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The Fylking: Outpost and The Wolf Lords

Page 80

by F. T. McKinstry

  Adept of Fenrir: A sorcerer of the Fenrir Brotherhood who has reached an advanced level of mastery. See also Order of Fenrir.

  Aegir Sea: A large sea south of the Njorth Sea beyond the borders of Skolvarin and Fjorgin.

  Agda: A peasant woman and votary of Freya, the Witch Goddess. See also Old Gods.

  Ageton: A captain of the North Branch of the King's Rangers.

  Alaric: A King's Ranger of the North Branch.

  Alfr Forest: A large forest in northeastern Fjorgin between the town of Valdros and the Wythe Strait that borders Dyrregin.

  Algiz: A rune. Communication with the Otherworld, connection to the gods, protection. See also Otherworld.

  Allfather: See Othin (Old God).

  Alorael: A dark elf, a warlock and Vaethir’s lover. See also Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Angvald: King of Dyrregin, House of Merhafr.

  Annalis: A Warden of Dyrregin from Olsc Amathin. See also Wardens' Order.

  Anselm: Eldest son of Damjan, the Master of House Jarnstrom. See also Jarnstrom Forge.

  Ansuz: The rune of Othin, the Allfather in the Fylking pantheon. Divine inspiration, magic, the power of words. Often used to banish beings from the Dark Realms. See also Dark Realms, Othin (Old God).

  Aoneg (ah NEG): A vast, forested realm five hundred leagues west of Skolvarin over the Aegir Sea.

  Apex: A term used by the Fylking for Tower Sif, which stands on the northernmost point of the Math Gate in the Vale of Ason Tae. Here the world of Math merges with an array of other worlds on which the Fylking conduct their business. The first line of defense again their enemies, it is guarded accordingly. See also Ason Tae, Fylking, Math Gate, Sif.

  Archwolf of Ýr: A old, very powerful sorcerer who rules Ýr and oversees the Masters of Ýr. See also Order of Fenrir, Masters of Ýr, Ýr.

  Arcmael: A Warden of Dyrregin. Son and heir of Lord Detlef Halstaeg. See also Detlef Halstaeg, Wardens' Order.

  Arrival of the Fylking: A historical account, often told as a myth, of the arrival of the Fylking to the world of Math roughly nine thousand years ago. The term is also used to indicate a reference date. See also Fylking, Return of the Fylking.

  Arvakr: A horse once belonging to Captain Ageton of the North Branch of the King's Rangers. Acquired by Othin of Cae Forres and then Leofwine Klemet. Beloved of the phooka. See also Phooka.

  Ason Tae: A vale located on the northern border of Dyrregin, cradled by mountain ranges and forests. Being far north, somewhat isolated and home to Tower Sif, the Apex of the Math Gate, Ason Tae is thought by outlanders to be wild, uncanny and dangerous. See also Apex, Math Gate, Sif.

  Banishing Sigil: A spell used by wardens to banish the Fylking. Involves moving the hand in a specific pattern. Created by the Fylking and taught to wardens to honor and acknowledge their free will, the sigil prompts the Fylking to leave a warden's presence until he or she decides otherwise. Upon the foundation of the Wardens' Order, the Fylking vowed never to violate this agreement. See also Exile Sigil, Fylking, Wardens' Order.

  Bear's End: A large, rambling inn on the North Mountain Road, in Wyrvith Forest. See also North Mountain Road, Wyrvith Forest.

  Birkan: A King’s Ranger station near the border of Ylgr, in northwestern Dyrregin.

  Blackthorn Guild: An order of witches and warlocks created by King Magnfred, the first ruler to claim Dyrregin's throne after the First Gate War. Traditional dress is shades of brown and green stitched with branches. See also First Gate War.

  Blades of Light: A military brotherhood in the Skolvarin Guard that once protected the southern border of Skolvarin from the Catskolls. See also Skolvarin, Catskoll.

  Blanch River: A river in Austr just south of the Ogjan Mountains.

  Blith: One of three moons that orbits the Fylking homeworld of Oeoros.

  Borderland: A tavern near the southern border of Ylgr, on the Westfork River. See also Ylgr.

  Bothilde: Tavern mistress of the Borderland near the southern border of Ylgr.

  Bren of Ottersun: A King's Ranger of the North Branch. Sensitive to the Otherworld. Best friend of Othin of Cae Forres.

  Bythe: A goatherd who lives outside of Odr, in sight of Tower Sif in the Vale of Ason Tae. See also Ason Tae, Odr, Sif.

  Cathouse: A brothel. In Dyrregin, it's traditional for cathouses to keep actual cats as pets. See also Night Guild.

  Catskoll: A realm south of Skolvarin over the Aegir Sea.

  Ceirn River: A river flowing from Lake Ceirn into the Njorth Sea, south of Grayfen.

  Ciron: An expert tracker in service to the king of Dyrregin. Brother of Bren of Ottersun.

  Coldevin: Lord and Master of Arms for the Dyrregin Guard. Reports to King Angvald. See also Dyrregin Guard.

  Copse by the Sea: A tavern in Milfort frequented by rangers. See also Milfort.

  Crow Warrior: A mysterious Otherworld being that appears as a warrior riding a gray horse, dressed in gray and black and wearing the face of a bird with a long, black beak. Often shapeshifts into a hooded crow.

  Crow’s Nest: A cutthroat tavern on the southern wharves of Merhafr. Has ties to the Skolvarin Leopard Clan. See also Leopard Clan.

  Damjan: An acclaimed swordsmith and the Master of Jarnstrom, a famous smithy in Odr. See also Jarnstrom Forge, Odr.

  Dark Lords of Ylgr: A crime ring run by the Fenrir Brotherhood. See also Ylgr, Order of Fenrir, Thorn.

  Dark Realms: A shadowy part of the Otherworld inhabited by beings who favor dark magic and the forces of chaos.

  Destroyer of the Math Gate: See Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Detlef Halstaeg: Lord and High Constable of the King's Rangers before the Second Gate War. Cousin of the late King Farcas. Father of Arcmael. See also King's Rangers.

  Diderik Lisefin: High Constable of the King’s Rangers. Previously a captain in the Dyrregin Guard.

  Dragon Warrior: An Otherworld rider clad in shining black scaled armor and a helmet shaped like a dragon's head. Able to summon wind and storms.

  Draugr (DROG err): A malevolent being created by Fylking sorcery for the purpose of striking anguish and terror into one's foes. The spirit of a mortally wounded warrior is trapped between the worlds in order to control it. Partly in the mortal dimension and partly beyond, the draugr are unnaturally strong, able to shapeshift into mist or fog, and cannot be killed. This magic is forbidden, a violation of Elivag. Colloquially referred to as "ghouls." See also Elivag, Fylking.

  Dyrregin (deer EGG in): In Fylking, "gateway of the gods." A war-torn realm on the world of Math that contains and is defined by the Math Gate, an interdimensional portal built nine thousand years ago by the Fylking. Bordered to the west by the Njorth Sea; to the north by Isil; to the east by Maan Ket; and to the south by Skolvarin. See also Fylking, Math Gate.

  Dyrregin Guard: The army that defends the realm of Dyrregin. Commanded by Lord Coldevin.

  Earticael: A royal house and the ruling seat of the realm of Fjorgin. Located roughly fifty leagues west of Tower Sie. See also Sie, Sie War.

  Edon: A captain in the Dyrregin Guard. Commands the North Companies. See also North Companies.

  Edros: A Warden of Dyrregin. Mysteriously vanishes near Tower Sor and is never found. See also Gatetower, Sor.

  Eihwaz: A rune. Transformation, initiation, mysteries of life and death.

  Eklin: A captain of the King's Guard in Fjorgin. Stationed at the King’s Gaol in Rivergate.

  Elivag (ELL if aug): The eternal rhythm of the universe, the ebb and flow of life force in all things.

  Exile Sigil: An invocation that breaks the cords between a warden and the Fylking, rendering the warden invisible to them. Ruled by Elivag, it cannot be broken or undone. Rarely used and never to be considered except in dire circumstances. See also Banishing Sigil, Wardens' Order.

  Faersc Conservatory: A great hall nestled high in the Thorgrim Mountains, where wardens are trained and initiated into the Fylkings' service. Protected by the Fylking. See also Fylking, Wardens' Order.
/>   Faetros: A powerful Niflsekt warlock. Master to Faetros and Vaethir. See also Niflsekt, Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Fagel: The constable of Odr. See also Odr.

  Farcas: A King of Dyrregin who preceded King Angvald. Cousin of Lord Detlef Halstaeg. Died by choking on the bones of a game bird. See also Detlef Halstaeg.

  Fell: A town located on the west coast of Dyrregin, in southern Austr. Steep, built on cliffs and easily defended from invasion. Once owned by shipwrights.

  Fenrir Brotherhood: An ancient order of sorcerers who serve Loki, one of the Old Gods. Founded in Fjorgin. Symbol is a black wolf surrounded by leaves, moons and thorns. See also Fjorgin, Leofwine, Old Gods.

  Fenrisúlfr: Monstrous, demonic wolf sired by the Loki. Resides in the Dark Realms. Also known as Fenrir. See also Loki, Dark Realms.

  First Gate War: A war between the Fylking and Niflsekt that occurred roughly twenty-five centuries ago. The war left Dyrregin in ruins for a thousand years, accursed, until the wardens' descendants rebuilt the Math Gate. See also Math Gate, Niflsekt, Return of the Fylking, Vaethir of the Dragon Clan, Wardens' Order.

  Fjorgin: A realm west of Dyrregin, separated by the Njorth Sea and the Wythe Strait. Ruling seat is Earticael. See also Sie War.

  Fomor Mountains: A mountain range that borders Isil in the far north of Dyrregin and overlooks the Wythe Strait.

  Free Code: A code that forbids a sorcerer from summoning a being from the Otherworld and commanding it against its will. Primarily applies to immortals. See also Otherworld.

  Freya: A beautiful goddess said to have taught the Allfather the arts of magic. Also referred to as Lady, Witch Goddess. See also Old Gods, Seiðr.

  Frida: A messenger who works the rangers’ coastal routes. See also King’s Rangers.

  Fylking (FELL king): A race of immortal warriors that came to the world of Math through a rare alignment and built a portal called the Gate in order to pass between dimensions at will. The Fylking are invisible to mortals except those who possess second sight, but can contact humans in visions, dreams or a sense of unreality. Fickle, powerful, adept shapeshifters, they are often feared and misunderstood by both humans and beings of the Otherworld, who revere them as gods. The Fylking fall into two orders: the High Fylking, warlords who occupy and protect the Gatetowers; and the Guardian Fylking, hired blades that protect wardens, the mortal seers who serve them. See also Gate, Gatetower, Guardian Fylking, High Fylking, Wardens' Order.

  Garmr: A Dyrregin Guard outpost in the Ogjan Mountains.

  Gate War: See First Gate War.

  Gate: See Math Gate, Oeoros-Math Gate.

  Gatekeepers: A term used by the Wardens of Dyrregin to refer to the High Fylking of Tower Sif, the grim, volatile Fylking warriors who initiate wardens into the order. See also High Fylking, Sif, Wardens' Order.

  Gatetower: One of ten stone towers that comprise the Math Gate. Each tower gathers light from the sun, moon and stars and focuses it into a complex crystal array, providing an energy source. Each tower stands on a point or intersection of a pentacle. The outer towers (points) include Sif, Sin, Sae, Sef and Sie; and the inner towers (intersections) include Sor, Sol, Soc, Som and Sos. The gatetowers are manned by the High Fylking. See also Math Gate, High Fylking, Sie War, Wardens' Order.

  Genfawr: Captain of the West Branch of the King's Rangers.

  Giselt: Prederi’s mother. See also Prederi of Merhafr.

  Gottfrid: A male prostitute at the Pink Rose cathouse. Good with a sword.

  Graebrok Forest: A large forest on the northern border of the Vale of Ason Tae. Surrounded by myths and dark tales. See also Ason Tae.

  Grayfen Aviary: One of many aviaries where the ravens that serve as messengers to the King's Rangers are raised and trained. See also King's Rangers.

  Grayfen: A town located on the west coast of Dyrregin, in southern Austr. South of Fell and west of Lake Ceirn.

  Grimar: Son of a wealthy sheep farmer in Fjorgin. Soldier in the Nosthrod Guard. Enemy of Leofwine Klemet.

  Guardian Fylking: Warriors who protect the Wardens of Dyrregin. In Fylking hierarchy, the Guardians are mercenaries. Each warden is accompanied by a small company of Guardians who choose him or her upon initiation, and appear in certain forms such as animals or elements so the warden will know them. Rarely, they appear in their natural forms as warriors. See also Fylking, High Fylking, Wardens' Order.

  Gunda: A spiteful, gossipy villager from Odr. See also Odr.

  Hagalaz: A rune. Witch magic, banishment, the rise and rule of buried patterns, stripping veils and catastrophic transformation.

  Haldor: A lieutenant in the Dyrregin Guard. Commands the North Companies stationed in Ason Tae. See also North Companies.

  Halogi: High Commander of the Third Sun. A powerful demon imprisoned by Vargn before the Second Gate War for failing to uphold the Rule of Exchange. See also Rule of Exchange, Second Gate War, Vargn.

  Halstaeg: A royal house in Merhafr. See also Arcmael, Detlef Halstaeg, Merhafr.

  Hanging Tree: A centuries-old yew tree growing on the plain surrounding Ýr. Said to have been used by the Fenrir Brotherhood to make human sacrifices to the god Othin. See also Othin (Old God), Ýr.

  Heige of Sibor: A King's Ranger of the North Branch. An adept archer.

  Hel: A goddess in the Fylking pantheon who rules the realms of the dead. Daughter of Loki. Also called Hidden One. Term is also used to refer to the underworld domain itself. See also Loki, Old Gods.

  Helasin: Captain of the Southeast Branch of the King's Rangers. Once deployed in the Skolvarin Guard. Known for her knowledge of irregular warfare.

  Hidden One: See Hel.

  High Commander of the Third Sun: See Halogi.

  High Fylking: Elite warlords deployed to the gatetowers to protect the Math Gate from both human and nonhuman intervention. Always appear as fully armed warriors. Grim and generally intolerant of mortal concerns. See also Fylking, Math Gate, Guardian Fylking.

  High Immortal: A race of immortal beings to which the Fylking and Niflsekt belong.

  High Vardlokk of Chaos: See Vaethir of the Dragon Clan.

  Hooded One: See Othin (Old God).

  Idalisa: Princess of Nosthrod and commander of the Nosthrod Guard.

  Ingifrith: Daughter of Nichlaes Klemet, House Earticael. Leofwine’s sister. A witch and a seer. Referred to by some in the Otherworld as Demon Tamer.

  Ingvar: A captain in the Dyrregin Guard. Good at hand-to-hand combat.

  Isarvalos: Prince of the Severed Kingdoms. A powerful demon summoned by the original Wolf Lords to imprison the priestesses of the Order of the Hooded One. Offered an annual human sacrifice to ward the priestesses. Sigil is a black circle surrounded by eight knives, half pointing in, half pointing out, and around the edge, a set of longer blades thrust into the spaces between the knives. See also Order of the Hooded One, Severed Kingdoms, Wolf Lords, Ýr.

  Jarnstrom Forge: An old and renowned smithy on the North River in Odr. Known for swords and weaponry. Run by Master Damjan. See also Odr.

  Kidge: The mistress of the Pink Rose cathouse. Killed by draugr in the Second Gate War. See also Draugr, Pink Rose, Second Gate War.

  King’s Guard: Soldiers employed by the king of Fjorgin to keep order in and defend the realm. Standard is a crenelated fortress tower with a tall pine tree on each side and two swords crossed beneath.

  King's Citadel: A large citadel in the center of Merhafr, the ruling seat of Dyrregin. Houses the king and royals of the realm. See also Dyrregin Guard, King’s Rangers.

  King's Rangers: An elite brotherhood of warriors who keep order in the wilds of Dyrregin. Employ a complex system of messaging through riders and ravens trained to scout patrol routes and recognize their rangers' appearance. The rangers report directly to the king through five captains who command the areas within the arms of the Math Gate pentacle: North Branch, East Branch, Southeast Branch, Southwest Branch, and West Branch. Coat of arms is a sword and arrow crossed over a pale moon with an em
bossed interlocking pentacle spanning the diameter. Motto: "We keep the balance when the gods turn away." See also Math Gate.

  Laguz: A rune. The Otherworld, the primordial waters, the source, initiation, the shadows of dreams and the unconscious. See also Otherworld.

  Lake Ceirn: A large lake in southern Austr.

  Larfen: a township south of Tower Sol, east of the Fasos Hills.

  Leofwine: Son of Nichlaes Klemet, House Earticael. Adept of the Fenrir Brotherhood. Once a scribe in the King’s Archive in Earticael, Seneschal to the High Constable of the King’s Rangers in Dyrregin and a resident Adept in service to Lord Nosthrod. See also Adept of Fenrir, Detlef Halstaeg, Fenrir Brotherhood, King’s Rangers.


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