Courage In Love

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Courage In Love Page 5

by K. Sterling

  They hugged for several moments in front of Bryan and Ian’s and promised to talk at least once a week. Ross promised Marissa she would always be his baby sister and she did her best to hide that she was tearing up before she gave Ross one last hug.

  “I think he’s the one, Rossy. You better do whatever it takes.” She ordered. He kissed her hair and nodded.

  “I’m sure you’re right. I’ll do my best, monster.” He gave her one last squeeze before he let Ian and Bryan have a turn.

  The three of them held each other and waved as Marissa drove off. Her words lingered long after she left and Ross wondered if she might be right.

  Chapter 8

  “Is this alright?” Ross asked as he held the door open and Parker slid his hand around Ross’ back as he passed.

  “This is great. I love The Ivy Inn.” Parker assured Ross before he turned to the hostess.

  They were shown to their table and Ross looked unsure about where to sit. Parker waited until Ross sat and pulled his chair closer before sitting.

  “Is this ok, or would you rather I moved back?” He asked and Ross shook his head and blushed. Parker loved how nervous Ross was. It made him feel less like a geek for being such a mess.

  “That’s perfect.” Ross said as he covered Parker’s hand with his. “I wasn’t sure if you would be comfortable with us looking so obvious.” He explained and Parker shrugged.

  “I have nothing to hide and I certainly wouldn’t mind someone I know seeing me on a date with a seriously hot guy.” He winked as he leaned closer and Ross shook his head.

  “Unfortunately, you’re stuck with me for the night.” His grin was crooked and Parker rolled his eyes. “As long as you’re comfortable. You’re the one that lives and works here.” Ross said before he looked up and smiled at the waitress. He ordered a beer and Parker asked for a cape cod. “I’d like to start with the shrimp and grits and then the bison hanger steak, please.” Ross’ bashful smile flustered the waitress and she tried to cover it with a cough before she turned to Parker.

  “The fig toasts and the quail, please.” He said and she blushed as she took his menu. Parker kept a straight face until she left then he laughed softly as he looked back at Ross. “Poor kid.” Parker said as he placed his hand on Ross’ thigh, under the table. Ross tilted his head and Parker felt his breath against his cheek.

  “Marissa said that it’s practically impossible for women to look at an attractive gay couple and not imagine them having sex. She says that it’s a huge turn-on for some straight women.” Ross explained and Parker nodded thoughtfully as he watched their waitress take an older couple’s order. She looked completely composed and competent. He bit his lip as his hand drifted higher, toward Ross’ groin.

  “I guess I can’t blame her. If she’s imagining anything close to what happened last night and this morning…” Parker let his fingernails drag down Ross’ thigh. Ross shifted in his seat and Parker heard a very weak groan rattle in Ross’ throat. He swallowed loudly before he took a long sip of beer.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to have to find an excuse to carry this table out of the restaurant when we leave.” Ross murmured. Parker wasn’t sure what had gotten into him but his hand glided slowly back up Ross’ thigh. Ross’ eyes got wider, the closer Parker’s hand got to his erection and they looked like they might fall out of his head when Parker wrapped his hand around the bulge in Ross’ trousers. “Please don’t make me have to orchestrate an accident to cover a stain on the front of my pants.” He whispered and Parker felt his own getting tighter.

  “I’m sure it would take a lot more than this.” Parker said under his breath as his hand slid up and down Ross’ length. Ross swallowed and shook his head.

  “With you? Not really.” He admitted and Parker stifled a shiver of excitement. “If you don’t behave, we won’t make it through dinner.” Ross warned.

  “You know, you didn’t have to take me out. I would have given it up.” Parker teased and Ross narrowed his eyes at him.

  “I’m hoping you’re not just pretty and easy.” He murmured. Parker’s jaw fell and Ross laughed as he leaned close. His lips brushed against Parker’s ear and he suddenly felt overdressed as heat swept through him. “I like that you’re easy but I want to learn more about you. And your voice makes my cock hurt.” Ross’ eyes were dark and deep when they found Parker’s. “Talk to me, Parker. You could tell me just about anything and I won’t be able to stop thinking about getting you naked and begging you to fuck me.” Ross reached for his beer and Parker squeezed his thigh, mostly because he had to grab onto something to keep from sliding out of his chair and onto the floor into a puddle of sexually frustrated man.

  Parker did his best to engage Ross and keep the conversation flowing. Ross’ eyes were constantly flicking over Parker’s face and watching his hands as he talked and ate. Parker felt like he was being studied and analyzed. Every now and then, Ross’ fingers would caress Parker’s as they rested on table, as if Ross needed to maintain contact. Once again, Parker was impressed by Ross’ intelligence and the wide range of topics he could discuss with confidence. As they shared the trio of creme brûlées, Parker decided that Ross’ body, crooked cocky grin and chiseled face weren’t his sexiest features.

  “I think it would be a good idea for us to get out of here. Quickly.” Parker warned as he licked his spoon clean. Ross’ eyes clung to Parker’s mouth as he pulled his wallet out. He opened it and his eyes glanced quickly as he removed a generous amount of cash.

  “Let’s go.” Ross growled as he tossed the money on the table and stood up. Parker nodded and laughed when Ross’ hand closed around his wrist and almost pulled him off his feet as he dashed toward the exit. They were almost to the door when Parker looked over his shoulder and saw their waitress staring longingly as she watched them go. He offered a sheepish grin and she turned bright red.

  Chapter 9

  During the ride home, Parker was surprisingly silent and tense. Ross drove like he’d just robbed a bank as Parker prayed they wouldn’t get pulled over. Ross thought it was worth the risk but Parker scolded him as the car tried to fishtail, coming out of a turn. As soon as they were through the door, Ross’ hands pushed and pulled at Parker’s clothes as he backed him toward the bedroom. Parker laughed when he bumped into the table and Ross decided he’d waited long enough as he tossed Parker’s shirt on the floor. Parker leaned against the table as Ross attacked the zipper of his black trousers.

  Parker was hard and he gasped when Ross’ hand closed around his cock and started to stroke. Ross rested his forehead on Parker’s shoulder for a moment as he watched his hand gliding over Parker’s beautiful cock. A long, thick stream of pre-cum drooled from the end of Parker’s erection and Ross’ mouth watered. Ross lowered to his knees and began lapping at the end of Parker’s cock. He tasted so sweet and crisp, Ross kept tugging at Parker as he let his tongue catch the fluid that was steadily dripping from Parker’s rigid length.

  “Please, Ross.” Parker whimpered. “I need to be in your mouth.” He begged as his hands gripped the edge of the table.

  Ross looked up as his lips wrapped around the end of Parker’s rigid length. The sight of Parker’s head falling back as he sighed in relief and the rippling of the muscles of his stomach as he arched when Ross took him deep in his throat made Ross’ cock throb. He sucked hungrily and his eyes widened as he felt Parker’s length getting harder. There was a tingling in Ross’ ass, he needed Parker inside of him. He moaned around Parker’s cock as he quickly unbuttoned his trousers. Ross released Parker and stared up at him as he stroked firmly.

  “I need you to fuck me, Parker.” Ross whispered and Parker nodded drunkenly. “I need it hard and fast, right now.” He said and Parker moaned weakly and nodded again. Ross jumped to his feet and had just enough time to push his trousers down before Parker spun him and pushed him against the table. Parker’s hand pressed on Ross’ back until his chest was on the table and a
moment later, Ross gasped as he felt something warm and wet dripping down the cleft of his ass. “Parker?” Ross gasped as he heard tearing.

  “I grabbed a condom and one of the packets of lube before you picked me up. Just in case.” Parker ground out as he set himself at Ross’ entrance.

  Pain and intense pleasure rushed through Ross as Parker slid in to the hilt, in one long, swift thrust. Ross gasped as Parker pulled back and then the air was forced from his lungs when Parker slammed forward. Ross could only nod as his arms spread across the table so he could hold on, his legs weren’t going to help him. Parker grabbed Ross’ shoulders and began to drive hard and deep into him, each thrust coming faster than the last. Ross pressed his forehead against the cool wood and everything melted away, there was nothing but the sound of Parker’s ecstasy and where Ross’ body clung tightly to Parker’s hard, hot length. Parker was relentless, the sound of his hips pounding against Ross’ ass filled the room as he rose on the balls of his feet with each thrust. A searing, stinging pressure and intense pleasure streaked through Ross’ cock without any warning and his head jerked back, off the table.

  “Christ…Parker!” Ross could barely form words. Between the severity of his orgasm and the force of Parker’s thrusts, Ross was nearly insensate. “Coming… Hard… God…” He couldn’t see it or reach his cock but Ross could feel that come was pouring from him and he started to feel light headed. He felt Parker drive deep and freeze and Ross held his breath as he waited. Parker screamed his name and Ross felt Parker push hard three more times before he started to shake. Ross hissed as he felt more come burst from his cock. His head fell onto the table and he breathed Parker’s name weakly.

  “Jesus!” Parker’s voice came out high and thin as a tremor caused him to shudder. His hands unlocked from around Ross’ shoulders and Parker swore violently as he collapsed on top of Ross. Parker’s lips caressed Ross’ shoulder gently. “I think you’re going to have bruises.” Parker sounded so upset. Ross snorted and tried to shake his head.

  “I don’t think I could care less.” Ross mumbled. “I can’t feel my legs.” He observed. Parker groaned as he pushed off of the table and stood up and stumbled back. Ross let go of the table and immediately started to slide to the ground. “They’re gone.” He announced as he let himself fall onto the floor. Parker laughed as he offered his hand and Ross shook his head. “I think I’ll stay. If you could just put a bottle of water and a pillow on the floor here, I think I could be very happy for a few hours.”

  Chapter 10

  “I should be up there by 4:00. Do you want to meet someplace or I could wait at your place?” Ross asked and Parker tapped the end of the pen on his desk as he stared at his schedule. He had a meeting at 3:00 and he wasn’t sure if he’d be done by then.

  “Would you mind meeting me at my office? I don’t want you sitting in my driveway if I’m running late and I don’t think I’ll be in the mood to go anywhere after. It’s been a long day and I’m pretty drained.” Parker rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at the file in front of him. He was about to accuse a student of academic misconduct. He hadn’t slept well the last few nights and he’d dreaded the meeting with the Honor Committee.

  “Sure. Which building are you in?”

  “Brooks Hall, by the Rotunda. I’ll tell my secretary to let you into my office if I’m not back.” Parker felt a tickle of anticipation and smiled. It was such a relief after the weight in his chest and stomach despite reminding himself that he wasn’t the one ruining a student’s academic career.

  “Sounds good. You know, you’re doing the right thing, Parker.” Ross said and Parker nodded. “He knew the consequences and everyone that gets into your program knows upfront that dedication and hard work are part of the deal. He couldn’t cut it, that’s not your fault. And it’s not fair to the other students that bust their asses.” Ross stated. Parker sighed and sat back in his seat, feeling some of the tension leave his shoulders. Having Ross to share his suspicions and concerns with had been an unexpected comfort. David wouldn’t have been interested. He would have told Parker to deal with it and move on. Ross listened, considered and gave his opinions. Integrity and honesty were everything to Ross and he kept emphasizing them. Which helped. Parker could get wishy washy and blame himself or feel like he was personally hurting his student.

  “I’ll be glad once my part in this is over and I can enjoy the weekend with you.” Parker tossed the pen on the desk and squeezed the bridge of his nose.

  “Me too. Just a few more hours. I have a surprise for you.” Ross sang and the rich warmth of his voice soothed Parker.

  “You’re kind of swell, you know?” Parker asked and Ross chuckled.

  “You too. Get your work done so you can get out of there.” He ordered and Parker’s smile grew.

  “Ok. I’ll see you later.” He laughed and it made him feel even lighter.

  “Alright, bye.”

  “Bye.” Parker ended the call and tapped the phone against his lips as he considered the rest of the work on his desk. He had a few papers that needed to be graded and decided he’d do them at home with Ross. Parker felt warmth spreading in his chest. The last few weekends, Ross had driven up and they spent most of their time in bed. When they weren’t driving each other out of their minds, they read and watched movies. Ross’ literary tastes went toward the East, to Rumi or Tolstoy and Rushdie. When Parker wasn’t grading a paper, he found himself reading over Ross’ shoulder. So far, everything was perfect. The cramped one room duplex that Parker dreaded had become paradise on the weekends.

  The meeting was every bit as tense as Parker expected it to be. He silently repeated Ross’ statements about integrity and honesty like mantras until he walked out, then reminded himself that he had no control over this, it was his student’s choices that had brought this about. He’d done the right and fair thing. As Parker went up the steps to his office, his mood lifted as he recalled that Ross was either already there or would be soon. Walking around the corner and seeing Ross in his office made Parker almost giddy with joy.

  “I see you found your way.” Parker said and Ross smiled over his shoulder as Parker shut the door. Ross set the picture of Parker’s parents back on the shelf before he rushed across the room. Parker sighed happily as their bodes collided and their arms locked around each other. “I’m so glad to see you.” Parker murmured into the corner of Ross’ neck as he inhaled his scent and the last of Parker’s tension melted away.

  “I missed you.” Ross growled softly as his hands pressed against Parker’s back, pulling him closer.

  “Have you been waiting long?” Parker asked as he leaned back and Ross shook his head.

  “Only about ten minutes. This building is phenomenal. I can’t believe you get to work here.” He said as he released Parker. “And I love your office.” Ross pulled Parker over to the pictures. “This is your mom?” He asked in disbelief as he pointed and Parker laughed.

  “That’s my mom.” He said as he looked over Ross’ shoulder and slid a hand around him and splayed it over his stomach. He felt so solid. He was warm and smelled incredible, like clothes right out of the dryer and Parker wanted to go home and lose himself in Ross for the weekend.

  “There’s no way she’s sixty-eight.” He murmured as he picked up another picture. “This is your sister?” Ross asked and Parker nodded, letting his cheek drag against Ross’. “She looks like you. And you take after your father. He was really handsome.” He set the photo down and pulled free of Parker’s arms and went to the bookshelf across the room. Parker turned and leaned as he watched Ross’ finger run along the spines. “Can I borrow this?” He looked over his shoulder and Parker nodded. He didn’t bother to see what it was. Ross could take whatever he wanted. He flashed Parker one of his crooked smiles before his head jerked toward the desk. “I brought you something.” Ross said before he went back to inspecting Parker’s books. Parker’s brows rose when he spotted the gift bag on his desk. He
crossed the room and pushed back the tissue paper and peeked inside.

  “Yes!” He gasped when he saw a large tub of saltwater taffy. Parker wasn’t big on candy but he adored saltwater taffy. His hand found something large and square and he pulled it out. “Harry Potter?” Parker asked as he examined a box set of blu-ray discs. “This is all the movies?” Ross nodded as he squatted in front of Parker’s record collection.

  “You said you hadn't seen them. I haven’t either. I thought it might be fun, if you weren’t in the mood to get out of the house.” Ross murmured as he pulled a record. “These are all jazz.” He noted before his head snapped up and his smile was brilliant. “You’re named after Bird?” Ross asked and Parker grinned.

  “My dad was a huge Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie fan. Mom wouldn’t let him name me Dizzy.” He said and Ross laughed as he stood up. “I’m more of an Armstrong fan, personally. I like the earlier stuff.” Parker said as he pointed at a framed print of Louis Armstrong. Ross sighed as he reached for Parker.

  “I’ve been looking for this. Your apartment is so new and sterile, I couldn’t see anything.” He said as he wrapped one arm around Parker’s waist and the pad of his thumb brushed over Parker’s lips. Parker kissed it.

  “What do you mean?” He whispered as he stepped closer. Ross’ thumb slid along Parker’s cheek and his hand cupped his jaw.

  “I wanted to learn more about you but your place is so empty. All the little odds and ends from your work and travel are here, along with your photos, music and other knick-knacks. This feels more like you.” He explained as his eyes searched Parker’s, making him feel a little dizzy. Ross was the most perceptive person Parker had ever met, he had a way of reading the flick Parker’s eyes or his choice of cocktail. Parker could only imagine what Ross had gleaned from his office. He was completely right, it felt more like home than Parker’s new place.


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