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Monthly Maintenance: Selected Stories from Blushing Books Authors

Page 13

by Blushing Books

  Finally, her name was called, and Lizzy had to step forward, a smile plastered on her face. The Auctioneer asked her what kind of pie she baked, and she gave the answer her Father insisted she give when he picked the kind of pie she was to bake. “Now, Lizzy, did you bake this pie yourself?” the Auctioneer asked teasingly. She knew better than take offense, and agreed that she did with a bright smile. God, her face hurt! The bidding was insane, and she didn’t have to pretend to be shocked. Who in their right mind would spend so much on a pie that wasn’t even edible? She started to feel a bit guilty. The bidding finally wound down to two men, and she recognized one as a reporter, and she didn’t have the first clue about the other man. She glanced at her father and when she saw his stony expression, she knew he wasn’t a bit happy. She didn’t know whether to be frightened or just cautious. As the auctioneer was about to rap the gavel on a final bid to the man she didn’t know, another voice was heard from the back of the room, doubling the amount. Lizzy immediately recognized the voice and she felt her temper bubbling, ready to consume her. The crowd cheered enthusiastically, and her father was all smiles. Damn him! He’d done it again! The gavel rapped, and she had no choice but pretend to be pleased when Miller Coddington offered her his arm. Of course the newspaper reporters were having a field day and their cameras were flashing repeatedly. It was no secret that she and Miller were a couple a few short months ago.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Miller whispered in her ear while wearing a smile on his face. There was only one way to go, and they were led into a nicely roped off area where they were escorted to a cozy table for two. Of all the times for her father to take something she said seriously! The area was made secure by the State Police, and the little placard on the table thanked the couple for their generosity in taking part in the auction, and stating the secured area was provided as a precaution to insure safety for bakers and bidders alike. In short, the Governor believed Liz when she told him that some of the bidders might not be reputable, and it was a risk for a woman to go off alone with a man she didn’t know. None of the couples seemed to mind, and Liz would have been grateful if she was with anyone but Miller.

  “I can’t believe you went along with this, Elizabeth,” Miller stated.

  “I can’t believe you did either,” she countered.

  “There are reporters everywhere,” he complained. “So help me, Liz, if this damn pie makes me sick, I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank you.” He used the provided knife to cut the pie into generous servings and placed a plate in front of Liz and then he served himself. It wasn’t until he popped a large forkful into his mouth that he realized Liz wasn’t eating, and was watching him with a smirk on her pretty face. The pie was so gross he wanted to throw up. His dark eyes watered and vowed retribution, and when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, Liz picked up the ceramic pie plate and dumped the contents on his head before getting up to walk away! Cameras were flashing, no one wanting to miss the shot. When one reporter dared to ask, “Miss Martin, why did you do that? Did Mr. Coddington criticize your pie?” she stopped walking, gave the man a big smile. “My father is going to stop his matchmaking as of today. You may quote me on that.” That she’d made a huge mistake in stopping to speak to the reporter was evident when she was grabbed from behind and lifted off her feet. “Put me down!” she squealed.

  “After that stunt? I don’t think so! You’ve needed a spanking for months now, and today you get it.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Elizabeth was mortified at the very idea. “Miller, you’d better not do any such thing! Father will have your hide!”

  “I don’t care. My letter of resignation is on his desk. And you are going over my knee!” He sat down at the table they were given, and in the next instant, Liz was lying face-down over his lap.

  “Miller, no! I’m sorry I lost my temper! Please don’t embarrass me like this!” she begged of him. When his hand landed with a powerful smack on her bottom she realized he didn’t care if she was embarrassed. He continued to spank her, over and over, and she kicked and cried out in fury. “You bastard! You son of a bitch! How dare you treat me like this?” He spanked harder, and she felt every smack through the thin yellow dress and her panties.

  “How dare you make a pie that tastes like garbage and let me take a bite of it and then dump the rest on me? I did nothing wrong, brat!” He continued to put some real effort into the spanking, causing her to gasp in pain. She wasn’t going to sit down for a month, he vowed.

  “You let Father set me up again!” she accused heatedly, trying to squirm away.

  “I never did that, Elizabeth,” he replied quietly, his hand halted in mid air.

  “I found the damned note!” she was instantly angry.

  “I know, and you wouldn’t give me a chance to explain. You are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, Elizabeth Lynn.” He gave her another hard spank, and then, to her absolute horror, he stood up, still holding her, and tossed her over his shoulder. He whacked her butt when she protested, and then marched right past the State Police officers, who were gawking like everyone else, and carried her through the grounds, spanking her every step of the way to where his car was parked. He put her inside and warned her to sit put unless she wanted another walloping right here and now and on her bare fanny. Since they were followed the whole of the way there by the reporters, he was pretty sure the threat was enough to insure she wouldn’t run from him.

  “I cannot believe you treated me like that!” Liz tearfully proclaimed, her anger giving way to feelings of hurt, as he maneuvered them off of the fairground and into local traffic.

  “I cannot believe the way you’ve treated me for months now,” Miller told her. “I love you, Elizabeth, and you walked out on me and didn’t let me tell you my side of things. You found one damning note from the Governor and you didn’t ask me if it was true.”

  She looked at him and saw the hurt reflected in his dark eyes. What if he was speaking the truth? “You’re right. I didn’t ask. So…? I’m asking now.”

  “Your father wrote that note when you were still in nursing school. I told him you were too young to be seriously involved with anyone, and I told him that if he wanted me to work for him he was going to have to realize that my personal life was my own. I made it clear, and he agreed. I kept that damned note because it reminded me that I needed to remain true to myself and not get caught up in politics to the point it was all that mattered. I didn’t ask you out until long after that note was written, sweetheart,” he insisted. “And I fell in love with you before your Dad found out we were dating each other.”

  “Truly?” she asked hopefully.

  “Truly,” he insisted. He remained quiet then, driving them both to his house. He needed a shower and a change of clothing. They pulled into a gated community, and then he pulled into his garage. “Make yourself comfortable while I clean up,” he ordered.

  Liz wanted to kick herself, but her bottom was too tender for that. It had hurt to sit on the warm leather seats of his car for the ride here, and she didn’t hesitate to reach back with both hands and rub her bottom to try and relieve the sting. She was feeling so guilty for not letting Miller explain, and like she’d wasted months of her life over nothing. Her father was always trying to manipulate her, but she should have trusted Miller enough to hear him out. She promised herself that she would never be that foolish again, if he were willing to give her a second chance… He might not be anxious to do that after the way she’d behaved the last few months, and especially after today! She’d dumped pie on him in public… and paid the price, she reminded herself, rubbing again.

  “Rubbing your bottom after a spanking isn’t allowed, young lady,” Miller said firmly, coming up behind her and giving her another hard smack where she sat.

  “Ow!” Liz whirled around to face him, her blue eyes wide. She quelled her immediate reaction to scold him for spanking her sore bottom again because she knew he had a right to be upset with her. She knew what
she needed to say, and she rushed to say it. “I’m sorry, Miller. For today’s poor behavior, but most of all because I should have heard you out months ago when I found that note. I was so hurt that I didn’t see beyond my reaction to your feelings. Please forgive me. I do love you, and that hasn’t changed in all this time.”

  “I love you, too, honey,” Miller admitted, taking her in his arms and holding her close. “However, we are going to have to deal with some consequences before we can go on. I don’t want to go through something like this again, and I have to know you won’t jump to conclusions and refuse to hear me out. That isn’t something I can accept, Elizabeth. Do you agree?”

  Liz nodded. “I agree, and I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “Will you accept the consequences?” he asked.

  “Don’t you think the time we spent apart, hurting, was punishment enough?” she was serious.

  “No. I need some very tangible proof that you are truly sorry and that you realize this isn’t an acceptable way to behave. I want you to go to the kitchen and bring me something to spank you with, and I want you to ask for your spanking. Will you do that, honey?” he asked, holding his breath. If she couldn’t accept discipline in their relationship, then it was best to know it now. He couldn’t live with a woman who wouldn’t be held accountable.

  “That sounds so old-fashioned!” she whispered.

  “Look at all the divorces today versus years ago, Liz. Old-fashioned works in marriages.” He gave her a hug of encouragement, and then watched as she walked into the kitchen and opened drawers until she found something he could spank her with. It was a bowl scraper and it looked like a paddle in its shape.

  Liz was nervous as she came into the family room and held out the spatula to Miller. “I’m sorry I was so stubborn and didn’t give you the opportunity to explain, Miller. I judged you unfairly, and I agree that I earned punishment. Will you please spank me…? But not too hard!” she added the last imploringly.

  Miller couldn’t help smiling as he drew her down over his knee on the large sofa. This time he pushed her dress out of the way, and then he took down her panties to bare her bottom, which was still reddened from the spanking he’d given her earlier for dumping the disgusting pie on him. He picked up the spatula once again, and started spanking with it. Liz’s skin was very tender and she cried out immediately, but she didn’t try to reach back or get up. He was impressed.

  Elizabeth knew that Miller wasn’t spanking in anger or temper this time, but because he loved her. She was determined to accept the spanking, especially since it would put them on the same page once again and make things right. She would gladly suffer a very sore bottom to have her world righted once again! And, considering the fact that he was doing a thorough job of spanking her, she was going to be very sore! Her poor butt was on fire!

  Miller didn’t want to overdo the spanking, but he wanted to spank Liz hard enough that she knew how serious he was about trusting him in the future. He didn’t stop until her bottom and upper thighs were a deep, dark crimson, and even then he asked her some scolding questions and made her answer, giving her sound swats to her sit spots in between. “Do you feel spanked, Liz?” he finally asked.

  “Yes, I do! I’m sorry, and I promise I’ll never run off like that again without giving you a chance to tell your side of things. It was so wrong, and most of all, I’m sorry for wasting so much time we could have spent together being happy! We can’t ever get that time back!” she cried.

  “No, but we’ll make up for it,” he promised, raising her up to look into her eyes. “Will you marry me, honey?” he asked.

  “Oh yes!” she agreed, kissing him tenderly.

  “Even if it means a sore bottom when you earn one?” he wanted to know.

  “Even if it means a sore bottom… as long as it really is deserved,” she said. “But, I’ll get even with you if you ever spank me and I don’t agree I earned it!” she promised, and he laughed.

  “I love your sassy spirit,” he admitted as the doorbell rang and rang and rang. “One guess whose irate father is on the other side of that door…?” he offered. “Are you prepared?”

  She shook her head ‘no’ and then giggled when he chuckled. “Better let Dad in…”


  “Governor, what do you have to say about yesterday at the Fair?” a reporter demanded.

  John smiled. “Old-Fashioned Day was a great success. Fair attendance was at an all time high, and the Auction raised over a million dollars to be used for the homeless.”

  “What about your daughter, sir?” the man persisted, and was shocked when the Governor chuckled.

  “Well, my plan worked perfectly, and I hope the voters will excuse a father for using a public event to bring my daughter and her fiancé back together, albeit a bit unconventionally.” He smiled again and announced. “A wedding date has been set for December 20, and I’m thinking it will be a very old-fashioned, traditional wedding. I am already making plans to have the wedding right here… And, who knows, by next year at Christmas, we might have a little one to celebrate with!” He smiled again for the cameras, and once he was alone he snickered to himself. Yes, John, a good spanking was all your little Lizzy needed, and it was smart of you to set it all up. There was no way Lizzy would bake a pie without messing it up on purpose, and Miller isn’t the type to let her get away with acting like a brat… Old-fashioned days… old-fashioned spanking. Thank God for the Fair!

  Teaching Abby

  By Joannie Kay

  Teaching Abby by Joannie Kay

  Grizzly Flats


  Peter Cunningham woke with a smile on his face, and a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. It was the same feeling he got every year on the first day of school since he was a small boy entering the first grade and finally permitted to walk along with his older brothers, Micah and Caleb, to the school in town where his Pa held the job of Sheriff. His first teacher was a pretty young lady by the name of Miss Ellen, and Peter was enamored of school from the moment he saw her smile. He was a quick learner and graduated at the top of his class of four, and after a three year stint as a deputy to his Pa, who was by then a Territorial Marshal, Peter decided to become a schoolmaster. His brothers teased him mercilessly, but he studied and got his Teaching Certificate, and here he was, ready for his fifth year teaching grades one through twelve, still as excited as he was as a five-year-old on his very first day. His brothers might prefer sleeping on the hard ground and skipping meals while chasing after outlaws, but Peter was satisfied that his job was just as important as theirs, and he slept in his own bed every night!

  Peter was at school early, writing his name on the chalkboard and making sure the room was tidy, although he knew before walking in that it was spotless from the cleaning he’d given it over the last several days. He opened the windows to let in the fresh air and made sure the water bucket was full and the dipper clean. Unlike other teachers he’d known throughout his lifetime, Peter didn’t feel it necessary to keep a paddle or switch or a strap hanging in full view of the students. He rarely felt it necessary to punish a student in that manner, and when he did, it was done privately and never in front of the other children. He preferred to use other means to discipline, ones that would educate. Of course there were exceptions, and many times he felt it was the parents who needed a good tanning, and his mind immediately went to Mimi Evans’ Ma. Mimi was spoiled and her Ma was the one doing the spoiling. He’d gone to Frank Evans and asked him to step up, but the man was afraid of his wife and it showed. If it was up to Peter, he’d give Mrs. Evans a tanning she’d never forget, but that was just a fantasy, and he knew it. He’d just have to be patient again this year, and hope that Mimi did some growing up over the summer months.

  He smiled as he looked outside and saw the children starting to arrive. He recognized most of them, and sighed deeply when he saw Mimi showing off her new dress to a couple of other girls and then pointing and making fun
of what they were wearing. George Barns pulled up in a wagon, bringing Georgie and his little sister, who was probably going to start school this year from the uneasy look on her face and the way George patted her back comfortingly. He spotted another little girl who didn’t appear to be hold enough for school, but her Ma was tiny, too, and she looked even more frightened than the child, although she was smiling reassuringly at the little girl as she held her hand.

  Peter looked at his watch, and then went to the doorway and rang the bell to invite the children inside, and let the stragglers know they’d best hurry. He grinned as he spotted the Jefferson twins come on a run, their wild red hair sticking out in all directions in spite of their Ma’s attempts to comb it down before they left the house. Peter greeted everyone with a smile.

  “Good morning,” he greeted the young mother, surprised to realize she couldn’t be more than twenty at the most. “I’m Peter Cunningham,” he introduced himself.

  “Hello, Mr. Cunningham. This here is my little girl, Jenny. She’s in first grade.”


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