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Human Nature

Page 26

by Finlay Borthwick

  Gwen looked to the rest of the group, “What do you guys think then? Come on, people! Don’t you understand? We have to mercy-kill them now!” One of the doctors tried to move away, Gwen spun back around and aimed her pistol at him again, “Don’t you even think about moving…”

  Zach looked at Gwen, and then back at Olivia who was holding Reed back. “Olivia’s right!” He called out and stood by her. “Gwen, with all due respect, you keep making careless decisions! You killed those poor wolves, and now you want to kill these poor Patients as well!”

  “They’re already dead! There’s a difference between murdering and mercy-killing! Come on! Anyone else agree with me? I know Reed does!” She nodded at him appreciatively. “Somebody, agree with me!” Everyone looked sheepish, and remained silent. “Fine, I get it. I’ll do it myself,” mercilessly, Gwen shot one of the patients in the head. She turned around, and shot another. The two doctors ran out of the gazebo, as she fired off at them. Now, she had taken it too far…

  Pierre knocked the gun out of her hand, “Are you serious? I was starting to agree with you, and then you try to kill two of the staff here? Now we’re all going to die! Because of you!” He berated her. Looking back at the group, who examined the remaining patients, she then looked at the two she had just killed. Unable to take it, she ran out of the gazebo as fast as she could. “Gwen! Come back!” Pierre tried to recall her. “Where’s she going?” Reed came up to him, as she shrugged. “I don’t know! I think she’s running away! We have to get her back!” Reed nodded, as he and Pierre pursued her.

  “Stop!” Gwen pulled out her knife, running after the two doctors escaping from her. “Please stop! I just want to talk to you!” She tried reasoning with them, as they kept running.

  “I know you two are in here,” she entered the emergency shelter room. “I saw you two run in, you can’t escape now. Just come out, and I’ll tell you what’s really going on. Please?” Gwen waited for them to step out.

  Eventually, they arose from behind a water barrel. “Splendid boys! Thanks very much. Now, listen, here’s what’s going to happen.” She quickly produced her knife, stabbing the first doctor in the throat. As the second one tried to escape, she grabbed him and threw him to the ground, stabbing him in the throat as well. “I’m sorry! Things have to be this way…” Standing up, she dropped the knife, looking down at the two men she had just murdered.

  Reed and Pierre busted into the room, looking at the two dead doctors, the bloody knife, and the blood on Gwen’s fingers. “What have you done?” Pierre was shocked by her. Gwen remained speechless…

  William continued drinking his bottle of cider, still having a conversation with Elliot, “You might wanna go easy on that Will – if I may call you that?” He nodded and wiped his mouth, “It’s quite alright… Both parts I mean. The Will part and the… the drinking part.” Elliot could tell was no longer sober. Outside, he heard a commotion roaring up. “William?” He tried to get his attention, but he was too drunk to notice or care. “Wait here,” Elliot instructed him before exiting the trailer.

  Outside, there was a lot of shouting and screaming. He could hear “Bloody murder!” Being screamed in English, and presumably the French translation as well. “Zach!” He called to him, noticing that he was standing amidst all the raucous. “Zach, what’s happening?” Elliot went over to him. “Gwen went AWOL, Elliot… She’s killed four of the residents and attacked two others!”

  Erica and Tina rushed up from behind, “Elliot! What’s happening?” He didn’t know how to answer; he was too shocked. He turned back to Zach, “Where is she now?” He shrugged, “Reed and Pierre are missing as well.” Elliot sighed worryingly, “Alright, try and rally up our group. Prepare to leave if we have to. I’ll find Gwen and the others.” He ran off to fetch her.


  It was an early start. Elliot’s group had been roaming around sleeplessly all night. William had asked for them to stand in a huddle in front of his trailer, while the other residents stood in a crowd several metres away from them.

  The trailer door swung open, as William stepped out. He cleared his throat, and straightened his tie. “As you all know,” he loudly began, “Yesterday night. We lost not one, not two, but four of our beloved residents. We lost our two doctors, and two of our patients as well…” Everyone looked shocked and upset. “The reason why you have all been summoned here this morning is to watch the execution of the responsible killer!” There were small murmurs and vague cheers as well. Gwen swallowed deeply.

  “Now, I shall eliminate members of our newest group one by one from the list of suspects. It is to be done this way so there is no hostility, or even any doubt at all, between them and you. Is that clear?” The residents all nodded acceptingly. “Now, we shall begin…”

  “Elliot! Let us start with you. For most of the evening you were with me in my office. You were also there at the time the murder is alleged to have occurred. Therefore, you are not the killer. Step into the crowd, you are a resident now!” He bowed his head, and did so. Joining the mass of people on-looking the group.

  “Let us move on to your lover now – Olivia. Now, I have no evidence for or against you. I do however, have Elliot’s word. He is a trustworthy and honest man from what I have seen so far. Therefore, I believe him when he assures me that you are not the killer. You too may step into the crowd; you are a resident now.” She ran over to Elliot and thanked him with a quick kiss on the cheek. “You’re welcome,” he joked.

  “Erica and Tina, the two medical members of the team. I have it on my own son’s account that you were assisting him and Louis at the time the murder occurred. Raphael was hit so forcefully against the door; he does not remember his attacker. But he assures me it was neither of you. Therefore, you are now residents as well. We could do with two new doctors after all…”

  “Zach! You are but a fourteen-year-old boy. I think I speak for everyone when I say you are not capable of carrying out four consecutive murders. Even so, I have eyewitness accounts who saw you amongst the commotion yesterday. Congratulations, you are now a resident. Join the crowd.”

  “Celeste! Just like Zach, I have eyewitness accounts of you. You too are now a resident.”

  “Now, we are at our last three suspects. Reed! A certain eyewitness account states that you were prepared to murder one of our Patients…” Everyone gasped. “He needed to be put down! This radiation stuff, it makes you just like the animals!” Reed tried to defend himself. William put his hand up, “I am not accusing you of anything more. You are not the killer, but you are not a resident either. You will be kept in solitary confinement until I release you as punishment for attempted murder. Guards, take him away!”

  “And here we are, with Pierre and Gwen.” He walked in front of them. “Let me tell you,” he turned to the crowd, “One of these two souls, has the capability to kill inside of him or her!” Everyone stared at them eagerly. “Gwen!” He pointed at her. “I have an eyewitness account who states that –”

  Pierre stepped in front of her to interrupt him, “It was me…” Gwen’s face turned to astonishment, “Pierre,” she whispered to him. He spoke over her so that she would avoid suspicion. “I did it. I wanted to kill all of the patients. I thought they were going to turn and kill all of us.” William walked up to him, “Then why did you kill the doctors as well?” He began to sweat, “I was scared. Afraid they may tell someone. I put them down before anyone could find them.” William looked at him intently, “Why are you confessing to it?” He struggled for an answer, “Because I’m tired of lying. I can’t do it anymore. I wouldn’t be able to hide the secret forever anyway. Might as well receive my punishment now.” He swallowed hard.

  “Raphael,” William called to his son, still staring intently at Pierre. “Carry out the sentence we give to all the murderers of this place.” Just like that, Raphael pulled out his pistol, planted it against Pierre’s head, and pulled the trigger.

  Elliot’s group were
all in shock, since they knew who the true killer was. Gwen covered her mouth, looking at him in shock and guilt. ‘Why did I let him do that!’ She thought to herself, feeling an unrealistic amount of remorse…

  Later that day, the group jumped directly into digging Pierre’s grave. By William’s command, he had to be buried outside of the camp due to his ‘crimes’. Throughout the entire burial, no one said a word. Gwen wasn’t allowed to assist with the burial either, being forced to watch from a distance.

  “Easy does it,” Elliot remarked, as he and Erica rolled the body into the grave. They shovelled all the dirt back over his wrapped-up corpse, again in silence.

  “This is all your fault,” Zach watched next to Gwen. “I hope you feel bad about yourself,” he looked up, noticing the tears running down her face. “I do…” She guiltily whispered. “Zach, I know how close you and him were… I’m so sorry. I didn’t want him to, I tried to tell him but he just wouldn’t listen to me. I don’t expect forgiveness Zach, at all.” He continued to look daggers at her, “The only reason why I haven’t turned you in is because it would make Pierre’s sacrifice in vein. He only died so that you could stay alive.” He cursed at her in French. “I wish it were you being buried right now.” She nodded through her tears, “I know… I agree…” They continued to watch the burial take place, forever scarred by Pierre’s death; except for rather differing reasons…


  Following a troublesome journey across France, Elliot finally lead his group to a supposed safe haven. Their initial arrival lead to hostility on both sides. Elliot quickly befriended the camp founder William despite opposition from William’s son Raphael. As things were seeming to look up for the group at last, Gwen’s rash decisions lead to the death of four camp members. Feeling guilty, she was willing to own up to her crimes – however, Pierre intervened and sacrificed himself in order to protect Gwen’s secret.

  Now, she walks among the survivors appearing to be innocent. Reed, who sided with Gwen’s actions, found himself thrown into solitary confinement, isolated from the rest of his group.

  Zach is struggling to forgive Gwen for her actions. The only amount of solitude he can find is teaching Celeste the key words in the English language.

  Erica and Tina continue their relationship – Even in the darkness, they still maintain their light.

  Elliot now finds himself crossing the balance between peace at the camp while keeping Gwen’s burden buried…

  Chapter 24

  Day +1

  Gwen sat completely alone in her caravan. She was scrunched up into a ball, or a foetal-like position. She rocked herself ever so slightly, still haunted by the sight of Pierre’s execution the previous day. There was a knock on the door.

  “Gwen? It’s me,” Elliot’s familiar voice mumbled. “Look, just open the door. Please.” There was a short pause. “I’m not here to witch hunt you. I’m not here to scold, or even to console you. I just want to give you something to eat. No one’s seen you all day… Gwen?” Again, she remained curled up on her bed, refusing to open the door to him. “Alright. I’ll leave it outside. Please take it.” She heard Elliot plant a food tray outside her door, but completely failed to acknowledge it.

  Elliot walked over to Olivia, “How is she?” She asked. Elliot shrugged, “No idea. I just can’t get through to her. But um… Judging by the fact that she killed four innocent people as well as the fact that Annabelle is still out there somewhere, I’d say not to good.” Olivia looked down, “Poor woman.” Although Elliot felt partially sympathetic as well, he also knew Gwen brought it upon herself, “It’s the whole deserving and undeserving argument again though, ‘Liv. Don’t feel too sorry for her.” She looked up at him, “I get why you’re saying that Elliot, but how can I help it? Both you and I have been in this situation before.” He squinted at her, “Not really the same though is it. The people we’ve killed deserved it. Those four people Gwen gave chase to though, they were innocent. There’s a difference my love.” Olivia wasn’t sure whether to react to Elliot’s response or the “my love” part.

  “Elliot,” Raphael approached the two lovers, “My father would like to speak with you,” he politely informed him – a contrast to their first encounter. Elliot looked back at Olivia, “We’ll catch up tomorrow. Get some rest.” He bowed his head before walking off with Raphael. Olivia looked ahead towards Gwen’s caravan, noticing the food tray had disappeared. She smirked, “Very sneaky Gwen. Very sneaky indeed…”

  Raphael held the door open for Elliot into William’s trailer. “Elliot!” William jumped out of his chair with rejoice, throwing his hands up, “Please, do take a seat!” He gestured to the one opposite his desk, as Raphael stood in front of the door. Elliot sat down warily, “Will, listen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me and my group, but this is the third time you’ve asked to see me today. If this is another general chitchat meeting, perhaps we can postpone it to tomorrow?” William put his hand up to stop Elliot, “No, my friend. This is a far bigger question…”

  Elliot looked at him, dazed, “Uh, ok?” William looked up at Raphael, “Leave us, son.” Though slightly bewildered by his father’s request, Raphael left the trailer anyway.

  “Elliot, even I acknowledge what everyone else here is thinking… I’m far too old to be leading this place.” Elliot tried to act as though that thought hadn’t crossed his mind, “What? No. Ridiculous!” William laughed, “It’s alright, you’re allowed to admit it… And that’s why you are here. I founded this place, Elliot. I’ve managed it ever since. But I won’t be able to manage it forever. I want you to co-lead this place right up until I die. Then, you will be in charge…”

  Elliot leant back with a million questions on his mind. “What? You want me to be the leader of this place?” He had to make sure he was hearing this properly. William nodded. “But… what about Raphael? Is he not the next in line to run this place? Is it not a family thing?” William looked at the door to make sure Raphael was not waiting outside.

  “Between you and me,” William began, “My son could never run this place. He doesn’t have the capability to do so. When it comes to people, well, he’s a bit useless, I won’t lie. I love him, but he’s not fit to be a leader. But you, Elliot, I saw you when you arrived. You carried Erica in your arms, you stepped into the spotlight by yourself. You knew you could’ve died right there, yet you took the risk anyway. You reminded me of myself back then. You… You are fit to be the next leader.”

  Elliot shook his head, “All due respect, William, if I were to become the leader, things around here would change. I wouldn’t use your ‘justice’ system for starters. You and your son executed my friend…” Elliot stopped himself, fearful that he may expose the true killer within the camp. “No, wait…” He tried to rectify himself, but William’s expression implied to Elliot he had already caught on to Elliot’s lie. “I’ll do it. Ok, I’ll do it,” He smiled warmly, unable to think of another way to procrastinate.

  “Brilliant!” William again jumped out his chair with open arms, “Then tomorrow, we shall celebrate this new… coalition, I think. Fetch my son, send him back to me. The word must be spread!” William’s enthusiasm was perhaps slightly ‘overdone’. Nonetheless, Elliot nodded appreciatively and headed for the trailer door. “Oh, one more thing,” Elliot turned back to William, “Reed. Have you decided on the length of his sentence yet?” William thought to himself for several seconds before shaking his head, “I shall not be his judge. Time shall be his judge. We will wait until enough time has lapsed before releasing him. Now, go! Run along my friend!” Elliot nodded once again, leaving the trailer for real this time.

  Day +2

  The following morning, everyone gathered in the main area outside. “My citizens, my friends,” William began, as more and more people joined the growing crowd. “Today, we celebrate… Not just how far we have come, but today we celebrate the union with our newest visitors. May I introduce you to the new co-o
wner: Elliot!” As Elliot stepped forward, there was some level of applause, but not much.

  “Thank you, Will.” Elliot cleared his throat. “Some of you may hate me. In fact, I’m sure all of you hate me!” Although Elliot was intending to be sincere, he had made some of the crowd laugh – this indicated to him one way in which he could win them over. “Now then, I’m sure you’re all expecting a boring and preachy speech, but worry not! In this day and age, you’re supposed to be killed by the monsters out there! Not my boring monologue in here!” Again, Elliot had provoked several laughs from the crowd.

  From her caravan, Gwen peered through the blinds, watching the locals warming to Elliot. She didn’t know how to react. “I hope you have a plan you unpredictable bastard…” She mumbled to herself.

  Olivia, Erica and Tina all watched from the crowd as well. “What the hell is this?” Erica expressed her disapproval to her two friends. “I mean, when we first arrived, these people wanted to kill us. Now Elliot’s rallying them?” She looked at Olivia and Tina, noticing they were smiling warmly at Elliot. “You two actually approve of this?”

  Tina turned to her girlfriend, “Erica, listen. What else are we going to do?” She took her hands. “Do you want us to sit here and protest? Because you know as well as I do just how much civil unrest that will lead to. It’s better this way. With Elliot in power, should anyone act against us, we have leverage… But the fact that Elliot is in power alone should erase that possibility. Heck, look at how much people are warming to him!” Tina gestured to the rest of the crowd. Erica noticed the majority of them were starting to accept Elliot as one of the camp leaders. “I don’t get it. Two days, Tina. Just two. Why does everyone love him already? How is that even possible?”


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