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Forbidden Desires Box Set

Page 30

by Katy Kaylee

  Which was hot as fuck, but still- it must have taken a lot out of her to backhand her own brother.

  Glancing over at her, I pursed my lips thinly as she talked schedule with Kayla and Brandon. Working was Gwen’s special type of therapy, I knew, and I reached to rub the back of my neck absently. Once she got the employees squared away, she’d prep for opening, and I frowned as I remember the exhaustion just watching her prepare the restaurant.

  If Gwen trained these people for a week, she’d be entering her sixth month of pregnancy. My gaze slid down to her bump, and my palms tingled as my abdomen tightened with anxiety. She wanted to open as soon as possible so that she could slow down, and I was glad she was so conscious of the dangers of working too hard.

  “-kay, so I’ll see you all tomorrow morning.” Snapping to reality, I sagged in relief when Gwen grabbed my hand, and she shot me a sympathetic smile. “Thank you, Ryan. I appreciate you doing this with me.”

  “I’m with you on this, baby. I want to get it done before the baby gets here. My mom says nothing sucks more than having kids and leaving them to go work…” Squeezing her palm, I pushed open the door to the exit hallway, and she slipped out under my arm first. Only when we were alone did I speak up again, and the ghostly anxiety borne of my own thoughts disappeared at her strutting around. “Speaking of work, I’m heading to my agency, if you want to come? If not, I’ll drop you off at home.”

  “Um… I’m going to go home. I’m exhausted, and it’s only 2pm. I just need to sleep.” Nodding despite her guilty tone, I opened the next door that led outside, and the warm sun instantly beat against my face. “Is it a meeting about the movie?”

  “Yeah. They’ve got the script and the main actors, but they don’t have extras and secondaries and sets and stuff. All I know is that it takes place in New York City, so, at least it’s not across the entire country. They’re still ironing out the details about pay and stuff, too, which kind of limits activity. At the audition, they put a prospective start date for late October.”

  “Oh- that’s only less a six-hour drive from here.” Fishing my keys out of my pocket on the way to the parking structure, I huffed a laugh at the pleased surprise in Gwen’s tone. “That’s not so bad.”

  “It’s about the same amount of time it takes to fly from L.A. to here, so… No, not too bad. And, that’s if you go the speed limit. I could probably make it in four.” The visitors got to park on the ground floor of the garage- score!- and my lights flashed as I unlocked my car. “My meeting is for 2:45pm, so I can only drop you off.”

  “But… I want to show you how much I appreciate you, Ryan.” Arching a brow at the sultry quality in Gwen’s tone, I hummed suggestive as she stuck out her bottom lip. “Please? I feel bad for making you eat all that cake…”

  “… You just want to suck my cock since you thought we’d go home and fuck, don’t you?” Her cheeks turned bright pink, and I chuckled as I reached to pop open the back seat. “Fine- but we have to make this fast.”

  “Okay.” Nodding eagerly, Gwen slid into the back seat, and I glanced around before following her. Shutting us in, I grabbed her head to smash my lips on hers, and her palms instantly attacked my jeans. Leaning back against the seat, desire drummed through my veins, and I snuck my tongue past her teeth to taste her.

  Groaning when she pulled out my cock, I clenched my jaw when Gwen didn’t hesitate to tear her mouth from mine. Thrusting into her palm, my thighs tingled as I flopped my head back, and her luscious, hungry sound floated up to curve my lips. My gasp when she licked the head of my cock sent a jerk through my shoulders, and I pushed her head down gingerly.

  “Fuck- yes, baby… suck this cock so good…” She slid down, slathering her tongue along the thick vein on the underside of my cock, and I groaned loudly. Closing my eyes to savor the sensation, my breath hitched when my shaft bent to the curve of her throat. Even with my girth, she didn’t choke, and I ground my teeth hard as I thrust up. “Fu-ck-k-k…”

  Harsh pants tore from my throat as Gwen’s flexed, and I jerked slightly as pleasure gripped my spine in a vice. Bopping up and down with gusto, her cheeks hallowed, and her saliva dribbled down my sac to tickle the sensitive skin.

  “Sit on my cock, Gwen-“ Tugging insistently on her hair, I thanked God himself that she was wearing loose maternity pants. All Gwen had to do was slide them down to her ankles, and I kissed her lips hard as she shuffled into my lap. Poising my cock, she trembled with desire that leaked out of her, and I gasped at how wet she was.

  “Are you this horny when you’re not pregnant?” Thrusting up as she slid down, I rasped the question as Gwen moaned beautifully. She hooked her claws in my shirt, and I braced my legs as my own palms grappled for her ass cheeks. Holding her up to surge into her tight, hot cunt, our gasps mingled as she tightened around my cock. Her lips trembled against mine, and I thrust faster as euphoria thickened my blood.

  “Yeah- yeah- yeah- yeah! Oh, my God yes-s-s!” Soft walls clamped down on my cock, and I shuddered as they rippled wildly up and down my shaft. Squeezing her ass, I ground my hips against hers, and Gwen buried her head under my chin to muffle her cries of ecstasy. My cock throbbed, and I poured all my focus on her quivering, sexy body- on her moans- on her thick spunk dribbling down my balls.

  “I fucking love this pussy, baby-“ Growling hoarsely as my balls drew up, I gasped and sputtered as cum spurted from my head. My tip ached, and hot, shallow breaths rolled under my shirt to curl my chest hairs. “Fuck- fuck-“

  Never could a woman get me to cum so fast- not that it was a mystical sign or anything that we were good together. Gwen wanted to fuck, but I had shit to do.

  She always won that pitiful excuse for a compromise.

  “… maybe you just fuck me too good.” My eyelids popped open, and I tilted my head as Gwen smiled against my neck. Inside her, my cock went flaccid, and we spent another second catching our breath before she clamored off me. “Pull my pants up.”

  “Why aren’t you wearing underwear?” Pleasantness replaced the desire flooding my body, and I did as I was told like a good boyfriend. Sprawling across the seat, Gwen gave a weird half-shrug and hum, and she lifted her ass as I dragged her maternity jeans up.

  Climbing into the passenger seat, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 2:06pm… I won’t be late. Gwen got some lovin’. Win-win.


  “I definitely wasn’t expecting so many people…” Kayla’s nerves showed in her voice, and I smiled as I patted her on the back. After a measly week of training, and a single day trial, it was time to open my bakery. Letting the curtain fall back in place, she shot me a tentative smile before putting on her confident face, and she threw back her shoulders to nod. “We got this. We can totally do this.”

  “Good luck, Kayla. If you make it through today, the rest is a breeze- trust me.” Glancing behind me at my nine, palpably nervous employees, I turned to smile encouragingly. “Good luck to you all. You’ve done so well these past few days. I’m fully confident that you can handle this.”

  I had two cashiers, four assistants, two bakers, and a manager, and I nodded before my phone gave a faint trill. Sliding out from behind the curtain as they all rushed to their spots behind the overfull counters, I heaved a huge breath at the massive crowd in my restaurant. News people had shown up, and their cameras trained on me as I held myself proudly.

  “Thank you all for coming out to the opening of One Stop Shop Bakery! I only ask that you’re considerate to each other and to my staff on this incredibly busy and stressful day. And- without further hesitation- welcome!” Cheers thundered around the room, and the curtain started to roll up to reveal the bakery half of my place. Little kids zoomed past me in their excitement, and I couldn’t help but laugh as they stuck their faces to the glass display cases.

  Compared to the restaurant, which was chic, the bakery had a classic feel. The brickwork flooring gave way to pale pink tiles, and the wirework tables and chairs spread ou
t behind me.

  Everything was perfect- exactly the way I wanted it, and I stepped out of the way as adults raced to grab their children before they lost them. Unlike in San Francisco, there were securities in place to prevent people from being mobbed; the long ropes that snaked around for the line was wide enough to fit three people across comfortably. This time, that line started in front of the display cases, and the orders were taken from above them.

  All the kids were first in line, and an indescribable feeling took me over as I watched from by the wall.

  “Ms. Martins- a word, please?” Tearing my eyes off the sight, my smile widened automatically as a newswoman strode up to me with her camera man less than half a step behind. “I’m with Channel 8 News. I’ve actually been to your restaurant-slash-bakery in San Francisco as well. What changes have you made to this one that you’d consider improvements over the place you left behind?”

  “Well, this time, I was a lot more prepared and had much more realistic expectations. All of my employees at the bakery are students from Charlottesburg Culinary Institutes’ confectionary program- something I didn’t do at my last restaurant. Even my cooks are from Charlottesburg. If I had to say what my biggest improvement is, it’s that I know not to try to do it all by myself. I was lucky to find such competent people.”

  “So, do you have any words for other prospective business owners that have gone through similar trials as you, if you don’t mind my asking? How did you juggle being pregnant and opening not one but two eateries?” She held the mic out for me and gestured that the camera wasn’t presenting a live feed, and I took a moment to think about it.

  “I think… the one thing I would say is… divorce isn’t easy, whether you hate someone or love them and have to let them go. What I did was just focus on something that was harder to do, practically. Building this was a distraction, but it also helped me realize that my divorce doesn’t define me. If you have something you love, that you’re good at, the only thing stopping you from achieving it… is yourself.”

  “I demand some credit for this, Gwen!” Jumping at the shout over the hustle and bustle, I twisted to watch Ryan grin broadly at me. “All that stress eating threatened to ruin my hot bod, you know.”

  “Okay- Ryan helped a little.” Giggling in jubilation, I turned back to the newswoman as she glanced between the two of us, and Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist to squeeze gently. “I actually couldn’t have done it so well without him, so he deserves some credit.”

  “I’m actually a huge fan of yours, Mr. Shaw. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” They shook hands, but my attention was stolen by a loud squeal. Whirling around, I tensed before I even knew what to expect, and Ryan tightened his grip on me as his free hand pressed firmly against my bump.

  A stream of incredibly famous people entered my bakery through the door on that side, and my brows rose high. Glancing over at Ryan’s sheepish, reddening face, I exhaled a massive breath; the relief that there wasn’t a stampede or something was short lived, though.

  “Did you plan this?” His guilty look was all the answer I needed, and I reached to rub my face with both my palms. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “Surprise?” I frowned at the lackluster tone, and Ryan slumped back to groan. “If I told you, you’d stress out more. It’ll be fine. Things are going great!”

  “… Yeah- okay.” Rolling my lips between my teeth, I glanced around at every single thing I had made possible. The familiar faces of a few critics, three or four of Ryan’s actor friends, and at least a hundred people milled around, buzzing with excitement. Behind me, the restaurant was cranking out orders for patrons, and the news cameras were rolling to capture it all.

  Ducking to kiss my cheek, Ryan smiled infectiously, and I covered his hand over my bump with a happy sigh.

  “You deserve this, and don’t let anyone think you don’t, Gwen. Now that things have started, it’ll take off smooth, and you’ll never have to worry about anything again.” The intimate mumble tugged at my heart, and my eyes stung dully as I nodded mutely. “I’m just glad you can slow down a little. My mom actually called and asked if we’d be alright if they moved back so they can be ‘proper grandparents’.”

  “That’s sweet of them.” Answering absently as I gazed at my bakery crew scurrying around in total panic mode, I couldn’t help but smile. Kayla and two assistants were taking orders, since the cashier girls couldn’t leave their posts, and Brandon was in the middle of rolling a ball of dough. The other two assistants were whipping together batters like rockstars, and no one had dropped anything, yet.

  That was always a plus.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Martins-“ Twisting at the call, a smile stretched my lips without thought, and a second newsperson- a man- flashed me a small grin. “What made you make the decision to close the bakery at 3pm? Do you think you’ll do well enough not to need the walk-ins on their way home from work?”

  “We open for 7am, but that really means that people are here baking at 5am. I can’t close any later without risking their health. I’m not too concerned about the walk-ins that I might get because of the location of the place- it’s really not going to make a huge difference, anyway. At some point, I’m hoping to start up the catering and delivery part of my restaurant, which will include the bakery, but I probably won’t get into that until next year, at least.”

  “With your restaurant in San Francisco, you had close ties to local hospitals and retirement communities- the health pillars of your area. Are you looking to do the same thing here?” Shaking my head, I rubbed my belly absently as the newsman stuck his mic out for me. A certain stain of guilt spread across my chest, but I shook it away as I opened my mouth.

  “Ah- no, unfortunately not. That was more of a happy accident. I’m more than happy to revisit the idea, but this city isn’t San Francisco. I do want to clarify that I never had any formal arraignments with any healthcare providers. If I was asked to do an event- sure, of course, I would definitely agree. However, that also took place towards the last two years of my operating, and I haven’t been open six months, here.”

  “Do you have anything to say to those that have been to your followers on social media? The marketing campaign has seen some explosive feedback- there were even a few people from other countries that claimed to want to come try your food.” My brows shot up at that, and a bark of laughter escaped me as I nodded. I knew exactly who he was talking about, and he thrust out the microphone when I licked my lips heavily.

  “Yeah- this girl and her class live in Quebec, and they’ve been lobbying their school for two years. If they managed to get all the way down here, their trip’s on me.” Grinning broadly, I heaved a happy sigh as Ryan held me to him, content to be arm candy, and excitement for the future flooded my chest.


  Cracking open my eyes, I blinked blearily as Ryan’s hands massaging my legs slowly filtered into my tired mind. Rolling onto my opposite side with a groan, my heavy limbs ached from all the activity the day before- wait… how long was I asleep? As if anticipating my question, Ryan cleared his throat, and I reached to rub my eyes with loose fists.

  “You’ve been asleep for almost 18 hours, baby. It’s 6pm on Thursday.” Stretching the sleepiness from my legs, I searched blindly for a pillow to hug, and Ryan crawled up to kiss my cheek. “You worked so hard yesterday.”

  “I di-i-id… didn’t I?” Smiling lazily, I sighed as he returned to massaging my legs, and memories floated up from deep in my puttering mind. “It’s really open… huh…”

  “Yeah, Gwen- it’s really open.” Goosebumps washed down my legs when he grazed his teeth over my ass cheek. Kneading my inner thigh, Ryan kissed my other cheek as he gingerly pushed my knee out. “You’re so amazing.”

  The praise warmed my core, and I sucked in a sharp breath when Ryan circled my clit with coarse fingertips. Slithering up my side, he pulled my pillow out of my arms, and a lazy groan of protest slipped from my lips. His own brushed my jaw and ch
eek while his fingers rubbed gently, and the lethargic pleasure of it created a sludge of my blood.

  “I’m too tired…” Licking the corner of my mouth at my whine, Ryan ground insistently against my ass, and I cracked open my eyes. Flickering to his face through blurred lenses, grogginess scattered my thoughts, and he kissed me deeply. Affection blossomed in my chest, and his hand between my legs picked up its pace.

  “Just relax and let me take care of you, Gwen.” The assurance clogged my throat, and Ryan spread my folds with expert care as my need for him flushed my cheeks. “I don’t think I’ll miss pregnancy sex.”

  “Why?” Breathing the question as he rubbed my clit with the butt of his palm, I gasped as his fingers slipped inside me. The intrusion jolted my mind, but it wasn’t enough to get it going properly.

  “I just get tired of fucking your ass because I’m afraid of fucking your pussy. I mean- a baby is going to come out of that thing, right, so I have to be careful.”

  “You’re such a man.” Smiling as memories slowly filled my inner eye, I tilted my head for Ryan’s kisses. His cock against my ass cheek twitched, scorching a rut into my flesh from his thrusts, and I reached down blindly to stroke his length.

  Ryan had been absolutely freaked out when my OB told him that sex could induce labor. He was careful before that last appointment, but now, he refused to go anywhere near it. At this point, I just wanted this baby out of me, and I shivered when Ryan twisted and curled his fingers inside me.

  “A man that loves you…” Carefully hoisting my right leg over the crook of his elbow, Ryan grumbled lowly as he kissed my lips. “I love you, Gwen- I’m so damn proud of you.”

  “I’m proud of me, too.” My breath hitched when Ryan straddled my left thigh, and he pulled back to poise his cock at my entrance. Grappling for a sheet, I ground my teeth as he thrust to stretch my entrance, and my walls undulated with sheer expectation. “Oh-h-h God… Ryan- Ryan…”


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