Unspoken Love

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Unspoken Love Page 19

by Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

  “What kind of deal?” Jake asked, shedding his clothes and dropping onto the bed, taking her with him.

  “You may enjoy my services for nothing now, and later,” she offered, her voice low and beguiling. “Provided you abduct Jennifer Grant. Take her to Natchez and sell her into slavery, or kill her. Just get rid of her.”

  “That’s against the law, woman,” Jake exclaimed. “Do you know what you’re asking of me? I’ve done some seedy things, but I never kidnapped anyone.”

  Bonita ran her fingers down his neck, her long nails digging into his back. “And do you not realize your reward?” she asked, pressing her form against him.

  Jake’s beady eyes bore into her as a strand of dark shaggy hair fell across his forehead. His sexual urges intensified, and he drew Bonita in even closer. Unable to refuse her wanton body, he moaned, “Whatever the lady wishes.” Then he drew her into his embrace and proceeded to have his way with her, his loud grunting filling the room and echoing in Bonita’s ears.

  Moments later, Jake dressed. Placing a wide-brimmed hat on his head, he asked for more details about Jenny. When Bonita had told him everything, he pulled her into his embrace and playfully slapped her rump. “When I take care of Jennifer, I’ll be back to collect on your promise.”

  “Until then,” Bonita answered, forcing a smile upon her lips as she gently shoved him out the door. When Jake had gone, she retched at having to endure his touch. Scrubbing her body, she vowed he would never touch her again, regardless of her promise. After washing, she forged a note to Nicholas that simply stated:


  I left with Blake, my one true love.


  Once she learned that Jake had abducted Jenny, she would make sure the note reached Nicholas.

  The following day Jake rode to Small Timbers. Hiding behind the trees, he gazed at the workers who were laboring in the fields. He was pleased when he saw Nicholas deep in discussion with the overseer. Assured he wouldn’t be in the way, Jake maneuvered his mount toward the house.

  He rapped on the door and stood with his hat in hand. Jenny stood in the entrance, surprised to see the unexpected visitor. “Can I help you?”

  Jake dripped with politeness. “I wonder if I could have a drink to quench my thirst, Ma’am.”

  “You’ve come a mite far in search of water,” she said, reaching for the dipper hanging on the wall. “Help yourself.”

  “I will, Ma’am. Thank you.”

  “Leave the dipper on the veranda when you are you finished.” She started to close the door but, quick as lightening, Jake grabbed her from behind and placed a cloth soaked in chloroform across her mouth. Like a withering plant, Jenny dropped to the floor.

  Jake slung her over his horse and covered her with a blanket. Nonchalantly, he kept a steady pace as he rode away, giving no one cause to notice him.

  From behind the trees, Bonita saw Jake pick up speed as he left Small Timbers. She rode across the meadow, waiting for a chance to deliver the note to Nicholas.

  On an errand for Warren, Billy rode into the clearing. He saw Bonita and brought his horse to an abrupt stop. “Are you lost? It’s unusual for a lady to be in the meadow.” He pointed in the direction of the house. “Take this path and veer right. You’ll come to the house, Miss.”

  Like a witch turning into a beautiful enchantress, Bonita smiled at Billy. Her voice dripped with sweetness. “I have a note for Nicholas. Would you see that he gets it?”

  “Y-y-yes, Miss,” Billy stuttered, captivated by her beauty. Grabbing the note, he took off for the fields to find Nicholas. “A message for you from a pretty lady,” Billy said. He swung his horse around and returned to his chores.

  Nicholas scanned the note. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. Jenny had lied to him and was now in the arms of Blake Preston. Concerned that she may have taken the babies, he stuffed the note into his pocket and rushed home from the fields. As he stepped through the front door, he sensed an uneasiness in the house. Racing from room to room, he called Jenny’s name, but the only answer he heard was his echo. He realized she had already gone and rushed to the nursery, expecting to find it empty. The babies were lying in their cradles as Lily tended them. “Lily, Jenny is gone!”

  Lily gasped; her eyes widened in surprise. “Gone? Jenny wouldn’t leave her babies. Something is very wrong—”

  “I’m going after her. Take care of the twins, and Thomas, until I get back.”

  “Yes, Mr. Grant. You can count on me,” Lily responded.

  Angry and distraught, Nicholas stormed out the door and thundered toward Greenville in search of Jenny.

  Holding his hostage tightly, Jake rode like the wind. By the time Jenny awakened, he had ridden miles away from the plantation. She opened her eyes, but the blanket blocked her view. She bounced about on the sweat-laden horse, pondering her situation until her abductor reined his horse to a stop.

  Jake dismounted, bringing her with him. He removed the blanket and met her fiery green eyes.

  “How dare you accost me!” she shouted, raking her nails down his face.

  Jake backed away when she nearly gouged out his eyes, then lunged at her. Jenny fought like a wildcat, landing a few good punches to his face until he subdued her. Jerking her arms down to her sides, he held them tightly. “No woman strikes me!” he shouted, sending a forceful blow across her cheek.

  Her senses clouded, and she fainted. She awoke to cold water dripping on her face and began to choke. Gasping for air, she rose to her feet to catch her breath. Jake stood in front of her, his canteen empty. A devious smile crossed his mangy features as he reached out for Jenny with a rope in one hand.

  Mustering strength that Jenny did not even know she had, she kicked him in the groin and shoved him to the ground. Her head throbbed, and bruises covered her body. Yet, with a strong will to live, she forced herself to run. She ran into the woods, fearing retaliation from the brutal stranger. She scurried under a raspberry bush and caught her hair on the prickly thorns. She tugged her locks free, mindless of the pain as her abductor approached. Hearing a movement behind her, she stifled a scream and looked around for something with which to protect herself. She grabbed a small solid branch. Clutching it tightly, she swung it hard in his path and tripped him.

  Jake fell to the ground, grabbed his shins, and cursed Jenny. “You’ll pay for this!” he yelled.

  She knew she must take action while he was incapacitated if she wanted to live. With renewed vigor, she crawled out from under the briar and beat him senseless. When he no longer resisted, she dropped the branch and ran like thunder. She raced through the forest and into the swamplands, her sense of direction gone.

  Tired and hungry and with darkness descending, she was unable to find her way out of the woodlands. She knew she’d have to stay the night or chance falling into the swamp. She gathered some leaves and made herself a bed under a willow tree. Surrounded by cypress, red gum, and swamp hickories, she lay in the darkness and pondered her dilemma. She knew that Aaron and Abigail were getting good care back at home, but she yearned to cradle them to her bosom and bestow her love upon them. Refusing to admit defeat, she bravely vowed to find the main road come morning. She stiffened with fear as snakes slithered in the tall grasses. Except for the pounding of her heart, she remained still trying not to draw attention to herself. Owls hooted in the trees. Bullfrogs bellowed in the distance, hopping to a scattering of huge lily pads. The sultry air brought her little respite as she snatched bits of sleep throughout the night.

  As daylight crept into the bayou, Jenny became fully awake when she heard the click of a gun. Thinking her abductor had returned to kill her, she bolted to her feet as the gun discharged. Her eyes fixed on the man as he shoved the gun into his holster, then to a dead snake only inches from her. The sudden shock caused her to weave
, and he caught her fall. His deep voice echoed in the forest.

  “You’re injured, Jennifer. Don’t overtax yourself.”

  Jenny attempted to get her bearing and stand alone. “My heads hurts, and my body aches,” she complained. A rush of heat consumed her, and dizziness engulfed her. “I feel sick,” she groaned, then fainted in his arms.

  When she awoke, she was resting against his chest. Gently, he applied a damp handkerchief to her brow as his soft brown eyes studied her.

  Jenny gazed up at him and sent him a perplexed look. “Am I hallucinating or are you Zachary Brown?”

  A smile crossed Zachary’s tanned and handsome face. “I am Zachary,” he answered. “You became sick the first time we met on the Marylou. I might get a complex, Jenny.”

  She suspected a tinge of pink stole over her cheeks as she recalled their meeting on the steamship. She turned from him to shield her embarrassment.

  Zachary attempted to smooth the moment. “I apologize for placing you in such straits, Jenny. I knew you were a lady of quality and should not have propositioned you. I beg you to forgive me.”

  Jenny faced him, her tired eyes fixed on him. It was his fault she had run from the Marylou. Letting her sixth sense guide her, she said, “If you are truly sorry, then I forgive you.” A puzzled expression crossed her features. “What are you doing in the swamplands?”

  “I left the riverboats. I decided to quit wagering and sat my feet upon dry soil,” he explained.

  “You quit gambling, just like that?” Jenny asked.

  Zachary sent her a sheepish look.

  “Not exactly, I was accused of cheating in a card game. The man jumped up, and the next thing I knew we were throwing punches. One of his cohorts started shooting up the room. I ran for my life and figured, if I lay low for a while, it would give him time to simmer down. I toured the country and came upon a band of Gypsies. Not one to settle down, I took up residence with the caravan. We traveled up the coast and just arrived in Mississippi. I was scouting the area when I came upon you. And it’s a good thing I did,” he said, pointing to the snake. He helped her to her feet.

  Jenny tottered and clung to him for support. “What’s the matter with me?”

  “Perhaps you can tell me what happened,” Zachary said, “then we can decide what’s going on.”

  “A man accosted me and used chloroform to subdue me. He was taking me to an unknown destination when I escaped.”

  “I see,” Zachary said. “Maybe you are ill because of the medicine.”

  “Yes,” Jenny agreed. “But now I must be going home. Can you direct me out of the swamps?”

  “I’ll take you home,” Zachary insisted. “First I have to return to camp for my mount.”

  “May I go with you? I am afraid to be by myself in this forsaken land.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Jennifer. Come along.”

  Jenny tried to keep up with Zachary, but she lagged behind as she pushed aside vegetation and swatted at mosquitoes. Hungry and woozy, she began to linger even more.

  Zachary swept her into his arms and carried her to the camp.

  Grateful for his assistance, Jenny didn’t struggle as she fought waves of nausea. When they arrived at camp, the Gypsies paid him little heed as they went about their business.

  Zachary took her into a beautifully carved wagon and placed her on the cot. “Rest while I get us some food,” he said, then hastily left the wagon.

  While Jenny waited for his return, she took in the intricately carved decor and brightly colored materials. A portrait of a Gypsy couple displayed on a wooden shelf made her homesick for Nicholas and the babies. Yet, confident that Zachary would take her home, she relaxed. She vowed to regain her strength and be with her beloved family soon.

  Zachary entered the wagon carrying a tray of food and beverages. “This is not ordinary fare for breakfast, Jenny, but it should suffice.”

  Famished, Jenny tore into a chicken leg as Zachary looked on.

  “So, where is it that I am to take you Jenny? Where do you live?”

  Jenny tossed the chicken bone onto the empty plate and wiped her greasy fingers on a cloth that Zachary held out to her. “I live at Small Timbers, a plantation near Leland. I live there with my husband, babies, and father.” She failed to see the hurt in his eyes.

  “You are married and have children?”

  “Yes, Nicholas is my husband. He must be out of his mind with worry.” A rosy glow stole over her as she continued, “And my twins, they are so tiny, only seven weeks old. Aaron and Abigail are beautiful babies. I miss them so much.” Tears sprang into her eyes as she continued, “Father has a heart condition. I hope he isn’t overwrought.”

  “Don’t fret, Jenny. Soon you’ll be home and can forget this whole ordeal. Here, drink some of this herb mixture so you can get your strength back. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

  Jenny took the warm brew from Zachary. She gulped down the spicy liquid. She turned her nose up at the bitter taste. “I have tasted better.”

  Zachary expressed amusement. Eyeing her pensively, he encouraged, “Give the brew time to work. I’ll return with a mount.”

  Jenny sent him a delightful smile, knowing she would soon be in the arms of her beloved. However, she fell into Zachary’s arms when blackness descended upon her.

  Sweeping her into his embrace, Zachary laid her on the cot.

  “Jenny, Jenny, how can I let you go now that I’ve found you? I must think this through clearly. Until then, you will stay here with me.” Capturing a lock of her hair, he wrapped it around his fingers, then bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. As he studied her sleeping form, he again noticed her bruises and abrasions. Concocting a potion that he’d learned from the Gypsies, he painstaking applied it to her wounds. “This will heal you, my love, but there is no cure for me,” he sighed. He forced her family from his mind.

  He didn’t ravish Jenny as he longed to, but he knew he couldn’t keep her indefinitely without arousing the Gypsies’ suspicions. Yet he suspected their philosophy was to live and let live and they wouldn’t hold him accountable if he chose to keep her. Who would be the wiser if I were to abscond with her?

  Chapter 18

  Shaken and battered, Jake struggled to his feet and found his way out of the swamp. He stood along the path and whistled for his horse, which came promptly. Convinced Jenny would meet with ill fate in the swamplands, he rode back to Greenville to see Bonita. Upon entering her chamber, he told her of his entanglement with Jennifer and concluded by saying, “The woman got away.”

  “You fool!” Bonita seethed. “You couldn’t even tame Jennifer?”

  Refusing to be bested by a woman, Jake hotly answered, “That woman was not like most. Her strength nearly matched mine! But never fear, drugged and confused, she ran into the swamp and is sure to get lost. She’ll die of hunger or drown first, or poisonous snakes will kill her. She won’t be here to bother you again, my pretty.” He pulled her into his embrace and felt her stiffen as she refused his caresses. His eyes darkened with fury. “Remember our bargain, Sweet Thing?”

  “You didn’t complete the mission,” Bonita taunted, shaking loose of him.

  “But I got rid of her,” Jake bragged. “Now come here, give me some loving.”

  Moving swiftly, Bonita reached into the bureau and pulled out a knife. Pressing the point slightly into his throat, a trickle of blood seeped down his neck. “Get out of my sight, you vermin. You will never touch me again!”

  Too angry to be scared, Jake grabbed her wrist and twisted it, causing Bonita to release the knife. His shifty eyes bore into her. “You highfalutin hussy, I’ll teach you to strut your stuff then double-cross me!” They scuffled about the room, tipping over an unlit lamp, and dragging down the curtains. Jake clipped her
across the jaw and knocked her to the floor. On impact, two front teeth fell out of her mouth and blood splattered the rug. Jake jerked her to her feet and shoved her in front of the mirror. “Look at your face. No man will pay for the likes of you, you conniving bitch!” He threw her onto the bed. “You got just what you deserved,” he sneered, then strode from the room, his heavy boots echoing loudly in the corridor.

  Gingerly, Bonita crept to the washstand and poured water into the basin. She dabbed at her swollen face and rinsed away the blood. Applying pressure to her gum to stop the bleeding, she studied herself in the mirror. Her once flawless cheeks were covered in bruises. She came away from the mirror and removed her bloodstained garments as Ethel barged into the room.

  Ethel’s eyes widened as she took in her battered profile.

  “Bonita, you’ve been beaten! I heard a racket in here, but had no idea it was so violent.” Playing down the significance of what had happened, she hastened to say, “Oh, now and then, the guys get rough with the girls but never enough to show.” She examined her face and mouth. “You’re missing two teeth. It changes your appearance considerably.” She frowned. “Why didn’t you call me, honey? I could have sent George to your rescue.”

  “It was a personal matter,” Bonita replied.

  “I’ll be right back,” Ethel said, rushing from the room. She returned with a cup of comfrey tea. “Drink this, it’ll soothe your mouth.” Ethel shoved a lock of red tresses into her upswept coiffure as Bonita sipped the brew. Regretfully, she said, “You’ve been bringing money in steadily, Honey, but with your blemished face and toothless gaps, you’ll be an embarrassment to my brothel. I only hire women of exceptional beauty. I have to let you go.”

  “I can’t leave. I’ve nowhere to go!”

  “Well, you can’t stay here,” Ethel replied. “Maybe you can go back to cleaning again. Thelma Smith might rehire you.”


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