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Forbidden Desires Box Set

Page 57

by Katy Kaylee

  I squinted at the mirror, trying to see what they saw. I had always thought I was terribly ugly as a child and in high school, but once I had gotten into college, I had realized I was actually pretty cute. Sure, I was too big to ever be what most people wanted, and my hair was a huge turn off to a lot of folks. And my mismatched eyes freaked some people out. But I had a classic sort of look to me that enough people liked. That I liked. I was like a plus sized pin up from the forties, or at least that was what I liked to think.

  But pretty, or kinda retro didn’t bag billionaires who were cut to the gods and so full of ambition it was surprising that they even had room for their personalities.

  Yet two billionaires were definitely into me.

  Part of me wondered if this was some elaborate prank. But I reminded myself that people didn’t generally go down on someone or kiss the life out of them for a prank. Nor did they give up their incredibly valuable time to take her on a date.

  I picked up my phone and looked at the screen, barely resisting the urge to chew my freshly painted lips. They would be arriving any moment and I was going to find out if I had the worst or best idea ever.

  My stomach churned, squeezing and flipping and doing all sorts of acrobatic moves that I didn’t appreciate. Suddenly all my bravado and assurance in the office was gone and I was wondering if I was the one who should cancel things.

  My intercom buzzed below, and it looked like I was out of time to back out. I went over to the door and pressed the button to tell them I’d be right down, then did one more check before I excited.

  Keys, phone, ID, and credit card were all in my purse. I also had a charger tucked in there too. I hated having an oversized bag, but even in my small one, I realized that I had a bit of room left that could probably fit a pair of thin leggings, a camisole and fresh panties.

  But I didn’t need leggings, a camisole and fresh panties.

  Did I?

  I stood there a moment, no doubt making Mr. Mannon and Mr. Loto plenty irritated, and tried to think of how I hoped this date ended. Was I looking for sex?


  I wasn’t.

  I was looking to explore the connection we had, to see if the three of us could agree to explore and figure out if or how we could work. I wanted to see just how intensely we felt about each other or if they were viewing this as some sort of fuck-buddy situation while I was definitely too caught up in both of them to want anything like that.

  But would I say no if sex happened?

  No, probably not either. I didn’t think I could. And not in a fearful, them pressuring me sort of way. It was more of a… my brain liked to shut off around them and my sex drive jumped to an eleven whenever in their presence. I would definitely be consenting enthusiastically…. But probably not logically.

  Alright. Extra clothes it was.

  I rolled them up as tight as I could and shoved them in, finally heading out the door. I wasn’t exactly quick to the rickety elevator at the end of the hall. I was in wedges and I hardly ever wore anything that was heeled. I had almost gone with one of my sparkly pairs of flats, but I had decided against it. I wanted to impress the pair, not seem lazy.

  And goodness, I hoped I impressed them.

  Mr. Mannon had said that, if I really wanted a date, then they were going to make it a worthwhile one. Before they’d dismissed me from Samson’s office, he’d told her to dress up and expect to be wined and dined.

  And also, that both of their favorite color was blue.

  Thankfully, she had two nice dresses besides the one she wore to the party and one of them had happened to be a deep, deep blue that almost looked like it could be black in some lights. It was in the style of a 50’s house wife dress, but was fancied up with a light, robin’s egg chiffon overlay and delicate lace mesh across the collar and on the cuffs of the princess sleeves.

  She had paired it with nude thigh highs that had the classic seam up the back, the only garter belt that she owned, and the light blue bra and panty set she had purchased for herself last Valentines Day when she was lonely and wanted to treat herself.

  Her hair was done up in pseudo victory rolls with some of it falling loose around her shoulders. It was somewhere between effortless and obviously very carefully coiffed and she found that was the balance that she liked best.

  But even with all the care she put into her appearance, would they like any of it? These guys were used to super models and stars and bombshells. I was just me.

  I opened the door leading out on the street and say Mr. Mannon standing there, more flowers in his hand. His eyes went wide at the sight of me and I was very grateful that my full-coverage foundation probably hid my intense blush at his reaction.

  “You look lovely,” he murmured, offing me his arm.

  “You do as well.” He was wearing a suit, similar to the ones I had seen him in many times before. I knew that each one probably cost as much as several months of my rent, but I tried not to think about that. It would just lead to more thoughts about how he and I were from different worlds and I didn’t have time for that when I had a (hopefully) amazing date to go on.

  “Where’s Mr. Loto?” I asked, looking around curiously. The two had clearly stated that they would be picking me up, and I was adamant that my date would be with both of them. If they were planning some sort of bait and switch, I didn’t care how drop dead sexy either of them were, I’d end things there and then. I had long since learned that if someone didn’t expect your wishes from the get-go, it wouldn’t get any better later.

  “He’s waiting in the car, so we didn’t have to park.” Mr. Mannon moved to the side to lead her out of the foyer and sure enough, there was a deep cobalt car sitting in the center of the rode, so obviously high end that it didn’t belong anywhere near my neighborhood.

  Smooth as butter, Xavier lead me over and opened the back-seat door for me. I half expected him to go to the passenger’s seat after he closed the door for me, but instead he went around the car and slid in with me in the back.

  “Don’t you want to sit with Mr. Loto?” I asked nervously.

  He shook his head, smiling ruefully at me. “It’s not polite to leave a lady alone during a date that’s supposed to be all about her. Samson and I agreed that he would drive us there and I would drive us back.” His smile grew even more crooked as he looked her over, taking in the flounce of her skirt and the scooping neckline of her dress. “Think of it as having your very own personal driver.”

  “How fancy,” I murmured, feeling my cheeks heat again as Samson took off.

  He sped towards the nicer part of the city. The part where I couldn’t afford to shop, eat, or even part there, really, but liked to drive around during Christmas to see all the beautiful lights and decorations set out. We were certainly a long way from Christmas, though, and I found myself looking at buildings I normally passed by without a second glance any other time of the year.

  It really was cleaner, and brighter, with more room than the densely cluttered outlet malls and second-hand shops. I tried not to feel out of place as we pulled up to an understated restaurant that was just dressed up enough for me to know just how high class it was. I felt my stomach twist again -not really good for eating- but tried my best to ignore it as Samson pulled out.

  Mr. Mannon was out of the car first, circling around it to open my door. He offered his hand, helping me out as I felt like a bit of a glamorous lady. To my surprise, Mr. Lolo stepped out as well and I gave him a confused look. Didn’t he have to park the car?

  My answer came quickly as a young man in a red vest stepped up and Samson handed him the keys. Oh right. Valet. Fancy places had valet. Huh, I could easily get used to that.

  Wait, no. I didn’t need to get ahead of myself. This was just our first date and we didn’t know if we would even work yet. If there even was a we to be had.

  Samson joined us, hooking his arm through my free one and both of them walked me in.


  For some reas
on I hadn’t expected that. I guessed that I had anticipated them being coyer about our date being between all three of us instead of a couple and a friend. If there was anyone they knew at the restaurant, I was sure that there would be plenty of gossip kicking up.

  Yet they didn’t seem to care, so I told myself not to either. I lifted my chin and tried to act like I belonged, and I wasn’t completely gobsmacked by the opulent surroundings.

  While the restaurant had been understated on the outside, it was certainly something else on the inside. Black and white and silver in the minimalist style, it was designed to the umpteenth degree. All angles and purposeful set up, it made me feel even more ostentatious in my floofy, housewife like dress. I supposed that was the point, to make any color suddenly thrust into their surroundings that much more lush and emphasized.

  The hostess at the front, dressed in her crisp looking black dress and low heels, lead us to a booth towards the back. I was surprised that such a classy place had a booth, but it was really set up to be stylistic couches on either side of a table. But before I could slide in, Samson shook his head. “We’d prefer something where we weren’t separated.”

  To her credit, the hostess took that in stride. “Oh, of course. I think I have something that would work.”

  She turned on her heel smartly and lead us to the very back corner where there was a circular, austere couch that was basically a group booth. Glancing to Samson for approval, he gave me a bit of a nod, so I slid in, the two of them joining on either side of me.

  “Your server today will be Crissandra; she’ll be with you in just a moment.”

  I smiled in what I hoped was a polite way at her, but I couldn’t really tell around the thumping of my heart.

  Oh geez.

  Oh geez.

  I was sandwiched between the two large men, and I could feel their warmth on either side of me. Their presences were strong, so intimidating, they made me flush without even trying. How was I supposed to survive a whole date with them if I was already feeling so flustered?

  “So,” Mr. Mannon said, pulling one of my hands away from the other, revealing the sharp bite of my fingernails into my own flesh. “You have the both of us here.”

  “That I do.” I answered shakily.

  “Is this what you were hoping for?” Samson asked, his eyes taking on that narrowed, intense look again.

  “I don’t know what I was hoping for really,” I answered as honestly as I could. “All I knew is that you both seem attracted to me and I’m attracted to both of you.”

  “How flattering,” he remarked dryly, sarcastically, before reaching out and taking my hand as well. How such a strong, massive man could be so gentle with my delicate fingers was beyond me, but I certainly wasn’t complaining.

  “You know, there have been no doubt hundreds of men and women who have been attracted to more than one person at a time. Normally they make a list or try to find out who they’re really meant to be with.” Xavier’s voice was light as she spoke, almost playful, but I could hear the concern, the uncertainty below it.

  “Yeah, but do they do that because they only can love one person, or that’s just what they’ve been told?”

  “Oh, so we’re talking about love here?” Samson asked, voice so low I almost didn’t hear it.

  “Yeah, love triangles,” I shot right back. “I just figure, why play into some sort of stupid situation where someone or all of us end up hurt and unhappy if there’s a solution to please all of us.” I looked to them earnestly, hoping that they could hear that I wasn’t being greedy, or conniving. I honestly believed every word that was coming out of my mouth.

  “Look, you two are best friends and inseparable. Coming between you two would basically be a cardinal sin. I’m just an employee, but for some reason you both seem into me, and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the two of you make me worry about sudden-onset asthma.”

  “Why Tabitha,” Xavier interrupted. “Are you trying to say we take your breath away?”

  “Stay on topic,” I retorted primly, still feeling my face flush. “I’m just saying, from where I’m standing, it doesn’t make sense to force a choice that isn’t necessary to make. Unless…” I felt my confidence waver ever so slightly as I looked first at one, then the other. “Unless there needs to be a choice for the two of you.”

  I guessed I hadn’t thought that part out. What if one of them or both of them insisted on me choosing? I wouldn’t be able to. I knew it would cause tension between them and in the end ruin way more than I was worth. I’d have to walk away from both of them.

  Geez. What a horrid idea.

  “You know, we’ve had threesomes proposed to us since we were seventeen. Nobody made them sound quite like you do.” Samson remarked, not even blinking as he stared me down.

  My heart thumped again in my chest. The man looked like a warrior who could take on an entire battalion by himself with nothing but a long knife and something about that absolutely did it for me.

  “That’s because I’m not talking about a threesome. A threesome would be easy. I’m talking about a… a…” I struggled for the word. I’d heard it before, but it was on the tip of my memory. “A triad!” I remembered triumphantly.

  Xavier sat back, his hand never letting go of mine. But when he spoke, it was over my head and I realized he wasn’t addressing me.

  “What do you think, Samson? We’ve shared a lot, but never a woman.”

  “Yes, that always was our line before.”

  There was a pause where I was sure they were engaging in one of those silent conversations that only friends for decades could have. I waited as patiently as I could, but I felt more and more on edge with every passing moment. When Xavier finally addressed me again, I thought my heart might leap right out of my throat and onto the table.

  “What if we don’t have an answer right now?”

  I shrugged. “Then that’s alright. Maybe this won’t be for any of us, but I thought we should at least see. This is just trying it on.”

  “And if it doesn’t work, then we go back to the drawing board?”

  I nodded. “Yup. That’s the plan.”

  Samson nodded, an approving sort of rumble going through his chest that I could feel more than see. “You should look at the menu,” he said simply.

  And that, appeared to be that.

  It didn’t seem possible that we could just hop from talking about sex, relationships or whatever the hell was going on with us right to what the best food on the menu was, but Samson and Xavier did. I supposed it made sense, in a way. In order to be successful CEOs in an every-changing field, they needed to be ready to make decisions quickly and roll with the punches when something was out of their hands.

  But still, it was a little bit of a whiplash for me.

  I managed to recover and after a bit we managed to have real conversations. They told me how they met in boarding school when their parents worked for rival companies and I pretended that I hadn’t already read that story dozens of times in their various interviews.

  I told them about my family, and college, and all sorts of silly little things about myself that didn’t really matter but seemed to with the way they were looking at me and eating up every single word.

  When the food did arrive, it was absolutely delicious. I had what was basically a super fancy version of a surf and turf, but of course such an upscale place didn’t call it that. There were also some fancy scallops and micro vegetable puree, and the wine that Samson had chosen for me was quite tasty.

  By the time our plates were empty, it was getting quite late. I knew that we should be heading out soon, but I was far more comfortable than I ever thought I could be in the presence of the intense men.

  Not that I was ever completely relaxed around them. No, there was still that feeling of being hyper aware of both their bodies and mine. That anticipation of being in the presence of two such dominant men who had already played me like a fiddle without even getting me entirely

  Remember that made me flush and for the tenth time, I was grateful for my make up coving up my blush. I was already pretty pink toned as it was, I didn’t need to look like a tomato in front of possibly two of the most handsome men that walked the Earth.

  “Seems like we should probably head out of here,” Samson said, his bright green eyes scanning the room. There were only a few patrons left and it was clear that things were winding down.

  “Hmm, seems like it,” Xavier agreed.

  I found myself feeling a bit disappointed. I was having so much fun, and I was a bit high on the anticipation that came from just being around them. God, they made me feel alive, electric. Somewhere between a prey animal in the midst of predators or an interloper trying to sneak through lands she didn’t belong in. It was exciting, dangerous… forbidden even.

  “We should go out and get some drinks.”

  Yes. I liked that idea very much.

  “Drinks sound good,” I managed to say like a normal human.

  “Good.” Samson said, pulling his wallet out and laying a couple of hundreds on the table. I also tried not to react to him laying the bills down like they were no big deal. Whether I was successful or not, I couldn’t really say.

  And once more, that was that.

  “Don’t we need to get the car?” I asked as we headed down the street.

  “Their valet service usually is oven at least a couple of hours after closed for regulars.”


  Samson looked around, his face in one of those deeply appraising expressions. “I hate all of the bars around here.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why?”

  “Because he says they water down their drinks,” Xavier said, amusement clear in his tone as if it was a conversation that they’d had many times before.

  “And the bartenders are as annoying as physically possible,” Samson added matter of factly. “They’re either trying to network for a job, or bag a rich lay, or earn and over the top tip. It’s impossible to enjoy any of it.”

  “Wow,” I said flatly. “That sounds like a real tragedy.”


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