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Spellsinger 03 - The Day of the Dissonance

Page 23

by Foster, Alan Dean;

  "Fricasseed water rat," she told him, with relish.

  "Wot, me?" Mudge squeaked.

  "Give the main course a bottle of elf dust. What better

  end for a guilty assassin?"

  Up till now Jon-Tom had considered their predicament

  as nothing more than a matter of bad communication. This

  new vision of a bunch of carnivorous fairies feasting on

  Mudge's well-done carcass shoved everything over the

  edge into the realm of the surreal.

  "Listen, you can't eat any of us."

  Grelgen rested pudgy hands on soft hips. "Why not?

  Jon-Tom struggled for a sensible reply. "Well, for one

  thing, it just doesn't fit your image."

  She squinted sideways at him. "You," she said decisively,

  "are nuts. I'm going to have to consult with the Elders to

  make sure it's okay to eat crazy people."

  "I mean, it just doesn't seem right. What about your

  honey rolls and custards and like that?"

  Grelgen hesitated. When she spoke again, she sounded

  slightly embarrassed.

  "Actually, you're right. It's only that every once in a

  while we get this craving, see? Whoever's unlucky enough

  to be in the neighborhood at the time ends up on the

  village menu." She glanced over at Folly and tried to

  regain some of her former arrogance. "We also find it

  helpful now and then to bathe in the blood of a virgin."

  Folly digested this and collapsed, rolling about on the

  ground while laughing hysterically. Grelgen saw the tears

  pouring down the helpless girl's cheeks, grunted, and

  looked back over a shoulder. Jon-Tom followed her gaze.

  On the far side of fairy town a bunch of muscular,

  overweight enchanted folk were sliding an oversized wooden

  bowl down a slope. At the sound of Grelgen's voice they


  "Right! Cancel the bathing ceremony!"

  Cursing under their breath, the disappointed bowl mov-

  ers reversed their efforts and began pushing their burden

  back into the bushes.


  Alan Dean Foster




  "So you think it's funny, do you? Right then, you're

  first on the fire instead of the water rat."

  That put a clamp on Folly's laughter.

  "Why her?" Jon-Tom demanded to know.

  "Why not her? For one thing she's already depelted."

  "Oh, no you don't." Folly braced herself against the

  bare granite wall, as far from Grelgen as she could get.

  "You just try and touch me! I'll squash you like a bug."

  Grelgen looked disgusted, waved her wand almost

  indifferently, and whispered something under her breath.

  Folly leaped away from the wall, clutching her backside.

  The stone had become red-hot.

  "Might as well resign yourself to it, girl," said Grelgen.

  "You're on this morning's menu and that's all there is to

  it. If there's anything that gets my gall it's an uncooperative


  "Please," Jon-Tom pleaded with her, dropping to his

  knees to be nearer eye level with their tormentor. "We

  mean you no harm. We only came into your lands to ask

  you for some information."

  "Sorry. Like I said, we've got the craving, and when it

  comes upon us we've got to have meat."

  "But why us?" Mudge asked her. "These woods must

  be full o' lizards and snakes enough to supply your 'ole


  "Food doesn't wander into our custody," she snapped at

  him. "We don't like hunting. And the forest creatures

  don't stage unprovoked assaults on our person."

  "Blimey," Mudge muttered. "'Ow can such small

  'eads be so bloomin' dense? I told you that were an


  Grelgen stared silently at him as she tapped one tiny

  glass slipper with her wand. Jon-Tom absently noted that

  the slipper was three sizes too small for her not-so-tiny


  "Don't give me any trouble. I'm in a disagreeable mood

  as it is." She whistled up a group of helpers and they

  started through one archway toward Folly. Her initial

  defiance burned out of her, she hid behind Roseroar.

  Jon-Tom knew that wouldn't save her.

  "Look," he said desperately, trying to stall for time as

  he swung the duar into playing position and tried to think

  of something to sing, "you said that meat isn't usually

  what you eat, that you only have this craving for it


  "What about it?" Grelgen snapped impatiently.

  "What do you eat normally? Besides what you told me


  "Milk and honey, nectar and ambrosia, pollen and sugar

  sap. What else would fairy folk eat?"

  "So that's it. I had a hunch." A surge of hope rushed

  through him.

  "What's it?" she asked, frowning at him.

  He sat down and crossed his legs, set the duar aside. "I

  don't suppose there are any professional dieticians in the


  "Any what?"

  "No, of course not. See, all your problems are diet-

  related. It not only explains your unnatural craving for

  protein, it also explains your, uh, unusually rotound fig-

  ures. Milk's okay, but the rest of that stuff is nothing but

  pure sugar. I mean, I can't even imagine how many

  calories there are in a daily dose of ambrosia. You proba-

  bly use a lot of glucose when you're flying, but when you

  stop flying, well, the problem only compounds itself."

  One of the Elder fairies waiting impatiently behind

  Grelgen now stepped forward. "What is this human raving


  Grelgen pushed him back. "It doesn't matter." She

  turned back to Jon-Tom. "What you say makes no sense,

  and it wouldn't matter if it did, because we still have our

  craving." She started to aim her wand at the trembling

  Folly. "No use in trying to hide, girl. Step out here where

  I can see you."


  Alan Dean Foster



  Jon-Tom leaned sideways to block her aim. "Wait!

  You've got to listen to me. Don't you see? If you'd only

  change your eating habits you'd lose this craving for


  "We're not interested in changing our eating habits,"

  said another of the Elders. "We like nectar and honey and


  "All right, all right!" Jon-Tom said frantically. "Then

  there's only one way out. The only other way to reduce

  your craving for protein is for you to start burning off all

  these extra ounces you've been accumulating. You've got

  to break the cycle." He picked up the duar.

  "At least give me a chance to help you. Maybe I can't

  do it with spellsinging, but there are all kinds of magic."

  "Consider carefully, man," Grelgen warned him. "Don't

  you think we're aware that we have a little problem? Don't

  you think we've tried to use our own magic to solve it?"

  "But none of you is a spellsinger."

  "No. That's not our kind of magic. But we've tried

  everything. We're stuck with
what we are. Your spellsinging

  can't help us. Nothing can help us. We've experimented

  with every type of magic known to the enchanted folk, as

  well as that employed by the magic-workers of the greater

  world. We're trapped by our own metabolisms." She

  rolled up her sleeves. "Now let's get on with this without

  any more bullshitting, okay?" She raised the wand again.

  "Just one chance, just give me one chance!" he pleaded.

  She swung the wand around to point it at him, and he

  flinched. "I'm warning you, buster, if this is some sort of

  trick, you'll cook before her."

  "There's one kind of magic I don't think you've tried."

  She made a rude noise. "Worm dung! We've tried it


  "Even aerobics?"

  Grelgen opened her mouth, then closed it. She turned to

  conference with the Elders. Jon-Tom waited nervously.

  Finally she stuck her head out of the pile and inquired

  almost reluctantly, "What strange sort of magic is this?"

  Jon-Tom took a deep breath and rose. Putting aside the

  duar, he began stripping to the waist.

  Roseroar came over to whisper in his ear. "Suh, are yo

  preparin' some trick ah should know about? Should ah be

  ready with mah swords?"

  "No, Roseroar. No tricks."

  She shrugged and moved away, shaking her head.

  Jon-Tom started windmilling his arms, loosening up.

  Grelgen immediately retreated several steps and raised

  the wand threateningly. "All you need is to learn this

  magic," he said brightly. "A regular program of aerobics.

  Not only will it reduce your unnatural craving for protein,

  it should bring back your old aerodynamic figures."

  "What does that mean?" asked one of the younger


  "It means we'll be able to fly again, stupid," replied

  one of the Elders as he jabbed the questioner in the ribs.

  "Fly again." The refrain was taken up by the rest of the


  "It's a trick!" snapped Grelgen, but the weight of

  opinion (so to speak) was against her.

  "All right." She tucked her wand under one arm and

  glared up at Jon-Tom. "You get your chance, man. If this

  is a trick to buy time, it better be good, because it's going

  to be your last one."

  "It's no trick," Jon-Tom assured her, feeling the sweat

  starting to trickle from beneath his arms. And he hadn't

  even begun yet.

  "Look, I'm no Richard Simmons, but I can see we need

  to start with the basics." He was aware he had the

  undivided attention of several hundred sets of eyes. He

  took a deep breath, thankful for the morning runs which

  kept him in decent condition. "We're going to start with

  some deep knee-bends. Hands on hips... watch those


  Alan Dean Foster



  wings, that's it. Ready." He hesitated. "This would work

  better if we had some music."

  Grelgen grunted, turned, and barked a command. There

  was a brief delay. Several small figures made their way

  through the enchanted mob and took up positions atop the

  stone wall. Each carried a delicate instrument. There were

  a couple of flutes, a set of drums, and something that

  resembled a xylophone which had been in a bad traffic


  "What should we play?" piped one of the minuscule


  "Something lively."

  "A dance or roundelet?" They discussed the matter

  among themselves, then launched into a lively tune with

  faintly oriental overtones. Jon-Tom waited until he was

  sure of the rhythm, then smiled at his attentive if uncertain


  "Ready? Let's begin! Imitate me." He dipped. "Come

  on, it's not hard. One, two, three, and bend; one, two,

  three, and bend;... that's it!"

  While Jon-Tom's companions looked on, several hun-

  dred fairy folk struggled to duplicate the human's move-

  ments. Before too long, groans and moans all out of

  proportion to the size of the throats they came from filled

  the air.

  Grelgen was gasping and sweating. Her orange chiffon

  gown was soaked. "You're sure that you're not actually

  trying to murder us?"

  "Oh, no." Jon-Tom was breathing a little hard himself.

  "See, this isn't an instantaneous kind of magic. It takes

  time." He sat down and put his hands behind his neck,

  wondering how far he could go before Grelgen gave up.

  "Now, this kind of magic is called sirups. Up, down, up,

  down ... you in the back there, no slacking, now... up,


  He worried constantly that Grelgen and her colleagues

  would become impatient before the new exercise regimen

  had time to do its work. He needn't have worried. The

  enchanted folk took weight off as rapidly as they put it on.

  By the second day the most porcine of the villagers could

  boast of shrunken waistlines. By the third the effects were

  being felt by all, and by the fourth even Grelgen could stay

  airborne for short flights.

  "I don't understand, mate," said Kludge. "You said it

  'tweren't magic, yet see 'ow quick-like they're shrinkin'


  "It's their metabolic rate. They burn calories much

  faster than we do, and as soon as they get down to where

  they can fly again, the burning accelerates."

  The results were reflected in Grelgen's changing atti-

  tude. As the exercises did their work, her belligerence

  softened. Not that she became all sweetness and light, but

  her gratitude was evident.

  "A most wondrous gift you have given us, man. A new.

  kind of magic." It was the morning of the fifth day of their

  captivity and a long time since any of the enchanted folk

  had suggested having one of their guests for supper.

  "I have a confession to make. It's not magic. It's only


  "Call it by whatever name you wish," she replied, "it

  is magic to us. We are starting to look like the enchanted

  folk once more. Even I," she finished proudly. She did a

  deep knee-bend to prove it, something she couldn't have

  imagined doing five days earlier. Of course, she did it

  while hovering in midair, which made it somewhat easier.

  Still, the accomplishment was undeniable.

  "You are free to go," she told them.

  Roseroar stepped forward and cautiously thrust out a

  paw. The invisible wall of fire which had kept them

  imprisoned had vanished, leaving behind only a little

  lingering heat. The tigress stepped easily over the tiny

  stone wall.

  "Our gratitude is boundless," Grelgen went on. "You

  said you came to us for help." She executed a neat little


  Alan Dean Foster



  pirouette in the air, delighting in her rediscovered mobility.

  "What is it you wish to know?"

  "We need directions to a certain town," he told her. "A,

  place called Crancularn."

  "Ah. An ambiguo
us destination. Not mine to

  why. Wait here." She flew toward the village, droning

  a wasp, and returned several minutes later with four newh

  slimmed Elders. They settled on the wall. Between them,

  the four Elders held a piece of parchment six inches

  square. It was the biggest piece of writing material the

  village could produce.

  "Crancularn, you said?" Jon-Tom nodded at her.

  She rolled up the sleeves of her burgundy-and-lime

  dress, waved the wand over the parchment as she spoke.

  The parchment twisted like a leaf in the wind. It continued

  to quiver as a line of gold appeared on its surface, tracing

  the outlines of mountains and rivers, trails, and paths.

  None of them led directly toward the golden diamond that

  shone brightly in the upper-lefthand corner of the parchment.

  Grelgen finished the incantation. The parchment ceased

  its shaking, allowing the concentrating Elders to relax their

  grip. Jon-Tom picked the freshly inscribed map off the

  grass. It was warm to the touch. One tiny spot not far from

  a minor trail fluoresced brightly.

  "The glow shows you where you are at any time,"

  Grelgen informed him. "It will travel as you travel. Hold

  fast to the map and you will never be lost." She rose on

  diaphanous wings to hover near his shoulder and trace over

  the map with her wand. "See? No easy journey from here

  and no trails directly to the place."

  "We're told Crancularn moves about."

  "So it does. It has that characteristic. But the map will

  take you there, never fear. This is the cartography of what

  will be as well as of what is. A useful skill which we

  rarely employ. We like it where we are."

  Jon-Tom thanked her as he folded the map and slipped it

  carefully into a pocket of his indigo shirt.

  Grelgen hovered nearby. "Tell me, man. Why do you

  go to Crancularn?"

  "To shop for something in the Shop of the Aether and

  Neither." She nodded, a grave expression on her tiny face.

  "We've heard many rumors," he went on. "Is there

  something dangerous about the shop?"

  "Indeed there is, man. Included among its usual in-

  ventory is a large supply of the Truth. That is something

  most travelers seek to avoid, not to find. Beware what

  purchases you make. There are bonuses and discounts to

  be had in that place you may not find to your liking."

  "We'll watch our step," he assured her.

  She nodded solemnly. "Watch your hearts and souls as

  well. Good luck to you, man, and to your companions.

  Perhaps if you return by a similar route we can show you


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