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Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1)

Page 13

by Wendi Hulsey

  “Well hello to you too,” I laugh, while turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He leans in and starts giving me soft kisses against my lips while talking, “I’m sorry! That was such a male thing of me to do, but it was right there bent over and I couldn’t help myself. By the way, your ass looks terrific in those jeans.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself in that towel. Can I borrow it to dry my hands?” I ask leaning into him, more so our bodies are fully touching.

  He backs me up against the counter and his hand goes to the nape of my neck, before he pulls my head gently back and slides his tongue across my lips. His eyes close and he deepens the kiss sliding his silky tongue along mine. He’s such an intense kisser, the rhythm of our tongues against each other stir feelings deep within me. He knows the affect his kisses have on me and I suspect he’s planning to divert my attention away from cooking. His hand slides under my t-shirt and rests just below my breast, his thumb softly brushing against my skin. I feel him against my leg, warm, hard, and firm. I grasp his ass through the towel forcing him closer to me. His thumb goes higher stroking my erect nipple through the thin material of my bra. He has me so aroused and then he pulls away.

  “I hope that was an appropriate hello,” he torments, leaving me wanting more.

  “Umm, yeah that works for me,” I answer, still dazed from his kiss.

  “You have such a lusty look on your face right now, you are so incredibly hot. I thought I would give you a preview of the dessert I had planned for after dinner.” He lifts his towel enough that I get a good glimpse of his erection.

  “Go get dressed you tease, I need your man skills for grilling the steaks. You are not going out on the balcony to cook like that. The people on the sidewalk would get a real eye full,” I argue pulling his towel off completely.

  He starts sprinting for the bedroom suddenly self-conscious about being naked. “Nice Ass!” I yell, watching his nice tight behind as he runs.

  He’s back in a few moments dressed in running shorts, no shirt, no shoes, and looking wonderful. The muscles of his broad shoulders and arms are so well defined, his stomach, rippled with muscles disappearing into his shorts, making me want to abandon this dinner and drag him into the bedroom.

  “Kylie, are you okay? You look deep in thought. What do you need me to do for dinner?” He asks smiling and I believe reading my mind.

  “I’m fine; I was just admiring your body, that’s all. You can start the grill and cook the steaks while I do the potatoes, asparagus and shrimp in here. Do you want to eat out on the balcony?”

  “I would rather eat in here; the mosquitoes and flies get too bad out there when there is food around. We can sit out there later with a few beers and lounge on the chairs.”

  “Okay, I will set the table in here then. Go cook, I’m starving,” as I hand him the steaks and try getting him out of the kitchen. I have trouble concentrating on what I’m doing when he’s practically naked.

  I turn the microwave on to cook the potatoes, then lay the asparagus out on a cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt, and put them in the oven. Next, I melt some butter in a pan and add some garlic, when that melts I will throw in the shrimp. I set the table and go out to take Cameron a beer.

  “I hope you like Miller beer; I wasn’t sure what kind of beer you drank. I guess there’s still a lot I need to learn about you.”

  “Baby, we have the rest of our lives to discover each other’s likes and dislikes. There’s a lot I need to learn about you too. Things like your favorite flowers, favorite perfume, and the kind of jewelry you like. I can’t spoil you until I know what you like,” he shrugs. “Most women would be dropping little hints by now.”

  “I don’t need all that stuff when I have you, you are all I need. Are those steaks almost done, I need to cook the shrimp and check the other stuff?” I ask him, a bit flustered at the thought that he wants to spoil me.

  “They should be done in about five minutes. Hey, I know you don’t need or expect those things, but I intend on spoiling you so you better get used to it.”

  We eat slowly, enjoying each other’s company and asking each other questions so we can know each other a little better. I found out he absolutely hates Chinese food. He found out I like yellow roses, prefer gold to silver, and will wear any perfume that he finds alluring.

  We are cleaning up the dishes when we hear an impatient knock and Courtney comes barreling through the door with Blake in tow. Courtney looks excited while Blake stands shuffling his feet with a concerned look on his face, not wanting to make eye contact with us.

  “What’s up sis? You look like are dying to spill your guts about something. Blake, you okay man?”

  “I’m fine but we came over to talk to you for a minute. This is somewhat hard for me to say because I don’t want you to think I was using you. I appreciate you taking me in when I didn’t have anywhere to stay. Umm... Courtney and I... well we...” Blake stumbles to get his words out.

  Cameron raises his hand cutting him off and putting him out of his misery. “It would seem my sister has charmed your pants right off and wants you to live with her. It’s all right, no hard feelings. I hope to get this one here to cross the hall and live with me soon anyways.” Cameron confesses to everyone while wrapping his strong arms around me.

  What? Why is this the first I have heard of this? It’s too soon! Isn’t it? Can I bring myself to live with another man? I just smile up at Cameron, not sure what to say so I don’t say anything. I’m too stunned now to speak.

  “We just came by to grab some of his clothes. He will move his stuff over to my place over the next few days,” Courtney beams.

  Blake goes into his room to fill a few bags while Courtney stays by us talking. “Can you believe it Cameron; I might have found the man for me?” she says ecstatically.

  “Well, this is certainly the first time you have wanted a man to live with you. I’m a bit surprised that you want him to move in this soon. You’re now going to be a one man woman?” He teases Courtney.

  “I don’t think it’s too soon. What if Kylie wanted to move in here, would you say it was too soon? Hell no! You would be packing her stuff and running it across the hall,” Courtney argues.

  “It’s a little different Courtney. I have known Kylie for years, you just met Blake,” he clarifies, blushing at her previous statement.

  Luckily, Blake picks this moment to come out of his room with his bags and we are all off the hook from answering any more questions. They make their way to the door to leave when Courtney turns around. “Will you be coming back to my place tonight?”

  Sensing she wants to be alone, “I would like to stay here and let you two have your first night living together alone, if that’s alright with Cameron?” I respond, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

  “Bye, you guys have fun.” He says in response, practically pushing them out the door.

  Courtney catches the door and pushes it back open, she looks right at me and says, “Told you.” She sticks her tongue out at me and leaves.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Umm, just your sister trying to prove a point that she’s right about something. For once, I am okay with the fact that she’s right.” Especially when she was trying to prove a point that Cameron will do anything to be with me.

  “What should we do for the rest of the night? Are you ready for bed?”

  “Cameron it’s only seven-thirty. Why don’t we watch a movie?” I suggest.

  “Damn!” He laughs, “Okay.”

  We settle on the couch with me lying in front of him, resting my back to his front. I’m so completely enveloped by his warmth and his scent that I have a hard time focusing on the movie. Maybe we should have just gone to bed. I feel him against my back, hard and firm. He has his hands under my t-shirt, innocently caressing the skin above my waistband but driving me completely nuts.

  I try to keep my touch as delicate as pos
sible. I don’t want to push Kylie too fast too soon and scare her away. I saw the look of fear on her face when Courtney said something about her moving in with me. I know she isn’t ready to make that commitment yet. I agreed to watch a movie, because I want her to be comfortable here. I don’t want her to think I only want sex from her, because I want so much more, I want a commitment for life. Unfortunately, every time I’m near her, my body betrays me and I get incredibly turned on. I know she can feel my erection against her back.

  I’m a perfect gentleman until she turns her face up to me wanting a kiss. If I can’t control my urges when I’m near her, then the least I can do is show her how exciting our love life would be if she were here all the time. I want each time with her to feel like the first. I just have to get her to go along with my plan and be adventurous.

  I turn my head to him for a kiss and he smiles down at me. “We’re supposed to be watching a movie remember?”

  “It’s a boring movie. Can you think of anything more interesting to do?” I innocently ask, turning in his arms. Now I’m lying on top of him and can feel his arousal against me. I rock into him a little and see him close his eyes; he lets out a groan, almost a growl.

  “Go get ready for bed and meet me out on the balcony. I will have few beers ready for us and we can watch the night life below us, unless you want to go out for a while?” He says grasping my ass and grinding himself against me.

  “No, I want to stay here, I have a problem though. I can’t get ready for bed then go outside. I didn’t bring pajamas; remember you said they weren’t allowed?”

  “Let me put some beers out there and grab a blanket. You work on getting naked.” He calls out, while hurrying to the bedroom to get a blanket.

  “You want us to go outside naked? Are you nuts? You live on the main road in Daytona.” I rattle on, but he’s not listening. He grabs four beers and takes them out on the balcony.

  “Kylie, no one will see you. We’ll be wrapped in a blanket and thirty-five floors up. Are you chicken?” He teases like when we were younger knowing I never back down on a dare.

  I do the only thing I can; I get naked. I’m standing before him completely naked with my hands covering my breasts as he stares. “Take your hands down and let me see you before I wrap you up in this blanket,” he begs.

  “Not so fast mister, you have a bit too many clothes on, drop the shorts. I don’t go out naked alone.”

  He drops his shorts without even thinking about it and starts towards me with the blanket. He puts his hands over mine and removes them from my breasts, stepping back to get a better look. He brushes his thumb across one peaked nipple, “I will never get tired of looking at your body, you are so beautiful.” Okay, what the fuck! Let’s go out on the balcony naked, I think to myself.

  With newfound confidence, I head towards the balcony doors, “Ready to go outside, Mr. Conner?”

  He rushes up to me and wraps the blanket around both of us just as I step outside. I think we are going to sit on the lounge chairs and drink our beers but he nudges me forward towards the railing. We stand there a minute watching the cars and rush of people going in and out of the numerous shops. I feel his mouth on my neck biting and licking his way up to my ear. He has his arm wrapped around my front with one large hand kneading my breast. I let my head fall back against his chest as the blanket slips.

  “Hold on to that blanket, Ms. Jenkins,” he reminds me.

  “No fair, then I can’t use my hands to touch you.”

  He chuckles a bit, “I guess you will have to use something else to touch me.” He encourages, by nestling his large erection between the cheeks of my ass.

  I go up on my tiptoes and then back down again rubbing him as I do. “You’re playing a dangerous game doing that,” he tells me, as he pulls away.

  At first, I’m disappointed that he pulled away, until I feel his hand slide down my backside and reach between my legs from behind. He slides his finger along my wet folds opening me up and making me slicker with each stroke of his finger. I try to lean into him again for support but he pushes me forward bending me at the waist towards the rail, giving him easier access to me. He runs his fingers from my clit along my wetness to my rear door. Oh boy!

  He continues this pace, back and forth teasing me in so many spots. He has me wanting him to touch me in places I never dreamed of letting someone go. He has me completely wet from front to back and I’m practically panting from desire. He dips two fingers inside me as I push myself back onto his fingers making them go deeper. I rock myself in motion with his fingers, feeling myself ready to come, I start to tense and he pulls them out.

  “Cameron” I beg.

  “Not yet baby.” He whispers.

  He runs his fingers wet from my fluids, up my backside applying slight pressure at my opening. To my surprise, it feels incredible and I find myself arching my back for more. He gently nudges my tight opening with just his fingertip and I moan so deeply I don’t even recognize it as me.

  “You are so tight down there. Someday I want to be inside you and feel your tightness.”

  I feel his body press against me, warm and hard and I arch into him. He removes his fingertip and runs his hand from my clit through my wetness lubricating me again. This time he just rubs the outside of my rear opening with my own wetness and the feeling is beyond sensual. I can’t take it anymore, I want him inside me; need him inside me completely oblivious to my surroundings.

  I back into him rubbing him with my body, through my wetness and between my cheeks, I feel him throbbing against my opening. “Cameron, I need you now. I want you so fucking bad. I don’t care where you fuck me; just relieve this tension building inside me,” I plead.

  He stills for a minute debating before speaking. “Not now, not like this but maybe someday. I don’t want to hurt you; that’s something we need to take slow. I will please you though, grab the railing, babe.”

  Without thinking, I grab the rail and the blanket falls to the ground. I start to reach for it when he plunges himself deep inside me. I completely forget the blanket and arch my back giving him deeper access. He’s huge and throbbing, sliding in and out, maybe he’s right; I wouldn’t be able to handle him anywhere else.

  I’m bent at the waist, holding on to the railing and completely naked, while he plunges into me from behind, thirty-five floors up. I could come from excitement alone. The things I experience with this man are incredible. I don’t ever want us to lose the intensity in our sex life. I need to come, I beg him to go deeper and faster. He grabs my hips with his hands and grinds into me, hitting the perfect spot. My insides tighten around him and I’m unable to stop the scream that escapes my lips as we climax together.

  I think a few people look up because he lifts me and drags me back a few feet near the lounge chair, both of us out of breath and panting. He squats down and drags the blanket back over to us. He pats my ass to get me moving and motions to the lounge chair. He sits first and I sit between his legs, then he pulls the blanket up to cover us. Still slightly out of breath he says, “Jesus Christ that was intense. Did you feel it too?”

  “It’s always extremely intense with you. I’m a lucky girl.” I tell him, resting my head against him exhausted. “But I could really use that beer now.”

  We drink two beers each, while lounging under the stars and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. I’m so exhausted but tired in a good way, that feeling of relaxation you get after great sex and an orgasm. So relaxed that your brain is telling you to get up and move, however your limbs won’t budge. I dismiss the idea of going inside and fall asleep in the arms of my magnificent lover.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I wake up completely disoriented for a few minutes until I look down and see Kylie tucked under my arm sound asleep. She has an arm wrapped around my waist and a leg thrown over my legs. She’s beautiful with her eyelashes resting on her cheeks, breathing softly, and those kissable lips slightly parted. I have the blanket wrapp
ed around both of us, but can feel the softness of her breasts against my chest. Just the thought of her naked body beneath the blanket, is enough to wake things up down below.

  I fight back the urges in me and gently rub my hand along the soft skin of her hip, wanting to rub so much more. She stirs slightly and shifts her body so she’s almost completely on top of me. Her hip is now resting right next to my fully erect dick; this definitely does not help my situation one bit. I wrap my arms further around her rubbing her lower back, intending to be a gentleman, until I feel the swell of her ass. She’s so round and supple; I can’t help but to run my hands over her silky skin.

  “Good Morning, Cameron. I can see you are fully awake,” I tease him, sliding my entire body on top of his.

  “I was trying to behave, I swear. I just can’t keep my hands off you. I’m sorry I woke you up,” he remarks.

  I raise up to get a kiss by placing my hands on the lounge chair on each side of his body. His eyes and one hand instantly go to my chest pulling and rolling my nipple between his fingers. I grind my pelvis against him and he lets out a soft moan. “I was getting up to get a kiss. I think I would rather have your mouth sucking my nipple.” His eyes go wide and he leans forward.

  “If you insist ma’am, I aim to please.” He growls, drawing my nipple into his mouth and gently sucking.

  The lounge chair is far enough back on the balcony that I don’t think anyone can see us from the street. I raise the blanket back up around my shoulders nonetheless, just in case. He continues to suck my nipples changing on and off between them. He seems so sensual, almost delicate with the way he’s working his mouth on my body this morning. His hands go to my hips caressing my skin. The combination of his mouth and his hands sliding against me is too much; my body is on fire for him. I feel my arousal pooling between my thighs.


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