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Unspoken Love

Page 28

by Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

  Judge White and Ellie waved to her from across the room. Jenny returned the amenities and started toward them, but Aunt Thelma and Uncle Edward intervened, momentarily hindering her intentions.

  “My, you get prettier all the time,” Aunt Thelma bragged, hugging her. “Married life agrees with you.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” added shy Uncle Edward.

  Jenny felt her cheeks warming. Had it not been for Uncle Edward, she wouldn’t have married Nicholas. Quickly she changed the subject. “Who is minding the inn, Aunt Thelma?”

  “Inga and the servants,” Thelma answered. “Inga does a superb job.”

  How nice that you finally have an evening to yourselves,” Jenny announced. “You’ve worked hard all your lives and deserve time away from your diligent tasks.”

  Molly saw to the guests’ needs and refilled their glasses with eggnog for the women and liquor for the men.

  Wade, Thomas, and Nicholas emerged from the study with grins plastered across their faces. Jenny stood beside the men and watched the scene unfold between Father and Emma Brooks.

  Emma rushed up to him. Her beautiful green eyes dominated her pleasant features, and her cheeks became flushed with excitement. “You look well, Thomas. I trust you are in much better health then when we parted.”

  A twinkle lit Thomas’s flirtatious blue eyes when he looked at Emma. “I’m feeling quite fine, thank you. And how have you been, Emma?” he asked.

  “Just fine, Thomas. Come, let me introduce you to the people I work for now.” Emma glanced at Jenny. “Do you mind if I take Thomas away for a while?”

  “By all means,” Jenny said, smiling.

  Locking arms with Thomas, Emma whisked him away.

  As Jenny watched her father mingle with Emma, she was happy for him. She felt that he could use a night of amusement and a woman to shower him with special attention.

  A deep voice crept into her complacent thoughts. “Jenny, I’m so glad to see you!”

  Jenny spun on her heels and gazed up at Blake Preston. “I didn’t know you were in Greenville,” she said, giving him a friendly hug.

  “I came home for the holidays. Since mother and father are abroad, I wanted to spend Christmas with my friends.” His lips brushed against her temple.

  “Blake, please!” Jenny reprimanded. “I know you are only greeting me with an innocent kiss, but you must remember that I am married!”

  “Something that I can hardly forget,” he answered. “When I was in Vicksburg, I called upon you at Ladies’ Delight. Lily told me of your newborn and that you had returned to the plantation.” He peered into her eyes. “Are you truly happy, Jenny?”

  “Yes, very,” she fibbed and cast her eyes away from his probing gaze. She saw Nicholas standing in the doorway, a slight tic moving across his jawline as he concealed his displeasure. She pried herself away from Blake. “Let’s be friends as we once were and share happy memories, for I am wed to another and will remain so until my dying day.”

  “I’ll try, Jennifer. Yet, when I am in your presence, I lose all sense of control. You affect me as no other.”

  Blake moved away as Nicholas strode up to them.

  Nicholas kept his feelings in check. He didn’t want to dampen Jenny’s Christmas party and tried to keep the peace. Still, he sent Blake a reproachful glare, silently warning him to steer clear of Jenny.

  As the opportunity arose, Nicholas held Jenny close, resting his arm on her small waist. Each touch sent his passion soaring, and he wanted to devour her with love. He gazed into her deep green eyes. “I can’t leave you alone lest Blake hover about you like a vulture about to snap up his prey.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Molly announced, breaking their intense conversation. She stepped between them. Locking arms with the twosome, she escorted them into the dining room. “We have so much to discuss, Jenny. Please sit beside me. Nicholas, you may sit across from Jenny.”

  At the crowded table, to Nicholas’s chagrin, Molly sat to Jenny’s right, and Blake sat on Jenny’s left, placing them in proximity.

  Everyone engaged in pleasant conversation as they passed mouth-watering carved turkey with all the trimmings around the table.

  Molly and Jenny chattered jovially, speaking of Christmases past as they consumed plum pudding and mince pie. Father joined in the discussion as vivid memories filled his mind. Soon Ellie White, and Thelma Smith, shared their favorite holiday stories, feeling the Christmas Spirit at the festive dinner. Doc Jones, and Jason Walker, talked about medicine and politics, while Judge White spoke on a myriad of law topics.

  When dinner concluded, the guests adjourned to the parlor. Under Molly’s guidance, the men made ready for dancing. Moving aside the furniture, they pulled the pianoforte forward, and the band readied their stringed instruments.

  Nicholas and Jenny danced, their bodies attuned to each other. When the music ended, Jenny said, “I’m parched. Excuse me while I get some punch.”

  As she made her way to the refreshment table, Nicholas and Wade became engrossed in conversation. When they had finished speaking to one another, Nicholas reflected on Jenny’s whereabouts.

  Trying not to disrupt her relationship with Nicholas, Blake kept his distance from Jenny and refrained from asking her to dance. He stood afar, his eyes fixing on her angelic face. He consumed a brandy, then another. He was an affluent man, yet unable to obtain the only woman he truly desired. Knowing that she belonged to another and would never be his, he knew he had to get a grip on his feelings. Jenny’s happy, leave her alone, his inner voice warned. Yet, he was already moving across the floor, pleading for a moment of her time.

  Jenny looked into Blake’s bloodshot eyes.

  “You’re intoxicated,” she admonished. Escorting him into the study, she reprimanded him. “You must get your thoughts in order and stop this insipid drinking!”

  Blake sent her a curious gaze as he tried to comprehend her words. He swooned and fell against her, his fingers closing over her necklace, unintentionally popping her pearls and scattering them in every direction.

  Jenny attempted to steady his weaving form, but her strength was no match for his weight. She could only try to cushion his fall as he passed out and plummeted to the floor.

  She knelt down and examined him, looking for signs of bleeding or injury. Confident he was only sleeping off the liquor, she didn’t call for Doc Jones, saving Blake embarrassment when he awakened. Someone entered the room, and she looked up to see Nicholas staring down at her. Jenny gasped as she realized the picture she presented. Her petticoat and gown were draped across Blake as she knelt beside him. She averted her gaze. Searching the floor, she collected her precious pearls, not for the monetary value, but because Nicholas had given them to her after Nicky was born.

  Nicholas helped her to her feet. Fully immersed in each other, neither heard Thomas come into the room.

  Thomas cleared his throat to make his presence known. “I’m sorry for the interruption, but it’s time we head home.” He lowered his gaze and saw Blake lying on the floor. “What the devil happened here?”

  Jenny stepped away from Nicholas and addressed her father. “Blake imbibed too much, Father. He will be fine eventually,” she assured him. His face softened with relief at her explanation.

  Molly and Wade entered the study. They saw Blake sleeping on the floor, his loud snores echoing in the room.

  “Blake celebrated too much, Molly,” Thomas said. “You’ll have an extra guest for the night. He’s in no condition to return to town.”

  Molly looked to Nicholas. “Will you and Wade carry him to the guestroom?”

  “Certainly,” Nicholas replied, belying his disgruntlement at having to haul his adversary off to bed. He and Wade lifted Blake and carried him from the room.

  Molly studied Jenny. “S
ince it’s a long journey home and the weather is frigid, some of our guests are staying the night. Will you join us, Jenny?”

  “Thank you, Molly, but we must return home. I’ve got to nurse Nicky and see to the twins. Millicent is doing a splendid job with the children, but—”

  “I understand, Jenny,” Molly interrupted. “I know how much you love your babies and can’t bear to be away from them. Another time then. We’d love to have you stay with us.” She handed Jenny a large burlap bag filled with gifts for the family. “Take this home and think of us when you open them. Our love will be with you.”

  Jenny peeked into the bag and found gifts for Nicky, Aaron, and Abigail and presents for her and Nicholas. She hugged Molly with deep affection. “Thank you.”

  Molly and Wade followed Jenny, Nicholas, and Thomas to the door and bade them a cheery farewell. “Good-bye all, and do have a delightful Christmas,” Molly said.

  “We will, Molly. Thank you for the yuletide party.”

  “And don’t forget our discussion,” Wade interjected, addressing Nicholas.

  Jenny pondered their secret business when Nicholas smiled and assured Wade that he would remember.

  Nicholas helped Thomas to the carriage, then returned for Jenny. Thoughtfully, he placed thick blankets around them and, with Sherman’s help, put foot warmers beneath their feet.

  As they rode home in the brisk night air, Jenny recalled Nicholas finding her in what looked like a compromising situation with Blake. He had kept his composure, and she was grateful.

  When they arrived home, she lovingly bid her father goodnight. “See you tomorrow, Father,” she said, kissing his chilled cheek.

  “Goodnight, Jenny, Nicholas,” he said, giving them a cordial nod. “I had a great time tonight.”

  Jenny saw a cheerful glint in his eyes as he left the room, and she was happy for him. Her mood shifted when she looked at Nicholas. Forcing back her desire to rush into his arms, she said, “Goodnight, Nicholas.” Refusing to beg for his love, she made fast strides to her room.

  She dropped her garments one by one, then slipped into her negligee. Angry with herself for wanting Nicholas, she vowed to get a tighter rein on her emotions. She heard a movement and looked up to see him coming through the door, his eyes filled with passion. He towered over her, powerful and confident.

  “I’m tired of playing games, Jenny. You are driving me insane with desire.” He drew her into his embrace and fiercely kissed her, allowing flames of passion to ignite between them.

  Jenny found herself responding to his searing touch, wanting him to love her forever.

  Briefly, Nicholas released her and peeled away his clothes, revealing his masculine frame. He took Jenny to the bed and resumed his uninhibited lovemaking.

  As his lips captured her warm mouth, she clung to him, no longer able to restrain her feelings. With urgent haste, Nicholas claimed her body and, together, they gave the other fulfillment that only they could impart.

  Nicholas lay atop her, reveling in her softness. Sensuously, he caressed her creamy breasts and kissed them all over. “Jenny, Jenny,” he whispered. “Do you have any idea the torment you’ve caused me?”

  “I’ve caused you?” she queried. “Nicholas, you cannot know how much I’ve suffered, all because of your insane jealousy.”

  He continued to lay open his heart. “About our marriage, I could have found a woman to be my bride for a year as Uncle James requested, but when I offered to marry you to save your reputation, it was because I wanted you. I knew the moment I saw you that we were destined to be together, but I became possessive and nearly chased you away with my foolish pride. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Jenny wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Bringing him to her bosom, she sealed their truce with a passionate kiss. “I forgive you,” she whispered, moving beneath him.

  Aroused, Nicholas brought her to sweet ecstasy, wishing he could hold the moment for eternity.

  Jenny glowed from the passion that they had just shared. At last, she felt that Nicholas had taken her into his confidence.

  That night, they continued to share intimate moments and discussed misconceptions of the past.

  “About Blake Preston,” Jenny teased. “I’ll take it upon myself to find him a wife. Perhaps then, he won’t be infatuated with me.” She thought of Inga, the dear sweet maid who worked for Aunt Thelma, and anticipated just how and when they should meet. Although Blake was above Inga’s station, he was a fair man and didn’t measure his friends by their wealth but by their virtues. She smiled, and her eyes lit with mischief. Nicholas didn’t try to convince Jenny otherwise as he brought her into his embrace. “I have news for you,” he said. “Wade Dillon wants to expand his farming and buy your homestead.”

  Jenny shared stories of growing up on the farm. “I suppose we should sell the farm to Wade,” she sighed. “Running Small Timbers is quite taxing. I can’t expect you to oversee the farm, too.”

  Nicholas saw her pensive look. “You don’t have to sell the farm if you don’t want to, Jenny. I know you have strong ties there.”

  “My family lives here, now,” she replied. “I’d like Wade to purchase the land. He’ll take good care of the property.”

  “Think on it, and be sure,” Nicholas encouraged. “You don’t have to make a decision tonight.” A sparkle came into his eyes, and he kissed her. “Will you sleep in my room from now on? I have a big bed waiting.”

  “Yes,” she replied. “There will be no barriers between us ever again, including this,” she said, pointing to the thick wooden door adjoining their rooms.

  They stepped into Nicholas’s chamber, and as the night progressed, they talked of the past and their hopes of the future. Feeling blessed and at peace with their newly declared love, Jenny strolled to the window and gazed outside.

  “Small Timbers looks like a winter wonderland with the dusting of snow covering the grounds,” she sighed, as it continued to fall. She gasped when her eyes fell upon what looked like a man’s shadow, partially hidden by a weeping willow tree. “I saw a movement from behind the tree, Nicholas,” she breathed, her heart racing wildly from the shock.

  Nicholas sprang from the bed and stood beside her at the window. He gazed down at the snow-covered ground.

  “I can’t make out any foot tracks,” he said, his eyes squinting in the darkness. “You probably saw a branch swaying in the breeze. The wind has picked up. I doubt that anyone would trespass in this frigid weather, especially this far out in the country. Come to bed, Jenny.”

  As Nicholas returned to the covers, Jenny continued to stare into the blackness, battling her uneasiness. She finally joined him and snuggled against his warm body.

  The next morning Jenny pondered what she had seen the night before. She remembered waking up twice to the disquieting memory of the shadowy trespasser. For her own peace of mind, she dressed and went outside to check for footprints but found that the snow had covered any tracks that may have been there. Why was someone lurking about the plantation? Is the tranquil life we finally found in danger?

  Chapter 25

  Winter gave way to spring. One Sunday afternoon, as Jenny placed the china on the table and Nicholas and Father made there way to dinner, a carriage pulled up to the entrance. Jenny rushed to the door and saw Davy helping Aunt Thelma down from the carriage. “Aunt Thelma, I’m thrilled to see you! Come inside, Father will be glad you came to visit.” She turned to address Davy. “Help yourself to the dipper, Davy, then go to the stables and rest. Billy will enjoy your company.”

  “Much obliged,” Davy replied, then hurried away.

  “I hope I’m not imposing, Jenny, but Edward insisted I get away for a while. And of course, I wanted to see your little darlings.”

  Jenny ushered her into the house. “We are happy to have you, Aunt The
lma. Please join us for dinner.”

  Nicholas seated Thelma at the table while Jenny added another table service.

  Jenny motioned Millicent aside and piled food high on a plate. “Take this to Davy,” she instructed, then concentrated on Aunt Thelma as she chattered about current events in Greenville.

  “Poor Clara Miller, that fragile schoolmarm, fell down a flight of steps and injured her hip. She can’t teach the children for several weeks.”

  “Who’s taking her place?” Jenny inquired.

  “No one,” Aunt Thelma lamented. “The townspeople are extremely busy, as are the plantation owners.”

  “I could teach them,” Jenny volunteered. “The children must continue their classes.”

  “What about our children? Who will care for them?” Nicholas asked.

  “The babies will be fine, Nicholas,” Thomas interjected. “Between Millicent, Hattie, and me, they won’t want for a thing.”

  Nicholas met Jenny’s gaze. “I know from experience that when you get a notion to do something you follow through with it.” Reluctantly, he consented. “Go if you must, Jenny, but take Billy with you. I don’t want you riding out alone.”

  Aunt Thelma’s expression turned to sheer joy. “Clara will be thrilled to hear the students won’t miss their schooling while she’s recuperating. I’ll inform the children to report to class as usual.” She continued, “You are quite knowledgeable, Jenny. You set up Ladies’ Delight. That took a lot of intelligence. It just proves you can do anything you set your heart on.”

  After they had finished eating, Jenny took Aunt Thelma to the nursery. Charmed with the twins and Nicky, Aunt Thelma stayed longer than she had planned. When the clock struck five, she exclaimed, “I must hurry along, Jenny. Please visit me when you come to town.”


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