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Capturing the Last Welsh Witch

Page 7

by J. M. Davies

Marcus stopped what he was doing and stared at her, frowning. His eyes narrowed as they examined her face. Ella sat up, letting the sheet fall to her hips and he gasped.

  “Ella…” He turned his back to her as he sat down on the edge of the creaking bed. She crawled forward, resting on her knees, and placed her small hands on his shoulders, kneading the knotted muscles.

  “Ella, what are you doing?” He stiffened and glanced at her sideways. His voice quivered with barely held control.

  “Easing the tension, and I was always told my hands delivered just the right amount of pressure.” She squeezed and massaged his shoulders until he groaned. Kneeling, she pressed her chest into his back, and skin touched skin. Heat met heat and it set fire to her skin and blood. She breathed warm air out and stroked his shoulders with her hands and blended her body with his, trying to stay focused as she talked.

  “What’s the tattoo for?” Her words were barely a whisper in his ear as her fingers smoothed over the black skeleton of a frog on his arm. He moved forward but she grabbed him back and continued to manipulate his muscles. She knew he didn’t want to answer her question, so she let it go. She tried to get him to relax instead.

  “That’s so good.” He moaned as his shoulders dropped against Ella.

  She continued to soothe and work on his shoulders, and then his back, releasing the knots that she could feel, while listening to his shallow breathing. Her own breathing increased to keep pace with her heart rate that beat like a drum. Ella’s lacy bra skimmed across his back, and she laid a tender but brief kiss on his shoulder as her body shuddered.

  In one swift motion, Marcus swiveled around and pushed her backward, pinning her to the mattress as he lay inches above her. His chest heaved in and out as the heat between their bodies steamed.

  “You’re playing with fire, Ella.” He leaned closer and held her wrists above her head.

  She lay there mesmerized. A flame of desire licked through her body, and instinctively, she arched her back upward. As their bodies touched, it ignited a fire. Ella lay a teasing kiss on his closed lips and fell back against the mattress, gazing at him with longing. Marcus watched her, at first unresponsive to her kiss, but his gaze zeroed in on her soft lips. She flicked her tongue out to wet her lower lip.

  As if he couldn’t resist any longer, his head descended. He devoured her mouth, kissing her hard and fast, pushing his tongue into her mouth to demand entry. The full weight of his body pushed her deep into the mattress, and his knees pinned her legs between his. All too soon, though, his body stilled and he lifted his lips away from Ella.

  “Ella, this isn’t going—”

  She caressed the back of his neck with her hand and weaved her fingers into his hair to pull him back to her waiting mouth. Marcus succumbed and claimed her mouth, dueling once more with her playful tongue.

  Passion consumed Ella like a wildfire as she clung to him, needing to be as close as possible. She moaned as his rough thumb and finger squeezed and stroked her nipple through the lace of her bra. Needing more, she pushed his chest forcefully so he tumbled back against the mattress and she rolled to straddle him, taking control. He laughed and relaxed back into the bed. She laid her upper body across his, kissing his lips, and then slowly lowered herself down his body, licking and kissing a hot trail down his neck, chest, and abdomen. She continued her downward path until she hovered above the towel.

  “Ella, if you don’t stop, I’m…” His voice was strained and hoarse.

  She knew she was close; her hand quickly maneuvered to grab the handcuffs from under the mattress all the while her other hand stretched and massaged his skin in soft strokes around his ribs and lower. She kissed his belly button and her finger edged the corners of the towel. Marcus breathed heavily as her fingers stole under the towel, and he moaned. She lifted her body and stretched his right arm high above his head, kissing his fingers and running her hands along his flesh. Click. She snapped the cuff around his wrist and shackled him to the bedpost. It took seconds for him to realize what was happening. Then his body spun into action and he growled like a wild hog.

  She sprang off the bed.

  “Ella, this is a big mistake,” he growled, as the handcuff scraped up and down on the bedpost. Marcus yanked hard and twisted his body sideways to try to break free.

  Ella grabbed her clothes off the floor and jumped into her velour pants and jacket.

  “Sh, baby, you don’t want to wake the whole house. What will Jake think? Marcus, I’m going to leave the key where you’ll find it, if you behave. I’m going, Marcus, and you need to let me go. It’s safer this way.” She moved away, not taking her eyes off him. She left the key to the handcuff on the table by the door and moved to open the door.

  “Ella…I will find you, but for your sake, you better hope I don’t.”

  With that, she swiveled around and grabbed a sock from the dresser. She darted over and shoved it into his mouth before he could resist. She nimbly moved out of the way like a gymnast to avoid his leg flicking out to kick her and raced out the door. Ella had already pocketed Marcus’s keys, and was soon out the back door and driving away in the battered red truck. She couldn’t believe how easy her departure was, but didn’t stop to question why. Her mind focused instead on where to hide until the bank opened. As she stared out the windshield, she smiled at how well she had executed her plan to seduce Marcus.

  Twice, she had played him and each time he surrendered to her charms. A tiny shiver of awareness blazed along her spine, and her insides warmed at the look of fury and his words: “Ella, I will find you, but for your sake, you’d better hope I don’t.” The images of him lying sprawled across the bed made her almost want to turn around and continue what she had started. Almost! Touching and kissing him unleashed a wild desire inside that made her long to take things further. However, she couldn’t do that. He didn’t even believe her when she said she was a witch. Imagine what he would say if she told him the truth: that her people were an ancient race from the stars, descendants of the moon goddess Ariana, who after hearing her name called by her soul mate, roamed the earth for five long centuries to search for him. It was a full moon and it glowed down on Ella, who rubbed her wrist and sighed. There her birthmark, the crescent moon, itched.


  Marcus knew that Ella was planning to escape. While in the shower, he’d wondered what her tactics would be. Ella was, he was learning, an enigma and she sparked his interest big-time. When he dragged Jake away from the bedroom last night, when he’d interrupted his interrogation, the two men had exchanged their opinions and talked openly about Ella the witch.

  “Damn it, Marcus, why here? Why did you bring her here? Are you insane? Her face is all over the media. Did you really think I wouldn’t know who she is? Don’t answer that. I’ll tell you who she is—a goddamn fucking improvised explosive device, an IED. In case you’ve forgotten.”

  Marcus hadn’t forgotten. Jake had every right to be angry for bringing his mess to his doorstep. Perhaps he was insane. He raked his hand through his hair and massaged the stubble on his chin as Jake continued to ramble on.

  “Look, I know you have a hard time with lost causes but man, she’s murdered someone. What the hell possessed you to shackle yourself to her?”

  Jake was like his younger brother, only now he was trying to usurp his authority, as if he were the older sibling. Marcus smirked at his concern. “I’m not shackled to her. And when did you grow up and become all serious?” He knocked his shoulder in a friendly, lighthearted way.

  “Knock it off. I am serious. She’s trouble, and she has you wrapped around her little finger. She’s beautiful, but she’s more trouble than it’s worth. Hell, she’d been here no more than five minutes before she was shooting out orders at me to collect something from the truck for her. I told her to go and get it herself. I told her that I was not her slave. She pouted her sweet mouth, but sure enough, she went and got what she wanted.”

  Hearing that, Marcus’s face froze
and he swiveled around. Ella didn’t have any possessions to retrieve from the truck. What the hell? Was she looking for the keys? He felt in his back pocket and sighed. She was up to something for sure and he wouldn’t have expected anything less.

  “Damn it. You’re right—that little witch is trouble. But, the Elusti is involved, man, and she’s caught up with them somehow. She’s no match for them, even if she’s spirited and trouble. So as much as I hate to admit that you’re right, Ella is mine and she isn’t going to know what hits her when I’ve finished with her. But first we need to talk…” He sat down on the leather couch and stared at the empty hallway that led to the bedroom, trying to focus on the task at hand and not Ella. There were no windows in that room, so he figured that she wouldn’t make her move yet. Not if she didn’t want to get caught. For the next hour, Marcus discussed Ella, the Elusti, the FBI, and what he planned to do.

  Something was desperately keeping Ella focused. A sudden picture of her crouching by the fire grate back at her house made him realize that she had been looking for something. That was why she had risked going back there. What it was, he had no clue, but it must be extremely important for her to keep risking her life and freedom for. She wasn’t about to voluntarily confide in him and in a way he admired that. No matter what Ella was, she was a survivor, used to relying on herself. Nope, the only way to discover what the hell was going on was to let her go. Then, he would tail her and find out.

  Meanwhile, Jake had agreed to break into the FBI computer system and trace any involvement with the Elusti. If there was any trail to find, he would find it. However, that would take time and a different location. Pinching his nose with his fingers, he at last felt he had the upper hand, but then a distorted vision had his heart about to stop. The air was literally sucked out of him. The image in his head had him running for the bedroom. As he walked in, all was quiet; he could hear Ella’s shallow breathing, but he knew she wasn’t asleep. The vision he’d seen of Ella was of her lying on the ground; a crimson stain pooled out around her like oil. As she lay on her side, her bright blue eyes stared at him, lifeless.

  After a steaming shower, he had let Ella play her game, knowing she would have something planned for him. As she sat up in bed and let the sheet fall back to reveal her slim, toned body and ample breasts encased in a delicate white lacy bra, he’d almost jumped out of his skin. This he hadn’t expected at all. Holding back was not his strong point, but with Ella, it was different on so many levels. He smiled as he ran slowly over the events that led up to her escape. She was right. She was good with her hands, and before long, he would get his own back. The thought of how he would extract his revenge aroused him more than he liked to admit.

  Only this time he knew what was coming. This time, he had placed the keys for her to steal and planted a surveillance bug on the truck, so that no matter where she went, he would be able to track her. Jake had been ready to unlock the handcuffs, which he did but not before taking a picture and grinning from ear to ear. Then he moved like lightning; he didn’t want to lose sight of her because the only image that kept replaying in his head was of her cold and stiff as a corpse. He lifted and placed the black motorcycle helmet on his head.

  Jake grabbed him and bellowed, “I always knew one day you’d fall hard for some woman. Serves you right. I just hope she’s worth it, man. I’ll be in touch.”

  Marcus nodded. “Thanks for the bike.” He revved the engine and left in hot pursuit, cursing loudly under his breath. This time she’ll pay.

  Marcus drove constantly as the sun rose and dawn broke. It took him less than an hour to track her on his GPS to I-95 and he stayed well back so that she wouldn’t suspect she was being followed. His journey took him back up 93, headed to Boston. This crazy woman was driving right back to where they had started. What on earth was she playing at? Ella turned off and entered a parking garage right on Boylston Street in Boston. And there she remained. He parked several rows back; he’d gotten off the bike but had kept himself tucked away and hidden. His sole focus was on any movement from the truck. An hour passed before there was any change. The truck door slammed shut, and he watched undetected as Ella stepped out and scanned the vicinity before she moved away.

  He ducked and weaved behind cars, following her as she exited the parking garage, but stayed back at a safe distance so that he would not be observed. She walked down Boylston Street at a steady pace, passing shops and restaurants until she was outside Bank of America. At this point, Marcus stopped and waited. What the hell was she up to? Slowly, he followed her in and watched as a young man stood far too close to Ella for his comfort. The man smiled a greedy smile like a wolf as he hovered over Ella in his blue pin-striped suit. With his hand on her back, he marched her away to a private elevator. After the doors clanked shut, Marcus pivoted around and eyed the young blonde woman at the nearby table.

  The attractive woman was already smiling at him broadly. Marcus walked over and leaned his hands on top of the granite counter, giving his best appreciative smile at the slim lady, who continued to hold his gaze with her slim lips spreading wide.

  “I wonder if you can you help me? My soon-to-be ex-wife just entered that elevator. Where does it go?” His voice was laced with just the right amount of bite and sexiness that he knew the woman would respond to his request; they always did. She followed the direction of his outstretched hand to the elevator in the corner.

  “I’m not supposed to say, but I don’t see what harm it can do. You cannot access it unless you have a key. The elevator leads to the vault and the safety deposit boxes.” She shrugged and smiled.

  “I see. Thank you, you’ve been most helpful.” He lifted her hand and kissed it quickly, his stare not leaving her face, which was openly admiring him.

  “Anytime. And take this, for when your divorce is final or before, if you want.” She sucked the tip of her pen.

  He let go of her hand and took the business card that she had handed him. “Thanks again.” He flashed his even white teeth, waving the card at her, and left. Pushing through the revolving doors, he dropped the card in the nearby garbage can and paced back and forth. Another thirty minutes passed. As he studied the doors, he spotted Ella shaking hands with the man she had just been with and was now walking in his direction. It took her less than a minute to reach the doors.

  Ella exited the bank, a black bag thrown over her shoulder, and her face set in a tight grimace as she searched around before she placed her dark glasses on. To Marcus, she looked as if she carried the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders and he wished he knew her secrets. Marcus stood just out of sight, but he kept a clear view of her. As she strode away, he could almost taste her fear and his need to capture her increased by the second. She had only taken a few steps when he pounced, clasping his hand around her wrist and yanking her around to face him.

  “Marcus, how did you—”

  He snapped the handcuff onto her wrist once again. Fearing that the couple nearby would be alerted to trouble if they saw what was happening, he wrapped his arms around Ella, holding her fast, and kissed her, putting a swift end to her chatter. Kissing her made her whole body soften against him; he felt her will to fight him recede and this made him smile. Lifting his head, he let the corner of his mouth lift. “I’ve missed you too, baby. Now, my little vixen, we’re in a public place and you’re wanted for murder. Need I remind you of the rules? I am trying to help you but the time for hide-and-seek is over. You need to come with me. There’s someone I want you to meet and then you’re going to talk until I have a clear picture of what is going on or so help me, I will drop you in the FBI’s lap. Now, what’s in the bag?”

  “I’m not coming with you. You don’t understand who or what I am and you cannot help me,” she scoffed and struggled against him. The harsh wind increased and whistled at them. An empty soda can swept up from the ground and hit Marcus across the cheek.

  “Damn it.” He winced but didn’t release her.

  “Marcus, l
et me go. I’m not worth getting killed over and they will kill you,” she whispered against him, trying to wrench her arm free. Ominous gray clouds appeared in a deep, thick formation, threatening a storm. Marcus raised his head skyward, feeling the increase in the strength of the now billowing wind, and stared back at the street as people ran for cover. Looking back at the clouds, he looked across at Ella. Her eyes seemed to match the grayness of the sky. Her shoulder-length hair danced and leapt wildly around her shoulders as she closed her eyes. The raindrops increased until they fell like a waterfall. Hailstones the size of acorns pummeled down from the sky. Still, he clasped a firm hold on her.

  “Whatever you are, I’m not letting you go, not if you bring the whole damn sky down upon us.” They stood drenched by the monsoon downpour that darkened the light around them. People dashed into stores at the unexpected shower but they continued to stand alone on the now deserted sidewalk. He let go of her wrist and gripped her shoulders to shake her. “You have to trust me. I’m on your side, Ella. Whatever is going on, I will do my best to help you.”

  Ella tilted her head to watch his stubborn and fixed expression, taking in the rain that poured down his face and drenched his clothes. She blinked as the water flowed down her lashes and cheeks, invading her thin velour outfit and chilling her to the bone. “Each person I trusted either died or let me down. How are you any different?”

  Marcus stared at her, standing in the spontaneous torrential rain, amazed at her strength and resilience despite her size. A wave of admiration shook him. She was like a wild animal, hell-bent on survival and willing to do anything, but he didn’t believe she was a murderer. His heart squeezed. She looked vulnerable, innocent, and alone. Not caring one bit about the weather, he stood his ground and battled on.

  “I’m not like other men. I want to show you something.” In all the years that he had been an agent and Navy SEAL, nothing had felt as right as the decision he was making—God only knew why. He raked a hand through his sopping hair as her face softened; as she smiled, the rain ceased and dwindled to a light drizzle and then stopped altogether, as did the wind. A churning sensation reached up into his stomach. Did she just stop the rain?


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