Courage In Love

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Courage In Love Page 4

by K. Sterling

  Even after years with David, he had never felt so in tune, aroused and satisfied with another body or sex. It had never felt so real or meaningful. And Parker knew everything about David. Their relationship had been about so many things but it had never been about sex for Parker. For David, sex had been a vital way for him to display his fragile virility. Being twenty years older, David always felt a need to prove he was still potent, even when he wasn’t. He relied on viagra and poppers to perform and had to get stoned before Parker fucked him. Christ, Parker hated poppers. They reminded him of the cheap, poorly shot amateur videos David scoured the internet for. They made him feel like those young boys that looked so exploited as they hid their faces while older men huffed from tiny bottles as they grunted and rutted behind them. Parker didn’t mind the pot as much, it was something he shrugged off as being typical for David’s generation. Parker loved David because he was brilliant, charismatic and mercurial. He looked like the fit, older Sean Connery before he lost his hair and when David taught, he was inspiring and incandescent. Parker loved to sneak in and watch David lecture. He’d sit in the back, completely spellbound and moved. The man that kept people hanging on his every word was night and day compared to the leering, demanding man that needed poppers to get wound up or weed so he could “submit”.

  Parker never understood David’s preoccupation with sex roles. He was either dominating their interaction or submitting to Parker. It was never spontaneous or natural and it was all very performance focused. David wanted to be praised for his stamina and coordination, his flexibility and the complexity of the poses he chose. When Parker was up, David expected to be impressed. He wanted Parker to behave like a porn star and to be energetic and creative. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have surprised Parker that David would eventually want someone younger and more exciting to appease his vanity.

  Everything with Ross had been so visceral and natural, so easy. Ross claimed that he wasn’t very good because he was inexperienced. He had no idea what that did to Parker. Not that Ross wasn’t good. He was amazing. Everything felt so honest, so sincere when he did it. Every touch held an energetic curiosity that gave Parker chills. Ross moved with an innate athletic grace that was far more arousing than the practiced bouncing of hips or contrived postures and glances. There was an exuberance and fascination, almost a sense of awe that Ross approached Parker with that was far more compelling than anything he’d ever experienced.

  Parker didn’t want it to end. He was quietly dreading what would happen when Ross woke up. Would he offer flimsy excuses as he scrambled for the door? Would he want a quick fuck before he promised to call as he ran out? After the hours they’d spent talking and touching, Parker was hopeful but he knew he’d be setting himself up for disappointment if he let himself forget that it was still the morning after.

  Ross’ body shifted and his arm raised as he rubbed his eyes. Parker sighed as he watched Ross lift his head and look across the bed before he sat up. His eyes drifted around the room before they stretched out the bedroom door and into the kitchen and found Parker’s. Ross offered a drowsy smile before he stretched and yawned. Ross swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood and Parker stifled a groan as Ross’ long, sculpted body glowed in the morning light. Heat spread through Parker’s body at the sight of a heavy morning hard-on as Ross stretched his neck and shoulders before he turned and walked toward Parker. Ross’ eyes were still lazy and soft and his lips gently curved as he approached.

  “Good morning.” Ross murmured as he slid his arms around Parker’s waist and brushed his lips against Parker’s cheek.

  “Want some coffee?” Parker’s voice broke as Ross’ teeth tugged at his earlobe.

  “In a little bit. I want you first.” It was a gravelly, hot, wet rumble against Parker’s ear and goosebumps spilled down Parker’s neck and arms. “I didn’t get to do something last night.” Ross’ hands slid down Parker’s back, beneath the waistband of his pants and over his ass and Ross pushed them down. He bit Parker’s shoulder and growled softly as his hands swept around Parker’s thighs and closed around Parker’s now very stiff and pulsing erection. Parker groaned as Ross began to stroke. “I want to taste your come.” Ross announced as he lowered to his knees. His eyes locked on Parker’s as his tongue slid up the length of his cock and Parker gasped and pushed his hands through Ross’ hair.

  “God, you’re so beautiful.” Parker whispered as heavy heat settled in his groin.

  Ross’ lips and tongue bathed Parker’s length and he was once again struck by the pure, open adoration as he watched. Every lick and suck, every moment was about Ross’ curiosity and the joy he found in being able to freely touch and taste Parker. It was so much hotter than anything Parker had experienced before. When Ross’ lips closed around Parker’s shaft and began to suck, Parker grabbed the counter and ground his teeth, fighting against the urge to thrust into Ross’ mouth, not wanting to spoil that perfect wonder. Parker whispered Ross’ name over and over as his body became lighter and brighter. Pleasure swirled and bloomed as pressure and tightness gathered in Parker’s sack and the base of his cock as Ross continued to suck and lick hungrily. Parker felt his nerves spark and retract.

  “Ross!” He gasped as he wrapped his hands around Ross’ head. “I’m so close…” Parker’s head fell back and he pulled in a desperate breath as his eyes rolled. “I’m gonna…” A shriek burst from Parker’s throat when Ross’ large hands wrapped around the cheeks of his ass and the wet heat of Ross’ mouth clung tight as he sucked ruthlessly. “Fuck!” Parker yelled as heat, pleasure and pressure surged up his shaft and come burst from the head, deep in Ross’ throat. Ross hummed happily as he continued to suck, greedily draining Parker as his hands kneaded. Parker hung onto the counter as his body spasmed and shook until Ross released his cock with a soft pop and smiled drunkenly up at Parker.

  “Even that tastes good.” He murmured as his lips gently caressed the head. Parker sagged against the counter and his hands slid lazily through Ross’ hair.

  “That was amazing.” Parker sighed and Ross laughed softly as he stood up.

  “Probably not. I’ve only done that a few times.” He admitted as he slid his hand around Parker’s cheek and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. Parker wrapped his hands around Ross’ face and kissed him urgently, savoring the taste of his come on Ross’ tongue.

  “Trust me, it was really good.” Parker insisted and Ross’ smile became brilliant.

  “Yeah?” He asked as he rubbed his nose against Parker’s.

  “Yeah.” Parker bit Ross’ lip and he laughed softly.

  “Good. I’ll have that coffee now.” He gave Parker’s ass another squeeze before he released it. Parker poured Ross a mug and they were quiet for several moments as they stood across from each other drinking their coffee. “This is good.” Ross said as he raised his mug and Parker nodded as he tried to find something to keep the silence from getting awkward.

  “So, do you want some breakfast? I don’t really have anything here so we’d have to go out. I’m not much of a cook.” Parker admitted and Ross chuckled as he stared into his mug.

  “I don’t cook either.” He said softly before he cringed. “I’d love to go get breakfast with you but I can’t.” Ross looked up at Parker apologetically and disappointment swelled.

  “That’s cool. I’ll give you my number, you can call me if you want.” Parker chewed on his lip and tried to look relaxed as he stared into his coffee. When he looked up, Ross’ head was cocked and his brows were pulled together as he stared at Parker.

  “If I want?” Ross asked slowly and Parker nodded. Ross set his mug down and reached for Parker. “I’m definitely going to call. I don’t want to go, Parker.” His voice was deep and velvety as he wrapped his arms around Parker. “I’m going for breakfast with Bryan and Ian. Bryan’s sister’s visiting and it’s her last weekend before she moves to Portland. I have to be there.” Ross explained and relief flooded Parker. He knew Ross
was telling the truth. Ross’ head snapped back and he smiled. “Why don’t you come with me?” He asked and Parker started to nod as his eyes went to the clock. His heart sunk.

  “Shit. I almost forgot.” He complained. “I can’t. My department is meeting for lunch at 11:00.” Parker rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. “I can’t cancel. I’ve missed the last few because I was feeling sorry for myself. I promised I’d go today. I didn’t realize how late it was.” Parker saw Ross’ lips tilt and he shrugged.

  “Fine. Then, I’ll see you tonight.” He declared and warmth burst in Parker’s chest. “I want to take you out to dinner. When can I pick you up?” Ross asked before he lowered his head and nibbled at Parker’s lips.

  “I can be ready whenever.” Parker mumbled as he pulled Ross closer.

  “I’ll make reservations and let you know.” His tongue slid along the seam of Parker’s lips and he angled his head as his tongue slipped between Parker’s lips. Parker felt the hard heat of Ross’ erection push against his thigh and Ross groaned into his mouth as Parker’s hand wrapped around it and began to stroke.

  “Up on the counter.” Parker commanded when he released Ross’ lips.

  Ross hopped and lifted himself onto the counter and leaned back on his hands as Parker spread his thighs and stepped between them. Ross hissed when Parker’s lips closed around his cock and slid down as Parker took him deep in his throat. The air was filled with the sounds of gasps, panting, wet slurps, cursing and Parker’s name. When Ross flew apart with a hoarse sob, Parker moaned in delight as Ross’ come coated his tongue. He tasted sweet, tart and faintly bitter, like grapefruit or sour apples.

  They kissed for several minutes after, neither ready to let go, before Ross trudged into the bedroom and dressed. He kissed Parker deeply at the door before he left and Parker collapsed against the panels after it shut and sighed happily. He knew he was acting like a teenage girl but he didn’t care. He had a date with a really hot boy later.

  Chapter 7

  “I want to hear all about this guy.” Marissa demanded as she pulled Ross closer to her in the booth. Ross threw his arm around her neck and kissed her forehead.

  “Maybe I don’t want to jinx it by talking about him.” He tilted his head, banging it against hers and she howled as she shoved her elbow into his side.

  “Why do you two always have to be so loud?” Bryan sighed as he sat across from Marissa and Ian gave them a disapproving stare as he took the seat next to Bryan.

  “Really. It’s like the two of you turn into children.” Ian complained. “Don’t make me turn this car around.” He mumbled as he held up a menu and began to read. Ross took the paper off a straw and tore a small piece off and wadded it up. He winked at Marissa as he loaded the straw.

  “Ian?” Marissa batted her eyelashes as he lowered the menu and raised a brow at her. Ross aimed and blew and Ian jumped when the wad of paper hit the middle of his forehead. Marissa fell apart.

  “We can’t take the two of you anywhere.” Ian grumbled as he returned to the menu. Bryan was doing his best not to laugh as he gave the two of them his most discouraging look. Marissa rolled her eyes as she picked up a menu.

  “Looks like we pissed off mom and dad.” She whispered and Ross hid behind his menu so they didn’t catch him laughing.

  Ross thought Marissa had forgotten about his definitely-not-a-one-night-stand and was happy to eat his pancakes in peace. They were lingering over nearly empty plates when she turned to him and flashed a wicked grin.

  “From your mood and the way you’re glooooowing, I’d say your Grindr hookup went very well.” She giggled and Ross knew he must have blushed. Ian reached across the table and swatted Marissa’s hand.

  “Girl. I could have told you it was going to go well before they even left the brewery. The way they were looking at each other and that kiss…” Ian sighed dramatically as he fanned himself and Marissa gasped.

  “That’s so romantic!” She insisted and Bryan snorted.

  “I don’t think ‘romantic’ was the word.” He winked at Ross which didn’t help his complexion. Melissa’s jaw dropped as she turned back to Ross.

  “I’m so proud of you! Getting it on with a hot guy like that.” She hugged his arm and bounced excitedly. “It’s so unlike you. I bet part of you was freaking out and wanted to slow everything down and make a schedule or something.” Marissa rested her chin on Ross’ shoulder and stared up at him. “The sex was good.” She announced and Ross frowned at her.

  “I’m not dignifying that with a response.” He took a sip of his water and hoped it would help his face cool. Ian made a pfffttt sound as he waved in front of him.

  “It was good. He worked up quite an appetite. He inhaled our leftover lasagna and sang in the shower this morning. A man doesn’t act that ridiculous unless he had one hell of a night.” He declared and Bryan nodded in agreement. Ian’s lips twisted as he stared at Ross. “I’d say they did it at least twice. And some oral sex.” He guessed and the breath caught in Ross’ throat and he started to cough. Ian had always been uncanny but that was terrifyingly accurate. Marissa started to laugh.

  “Well, that settles that!” She said and Ian looked pleased. “Is he as gorgeous as Ian and Bryan say? I saw his profile picture. Which was awesome. Was the rest of him as hot?” Marissa asked excitedly and Ross scowled at Bryan and Ian.

  “You let her see his profile picture?” He scolded and they shrugged. She elbowed Ross.

  “I’m twenty six. It’s not like I haven’t seen all of that and more.” Marissa insisted. “I’m a nurse, for fuck’s sake.” She let Ross snort before she shrugged. “I saw yours too. Not bad, Rossy.” She teased and he groaned as he slid low in the seat.

  “Christ. This is all weird enough without the three of you knowing just about every detail.” He complained. Ian gasped and his hand beat excitedly on the table.

  “He’s here!” He whispered loudly and Marissa’s head swung around.

  “Where…” She asked as she swayed and craned her neck. Then, she gasped. “Is that him? In the lavender shirt?” Marissa looked back at Ian and he nodded. “Holy shit, Ross!” She exclaimed and he took a deep breath before he looked over the back of the booth. Sure enough, Parker was standing by the door with a group of three older men and two women. They were laughing and talking animatedly as they waited for a table to be prepared. Parker looked insanely hot and Ross was getting hard. Parker’s eyes swept lazily through the cafe and widened when they fell on Ross. He smiled and Ross smiled and nodded back. Parker said something to the group, obviously excusing himself before he started to make his way through the rows of tables toward Ross.

  “He’s coming over!” Marissa informed them, unnecessarily, through a smile. Ross shot a warning glare at Ian just before he looked back at Parker. He plastered a wide smile on his face and squeezed Marissa’s hand ruthlessly.

  “I swear, if you don’t behave…” He threatened through his forced grin. Marissa giggled.

  “If you don’t let go of my hand, I’ll tell him about your first straight date.” She whispered as Parker reached them. She stomped on Ross’ foot and his leg jumped and hit the table.

  “I hate you.” He said under his breath and Parker’s brows rose. Marissa smiled brightly up at Parker.

  “He loves me.” She announced. “You must be Parker! I’m Marissa.” She held out her hand and he laughed softly as he shook it.

  “Bryan’s sister?” He asked and she nodded. Ross waved toward Bryan and Ian and made the introductions.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you last night.” Parker said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Ross’ heart was racing and he prayed he wasn’t visibly sweating. “You should have joined us.” Parker said and Ian shook his head.

  “Oh, no! The two of you were doing pretty well on your own.” Ian said before taking a sip of his coffee and Parker blushed as he looked down at his feet. Ross cleared his throat.

/>   “If I’d known you were coming here for lunch, I would have made you come with me.” He stated and Parker nodded as he smiled at Ross. For a moment, Ross couldn’t breathe.

  “I should have guessed, it’s the best place for breakfast.” He said softly before he looked over his shoulder. Parker offered the table a reluctant cringe. “My party’s sitting down. It was nice to meet all of you.” He looked at Marissa and held out his hand again. “I heard that you’re moving to Portland. Have a safe trip and I wish you lots of luck.” Parker shook her hand and waved as he turned to leave. Marissa grabbed Ross’ hand and squeezed it mercilessly.

  “Oh, Ross, Ross, Ross!” She gasped. “He’s so perfect!” Marissa whispered as she watched him walk away. Ross tried to shrug nonchalantly but he knew he was grinning like an idiot.

  “He’s pretty great.” He admitted as he reached for his coffee. Ian snorted.

  “Pretty great?” He asked incredulously. “He’s divine. If I wasn’t married…” He stopped when Bryan turned in his seat and gave him a pointed look. Ian threw his arms around Bryan. “If I wasn’t already married to the perfect man, that is.” Ian batted his eyes at Bryan until he wrapped an arm around Ian and kissed his cheek. Yeah. I want that, Ross decided.

  The fluttering in Ross’ stomach was so violent when they were leaving, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to make it to the door, just knowing he’d be walking by Parker’s table. He waved as he passed and Parker winked and waved back and Ross’ legs started to shake. He threw an arm around Marissa’s shoulder casually and clung to her as they walked out.


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