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Courage In Love

Page 20

by K. Sterling

  Chapter 35

  “I think this would be perfect.” Parker turned and surveyed the gardens. “I’ve always loved it here. I keep telling Ross I need to bring him.” He patted Bryan on the back and he grinned as he waved Parker toward the Horseshoe Steps.

  “I didn’t think about proposing here and I wish I had.” Bryan said. Parker nodded.

  “I don’t think anything could be more romantic than Dumbarton Oaks.” He sighed as he watched the setting sun and wished that Ross had come with them to help Bryan plan a surprise vow renewal for Ian.

  “I could think of something a little more romantic.” Bryan whispered as he leaned close. Parker snorted and was about to challenge Bryan as he turned but stopped when he saw Bryan pointing at the steps. Parker’s eyes swept up the stairs slowly and he gasped when he saw Ross waiting at the top.

  “What…?” His voice broke and his body began to shake. “What’s he doing up there?” Parker’s voice was barely there and Bryan laughed.

  “He’s waiting for you.” He said and Parker swallowed hard, his throat felt tight and clogged. “Go!” Bryan commanded and Parker’s eyes widened as he stared at the steps. He didn’t think he’d make it before he passed out. He looked up and Ross held out his hand.

  It was as if he was being pulled. Parker’s feet touched the steps and he didn’t need to look down as he climbed, his eyes stayed locked on Ross. The sun was setting behind him and he had never looked more handsome. Ross was wearing a tuxedo and Parker couldn’t stand how well it fit him. When Parker reached the top, Ross took his hands and raised them to his lips.

  “How did you get here?” Parker’s voice shook as he leaned toward Ross’ lips.

  “I walked, Parker.” He said softly. “I walked up those steps.” Ross announced and Parker looked behind him and gasped. He felt Ross’ hand curve around his jaw before he turned Parker’s face so he could see his eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Everything became so much easier when I realized that I had to do it for you. You gave me everything and I had to do this for you. You never gave up on me and you would have waited forever. Once I decided that I was going to walk for you, that I was going to make it here and do this, nothing could stop me.” Ross’ head tilted forward and his lips brushed against Parker’s as his hands wiped tears from Parker’s cheeks.

  “I can’t believe you did this. I’m so proud of you.” He whispered as he reached for Ross. Ross shook his head and stepped back.

  “That isn’t why we’re here.” Ross said as he opened his arms wide and a wave of dizziness rolled over Parker as he looked around.

  Dozens of candles caught Parker’s eyes before he realized they weren't alone. Somehow Bryan had snuck up the stairs and was standing with Ian and Parker’s mother and sister. They were all crying and holding each other. Parker looked back at Ross and the crooked grin that always did ridiculous things to Parker’s stomach tilted Ross’ lips and Parker sighed his name as he reached for him.

  “I love you so much!” Parker wrapped his arms around Ross and he kissed him tenderly, trying to let Ross feel the tremendous, almost crushing surge of love and joy that rose within him. Ross’ fingertips slid down Parker’s throat and his lips clung as he laughed.

  “You’re getting ahead of me.” Ross said as he reached into his coat. He carefully kneeled and Parker clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from crying out.

  “Ross!” Parker complained. He wasn’t sure if being on his knees would be painful for Ross. He shook his head gently.

  “Listen.” He said firmly and Parker nodded. Ross raised a small, black velvet Tiffany box and opened it. Parker gasped at the thick, platinum band before his eyes swung back to Ross’. “I thought I was dying and I looked at the sky and you were there. I couldn’t let go, I had to get back to you. You never gave up on me and you never let me give up. I will never be able to give you what you’ve given me but I will never stop trying. You’re all that matters. I love you, Parker. Will you marry me?” Ross’ eyes were deep and clear and Parker was trapped in them. He nodded frantically as he dropped to his knees.

  “Yes!” Parker cried as he threw his arms around Ross’ neck. “You’ve already given me everything I could ever want. I love you!” He whispered into the corner of Ross’ neck. That warm curve between his shoulder and his neck that was everything to Parker was his, forever.


  One year later

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone this calm.” Bryan teased as he nudged Ross with his elbow. Ross shrugged as he stared at the ocean.

  “Everything feels so right.” He said as he looked at Bryan. “This is where my mom and I were happiest. I can feel her here.” Ross’ eyes watered as he saw her dancing and Bryan squeezed his shoulder.

  “I’m sure she’s here and she's proud of you. You’ve accomplished so much and you’re about to marry an amazing man that truly loves and deserves you. It’s all we’ve ever wanted for you.” Bryan said and Ross nodded and took a deep breath, fighting off a wave of intense emotion. He swore he wouldn’t cry.

  It was an impossible promise to keep, Ross realized as he looked down the aisle, between the chairs filled with Parker’s friends and family, Ross’ team and their spouses, as he waited for Parker. This time, Ross was waiting. Parker had waited, even when he didn’t want to, he hung on and waited. The rush of gratitude almost broke Ross. He clenched his jaw and ignored the warm tickle in his nose as it threatened to start running as his vision blurred. Parker had given Ross everything. He had a home and a family, he had warmth and peace. And he had a purpose.

  It was Parker’s idea to build a weekend camp for children with prosthetic limbs. Parker suggested finding other veteran amputees to volunteer to hike, camp and play team sports with disabled kids. It was an incredible success. The intention was to inspire children with real life heroes that had overcome their injuries and lived full, productive lives while showing them that they had a community that supported them. But the veterans took as much from the children as they gave. They felt admired, valued and engaged. They were often inspired by the little warriors they mentored and left the camp feeling renewed and motivated.

  And Ross and Parker were investigating adoption and surrogate options. They were going to have their own family. Ross stayed neutral on the idea and didn’t want to push the topic and was surprised when Parker brought it up a few months earlier. Surprised wasn’t an adequate word. Stunned speechless was more accurate. He stared, mouth gaping and eyes blinking for several moments over a bowl of cereal until Parker shoved his shoulder. Parker was ready and once Ross started thinking about it, he couldn’t stop.

  Parker appeared just beyond the aisle with his mother on his arm and Ross couldn’t breathe. They’d picked matching grey suits and Ross regretted the decision. Parker looked impossibly handsome and Ross felt like he looked shabby in comparison. The string quartet started to play “At Last” and Ross exhaled loudly as tears pooled in his eyes. Laughter burst from Ross when Jones stepped into the aisle, appearing very solemn as he reached into a basket and pulled out a handful of soft pink rose petals and gently tossed them onto the ground in front of him as he made his way toward Ross. When Jones reached Ross he grabbed Ross and hugged him fiercely before he took his seat next to Anita. Parker’s sister was next. She was stunning in a soft pink gown that matched the pink roses tucked in Parker’s and Ross’ button holes and her smile was watery and wobbly when it fell on Ross. She kissed his cheek before she took her place as Parker’s maid of honor. When Parker and his mother stepped into the aisle Ross ducked his head and pinched the bridge of his nose but it was useless, tears poured from his eyes when he raised his face to watch Parker walk toward him. Parker’s mother hugged Ross tight and her lips lingered at his cheek.

  “Parker’s father would have been so proud. I know he would have loved you.” She whispered and Ross could only nod as his throat became clogged and tight. She took her seat and Ross’ hands s
hook as he reached for Parker's.

  “I can’t believe this is happening. You look incredible.” Parker whispered shakily and Ross shook his head in disbelief.

  “How? How could I be this lucky?” His voice was weak and raw as his hand reached for Parker’s face and cupped his cheek. Bryan cleared his throat and leaned close.

  “I think we should get started.” He whispered and Ross’ face felt hot as he remembered they were surrounded by everyone they knew.

  The official part of the service was blessedly short. Ross insisted he didn’t care how long it went when they were planning but in hindsight, he was grateful that he’d remained on his feet despite the fact that his legs felt like they’d turned to water and his body wouldn’t stop trembling. As soon as he was told he could kiss his husband, Ross groaned in relief as he reached for Parker, cradling his face reverently as their lips brushed and clung. Ross held on until he felt steadier, breathing Parker in and savoring the soft warmth of his lips.

  “I have everything I could ever want. You’re my life, Parker. I love you so much.” Ross said softly and Parker pulled in a shuddering breath.

  “I didn’t know I could love anyone as much as I love you. I didn’t believe I had a soul and suddenly, it had a face and a name. You’re everything, Ross. You’re my soul and I’ll never let you go.” Parker promised and Ross sighed as he pulled Parker tight against his chest.

  “I know. You never let go and I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve given me.” Ross said as his thumb brushed over Parker’s lips. Parker’s smile was warm and Ross couldn’t stop his lips from falling.

  “You can start by kissing me.” Parker murmured before Ross’ lips covered his.

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