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A Demon's Contract

Page 24

by Delmire Hart

  The fire that Temress had started had spread rapidly, clearly Zaxor’s doing as more fire sprang up underneath them with seemingly no cause. Temress herself was still circling high overhead, but she made no further move to intervene. Sparks of different coloured lights appeared around them as Zaxor landed, his form towering above even the largest tent. The streaks of colour were swatted away effortlessly, and it took seeing an imp throwing a red light before turning tail to dash away for Barkley to realise the lights were magic.

  He scolded himself for forgetting that the Quathian army had contracted magic; it had been magic flames that had decimated his home beyond what they could hope to salvage after all. Whatever magic was being thrown against them now didn’t seem to affect Zaxor; if anything, it only seemed to amuse him. His efforts were mostly aimed at dispatching the soldiers trying to rush him with weapons drawn and pushing the flames under his control further afield. Any paltry magical attack was batted away with a casual air that would be frustrating, if Zaxor wasn’t on Barkley’s side.

  The flames around them leapt higher, their oranges and reds turning blue as they burned even hotter. The surrounding soldiers stumbled to get away, many collapsing, mouths open in soundless screams. Feeling sick at the sight, Barkley turned his gaze away to watch the pretty blue flames lick up at the sky. He might feel like he needs to witness what Zaxor wrought with his own two eyes, but there was only so much he could withstand. It was hypocritical of him, but Barkley found he couldn’t bring his eyes back down until Zaxor began to walk forward.

  On and on they walked, blue flames leaping before them to leave nothing but dust in their wake. So much death, so much destruction, yet if Barkley had not orchestrated this, then it would be even worse as his entire country fell to the invaders. His only real consolation for all the death that weighed on him was that at least these were soldiers, not innocent farmers, traders, children. At least no one else in Rilia would lose their fathers, brothers, uncles to a war they couldn’t win, like Barkley had. His mother and sister were safe from violence. So were his aunt and his little cousins. His neighbours and friends could rebuild their lives free from fear now.

  All they had to do was make it through this winter, but it would be easier now at least, even with the lack of food and shelter. Barkley was taking care of what he could, he couldn’t worry about the other effects of war; he hadn’t included dealing with those in his contract. This was all he could do.

  Time dragged out, the only difference between each new step and the previous one the amount of ash behind them and the diminishing resistance that greeted them. Zaxor never once faltered, each step measured as he stalked forward, even though Barkley knew his magic would be greatly depleted by now.

  Eventually they were all that was left. Nothing surrounded them but dust and ash and charred earth. Hearing was returned to Barkley, the distant beating of Temress’s wings the only indication. Hearing the silence, knowing it was real and not a magical construct was disturbing. Not even birds called in the distance.

  Zaxor reached up to detach Barkley from his chest, lowering him gently back to his own two feet. In front of them Temress landed with a muted thud, her bulk causing the earth to shake under Barkley’s feet. She shook out her wings as glowing red runes surrounded her form. The runes spun and twisted as they pushed further and further into her, the form of the dragon shrinking and changing. Soon they pushed into her very skin as a black-skinned human with long white braids stood where a dragon had only moments ago.

  The runes now tattooed across her skin glowed faintly, and now that he’d seen the transformation, it looked to Barkley as though they literally held her form in place. The vast majesty of the dragon leashed and roped into a far smaller creature.

  “I’m surprised you stayed,” Zaxor called from behind Barkley. The demon’s arms were human in shape as they wrapped around Barkley, his large body draping over the smaller human’s. Only the faint tremor in Zaxor’s body gave away his exhaustion.

  “Don’t worry, demon, it will cost you nothing extra. I merely stayed to see that Max’s dear friend returned safely.”

  With that she was gone, leaving them alone on the field of ash.

  “Let’s go,” Barkley whispered, suddenly exhausted himself.

  In that moment, he understood why Bel left once his contract was complete. The weariness that weighed on his soul felt like a physical weight, and the very prospect of having to handle the emotions of saying goodbye was stomach turning. If Zaxor had asked him then and there if he wanted their contract to be done, Barkley would have said yes.

  But the demon didn’t. Instead, they returned to the demon plain and promptly fell into bed. Zaxor was asleep in seconds, finally giving in to the effects of the endeavour. Barkley curled up with him, but for all his exhaustion, sleep was a long time coming.


  The days had passed quietly in wake of the completion of Barkley’s contract with Zaxor. The demon had said nothing, his time mostly spent sleeping, and Barkley avoided him when awake. He didn’t know what happened next, and now that the bulk of his worries had gone, he was left with the ones he’d ignored.

  What happened now? What did he do with all this time? What was going to happen to him?

  Not even János teaching him the basics of Althulean could keep Barkley distracted for long. Over and over his thoughts circled back around to chew away at his worries. That Zaxor let Barkley avoid him and didn’t come to make a nuisance of himself as he sat in the garden only heightened his anxiety.

  Barkley had lost track of the passage of time when Zaxor finally sought him out. That the demon approached quietly on foot instead of just teleporting into Barkley’s lap told him all he needed to know.

  It was time.

  Zaxor ignored János who sat on the grass next to Barkley, both of them sitting in their favourite spot under the beautiful pink tree of János’s homeland. The demon stared, eyes piercing into Barkley, tail swishing thoughtfully behind him. He said nothing but Barkley understood.

  “Will you keep hold of this for me?” Barkley asked, handing János the book of Althulean fairy tales they were using to practise reading.

  With that, Barkley stood. Shoulders back, chin up, back straight. Ready and determined to meet his fate, just like his father had taught him all those years ago. A small curling of the lips was all the expression Zaxor allowed, but his tail’s sharp movement showed the demon’s approval.

  A blink and they were transported.

  Looking around, Barkley was met with destroyed, dilapidated buildings. The earth that had once made up the village green was covered in burn marks, weeds, and debris. Small birds pecked at the desolate ground, hopping around looking for worms. It took Barkley a long moment to recognise it as the remains of the village he’d once called home.

  He whirled around to face Zaxor. “How—?”

  “You never told me the name of your village,” Zaxor said conversationally as he looked around with his typical bored façade. “I assumed it was to distance yourself from your memories and keep that pain at bay. As you have been avoiding me, I instead sought out the Rilian forward camp and asked that they take my anchor along the border until they find a place where they recognise your name. It was the least they could do for you, after you sacrificed yourself to end the war. Lieutenant Harding personally carried out the task, searching until he found the family of one ‘Barkley Demontamer’.”

  A cry cut short any further conversation and Barkley stared, stunned, as a familiar woman bolted towards him. His sister launched herself into his arms, and he caught her thin form with nothing but instinct guiding him. Other faces appeared one by one from around the village as more people heard the commotion. Barkley’s shirt was quickly soaked in tears and he gripped her tightly, too overwhelmed to speak.

  Zaxor nodded to him, his expression saying ‘well, off you go then’, before he turned to stride away, looking for all the world as though he was taking a pleasant stroll about a bea
utiful, quaint village. The village folk bowed or curtseyed as the demon passed, their faces a mixture of awe, reverence, and fear. Before long, everyone that was left, and a few new faces, had gathered around to greet Barkley.

  There was nothing that could have given Barkley as much joy as finding that each family member he left behind had made it. All those that he’d vowed to keep safe were here, alive and as well as they could be considering.

  Whatever his future may hold, Barkley no longer felt any fear.


  Hours of talking, laughing, and crying was exhausting, and Barkley eventually excused himself to take a breather. As wonderful as it was to see his family again, it was both a reunion and a farewell. His mother had struggled to understand that she had to let her only remaining son go only hours after she had found out he still lived. His final goodbyes would come soon, he was sure, but he needed to gather his strength back for that moment.

  Zaxor stood on the edge of Barkley’s family’s fields, the earth barren where once it had been overflowing with life. He joined the demon, movement catching his eye. The two forestkin were zipping across the fields chattering away to each other in their own language. It was only then that Barkley noticed the small circle of runes at Zaxor’s feet and the unnatural wind caused by magic use.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Hmm?” Zaxor turned to Barkley, his gaze unfocused as though he was staring into the distance. It took a long moment for the demon to even register that Barkley was there, let alone that he’d spoken. “Ah, a small welcome home present for my lover.”

  “What?” Barkley replied stupidly.

  Noise behind them caught his attention and he turned to find his family gathered outside their rundown house, watching curiously. None of them were close enough to hear what was said, which was good as he didn’t know how they’d react to that little piece of information. It was enough to know he wasn’t dead and would live out the rest of his days in peace, only elsewhere. They didn’t need the burden of knowing how long that would be or his odd relationship with the demon.

  Instead of replying, Zaxor spread his arms wide, forcing Barkley to step back, and began to chant. The runes under the demon’s feet glowed bright green before enlarging. Pulses of green light spread out from the forestkin and their movements became frenzied. Back and forward they flew, their paths widening outwards until they vanished from sight. Zaxor’s deep voice continued to chant, the same series of words being repeated over and over.

  The earth in front of them that had been dry and barren was now a darker colour. Stepping forward, Barkley ran his fingers through the dirt at the edge of the field. It felt different. Soft. What was Zaxor doing?

  Only when the forestkin returned did Zaxor stop casting. He stood, head cocked as he listened to the creatures excited chatter before he dismissed them back to the demon realm with a lazy wave of his hand.

  “The earth here has been returned to its natural state,” Zaxor said loudly, his voice carrying back to Barkley’s family. “The magical curse upon it has been lifted.”

  Whatever Zaxor had done, it wasn’t as simple as ‘lifting a curse’, but Barkley was too shocked to say anything. His family gasped, his mother falling to her knees as she cried, her face lit up with hope.

  “You—” Barkley cut himself off abruptly as Zaxor turned to look at him. There was a sense of smug satisfaction about the demon that Barkley knew he’d have to deal with later. Still, he was thankful.

  The last of his worries melted away as Barkley realised that while this winter and spring would be hard, his family would make it through. They wouldn’t have to leave their home because the earth they made their living from had been magically destroyed. This was a gift beyond imagining.

  “All the other lands nearby have been healed as well.” Lowering his voice, Zaxor nodded back to Barkley’s family. “Time to say goodbye.”

  He nodded and stepped forward, his face telling his family it was time. Tears fell freely, but while there was sadness, there was also hope. This was a new beginning, not just for his family but for Barkley as well. This chapter of pain and loss could be closed, and in its place were endless possibilities.

  Thank you to the wonderful and talented Mikan for drawing this <3

  Check her out on Instagram at @mikankcl !

  Coming Soon!

  About the Author

  Delmire Hart

  Delmire Hart is a little ginger kiwi born in the peaceful country of New Zealand before she migrated to the wondrous crazy of Australia. Starting off as an avid fantasy reader and nerd extraordinaire, she was that one weird kid carting around brick-sized novels with glee. This closet romantic didn’t understand just what she was missing out on until she ventured into the depths of the internet seeking the perfect blend of erotic and romantic. Fantasy can be as sexy and sensual as you want it to be! Miss Hart now takes great pleasure mixing steamy gay romances with magical twists and intriguing dynamics. While always a sucker for a happy ending, she is a big believer that the journey to get there is the fun part and endeavours to create varied worlds for all to enjoy.





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  All Daine ever wanted was to just be himself and enjoy his life as it was. Becoming a vampire wasn’t even on his radar until he woke up one day turned without his consent. It might have saved his life but he really wasn’t sure about this new form. That was only compounded when he met a man that looked like sex on legs and smelt like the finest Swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection. At first, he thought he had hit the jackpot, until this human decided he made the perfect pet-slash-lover.

  He was a super being of the night, dammit. He wasn’t supposed to be cute.

  Aerick thought his new little lover was the most adorable, amusing, and interesting person he had ever come across, vampire or not. Now if only the stubborn thing would stop getting into trouble and accept their new life together.


  He was just pondering what the hell he should be doing with his suddenly extended life when he came upon the most delicious aroma. A limo sat at the curb near the end of the block with its bonnet popped. Someone was leaning over staring at the engine while another all but yelled down his phone. But it was the third man that caught Daine’s attention, however. His scent tickled Daine’s nostrils and it was like the finest Swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection.

  Daine swore he had never met anyone that smelt that good to his vampire senses. His enhanced sight took in the broad shoulders and trim waist line even through his business suit. The man was virtually sex on legs.

  It would be so worth taking a chance to see if he could get a little taste of that.

  People were surprisingly receptive to being asked straight up if he might be allowed to take a drink. Daine didn’t feel entirely comfortable always relying on his friends for his meals and had successfully bartered with a few different people. This would be the first time he was considering maybe getting a taste in a different way as well. It had been ages since he’d last gotten laid. Months ago, in fact. Long before he became a vampire. Even then it wasn’t a regular occurrence. He had to see if the man was actually interested in guys though.

  Unconsciously, Daine super sped up until he was right up in the man’s personal space. He started to speak but stopped
as the wonderful aroma overtook him even more. Closing his eyes, Daine leaned in and took a deep inhale.

  “Holy shit, you smell amazing.” That had not been what he meant to say. He opened his eyes and looked up into amused brown eyes. The man had a handsome face to match his built figure and Daine might be trying not to drool. That could very well be his smell doing that though. “Can I have a taste? Just a little, I don’t need much.”

  Ah, shit. There was being upfront and there was being way too intense. He was being way too intense judging by how rigid the man was. Daine swore he was better at people skills than this but the man was distracting in every way and he had completely lost his brain-to-mouth filter.

  He stepped back out of the human’s space and slipped off his hoodie in what he hoped was a show of trust. The man continued to stare at him so Daine offered up a hopeful, “Please?”.

  Never hurt to be polite, right?

  The man huffed out a laugh and Daine grinned back. That was promising.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked hopefully as he tried to step up to the human’s side. In his distracted state, he didn’t rein in his eagerness and he stumbled over his own feet before landing hard on the pavement. Well, that wasn’t the best impression so far. He gave an embarrassed laugh as he hauled himself back up. At least the man hadn’t shooed him away yet.

  “How old are you?”

  “That’s rude,” he countered with a pout. This was not going the way he had hoped. Daine briefly wondered if it was even worth continuing this. What, was he worried he wasn’t legal or something?


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