liam. The sword had already been brought in and was resting comfortably on the desk next to Cyril.

  Planning on offing me with it for effect, I see. She smiled. He was playing directly into her hands.

  “Thank you for joining us, Ruby.” Elena waved at her, eager to start the proceedings.

  “Didn’t have much of a choice, did I?” She said and moved a little closer to the sword.

  There was no time left to waste. She started coughing, pressing her hand to her throat. Holding her breath for as long as she could, her face turned a deep shade of red. She punched at her chest and continued coughing.

  “Get her water!” Jake yelled at one of the guards who scurried out of the room immediately.

  Ruby dropped to the ground, her hands still at her throat. From the corner of her eye she could see Jake look at Liam and nod. Within seconds, Liam was running towards the guard positioned at the door. He raised his hands, shooting a fireball into his chest and jumped forward as the guard’s body slid across the floor. Landing in a crouch he slid a knife from his boot and held it tightly under the guard’s neck.

  Her eyes shifted to the desk, Jake was standing behind Cyril and Elena. His arms outstretched in between two guards with a gun pointed at each of them.

  “Jake, what is the meaning of this?” Cyril said, pus
hing his palms together.

  “Please, don’t do it, Cyril. No one has to get hurt here.” She said, and watched his hands float back down to his lap.

  Ruby slowly walked over the to the sword. Elena started to get up as she reached for the handle, but she could see Cyril pull her back down. The door behind her opened and she swung around, sword in hand, as a stream of black fog shot from her hand. The guard she hit fell to the ground and she cringed as the glass of water he was holding shattered next to him.

  “Ruby, darling.would you please explain what’s happening here?” Alice said.

  “Well, you’re here for my execution, Alice.” She saw Liam’s head spin around towards her.

  “Jake. I need you to start talking. Now. This is not what we discussed.” Cyril’s face was determined, not being in control did not sit well with him.

  “Sorry, dad. I think I’ll let Rue explain.”

  The room was silent, and she could hear her own rapid breath. Her palm pressed tightly on the sword’s handle. She dragged its edge across the floor, forming a light scratch in the marble. The stones on the sword’s handle brightened, and she could see the blade begin to smoke.

  “Actually, how about I just show you instead?” she said and lifted the sword’s point above her head releasing a wave of black fog into the room. Like the remnants of an atomic bomb marking its territory.

  Chapter 44

  Answers in her eyes

  Ruby had no idea if her plan would work or not. Even if she was able to draw on the sword’s power to see the future, she would still need to project enough of her own power in order to communicate the vision to the elders. Her initial plan was rooted mainly in assumption and hope that her connection to the sword was as strong as she had seen in her visions.

  As the fog covered the room, she could feel the sword’s energy burn into her hand. Her thoughts were scattered, and she had to concentrate to keep her mind on the visions. She could see bits and pieces start to come together. Blood, killing, and bodies of human bystanders filled the streets. There were glimpses of Elementals fighting in broad daylight, some were using their powers while others were shooting opposite house members in the streets. Every vision of the future she saw included bloodshed. Children cowering behind their mothers in buildings set ablaze.

  When she was sure she had a full grasp of the future, Ruby pointed the sword at Alice. Much like in her dream, the ruby on the handle glowed brighter. She could feel herself tap into Alice’s mind, directing the vision towards her. Tears flooded her eyes as she watched the vision manifest itself in front of her. The training center was burned to a crisp, not a sign of life in it. The vision shifted, moving up the steps towards the back entrance to the pawn shop and out into the street. A street covered in the bodies of Fire and Earth Elementals that managed to escape the fire only to be slaughtered at the exit.

  Her arm struggled to move the weight of the sword towards Myriam and Harvey, their hands clutched each other’s in a shaking embrace. What she saw in her mind was almost the same image of the two of them. Huddled together in their quarters, holding hands. Their bodies charred to a crisp. There was a wall of rocks on either side of them as if they had tried to shield themselves from the flames by using their powers. But they were either too late or not strong enough.

  Ruby buried herself deeper into the visions, extending her arm to Elena. She traced her face with the sword, connecting to her most cherished possession and showing her what will become of it. She could see the terror on Elena’s face as she watched her daughters cowering in her office covered in blood. Elena’s blood.

  By the time she made her way around, she was shaking from the weight of the metal.

  As the sword’s point landed on Cyril, Ruby moved her thoughts to Jake. She saw him on the floor of the resistance, struggling to create a tornado with no success. The spurts of wind he pushed from his hands lasted for mere seconds and very soon, he was not able to use his powers at all. His abdomen was bleeding from a previous attack, and he was crawling backwards, away from someone he feared. Ruby’s vision shifted to his opponent and she watched as Liam’s fired up hands shot towards him. The fireball hit his chest and his body folded forward and hit the ground. Jake’s breathing slowed to a stop and within seconds, he was dead.

  “That’s enough!” Cyril shouted.

  The shock of his words sent shivers down Ruby’s arm and she dropped the sword. The fog lightened and disappeared. She looked around the room at the elders and the impact of her visions. Their faces were pale and there was something different about how they watched her, like they were looking for answers in her eyes.

  Cyril walked over to Jake and whispered something in his ear. He glanced reluctantly at Ruby and lowered his aim on the guards who immediately made their way towards her. She already knew where this was heading and did not fight as they tightened the cuffs.

  He walked out of the room grabbing the sword as he went, followed by the other four elders. Ruby smiled as they left, her visions were enough to convince them to talk. That would have to suffice for now.

  Chapter 45

  This is it

  It was a few hours until the elders finally returned. The adrenaline Ruby had felt before had worn out, and she had a throbbing headache and pain running up and down her arms. She could feel the weight of the sword even though it was no longer with her and wondered how much she’d underestimated their bond.

  The door creaked open and the guards that were keeping a close eye on Liam and Jake stepped aside to let the elders through. Ruby attempted to read their expressions but not one of them was making eye contact. She was losing hope quickly, eager to hear what they had to say.

  They shuffled back into the room, taking the same spots they were in prior to their departure. Cyril put the sword down on the table and walked towards Ruby. Flashes of the image of Liam’s limp body ran through her mind making her blood boil with anger when she looked at him. He nodded at one of the guards behind her who quickly walked towards them. Liam’s back straightened, ready to fight if needed.

  This is it. She thought. I’m dead.

  She closed her eyes as the guard came closer, unwilling to witness her own doomed fate. Within seconds, there was a click at her back and the handcuffs fell to the ground, leaving an echo as the metal hit the marble.

  “You should probably take a seat. I would imagine this has been a tiring evening.” Cyril smiled and gestured at the couch.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, looking around at the other elders, “have you made a decision?”

  “We have.” Alice reached over and hugged her. “Surprisingly, we have.”

  “How much do you know about this...” Elena treaded carefully, “disagreement between our houses, Ruby?”

  “Uhm, just what I’ve been told by the resistance. Some from what I’ve read in the old books. So, not much, I guess.”

  “Sadly, that is almost just as much as the rest of us.” Elena looked back at Cyril; his gaze fixed on the sword. “Our two houses have been in control of the sword for so long, that entire generations grew up protecting it. Holding on to its power like a golden goose.”

  “I’m sure you can imagine, that when someone wants to take away the one thing that you have known to be true for thousands of years, you will do everything in your power to stop them.” Cyril’s eyes were on Ruby now.

  She understood that very well. She had been fighting to hold onto the life she knew before the Elementals this entire time. What she didn’t understand was what any of this had to do with their decision. All she wanted was to know if they had reached an agreement or if she had failed.

  “We were taught from a very young age that this is how power is divided. That if our houses hold the sword, the Elemental race remains safe and secure. That we were preventing a war by following in the footsteps of our ancestors.” He glanced at Myriam and Harvey. “What we had failed to see, was what that meant for the other houses.”

  “The war our
ancestors were trying to prevent is exactly the one we ourselves have started.” Alice said.

  “So, what now?” She asked. The room went silent. Cyril touched the Onyx on the sword and jerked his hand away immediately.

  “You are what happens now, Ruby.” He looked at her and for the first time she saw kindness in his eyes. “You let us see what our actions were amounting to, the world we would eventually destroy. The people who would...”

  Cyril stopped; his eyes were on Jake.

  “I guess the human side of us was too blind to see the consequences.” Alice continued for him.

  “And now?” She asked. “What happens now that you know?”

  “Well, we came to understand one very important thing.” Elena walked over to her, placing her hands on Ruby’s shoulders. She could feel the cold air moving around her, Ruby was more in tune with the elders than she had been before, more affected by their powers. “As long as any of our houses hold the sword, we will always end up in the same place. Generations will come after us and will fight for the sword and for their freedom. Sooner or later, our kind will destroy each other.”

  “And take the humans with you.” Ruby added.

  “Precisely. That is exactly what we must avoid.”

  “But how? No offense, this is all great to hear, but how, exactly, do you plan on changing that? You said it yourself, there will always be a war.” Liam piped in but was shushed by Alice.

  “It’s quite simple, you see. We were so busy protecting the sword we never thought about something as fundamental as sharing it.”

  “Sharing it?” Ruby asked. “You can’t exactly work out visitation rights here.”


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