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Her Cocky Firefighters (A MFM Menage Romance) (The Cocky Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Crescent, Tara

  The sky outside is slowly lightening. I glance at the bottom right of my screen. It’s almost six. Nick and Sean have been gone four hours. Surely the fire couldn’t take that long to put out, can it? I navigate to Goat’s official Facebook page, wondering if there’s any news about the blaze there, but there’s just the usual chitchat—the town’s trying to stop Constance Baker from walking her goats through town, someone’s interested in selling their car, blah blah blah .

  I’m reading the comments on the goat-walking post when I hear the hum of a car engine. Jumping up, I peer out of the window to see Sean and Nick climb out of Sean’s black Prius. The two men look exhausted and drained, and I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in my life .

  Yup. Feelings have definitely happened .

  I race to the door and throw my arm around both of them. “I was freaking out,” I admit, not caring what they think of my display of emotion. “Thank heavens you’re okay .”

  “Hey, hey.” Sean’s voice is soothing. “We’re fine. We were never in any danger .”

  “I thought you’d be asleep, baby.” Nick strokes my back, his touch gentle and comforting. “I didn’t want to wake you up in the middle of the night .”

  I gulp. They’re looking at me with tenderness in their eyes, and I don’t know how to handle it. “Do you want to come in? There’s a pot of coffee. I’ll make breakfast .”

  Sean smiles at me, his arm still around my waist. “That sounds fantastic .”

  Inside, I busy myself with making the omelets, refusing their offer of help. “Just sit down,” I urge them. “You’ve been up all night .”

  Nick covers a yawn with the back of his hand as he refills his cup of coffee. He catches sight of the loose vinyl tile and frowns. “You’re going to trip on this,” he points out, kneeling down and examining it .

  “I trip over it on a daily basis,” I admit ruefully. “I keep meaning to do something about it. I guess I need to rip up the vinyl and re-apply the glue?” As much as I want to fix up the cottage, I really am clueless when it comes to home repairs. I’ve been a renter all my adult life. My skills max out at hanging pictures on the wall .

  Nick chews on his lip. “They’re in terrible shape. You’d be better off getting rid of them.” He tugs at the offending vinyl, and it peels away, revealing a flash of pink underneath. I flip my omelet, my attention on the food. “Is that ceramic tile underneath ?”

  Nick pries another vinyl tile loose, and more of the underlying floor is revealed. It’s vintage tile in a pink-and-white checkerboard pattern, and it is bright, beautiful and quirky. Sean takes a look at my face and sees the excitement there. “Want us to pull the vinyl up?” he asks. “It won’t take more than an hour or two .”

  “No, you’ve been up all night .”

  “We can swing by after we catch some shut-eye,” he persists .

  I flush. “No, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I can’t afford to pay you .”

  Nick sits down at the table and frowns at me. “Don’t be ridiculous. We don’t charge friends .”

  “Especially friends who feed us.” Sean digs into his food, his eyes appreciative. “God, this is good. Thank you, Hailey. I was starving .”

  They eat their meal in silence. The wind picks up outside, and I hear a low rumble of thunder. It starts to drizzle. “Gotta love the timing,” Nick says dryly. “We could have used some of that rain last night .”

  “What happened ?”

  Sean’s expression turns bleak. “Fire at Tammy Shepard’s horse farm. We lost a foal. Poor little thing .”

  I lace my fingers in his. “That’s terrible .”

  He nods. “I don’t think it was an accident.” Belatedly, he seems to realize I’m a reporter. “That’s off the record,” he warns. “It’s just a suspicion. Tammy’s insurance company will look into it .”

  “Don’t worry, the Weekly Goat is more interested in banana bread and goat- walking bans .”

  Poor Sean. He looks completely drained. As does Nick. We were up late last night, exploring one fantasy after another, and they barely got an hour of sleep before they were called to deal with the blaze. “I don’t like the idea of you driving back to town. Neither of you should be on the road right now .”

  Nick’s lips curl into a grin. “You haven’t had much sleep either,” he points out. “Tell you what. Come to bed with us .”

  Cuddling is definitely not a part of a casual, friends-with-benefits relationship. I’m swimming in the deep end of the pool now, and I should turn back to safety .

  Except I’ve already gone too far .

  “Okay .”

  B racketed by Sean and Nick’s warm bodies, I fall fast asleep. When I wake up, it’s three in the afternoon. The rain has stopped, but the sun’s hidden behind a thick cover of clouds .

  Thank heavens I have a job with flexible hours .

  “Hey.” Sean’s voice is sleepy. “What time is it ?”

  “Hey yourself.” I don’t know why I’m suddenly shy. “A little after three .”

  “We should get out of your hair. I’m sure you have things to do .”

  I don’t want them to leave. “There’s no hurry. I can catch up tonight. Do you have to get to work ?”

  “I have to go into the station at some point today, but there’s no hurry .”

  Nick stirs in his sleep, turning toward me and throwing his leg over my thighs. It feels really nice. Up close, I can smell the faint trace of smoke underneath the shampoo and the soap. “Do you like being a firefighter?” This is the first time I think I’ve had a real conversation with either man .

  “I do.” He hesitates for a second, then continues. “My father was a raging alcoholic,” he says. “He’d get drunk, and he’d get into fights with everyone. Stepping into a burning building reminds me of the chaos of my childhood, but when I put out the flames, it feels like I’m in control again.” He grimaces. “A therapist will probably have a field day with that .”

  “My father hated the idea of my mother working,” I confess. “He thought he made enough money to support the family. Even before I was born, he didn’t allow her to get a job.” My lips twist into a grimace. “My mother wouldn’t leave him, and she wouldn’t go against him. It was as if she’d resigned herself to being unhappy .”

  “That’s why you founded Girl Power ?”

  “I guess.” I shouldn’t be surprised at Sean’s perceptiveness. “I left home when I was seventeen. Haven’t gone back since. We exchange Christmas cards, that’s about it. I’m twenty-seven and unmarried. My parents don’t approve of my life choices .”

  Nick stirs again, his eyes falling open. “They should be proud of you,” he says. “You’re an incredibly talented writer. Your passion and enthusiasm come through in every article you write .”

  Warmth floods my insides. “Are you just saying this because you’re hoping I’ll make lunch?” I tease .

  He chuckles. “Sean’s the one who’s useless in the kitchen. Of course, if you’re offering to cook …”

  “I have an idea,” Sean cuts in. “Nick’s right. I can’t cook to save my life. Hailey, will you let us help you with renovations in exchange for home-cooked meals ?”

  I hesitate. I really could use some help. I don’t know where to begin with some of the improvements I want to make, and the more YouTube videos I watch, the more overwhelmed I get .

  Nick gives me a teasing glance as I hesitate. “Does cooking for us violate some kind of feminist code ?”

  My lips twitch. “Yes, it’s part of the initiation. We have to sit around in a circle and chant about how much we hate men who make us do housework. It just doesn’t seem a very fair trade. Cooking a meal is a lot easier than fixing up a cottage .”

  “Not for me,” Sean replies at once. “I can’t make toast without burning it, and I’m really tired of eating microwave meals .”

  His grey eyes rest on me, willing me to say ‘yes.' Nick’s watching me too, his body still .

I feel like I’m standing on the threshold of something huge. Our relationship is changing. If they’re going to help me with renovations, if I’m going to be cooking dinner for them, we’re moving away from our once-a-week, sex-only agreement .

  Secret confession: I want this. I want to see more of them. After last night, where I lay awake, worrying about Sean and Nick, I can’t lie to myself anymore .

  Taking a deep breath, I nod. “It’s a deal .”



  S ean’s a fucking genius .

  He wasn’t lying—my buddy is clueless in the kitchen—but he conveniently forgot to mention to Hailey that he eats at my bar at least twice a week. He’s such a regular at the Goat Morning that Betty Beaumont runs a tab for him .

  He’s done the impossible. He’s got Hailey to let us help her .

  Hailey’s wonderful, she really is, but she’s rented her entire life. She doesn’t know how to replace a countertop or polish her badly scratched hardwood floors. She loves this cottage, but every time I look at it, all I can see is how rundown it is .

  I want to fix it up for her .

  We get out of bed and head to the kitchen. “My toolbox is in the truck. Why don’t we start with the floor, since I already ripped half of it out ?”

  “I still feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” She bites her full lower lip, and my cock hardens. Hailey’s so sexy, and she doesn’t have a clue .

  “You’re not,” Sean replies. “You’re cooking dinner for us, remember ?”

  She looks uncertain. “Go on,” I say, shooing her into the living room. “This won’t take long. Don’t you have an article to write ?”

  “Yes,” she admits. “But I can do that later this evening .”

  I wink at her. “Baby, I have plans for you tonight, and they don’t involve writing .”

  Sean gives me a questioning glance, and I feel the sudden need to look away .

  Today’s Tuesday. So far, the boundaries of our relationship have been clearly defined. We meet Monday nights to have sex .

  I thought I was content with the arrangement. Until I fell asleep next to her. Until I woke up with her body curled into mine .

  The O’Sullivans don’t do monogamy, I remind myself, but the warning falls on deaf ears. I’m suddenly greedy for more. I want it all .

  I hold my breath as I wait for her to respond .

  Her lips curl into a smile. “I like the sound of that .”

  I t’s not a large kitchen. In a little over an hour, the job’s done. “That looks much better,” I say, surveying the tiled floor with satisfaction .

  “It looks amazing.” Hailey’s eyes shine with excitement, and she hugs both of us. “ Thank you .”

  I’ve done more than my fair share of sleeping around, but a woman’s never looked at me the way Hailey’s looking at me now. My heart flutters in my chest, and I have to swallow to clear the lump in my throat. “The next step is to paint the cabinets,” I tell her. “And you should change your counter-top too. This laminate is hideous. Do you like the look of butcher block? I have a length of it sitting in my garage .”

  Sean’s eyes narrow. I avoid his gaze again and gesture to the oak cabinets. “A nice soft white paint would bring the kitchen to life .”

  “You’ve done enough,” she protests. “Would tonight work for dinner ?”

  “Yes,” Sean says before I can answer. “But first, Nick and I need to head to the firehouse to do some paperwork. It’ll just take a couple of hours. Is that okay ?”

  “Of course .”

  I frown at Sean once we’re outside. “What’s going on ?”

  His lips tighten, and he waves me toward his car. “I thought you don’t get involved, but now you’re renovating her kitchen? I don’t want you leading Hailey on .”

  “I’m not leading her on.” I stare out of the window as we pull out of her driveway .

  “Are you sure?” he persists. “Six months from now, when you get bored with her, when another hot piece of ass catches your attention …”

  I almost take a swing at my best friend. My hands clench into fists. “I can’t believe you’d call Hailey a hot piece of ass,” I snarl. “She’s so much more than that, you fucking asshole .”

  Sean’s expression is faintly mocking. “So what are you saying, you’re ready to settle down now? Just like that ?”

  I know exactly what he’s doing. He’s pushing at my buttons, testing me, testing my commitment. I take a deep breath and force myself to calm down. I have a lifetime of one-night stands to my name. Sean’s right to be skeptical of my change of heart. If the situations were flipped, I’d be giving him the third degree .

  “I’m terrified.” My voice is low. “I know I should walk away from her , okay ?”

  “ Why’s that ?”

  “You know why. The one thing I learned from my parents is that I’m not cut out for monogamy. Their marriage was a clusterfuck from start to finish .”

  He gives me a sidelong look. “You aren’t your parents .”

  The rain’s still coming down, and Sean’s wipers dance back and forth, their movement hypnotic. “You’ve never cheated on anyone in your life,” he continues. “If you care about Hailey, stop using them as an excuse and start giving yourself a little more credit .”

  When I think about causing her pain, I want to curl up into a ball and huddle in a corner. “I do care about her .”

  A small smile plays about his face . “Good .”

  “And the sharing thing?” I ask, wanting to make sure we’re on the same page. Sean might bust my balls, but I can always count on him to call me on my bullshit. He’s my best friend. “I always thought you were looking for something more traditional .”

  “Yet I’ve never found anyone I wanted to be with for the long haul. Until now. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.” He takes a deep breath. “This is what I want .”

  I admire Sean his certainty. “And when people find out that Sean Keefer, their fire station chief, is in a poly relationship? You have a morality clause in your contract, don’t you ?”

  “I don’t give a shit.” He stops at a red light. “We’re three consenting adults. My personal life is none of the town’s business. I don’t want to see Hardy shut down the fire station. But if the choice is between keeping my job or being with Hailey, there’s no contest. Hailey’s always going to win .”

  * * *


  There’s another town council meeting on Wednesday. Eric Hardy shows up late, and he’s in a pissy mood .

  All anyone can talk about is the fire. “Poor Tammy,” Kim says sympathetically. “She’s such a nice young woman. Shows up every week to volunteer at the pet shelter, you know .”

  “And she takes such good care of her father too,” Elvira Grantham adds. “Thank heavens you were on call, Sean. I went to see them yesterday. Elijah couldn’t say enough nice things about your crew. According to him, the entire place would have gone up in flames had you not shown up .”

  David Barlow nods solemnly. “I have to admit,” he says, glancing at Eric Hardy, “that a few weeks ago, I might have agreed with Eric. The fire station is in the heart of downtown. Was that really the best use of that space? But now…” He shakes his head. “Extra revenue from the lease of the station would be nice, but not at the cost of people’s lives .”

  Hardy’s jaw tightens. This has got to be a huge blow to him. Even if he’s elected, he can’t unilaterally decide to shut down the fire station. He still needs the rest of council to vote in favor of his proposal .

  If there’s a bright spot in the whole sorry mess, it’s this. Thanks to our mystery arsonist, the fire station’s future feels safe .



  A week after Sean and Nick start helping me fix the cottage, an unexpected visitor drops by one afternoon. Elvira Grantham .

  “Come on in.” I’ve met my landlady twice so far when I’ve dropped off the rent at her large L-sha
ped mansion. Both times, she’d been immaculately put together, not a hair out of place. I grew up working class, and nobody ever became wealthy writing for a feminist magazine. To be honest, I’m a little intimidated by her .

  “I’m sorry to barge in like this, Hailey.” Mrs. Grantham walks into the living room and looks around curiously. When I moved in, the walls were a dull shade of cream, but I finally got around to painting it two days ago, with Sean and Nick’s help. “I was driving by, and I thought I’d see what you’ve done to the place. Is it okay if I walk around ?”

  “Of course.” Technically, I guess I can refuse her request, but I’m not planning on it. I have no lease, and I’m paying next to nothing in rent. I don’t want to antagonize her .

  Sean had called the color ‘egg yolk’ when he’d seen it in the can, but on the wall, the yellow paint looks exactly as I’d hoped. The place looks sunny, warm and bright. Still, I hold my breath, waiting for Ms. Grantham’s reaction. “What else have you done ?”

  “Some work in the kitchen.” I lead the way, my fingers crossed that she likes the contrast of the pink-and-white tiles with the apple-green walls. I adore color, but maybe she’d have preferred neutrals ?

  She runs a finger over the butcher block countertops Nick installed for me. “You’ve painted the cabinets too,” she remarks in surprise. “You really have been busy, my dear. I love what you’ve done here. You’ve made the cottage looked lived in .”

  Her expression is wistful. I remember Betty Beaumont’s gossip. Does Elvira Grantham regret renting me the cottage? Is she secretly in love with Connor ?

  On an impulse, I blurt out, “Would you like a cup of coffee, Ms. Grantham ?”

  She smiles warmly. “That would be lovely, Hailey. Thank you .”

  I don’t know what’s prompting me to interfere. Maybe it’s because Connor’s the nicest boss I’ve ever had, and he has the same expression of wistfulness in his eyes when Elvira Grantham comes up in conversation. Maybe it’s because of Lana’s steadfast belief that this story will have a happy ending .


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