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Fight It Out Series Box Set

Page 47

by T M Kelly

  “Clearly, because you went radio silent on Tyler for days.”

  “My moment of insanity remember.” Without thinking or saying a word, I leaned up and slid over him. “I was fucking insane, because I could have missed out on this.”

  He lifted me up high enough to where he almost slipped out, and then he pushed me back down so hard and fast. “Zoe.”

  “What?” I said and placed my hands on his shoulders.

  “I’m sorry for scaring you.”

  “I’m sorry for freaking out,” I said and bent my head to kiss him. We moved at a faster pace, letting all the unknown disappear between us. “Harder, Stephen.” He did exactly as I begged.

  A few minutes later, we both screamed our pleasure together and fell into each other’s arms. “Don’t you dare move,” he demanded.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Somehow, I convinced Stephen to take me to Noir Nightclub. He definitely didn’t seem into socializing. I, on the other hand, was looking forward to dancing with him.

  “They’re playing my song,” I said and hopped off the barstool. “Dance with me?” I reached for his hand.

  “You go. I’m going to finish this drink.” He looked so sad sitting there with his head bent facing the martini.

  I leaned over and kissed him quickly on the cheek. Then I turned and started to dance my way over to the dance floor. There was a group of women all huddled together and seemed to be having the time of their lives. Before I attempted to interrupt the women, I looked back and waved to Stephen. He flashed his heart-stopping smile.

  “Room for one more?” I yelled over the music. All the women at the same time moved back to give me room.

  One woman leaned over and yelled, “Your boyfriend should join us.”

  “He may later.” I winked and grabbed her hand to twirl her in place.

  I wasn’t sure how long I spent with the women. I know there were about five songs that passed during the time I lost myself in the music. “I need to get a drink,” I said to them in between songs. “Thanks for letting me join.” Suddenly I realized it had been forever and Stephen was all alone at the bar. When I turned to go seek him out, I noticed the end of the bar where he had been sitting was now filled with two couples chatting it up.

  I ran over and got the bartender’s attention. He knew me by now, which was a sure sign I came to this nightclub way too much. “Hey, did the guy who was here just a few minutes ago leave me a message or anything?”

  “Nope,” the guy said and shrugged his shoulders. “His drink was empty and his seat was, too.”

  “Thanks,” I said and leaned my back against the bar. My mind started to play out the worst-case scenarios. To clear my thoughts of the negative, I ran over to the men’s restroom. I thought about asking someone to go in and check to see if Stephen was in there. Instead of relying on anyone, I decided to get the answer myself.

  Without thinking it through another minute, I pushed open the door that had a big sign indicating it was for only men. “Stephen, you in here?” I called out while ignoring the snuggle fest currently taking place on the couch in the corner.

  “Hey, you know you’re in the wrong restroom,” some guy harped as he stepped away from a urinal.

  “No shit, Sherlock,” I said and walked to end of the bathroom. Stephen wasn’t in there.

  I ran out to the parking lot looking for his car. It was exactly where he left it. Now I felt worried. I pulled my phone out and noticed a text from Tyler. Instead of replying, I quickly called him.

  “There you are.” Tyler sighed into the phone.

  “Have you talked to Stephen?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Ty, I can’t find him anywhere.”

  “What do you mean you can’t find him anywhere? Where are you?”

  I leaned against the brick wall by the entrance to the building and watched several people walk in and out of the nightclub. “Noir. I begged him to go, because I’m an idiot and thought it would lift his spirits.”

  “Stay put. I’ll be right there.”

  Where else could I go? “I’m standing outside.”

  “Go inside and wait for me by the bar. It’s safer there,” Tyler said. I could hear through the phone he was breathing heavily, like he had been running. “It’s going to be okay, Zoe.”

  “I hope you’re right.”



  “Zoe,” Tyler said and placed his hand on my shoulder causing me to jump. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Ty.” I turned and buried my head in his chest. “What was I thinking?”

  “What?” He pulled me back slightly.

  The nightclub was fucking loud and I needed silence. “Why did I beg him to come here? This is all my fault.”

  “You both were upset. I get it. Charlie reamed my ass when you left.”

  I could see it now, Charlie giving Tyler a piece of her mind. That girl had fire inside of her. “We went back to Stephen’s place and just hung out.” I didn’t want to tell him we also had sex. “I took a nap. Then at some point I had the urge to dance.”

  “Zoe, it’s okay.” He placed his hand on the side of my face and bent so we were eye-to-eye. “I know how much I hurt Stephen. I was wrong.” He dropped his hand and walked over to the barstool that sat by a two-top round table. “I was wrong, Zo.”

  “Hey.” I sat down in front of him and grabbed his hand. “He really cares about you.”

  “And I hurt him.”

  “We can’t focus on that right now,” I said and jumped off the barstool. “We need to find him. His car is still right where he parked it.” We sat there in silence for few minutes. “Let me ask a manager if maybe we can check the back door by the dumpsters.”

  “Why would he be out there?” Tyler followed behind me as I made my way to the bar.

  “Why is he missing?” I waved the bartender down. “Can we speak with your manager?” The guy nodded and I turned to face Tyler. I reached for his hands. “Hey.” I moved his head to face me. “I missed you today.”

  His body visibly relaxed. “Oh, Zo, I missed you both so damn much.”

  “I was getting used to four hands touching me.” He lightly laughed and stepped forward. Right as he was about to kiss me, a woman who was most likely the manager appeared. I quickly turned and reached out my hand. “Hi, you’re the manager, right?”

  A young woman, maybe in her thirties, stood to the right of me. She had on a suit jacket and long pants with crazy high heels. “Yes. How can I help you?” She had a brash sound to her voice, and I think she actually rolled her eyes when she walked up beside us.

  “Yes, my friend and I came together tonight, but now he’s missing.” I wanted to continue but she interrupted me.

  “That happens a lot here. Is that all?”

  “No.” I turned to face her, straightened my back and puffed out my chest. “I wasn’t finished.”

  “Miss, I’m really busy tonight. I can’t sit and worry about every man or woman that decides to go home with someone else. It’s the story of my life.”

  “Wow, I can tell you’re happy in your job.” I was pissed now. Before she could give me a comeback, I continued. “Now, I don’t care about any other man or woman here. I care about my friend. Can we see your back door or any of the doors that lead to the outside in this building?”


  “Well, as we discussed, my friend is missing and I want to find him. Since his car is still here—”

  “Wait.” She held her hand up. “The car is still here?”

  “Yes, so can we see the back doors? Please.”

  I wasn’t in the mood for bullshit tonight. The woman made it clear she hated her job. I didn’t care. She was here and I needed her help.

  She let out a heavy sigh and turned. “Follow me.”

  “Is that Stephen’s shoe?” I ran forward and squatted down by the back door.

  “Don’t touch it.” Tyler bent down beside me.
  “What?” I looked up at him. My hand was just an inch away from picking it up.

  “It’s his.” He sighed and dropped his head. “I need to call the police.” He stood and pulled out his phone.

  I stayed rooted to the spot, and I couldn’t take my eyes off the shoe. Stephen was always so well-dressed and tonight was no different. He had on a pair of suede, plain-toe Oxfords. I could see him walking out of his room with his dark blue dress cargos accompanied with a light blue button-down shirt. When he stepped up beside me in his kitchen, I could see his shoes matched his pants. Of course, I had to tease him. Dressing to the nine was just his thing, and he did it well. Very well.

  “Yes, Noir Nightclub,” I heard Tyler say to the person on the phone.

  His voice became muffled, and I was finding it hard to hear anything. I placed my hands over my ears, confused by the silence. Then my head felt light and I tried to focus on the shoe.

  “Zoe,” I heard from beside me and warm arms wrapped around my waist.

  As my head fell back against Tyler’s arm—I hoped it was Ty—my eyes latched onto something red on the bottom of the door. With a rubber-like arm, I reached out and pointed at the spot. I tried to say “look” but nothing escaped. My voice was gone.

  “Zoe, what’s wrong? What is it?”

  Finally after several tries, I was able to make a squeak. Well, that’s how it sounded to my ears. I continued to point and found a way to say, “There. Look.”

  Tyler followed my eyes and while still holding me, he bent down. “What—” I noticed how he was about to say something else and then he went quiet. Maybe he lost his voice, too. “It can’t be.”

  I found the strength to reach for his hand and bring it to my chest. “Ty…I don’t…understand.”

  He pulled my body close and rocked me back and forth. “I don’t either, Zo.”

  We stayed there until the police arrived. Then they called in the investigators. We were huddled together off to the side away from the spot where Stephen had last been. I was sitting on Tyler’s lap with my arms wrapped so tightly around his neck. I was afraid to let go. Afraid to admit to myself what was really happening. The investigators that were combing the crime scene, that’s what they were calling it now “a crime scene,” had been working on the unsolved missing persons’ case.

  There was this random bench behind the nightclub that we found and used it to help keep us from falling. Although, I think we already fell. We were lost and we needed Stephen back to balance this triangle we created together.

  One of the investigators walked over and sat down on the bench beside us. “I’m Alan. My partner and I are working the case and I need to ask you a few questions.” He reached out his hand for Tyler to shake. I was still holding Ty too tight to care about greetings. “There is footage on the security camera.”

  My body lifted up. “What did you say?”

  “We have the struggle on tape. The victim did not go willingly.”

  “Stephen. We don’t know if he’s a victim yet.”

  “I’m sorry. Stephen, definitely put up a fight when he was dragged out the door.”

  I closed my eyes trying to take in his words. “Wait, do you think it was the serial killer who has been abducting those innocent people?”

  “We haven’t made this public yet, but yes, he or she has potentially taken their fourth victim.” He cleared his throat. “Fourth person.”

  “Did you find Andy?” The gym had not been the same since Andy was taken several days ago.

  “No. We’re looking for him still.” He looked over at the other investigator and then back toward us. “The video was the first time the killer has been seen on camera.”

  “How do you know it’s him?” Tyler said and started to tap his fingers on my back.

  “Everything here follows with the suspects M.O.”

  “What does that mean? You’ll be able to find Stephen?”

  “We have something more to go on now.” He stood up. “We have all your information and we’ll contact you soon.”

  I watched as he walked away. “He’ll be okay. He has to be okay.” I jumped off of Tyler’s lap and took a few steps backwards.

  “Zoe, watch out, baby.” He grabbed for my hand and pulled me back against his body. “They’ll find him. He’ll be okay.”

  I threw my fist against his chest and screamed. The pain I felt was stronger than anything I had ever experienced in my life. “Ty, take me to your place. I need to see your gym.” What I really meant was, I need to find a way to release this anger. This fear.

  I leaned against Ty, needing that support, and thought about how I wanted to be wrapped in Tyler and Stephen’s arms one more time.



  “She didn’t even notice you leave,” my capturer said and pushed my body down. I couldn’t see where the man was dragging me. Several times I stumbled and struggled to get my bearings. “Pick up the pace. I don’t have all day.”

  I tried to visualize Zoe dancing with the group of women. I needed something to distract my mind. Where was this man taking me?

  “That nightclub is way too easy when I’m looking for a companion.”

  Easy? What was he talking about? And he needed a companion?

  I thought about how I had sucked down two martinis and needed to use the restroom. When I was heading back to the bar, a man had approached me from behind. I didn’t think anything of it because the nightclub housed all walks of life. Right before the man approached, I realized how happy I was with Tyler and Zoe. The nightclub life was getting exhausting. I wanted to tell Zoe we needed to find a new place to hang out, because we had outgrown Noir. Then the man wrapped his hand around my mouth and dragged me out of the bar.

  Somehow my mind was still functioning as my body stumbled behind this perpetrator, because I knew I needed to leave something of mine. I kicked off one of my shoes right before he was able to throw me into his vehicle and cover my eyes.

  “Maybe you need to think about your life decisions next time.”

  This guy was rambling shit, and I had no clue what he was talking about. Life decisions?

  When the guy had stepped up behind me in the bar, I felt my body jump. I tried to keep it cool; I didn’t want to look scared. He had asked me a question but I couldn’t hear him, so I leaned closer and asked him to repeat what he said. That’s when he decided to make his move.

  When he’d dragged me out to his vehicle, I could feel a sharp object pointing directly in the center of my back. I knew if I screamed, he would most likely push the knife until I couldn’t scream anymore. A part of me didn’t care about dying. Then I thought about Zoe and Tyler and closed my mouth.

  “Here we are,” the guy said. I heard a car door open and then close. I knew we hadn’t traveled in the car for very long, maybe ten minutes. I started to make mental notes just in case I had an opportunity to escape.

  A few seconds later, a cool draft was sent over my body as the door beside my head was opened. “Stand up. I can’t carry your ass.” I did as I was told. He was determined to drag me still, causing me to trip and fall to the ground. I was on my hands and knees when the guy walked up behind me. “I don’t like this position. It’s not my thing.” He chuckled and pulled me to my feet. “Maybe the other guy will.”

  Other guy? He had someone else here?

  I felt confused. Why me? Why did this person want to take me?



  “Lift up your arm,” Tyler said. “Drop your chin.”

  I was currently tightly pressed against his body and almost being taken down by the rear-naked choke hold. He was not holding back, something I told him to do. I grunted and dropped my chin. A vision of Stephen popped into my mind and anger started to overtake defeat. Without thinking, I grabbed a hold of his arms, bent my body forward, and tossed him over my shoulders.

  “Fuck.” Tyler rolled once and ended up on his back. “Remind me to never get on your bad si

  I fell to the mat beside him. “Oh God, are you hurt? I’m so sorry.”

  He placed his hand on the side of my face and smiled. “Zo, I’m fine. Fucking impressed, too.” I laid my body over his chest and finally set my emotions free. The tears were falling one after another, and I was finding it hard to breathe. “Zoe, baby, come here.” He sat up and pulled me onto his lap. “We’re going to find him.”

  “How do you know that?” I said and struggled to take in a deep breath. “If this is the serial killer that keeps abducting those innocent people, how is Stephen safe from—”

  Tyler placed a finger over my lips. “Stop. Breathe, Zo. I need you to calm down, honey. Let’s count to ten.”

  I was counting and crying at the same time.

  “Knock knock.” We both turned to find Charlie stepping into the room. Behind her was Brooks, Julian, and Lily. “I heard on the news.”

  I jumped up and ran to Charlie. “Oh God, C.” Tyler almost had me breathing normally, and then I lost it all over again. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Tyler stood and walked over to me. He started to rub his hand up and down my back. I switched and fell back into his arms.

  “What’s going on?” Julian said and sat down on the bench used for free weights.

  I looked up at Tyler and could tell he was feeling uncomfortable. “Our dear friend was taken at the nightclub tonight.” I turned to face everyone. “They’re not releasing it in the news yet, but it’s the serial killer tied to all the missing persons’ cases.”

  “Are they sure?” Julian said.

  “Yeah, everything they found at the scene fits the suspect’s M.O.”

  Julian stood up. “So what now?”

  I finally took in that much needed deep breath and let it out slowly. “We wait.” I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my neck. “Who needs a drink as badly as I do?” I wasn’t supposed to drink while I was cutting for the rematch fight, but honestly, I didn’t fucking care at the moment. Tyler’s gym was in the basement. As we all reached the top step and headed into the kitchen, the doorbell rang. I scowled and looked at Tyler.


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