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Finding His Mate

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  “You showed mercy on the beast Alpha…” Riff offered as straight faced as he could manage. Zoe on the other hand snorted a laugh from the other side of the room.

  Dex’s fist shot out and caught Riff as he was trying to duck it. He’d seen it coming, but too late and found himself sitting on the floor again, rubbing his jaw and growling his annoyance at his friend.

  “That’s three…” He growled out. Jumping to his feet and starting towards Dex who was readying himself for the first punch, just as Kate walked into the room and everyone stopped in their tracks.

  “Morning Kate.” Zoe offered first as Riff and Dex stood down, the fire in their blood for the fight that never happened cooling only slightly as they took their seats again.

  “Morning. Am I interrupting something?” She looked between Riff and Dex, who both tried to look innocent and shook their heads.

  “Breakfast’s nearly ready. You’ll need to eat hearty for all the walking you’ll be doing today.” Zoe offered as Kate’s eyes flicked towards Dex and she couldn’t help remembering the sight of him standing naked and proud in the kitchen not a half hour earlier. The blush spread over her cheeks.

  “I wouldn’t want to trouble you, if I could get a map…” She wanted to be as far away from Dex as humanly possible. The man was seriously getting under her skin. It didn’t help that she had seen him in all of his glory, and glory was the word. She’d never cared much for the naked male form before, sculpted abs and hard pecs, but she couldn’t help wondering just how his body would feel pressed against hers, naked.

  “It’s no trouble at all.” To her ears his voice was deeply seductive, but she put it down to the fact she had just been imagining him naked and hard against her.

  Hard? Her mind immediately conjured up the sight of his penis and she swallowed down the dryness in her throat. How the heck would that feel inside her? It wasn’t that it was mutated or anything, just… big. Wide. Not exactly a damn splinter.

  “Are you ok Kate?” She mentally shook her head and latched onto what Zoe was saying. “You look a little flushed.”

  Kate gave a little internal whimper. Damn right she was flushed! She shook her head in denial, “Just have too many clothes on for the heat in here.” She was dressed for the cooler weather outside, she might just get away with it, she told herself as she heard Dex chuckle.

  “Yes you do.” Her eyes flicked to his when his sultry tones reached out to her body and she saw the predatory gleam in his eyes and suddenly felt like a rabbit under a wolf’s gaze.

  “Maybe it was all the excitement of the beastly thing in the kitchen this morning.” Riff offered to no-one in particular as he raised his mug to his lips.

  Kate’s eyes immediately flicked down Dex’s body to the place that was hidden by the kitchen counter and she licked her lips to moisten them.

  “That’s no way to describe my brother Riff. He’s not that bad.” Zoe put in over her shoulder, flicking off the heat under the pans and setting about plating up the food.

  “It’s actually quite a good description.” Kate muttered, raising her eyes to Dex’s and internally berating herself to be caught staring at him.

  “So you’re scared of mice?” Riff asked. Kate managed to drag her eyes away from Dex and turn them on his friend who seemed quite amused by this morning’s events.

  “I spent twenty four hours stuck down an abandoned mineshaft with the little suckers a couple of years back. It’s fair to say they aren’t my favourite critters.” Kate offered and heard a low rumble like thunder rolling through the room towards her. She took a moment to wonder if it was actual thunder or the noise she had heard come from Dex yesterday.

  Dex felt the irrational need to comfort his mate. The sight of her frightened face when he’d found her this morning slammed into his mind like he’d been sandbagged, and all he wanted to do was wrap her inside his arms and comfort her.

  Just the thought of the fear she must have felt for a whole day of her life had him growling with annoyance that he hadn’t been there to protect her, sooth her. Damn, he had it bad.

  “So other furry creatures are…?” Riff left the question hanging as he turned his eyes on her. There wasn’t the same level of amusement in his face this time as she looked back at him.

  “Cats, dogs, rabbits etc, not a problem.” She assured him, before thanking Zoe for the plate the younger woman put in front of her. The sight of the food mountain the woman expected her to be able to eat sort of shocked her for a moment, until she turned her eyes towards the men’s plates and saw twice that amount.

  How the heck were they in such good shape? She wondered as she watched Riff shovelling as much food as he could pile onto his fork into his mouth and chewed a couple of times before swallowing the lot down.

  The man’s an animal. She shook off the image and turned back to her plate.

  “There are quite a few wild beasts around these parts, even heard of a few wolf sightings…” Riff offered as he stacked his fork again.

  “Wolves? Wow, really?” Kate forgot her food for a long moment as she turned to Riff. He turned slightly on his stool and stared back at her, like he was trying to gage her reaction.

  “Sure. Do you like wolves?” Riff seemed genuinely serious and she took a moment to consider it.

  “They are beautiful creatures. But I’m not sure I’d want to be stuck down a mineshaft with one.” She offered back and watched a warm smile spread over Riff’s face, she liked the way his eyes crinkled into rows of crow’s feet, and it made him seem friendlier.

  “Probably not. But I hear the ones around these parts can be quite friendly.” His breath was suddenly taken from his body as he jolted forwards on his stool and Kate frowned, looking for an explanation. “Caught my damn knee on the edge of the counter.” His voice was deeper and edged with annoyance as he rubbed down his leg.

  Dex kept his eyes down on his plate as he replanted his foot back on the rung of the stool after it had connected with Riff’s shin. An inward smile of satisfaction cheered him.

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing them, just not up close and personal. Knowing my luck I’d probably catch them when they are hungry.” Kate turned her attention back to her plate and tucked into her breakfast.

  She didn’t notice the look of amusement that Zoe offered Dex, or the death glare that Riff sent him, or even the corners of Dex’s lips as they turned upwards in a small smile.

  “Depends what they are ravenous for…” Riff felt the hard tip of Dex’s boot against his shin and groaned inwardly through the pain as he caught his breath. Once more and he didn’t give a damn if Kate was sitting there or not, he’d go at Dex with his fists flying.

  The sexual innuendo in Riff’s words had her feeling flushed again as her eyes flicked for an instant to Dex at the end of the counter and the thought of him naked.

  I could do a few hours of ravenous with… Kate balked at her own imagination. What the hell? Spending time in the wilderness really did turn you all Deliverance-y. Her mind flashed big red warning lights and loud sirens as she found the idea of spending time with Dex more than appealing.

  Get a damn grip, the man is a Neanderthal! That thought did little to ease the sexual tension that was boiling within her, and she shifted on the stool, more than uncomfortable with how her imagination was running rampant.

  She didn’t do rampant. She didn’t do gushing or daydreaming either. She was of the chain of thought that if it solicited your attention then bring it on, if not then don’t even consider it.

  Dex was- what was he? Seriously hot, in or out of clothes. Kate dropped her eyes to her plate mortified. What the hell? She’d never really experienced the teenage angst of sexual attraction that her friends had. Was she going through that now? Maybe it was an early menopause? Hot flushes, sweats and raging hormones, check. Palpitations- I’ve been having palpitations…

  “Are you ok, Kate?” Zoe’s words threaded into her mind and caused her to look up, slightly confused.

bsp; Why wouldn’t I be? God was I giving off some kind of nutty as a fruitcake vibe?

  “I’m good.” She informed her with all the innocence she was now trying to summon. I was just imagining your brother naked and ravenous. She groaned inwardly, wondering how the hell she was going to spend the whole day around that man without going insane?

  “Are you sure because you look a little peaky?” Riff offered, swiftly moving his whole body around towards her and out of the way of Dex’s boot.

  Kate gave him a quick assessment from head to toe as he smiled innocently back at her as if nothing had happened.

  “No I’m good. But I was wondering if, because Dex is so busy, maybe it would be a better idea if Riff showed me around the site?” There was hope in that question and in her eyes, but not for Riff.

  He heard the low rumble of his Alpha and knew the different between warning and on the warpath and immediately bulked at her suggestion.

  “Oh that’s not a good idea!” He spat out quickly, with a strong shake of his head to back up his statement. When Kate questioned him with her eyes he shrugged those broad shoulders, grasping for a reason other than her mate would rip him limb from limb in a heartbeat.”I have a terrible sense of direction.” He explained adamantly before turning back to his plate.

  “You know, I could get to wondering if you really don’t like me Kate.” Dex put in as he leaned his elbows on the counter top and hooked her with his eyes.

  Zoe gave Riff a quick look of amusement as she sat opposite him and took a forkful of eggs on a grin.

  “Let me put your mind at rest Dex. I really don’t like you.” Kate retorted and Zoe snorted a laugh. The scrambled eggs she’d been about to chew hit the back of her throat and she gagged, coughing hard as a piece of fluffy yellow egg flew across the counter top and rolled in front of Riff’s plate.

  Riff eyed the piece of egg, raised an eyebrow at his sister and shrugged his shoulders. “Thanks I’ll save it for later.” His deadpan delivery caused Kate to snigger, as she covered her smile with the back of her hand and turned away.

  “Well maybe I should work on changing that.” Dex offered and Kate mentally balked at the idea.

  Oh Lord no. If he turned on the charm instead of being his ogre-ness self, I just might implode.

  “A wolf in sheep’s clothing, no thanks.” She thought her analogy was particular apt considering their earlier conversation on local wolves.

  There was a long silence as she and Dex just stared at each over the counter, his eyes held an amusement that she told herself was because he knew he was acting like the big bad wolf, and he liked it.

  Zoe cleared her throat on a snort of laughter as Riff just grinned wildly and Kate wondered if they had ever seen anyone standing up to Mr-Big head and playing him at his own game, on his own turf. She doubted it. The man seemed in desperate need of taking down a peg or two.

  “You think I’m a wolf?” Dex had a playful glint in his eyes and she didn’t like it. It was more attractive than his dark side, and she knew his dark side could keep her grounded.

  “I think you do a damn fine impression of one.” She offered back and he considered her statement as she challenged him to deny it with one perfectly arched brow.

  “Wolves are very loyal, very protective and they mate for life.” His deep tones drew her in and she shivered with the imaginary caress his words caused over her body.

  A lifetime of sex with him. Not such a bad… Oh someone save me from my-damn-self!

  Kate could imagine him in the loyal and protective category though. He seemed the type. But mate for life? This man? Ha! That’ll be the day. She was sure he was only too happy to be out there sowing his wild oats, night after night. Over and over and over and… Hot flush! I really need to research early menopause.

  “Well I pity the woman who gets you for life. It’ll be like a prison sentence with no reprieve.” She bit out, wanting desperately to fan her face to ease the healthy glow she was sure she had about her.

  Kate knew she was pushing her luck. This guy was her boss, but that dynamic had been changed the moment he saw her naked. Mind you she had seen him naked. She reasoned and then slammed the door shut on that particular image before it took hold of her again.

  “Oh I think she’ll be very happy to be curled up within my arms night after night after I make love to her in ways that you can only imagine.” The seductiveness of his voice encased her mind and body.

  There was a long pause before Riff chimed in, “do you have a good imagination, Kate?”

  Right bloody now I do. She wanted to spit out, but caught herself in time.

  “Not where he’s concerned.” She lied and hoped that no-one picked up on it. She pushed her plate away from her, a mound of food left uneaten as she placed her palms down on the counter top and revelled in the feel of the cool steel against her overheated hands. Oh how I would love to roll my hot cheeks against that steel, but then I really would look like a damn nut.

  “Breakfast was delicious Zoe, but I’m full, sorry.” Zoe waved away her apology and Kate smiled back at her. “I’m just going to freshen up before we leave.” If only I could take a cold shower, that would be helpful too.

  Kate had just started walking towards the kitchen door when Dex’s words reached out to her.

  “Maybe we could work on your lack of imagination today.” He offered and she almost fell over her own feet, but kept walking.

  “Maybe Kate prefers practical applications in the real world setting.” Riff offered and Kate gritted her teeth for a moment before she turned back towards him on her heels.

  “Perhaps Kate would, if there was a different teacher.” She did her best to bat her eyelashes at Riff before she turned and strolled off.

  Zoe almost choked on thin air as Riff sat frozen to the spot for a long moment. The sound of his Alpha’s deep menacing growl rolled through the air towards him and down his spine setting off all the alarms bells within him.

  “Aah Crap.” He muttered a split second before Dex’s fist connected with his jaw and sent him flying from his stool.

  By the time Kate steeled herself for a whole day with Mr-Sexy-And-Didn’t-He-Just-Know-It. Zoe had packed up a packed lunch for the two of them and put the basket and a blanket in the back of Dex’s truck.

  “Lunch is in the back seat. Have a good day.” Zoe announced as she passed Kate on the stairs.

  God, I’ll have to break bread with the man alone.

  “Thanks Zoe.” She tried hard for bright and breezy and wondered if she’d managed it, when she saw Dex standing by the front door waiting for her.

  Dex’s eyes appeared to be blacker than they were earlier and she wondered if the ogre had returned.

  Maybe he isn’t thrilled about spending time with you either. She told herself as she felt a niggle of self doubt in the back of her mind. Maybe I should be a little nicer to him, he is my boss.

  “Where do we start, boss?” She offered up her best sunny disposition and was sure his eyes brightened almost immediately, his shoulders seemed to relax slightly as well, or maybe that was just her imagination.

  “It doesn’t matter, it’s where you end up that counts and I’ll save the best for last.” He informed her cryptically and she wondered at his words for a long moment before she smiled.

  “Lead the way, I’m all yours.” She informed him and then mentally dropped a damn bolder on her own head.

  That did not sound good.

  “Sounds good. Let’s go.” He grinned down at her like that damn wolf with the little fluffy bunny in his sights again and she felt the heat rise.


  Kate found herself snagged on a tree branch that had hooked her jacket at the back and didn’t seem to want to let go, no matter how much she tried twisting and turning and wiggling back and forth.

  Dex watched her for longer than he should have before he offered to help. Standing behind her he had a premium seat for the dance her hips and backside were performing for him a
s she tried to break free, and he was enjoying it. There was an ache in his groin to prove just how much.

  “Hold still.” It was an instruction that went against his better judgement to give her. He was enjoying the floor show a little too much though.

  “I got it.” She muttered, twisting her body around to try to grab a hold of the branch. Kate’s walking boots lost traction beneath her right foot and she started to slide, her arms reached for something solid and her hand closed over his jacket.

  The hard pinch of her fingers around his nipple caught him by surprise and he yelped in pain. His arm wrapped around her back for stability as she released the fistfuls of his jacket, not sure how she had managed to hurt him, but mindful that she had when she stared up into those dark eyes and the wince of pain that was still etched on his face.

  “Sorry.” She bit out quickly and he blew a breath, long and hard down his nose.

  “What part of hold still didn’t you get?” He breathed down at her with more than an edge of annoyance in his tone and she immediately went on the defensive.

  “I said I had it.” She rebuffed his annoyance with some of her own.

  “Obviously not, as you’re still attached to the branch.” His level of sarcasm cranked up a notch and she rolled her eyes.

  “Snotty. Very snotty Mr Thornton.” His arm was still around her and causing all sorts of fluttering deep inside her poor confused body. “Could you just unhook me?” So I can get the hell away from you? She could smell the spicy scent that came from him and took a moment to close her eyes and revel in the moment, his scent, his arms, and the fact that her hip was pressed against his, warmed her to the bone.

  Kate didn’t notice when her jacket sagged back against her spine, she was too caught up in the feel of him around her body. The way she desperately wanted to move closer, run her hands up over his chest and offer herself to him for that practical application…


  Dex stared down into her face. He could feel her tension seeping away, feel her body ease against his, feel the subtle press of her hip to his, and knew that her body was experiencing the calling.


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