Unspoken Love

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Unspoken Love Page 18

by Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

  “No, Nicholas. Why do you ask?”

  “She hasn’t come home, and she might be injured. I’ve got to find her!”

  Billy stepped into the room and overheard their conversation. “I saw her at the cabins visiting Hattie and the field hands.”

  “She’s probably there now, safe and dry.” Warren volunteered.

  “She could’ve taken shelter with the slaves,” Billy added. his voice changing now that he was on the threshold of growing into a young man. Warren reached for his slicker, as did Billy. “We’ll help you look for her,” they said in unison.

  “I’m much obliged, Warren, Billy. If you find Jenny, send word immediately. Be careful,” he warned. “The weather is atrocious. You run a risk of getting injured. I’ll ride to the slave quarters and see if Jenny is there.”

  Swiftly he mounted Dexter and thundered down the path until he came upon the cabins. The fierce wind nearly knocked him off his mount. When he approached the dwelling, he saw Hattie and her husband, Adam, standing at the window, watching the storm.

  Adam and Hattie hurried to open the door and fought a gust of wind that nearly took it off the hinges.

  “Is Jennifer with you, Hattie?”

  “No, Mister Grant. Miss Jenny started for home when the storm came,” Hattie replied. Her eyes widened with concern. “She should have been there long ago.”

  “That’s right,” Adam concurred, his white hair and beard blowing in the stiff wind. “She was headed toward the house when we came in from the fields.”

  “Thank you, Adam. I’ll look for her along the path.”

  Nicholas rode with reckless abandon, calling Jenny’s name, but the storm whipped his words into oblivion.

  For two hours, he rode in the downpour, feeling less hopeful with each passing minute. Nearing a thicket, he thought he heard Jenny call out and ground Dexter to a halt. He listened for the sound of her voice over the deafening storm. Cautiously guiding Dexter into the woods, he saw Jenny in the distance, drenched and bent over, her heavy clothes clinging to her frame.

  Nicholas dismounted and rushed to Jenny.

  “I’m so glad you found me, Nicholas! It’s time for the baby,” she whimpered, pain racking her body.

  Nicholas moved a strand of dripping hair from her face and gazed into her eyes. “We’ve got to get you to the house, Jenny. Can you stand to ride?”

  “I don’t know. I hurt so badly.”

  “We’ve got to try, Jenny!”

  “Okay, but hurry. There’s not much time.”

  Carefully he helped her mount, then jumped up behind her. Terror clutched at his heart as he guided Dexter home, knowing Jenny’s life, and now the baby’s, was at risk.

  “When the storm dies down, I’ll send for a midwife,” he said.

  “The baby won’t wait that long,” Jenny cried, her words cut off by the howling wind.

  They arrived at the house where candles burned brightly in the windows against the darkness. Huge branches swayed, nearly breaking at the trunks as Nicholas kicked the door open and carried her into the house.

  Thomas gasped when he saw the soaking pair.

  “The baby’s time has come,” Nicholas explained.

  Thomas winced when Jenny bent over with pain. Helpless to ease her suffering, his face paled, and he gazed at her sympathetically.

  “I’ll be all right, Father,” she managed to utter through her pain.

  Lily came into the room. “What’s all the commotion?”

  “Jenny is in labor,” Nicholas said. “Have you delivered any babies?”

  Lily frowned. “No, Sir, I have not.”

  “Then look after Thomas. Stay with him until I send for you.” Nicholas commanded.

  Lily led Thomas away, reassuring him that Jenny would be fine. “Babies are born all the time,” she said encouragingly. “Soon, you’ll be a grandfather, Thomas.”

  “I’m haunted by my dear wife’s demise when she gave birth to Jenny. I pray Jenny won’t die.”

  “Please don’t fret, Thomas. Jenny is going to be just fine.”

  While Lily tended to Thomas, Nicholas carried Jenny to his chamber and placed her on the bed. Removing her sodden clothes, he tossed them aside and rushed to her room. He rummaged through her dresser in search of a nightgown, then raced back and helped Jenny into it.

  A strong contraction gripped Jenny, and she clung to the bedpost for support. “The baby is coming Nicholas!”

  Without wavering, Nicholas tended to her. He knew it was up to him to help bring his child into the world. “I’ve helped deliver many foals. Surely birthing a baby won’t be much different,” he said.

  The minutes ticked on as Jenny’s labor continued, the contractions coming minutes apart. Finally, Nicholas said, “I see the baby’s head. Bear down, Jenny.”

  Jenny did as he commanded, and with one thrust, pushed their son into the world.

  Nicholas cleared the baby’s air passage, then cut and tied the cord. Quickly, he wrapped the infant in a blanket and called for Lily. “It’s a boy. Take him to the nursery and wash him while I tend to Jenny,” he instructed.

  Lily smiled at the small bundle that Nicholas placed in her arms, then carried the baby to the nursery.

  “I still feel pain,” Jenny complained. “I think I’m having complications.”

  Nicholas examined her and saw another head emerging from the birth canal. “We’re having twins, Jenny!”

  Nature forced her to bear down, and shortly after, she brought another life into the world.

  “It’s a girl!” Nicholas shouted.

  A hint of a smile surfaced on Jenny’s lips.

  “A baby girl,” she repeated, then closed her eyes in slumber.

  Thirty minutes later, Lily brought the newborn babe into the room and placed him beside Jenny. Her eyes widened in amazement as she saw Nicholas attending to yet another child and wrapping it in a blanket.

  “Twins,” he said excitedly, passing the infant to her. “It’s a girl.”

  The baby wailed at the top of her lungs, bringing a smile to Lily’s fatigued features.

  “She must be hungry. I’ll wash her, then bring her in for feeding.”

  Later, when Thomas awoke, Lily helped him to Jenny’s bedside.

  He looked upon his sleeping daughter and grandchildren. “I can’t ask for more,” he said. “We have another generation to carry on our heritage.” His eyes sparkled as he cheerfully added, “And I have another cradle to make.”

  The rains stopped, and the winds became calm. Peace descended upon the plantation and its residents.

  Lily served the men a savory meal, then went to Jenny’s room to keep a watchful eye on her and her children.

  After eating heartily, the men returned from the kitchen.

  “I’ll stay with Jenny,” Nicholas volunteered. “Help Thomas to his room. He needs to rest.”

  Gingerly, Nicholas held his daughter and his son. After placing them beside Jenny, he stood back and admired his family. He looked up to see Warren and Billy poking their heads into the room. Grinning, they removed their hats and beheld Jenny and the babies.

  Nicholas walked over to the awe-struck pair.

  “I found Jenny in the woods. Daisy bolted when the storm came and threw her from the wagon. It’s a miracle that I found her. She had already gone into labor.”

  “Now that we know Jenny is okay, we’ll be going to our cabin,” Warren whispered. “We don’t want to awaken her.” Beaming with pride, he and Billy strode down the corridor. He slapped his hat against his pant leg before shoving it on his head. “Our Jenny has twins!” he exclaimed to Billy.

  Nicholas chuckled as he heard Warren and Billy boasting about Jenny and the twins.

  Jenny sti
rred from her sleep and recalled her difficult labor. Tired, but happy, she inspected her precious arrivals.

  “We have two beautiful and healthy babies,” Nicholas said, covering her hand with his own. “You have made me, and your father, proud.”

  Again, Jenny gazed down at the sleeping infants, noting they favored Nicholas.

  “I never expected twins,” she whispered. A smile escaped her lips before her long lashes fluttered shut, and she fell into an exhausted but contented sleep.

  Jenny and Nicholas marveled over their precious twins. The arrival of Abigail and Aaron brought new meaning into their lives and brought them closer than ever before.

  As Jenny recuperated, Nicholas had cause to ponder their relationship. He had insisted Jenny return to the plantation for the birth of their child, never guessing he would be the father of twins. Now that the babies had been born, he knew he couldn’t let her go and wanted her with him regardless of the barriers between them. “Let’s call a truce, Jenny,” he pleaded. “I want us to live in harmony as we raise our children.”

  Jenny gazed into his eyes. “You are the babies’ father and a good man. You looked after me when I was sick and helped me birth the twins. I owe you my life. If you hadn’t found me in the woods, I’m sure I would have died.”

  Their eyes remained locked as Nicholas awaited her answer. He drew her into his embrace and lavished her with kisses. “You’re driving me crazy with desire, Jenny.” He ran his fingers over her curves, his touch exciting her senses. Fire smoldered from within, sending their passion soaring as Jenny eagerly returned his kisses.

  “We must not. It’s too soon,” she cautioned, gently breaking away.

  “I can wait,” Nicholas replied. “I have your affection, Jenny, and that greatly pleases me.” He continued to hold her, savoring the moment, sensing they were destined to be together as they began their life anew.

  Chapter 17

  Leaving the six-week-old twins in Lily’s care, Nicholas and Jenny set out for Greenville to buy supplies. The sun beamed down on them as they rode along the path, a peace enveloping them. The clip clop of the horses and the sound of the creaking wagon echoed in their ears. Birds trilling in the forest hushed their singing and flew away as they passed by. Skittish chipmunks scurried to their burrows.

  Arriving in Greenville, their tranquil spell was broken as horse-drawn wagons sped by and people loudly greeted one another.

  “May I visit Aunt Thelma?” Jenny asked excitedly.

  “Sure, Jenny. I’ll take you to the inn, but we can’t dally long. I have work waiting for me at the plantation.”

  “I’ll hurry,” she promised as he pulled up in front of the Hearthside Inn.

  Nicholas helped her down from the wagon. As his arms circled Jenny’s waist, her bosom brushed against his chest, sending his senses reeling with desire. His fiery gaze riveted on Jenny. In a low voice ,he said, “I want to trail kisses along your body and make love to you.” His lips brushed her ear as he continued, “Soon, my sweet—” He regained his composure as people milled around them. Releasing Jenny, he leapt onto the wagon. “Meet me at the general store in half an hour.”

  Jenny tingled with passion and attempted to keep her emotions in check as she watched Nicholas ride down the street. Contentment washed over her as she took in his broad shoulders. Tearing her gaze from him, she stepped into the inn and sought out Aunt Thelma.

  “Jennifer, I am delighted to see you!” Aunt Thelma said, giving her a hearty hug. “Come join me for a cup of tea.”

  Jenny followed her into the kitchen. Aunt Thelma filled their cups with freshly steeped tea and joined her at the table. Sipping the refreshing brew, they chatted about Thomas and the babies until a fair-skinned maid came into the room. The young servant bubbled with enthusiasm as she loaded clean mugs onto a tray. Her curly blonde tresses bounced in the air as she hurried about the kitchen with efficiency, then returned to the dining room. “Where is Bonita?”

  “I fired her when I found her in bed with one of my patrons,” Aunt Thelma said. “For some time I suspected that she was sleeping with the customers.” Aunt Thelma took another sip of tea. “Inga is working out quite well. A young Swedish woman, she needed room and board when she arrived from her homeland. She settled in Greenville, much to my delight.”

  “I’m glad you’ve found someone reliable, Aunt Thelma,” Jenny said, relieved that Bonita was no longer there, not so much for what Bonita had done to her but for Aunt Thelma and Uncle Edward’s sake. The unstable woman was not an asset to their business.

  Jenny enjoyed her visit with Aunt Thelma. The minutes ticked on as they continued to discuss a host of topics. Suddenly she leapt to her feet. “Time has flown! I promised Nicholas I wouldn’t be long. Come visit us soon, Aunt Thelma, and see the twins.”

  “I will,” Thelma promised and fondly bade her farewell.

  Leaving the inn, Jenny headed for the general store. A shadow fell over her, and she gazed up, locking eyes with Blake Preston.

  “Hello, Jennifer.”

  Surprised, yet delighted to see him, Jenny responded, “Hello, Blake, what brings you to town?”

  “Business. I head back to Natchez tomorrow.”

  Jenny noted his striking face and confident stance as he towered over her. “How is business?” she inquired with a strong interest, still daring to dream that she might someday own a shop.

  “Quite profitable, Jenny, thanks for asking.” His expression became somber. “Thelma said you had twins. Motherhood agrees with you.” He clasped her hand. “You know, I could be the father of your babies if my plans had gone right.”

  “Let’s not talk about what might have been.” Her eyes softened. “Abigail and Aaron are adorable.” She added determinedly, “I can’t stay and chat, Blake. It’s been good seeing you. Good day.” She withdrew her hand, and giving him a curt nod, headed for the General Store. Blake grasped her arm and stopped her.

  “You look exquisite, Jenny. I’m glad I got to see you, if only for a moment.” Catching her unaware, he kissed her on the forehead. “If I had the chance, I’d take you away and love you for eternity.”

  “Blake, I’ll always be your friend, nothing more,” she relayed kindly.

  She breathed a sigh when he released her hand and moved on. Their friendship had changed drastically since he’d disclosed his feelings. Starting on her way, she saw Nicholas. His accusing eyes made her burn with unwarranted guilt.

  Nicholas helped her onto the buckboard laden with staples, then jumped up beside her and started the horses in motion.

  Nicholas drove the horses hard, his mind on Jenny and Blake’s meeting. Eyeing her furtively, he observed that she was sitting erect and proud, her shiny black hair blowing in the breeze. Doubts tore at his troubled heart. He pulled into a secluded area and brought the wagon to a stop. Lifting Jenny to the ground, he forced her to meet his gaze.

  “Were you swooning over Blake Preston?”

  “Swooning over Blake? Absolutely not, Nicholas! The man was only greeting me.”

  “You cannot deny he is a striking man.”

  “He is handsome, Nicholas. Even so, I made no overtures to toward him.”

  Nicholas eyed her speculatively. “When I saw Blake kissing you . . .”

  “He only brushed my forehead with his lips, Nicholas. It was hardly a kiss for lovers.”

  He drew her to his chest and passionately kissed her on the lips. She wrapped her arms around him. Unable to resist his fiery touch, she let him take her to the grassy slope and make love to her. With slow sensuous strokes, he caressed her body and kissed her lips. Heightened pleasure coursed through them, and a sense of urgency filled their being. Over and over, Nicholas plunged into her softness, consuming her with passion. Ecstasy claimed them as he gave one last thrust and spilled his seed inside h

  Aglow with happiness, Jenny murmured, “I don’t want this moment to end, but we must hurry home, Nicholas. I need to nurse the babies. My breasts are tender with milk.”

  “Then, by all means, let’s head home.” He helped her to her feet and led her back to the wagon.

  As they rode home, Jenny saw a hint of a smile cross his features, and he gathered up speed, stealing glances at her. Blissfully happy, she knew he was fighting the urge to stop the wagon and love her again.

  Bonita had stood lurking in the shadows as she watched Nicholas and Jenny leave Greenville. It had been months since Nicholas had rejected her, but the memories were still vivid in her mind. She studied Jenny’s extraordinary beauty. The woman had regained her shapely figure after the birth of her babies. She vowed to destroy Jenny for taking the one man she could not have. She recalled the tongue-lashing that Nakao had given her when he learned that Jenny was not Ellie White, and that, too, weighed heavily on her mind, for she had lost his friendship because of her deception. Since Thelma had sent her packing, she had become one of many prostitutes at Ethel’s brothel, pleasing the men who entered her chamber. Earlier, hidden from their view, she had watched Jennifer and Blake talking and then witnessed the look on Nicholas’s face when he saw Blake and Jenny together. She smiled maliciously as she sought to punish those who had not succumbed to her wishes.

  Later that night in her room, Bonita watched Jake Parsons with revulsion as he undressed. Her senses rebelled against the husky man. His greasy hair, offensive smell, and lecherous leer nearly made her vomit. How did I sink so low that I must now accommodate such a vile excuse for a man? Jake was in stark contrast to Nicholas, the only man she’d ever wanted. Nevertheless, she needed Jake. She’d heard of his unscrupulous dealings and shady past. Rumor was he’d killed a man. She had a job for him. She wanted to exchange her services for his. She moved her body seductively as she propositioned him. “I’ve got a deal for you.”


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