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Page 8

by Susan Bliler

  He didn’t wait for a response before he turned and raced to his Dominant.

  When Jenny turned and looked up at Bishop with a disapproving glare, he growled, “What the fuck do you mean he’s the one who saved you? Saved you from what?”

  “Captivity,” she answered. “Lawder’s the Sentry who found me and rescued me.”

  Motherfucking son of cunty fucker!

  Bishop’s jaw ticked as he clenched his jaw, mind reeling now as he wondered if maybe Jen wasn’t holding out for Monroe at all. Maybe, just maybe, she’d been saving herself for this Lawder fuck!

  Chapter 17

  Any hope Bishop had of getting answers from Jenny had to wait. The next few hours were a blur of activity as the Sentries worked to escort Elias and Fleur out of the infirmary on their tour around the Estate. Now, Bishop was stewing.

  To keep his mind off Jenny, he’d volunteered for what had been dubbed “Dignitary Duty”. He didn’t know what it meant at the time, but if he’d known that it meant standing at attention outside the glass windows of the Crow’s Nest while Monroe, Elias, Fleur, Jenny, and that prick Lawder Cassell all had dinner, he’d have never signed up.

  Jenny was seated between Monroe and that accented, fat-lipped prick. Right now, Bishop didn’t know which of the two men he hated more.

  Monroe kept glancing up and giving him blatant smiles that told Bishop just how much the Dominant was enjoying his discomfort. Law on the other hand never took his eyes off Jenny. Even when their food came, Law kept his neck craned and his big mouth working as he stayed in Jenny’s face while she pushed food around her plate and pretended to eat. To her credit, she kept casting Bishop furtive glances, but even those didn’t keep his temper from flaring when Law kept brushing up against Jenny. The contact wasn’t skin-to-skin, so it didn’t hurt Jenny, but she jumped each time Law got too close like she was afraid his hands would find their way to her bare arms.

  And who left their arms exposed when they were afflicted anyway?

  For the eight-hundredth time since their dinner started, Bishop considered stripping out of his tactical shirt and taking it in to Jenny who’d left her lab coat back in the infirmary.

  “Jesus, man. You’re gonna drill a hole through the glass if you keep staring at Jenny like that.”

  Ash’s words had him realizing he was staring a little too intently through the window. Hell, his hands were even fisted, and his upper body was leaning forward like he could will Monroe and Law away from Jenny.

  “You got the hots for the doc, bro? When’d that happen?”

  He didn’t answer. He didn’t know how to. Any revelation into him and Jenny’s affliction would result in questions. Questions about the how’s and the why’s. These were questions he’d have to answer by revealing Jenny’s deception. He couldn’t do that to her.

  “Just don’t like that Law guy,” he offered lamely.

  Ash snorted, “Or Monroe it would seem.” He chuckled. “Good thing Elias is mated, or I’m sure he’d be getting the stink eye too.”

  It took all of Bishop’s willpower to tear his eyes away from where Law was leaning too close to Jenny.

  Thirty minutes later, Elias, Fleur, and Monroe shuffled slowly out of the Crow’s Nest, stalling in the doorway to discuss accommodations for the night. Seems Elias and Fleur would be staying in a suite. Bishop’s eyes tracked back to the restaurant when Jenny and Law didn’t exit.

  The two were still settled at the table, Law had his legs crossed, and he was relaxed back in his chair as he sipped what looked like a cup of tea and watched Jenny as she spoke. They looked…comfortable. It’s wasn’t any kind of relaxed ease he and Jenny had ever shared. No, when the two of them were together it was like gasoline and a match. Boom!

  “Bishop? You coming?”

  Monroe’s words tore Bishop’s attention from the window. Elias and Fleur were gone, so were Ash and the other two Sentries who’d been standing guard outside the Crow’s Nest. Bishop looked back in the restaurant, reluctant to leave Jenny with that…guy!

  Monroe sidled up to Bishop, stopping beside him and pushing his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he rocked back on his heels. “They go way back.” He angled his head as he studied Jenny and Law. “He’s the one, you know.”

  Just the way he said it was grating. Yeah, he got that Law had saved Jenny, but it didn’t stop the jealous rage that wrapped around his chest threatening to suffocate him.

  “When Jenny was just a girl,” Monroe continued. “When she was trapped in hell, Law was the one who rescued her. As a child, she idolized him. Now that she’s a woman…” He let his words die off as he shrugged.

  Bishop turned and gave Monroe his full attention. He’d never discussed with Monroe why he’d taken Jenny, and surprisingly it hadn’t come up. He took a stab in the dark when he said, “You know what she is to me. You know, or you’d have never contacted me when I took her. You’d have simply sent your best to retrieve her, so stop with the games.”

  Monroe grinned. “I know what she’s supposed to be to you. You didn’t want her.”

  “Ain’t what happened. I never once said that.”

  Slipping a hand out of his pocket, Monroe lifted a knuckle and rapped it quietly off the window. “You don’t have to say it. Jen told me. Besides.” He thumped his knuckle off the glass again. “That tells me all I need to know.”

  Bishop looked through the glass, and his pulse tripped at the heart-stopping smile Jenny flashed Law.

  “Law has loved her from the moment he rescued her. It was a different kind of love then, but she’s been a woman for a long time now. A woman he’s just now getting to know. She’s a woman he’s already invested in.”

  A growl wrenched its way up Bishop’s throat. “Why would you do that?” he snarled. “Why would you invite me here and then use me as pawn?”

  Monroe tucked his hands back into his pockets and the intensity in his eyes when he spoke told of a man who was doing more than merely playing games. “You all do this to me,” he answered. “The Grandfathers give you a gift, and you all try to push it away. You, her. I get it. Believe me, I get it.” He looked at Jenny. “An Angel is our only true weakness. She can be used against us; she’s the only weapon this world has against Walkers. But, being afraid of her getting hurt or taken doesn’t negate the fact that she is yours. You all waste so much time,” he breathed tiredly. “You think keeping her at arm’s length will make it hurt less or more if something happens to her?”

  Bishop’s brows speared down, “What in the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means,” Monroe snarled. “We’re being hunted. Every fucking day, we’re being hunted. The Megalya could capture her again tomorrow. They still want her back, you know. After all this time, all these years. They are still looking for her! She could be swallowed back into hell without ever having known any true happiness. And, she deserves to be happy. After what she suffered, after what they did to her.” His words died off. “It’s important to me that she finds her mate, Bishop.” He swallowed hard. “I have a vested interest in that woman’s happiness, so if I’ve gotta push you out of your comfort zone to prove to you that you can’t live without her, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “And why is that?” Bishop squared up to Monroe. “Why is Jenny’s happiness so damn important to you, Monroe? What is your history with my Angel?”

  Monroe rolled his eyes and sighed, “Grandfathers, please don’t ever let me be this fucking dumb.”

  Bishop’s expression hardened.

  “My sister,” Monroe growled. “She may not be born of my family’s blood, but she is part of our hearts. Your Angel, Bishop, is my sister. Adopted and raised by my parents after Law rescued her. She’s my family.” He leaned in and went nose to nose with Bishop as he warned, “And don’t you ever fucking forget it.”

  Monroe stormed off leaving Bishop in a daze and without the opportunity to explain that Jenny was the one who’d hid from him. Bishop wouldn’t have ru
n from the affliction. He’d never have run from Jen. The argument fizzled though as one realization consumed him.

  His sister! It was both a relief and a sinking weight. Jenny and Monroe shared no intimate relationship, but still. Why of all the woman in the whole damn world, does my Angel have to be Monroe StoneCrow’s sister? Fffffuck!

  Chapter 18

  Jenny was relieved that all through dinner no one seemed to notice that she hadn’t eaten anything. She’d faked sips of her coffee and fidgeted under Law’s attention. He’d monopolized most of the conversation, which was fine. It was odd though, how a man she’d fantasized about for years was finally showing interest, and she couldn’t care less. Time and time again, her eyes drifted to the window where Bishop stood stoically outside, guarding the estate’s first family. Guarding her.

  “Did you ‘ear me, love?” Law lifted a hand to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, but Jenny pulled back. The skin-on-skin contact would hurt, and he’d smell it in an instant. No doubt, as would Bishop who now stood alone outside the glass glaring at her and Law.

  “Uhh, no. Sorry, I missed it. What did you say?”

  He smiled but angled his head. “You’re distracted.” Turning he looked over his shoulder. “Anyfin to do wif ‘at growly bastard in a hall?”

  Jenny felt herself blush and lowered her head. “No,” she responded too quickly. “Just been a crazy long week.” She met Law’s gaze then and spoke honestly. “I’m sorry for being shit company. I’m not normally like this, I swear.”

  “No worries. Monroe says you run a medical facility ’ere. Must be dauntin’.”

  “It is,” she supplied, grateful for the excuse.

  “Well let’s get you home ‘en.”

  Law stood and pulled out her chair for her. Jenny thanked him and preceded him out the door. She stopped just outside the Crow’s Nest and faced Bishop.

  “Sentry Arkinson, everything okay?”

  His dark eyes locked on Law as he answered her. “Just making sure you stay safe.”

  “Oi,” Law jerked his chin up. “She’s safe as babe wif me.”

  “We don’t know you,” Bishop growled. “You’re not from here, not one of ours.” He took a step toward Law. “I trust you about as far as I can throw you.”

  Law glanced down at Bishop’s bicep. “Wif ‘em arms it wouldn’t be far would it?”

  Bishop took two more steps toward Law before Jenny planted a hand on his chest, sighing tiredly, “Enough. Both of you.”

  “Look,” Law stepped forward. “Ain’t you got work to do?” He looked pointedly down the hall. “Someplace else maybe.”

  Bishop stepped around Jenny and went nose-to-nose with Law.

  She heard him say something about doing his job by keeping an eye on weasley little fucks with dumb-as-shit names, but that was all she heard because the elevator doors slid closed and sealed her inside as she made her quiet escape. If those two idiots wanted to fight, they weren’t going to do it in front of her.


  The next morning, Jenny stepped out of a cabin, but it wasn’t the one assigned to her at StoneCrow.

  She’d gone back to Bishop’s secret hideaway and hadn’t told anyone because right now she needed a break from Law, Monroe, Fleur, Elias, and mostly Bishop. His cabin seemed like the best place to go too, because who would think to look for her there?

  This time, she’d brought plenty of supplements, injections, and meds to hold her over for a long time. And a long time is what she assumed she’d need before she was ready to go back and face her reluctant mate and her mess of a life. With any luck, Law and her parents would be gone by then too because right now she didn’t need the added havoc that Law’s sudden appearance was wreaking on her life. Worse, it was incredibly difficult keeping the secret of her affliction from her parents, especially Fluer. The two were extremely close, but she knew that if she confided in her mother, Fleur would demand that Elias do something. He would too because the Dominant Skin Walker wouldn’t stand idly by while his only daughter suffered.

  Jenny had no choice. Leaving StoneCrow was best for everyone.


  Bishop watched Jenny step out of his cabin. She was wearing faded jeans that clung to her ass and hips like an invitation. Her upper body was covered by a thick wool coat, but he didn’t need to see beneath that coat to know exactly what was underneath. Luscious tits, trim waist, toned arms. His Angel was truly a sight to behold, and something about watching his woman in his secret place settled his inner beasts.

  He’d gone to see her last night after his heated argument with Law because he knew the prick actually meant something to her and he didn’t want her thinking he was taking a shit on that just out of jealousy. Well…he kinda was, but what was he supposed to do. Skin Walkers were territorial possessive bastards. His nature couldn’t be helped. Still, he’d wanted to let Jenny know that he’d back off Law if it was what she wanted.

  When he’d found Jenny though, she was loading a bag into a car he recognized as her nurse, Stoney’s. It was a sporty little number with a bright yellow paint job, which would be easy to follow in crow form. It had been.

  Now, with axe in hand, his Jenny looked like a damn shield maiden heading into battle with that determined glint in her eyes he was getting to know well. It was the look she wore when she was on a mission. Determined little minx!

  He smiled and watched her like a predator watching his prey. In mountain lion form, it was literally true.

  The wind blasted her hair back from her face, and she cursed softly before stopping and lowering the axe. She clamped her knees around the handle while the head rested on the cold ground. She made quick work of twisting her long raven colored hair into a braid that hung over her shoulder. Pulling something from her wrist, she secured her work and then hefted the axe back over her shoulder as she made her way to the side of the house.

  He knew she was going to chop firewood. He also knew there was plenty already piled up high beside the house because he’d cut and stacked it himself. He got it though. He came up here when he needed to think and what better way than with mindless physical labor. He grinned, liking that he and Jenny had something in common.

  When Jenny circled around the house, Bishop had no choice but to slink out of his hiding spot in the thick forest to quietly follow. He found equally thick cover in a stand of trees beside the house and settled back on his haunches to watch as his dark-haired beauty hoisted the axe over her head and swung it an arc, connecting solidly with the log she’d propped up. It split right down the center in one swing, and he felt pride swell. She was strong, powerful, and she worked with expert precision chopping and stacking.

  All the while she toiled, Bishop watched her. The flex in her thighs as she used her weight to rock the axe overhead and then slam it forward in a graceful arc was mesmerizing. She even made this cute little grunting noise with each swing that had heat coiling low in his belly.

  Readjusting his position, a rock knocked loose from beneath his paw and scuttled noisily down the slight incline where he rested. Eyes shooting up, he watched Jenny’s swing still as her body tensed.

  Shiiiit! Had he just given himself away? Motionless, he held his breath and waited, surprised when Jenny turned and eyed the forest, but focused on a swath of trees closer to her. Were her instincts messed up? He couldn’t help the wave of irritation that washed over him. What if he was a real predator? She should have better accuracy at pinpointing…

  His thoughts slammed to a halt when Jenny’s back suddenly arched violently. The axe fell from her grip as her teeth slammed down hard and her eyes pinched shut as a strangled groan wrenched its way up her strained throat.

  Bishop shot to his feet.

  Chapter 19

  Something was wrong. Jenny looked like she was being tased, but there wasn’t any outward sign of attack.

  Bishop didn’t wait, his claws dug into the frozen grown as he hurtled himself from his perch, eyes intent on Jenny as she drop
ped straight back. Legs locked and hands trapped in still clenching fists, she couldn’t catch herself as she hit the ground hard.

  Tearing through the forest to get to his Angel, Bishop didn’t even slow as bodies poured from the forest around Jenny. It was men. Lots of men, with pasty bald heads and wearing long dark trench coats.

  He and the other Sentries had been briefed on the Megalya, but this was the first time he’d ever seen them.

  The fuckers hunted Skin Walkers. They believed they could glean Skin Walker abilities by drinking Skin Walker blood. For fun, they decapitated the Walker after the act to harvest their halos as trophies.

  No way in fuck was he letting these things put their hands on his Angel!

  From somewhere, someone crowed excitedly, “It worked! It actually worked! After all these years even!”

  Bishop didn’t stop. He blasted past two Megalya who lunged at him. He made it to Jenny before rounding, placing his mountain lion’s massive form over her sprawled body. Lip peeled back, he loosed a threatening hiss.

  “Walker?” That same voice called curiously from the forest before a man stepped into the clearing. He wore a white lab coat that looked ridiculous in the current setting. He had on white slacks, white shoes, and his shorn hair was so gray that it looked white too. His beard matched.

  “Are you a Walker too,” he asked a little too merrily for Bishop’s liking. The man in the ridiculous lab coat clapped his hands as if pleased. His eyes were bright with awe, which was confusing considering he was staring down a very large, very pissed off mountain lion. The guy just studied him for long minutes and then canted his head, his lips puckering as he pressed a finger to them. “Although, I don’t believe I can use you. Too many male specimens currently, I’m afraid.” He lowered his finger and jerked his head toward Bishop. “You can have the lion. I want the female.”

  Bishop’s blood surged through his veins as the dozen Megalya closed in around him.


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